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Messages - Brygun

Pages: 1 ... 111 112 [113]
Off-topic / What do you like to cook in real life?
« on: April 30, 2017, 03:49:16 AM »
A common point in humanity is that we all like to eat. Since I like to eat I like to cook.  :D This a simple logic.

Wondering what other folks like to cook?

One of mine is honey fried steak.
Yep, you heard that right. Steak fried in honey.
I learned if you learn to 'listen to the oil' you can gently fry with honey. Use a low to low-medium heat and don't let the bubbling 'sound angry'. There is a trick also that the juices from the meat stop the honey from burning. So when the honey starts to turn darken then the meat has given all the juices it can making it time to stop. The steak will be pink on the inside (medium) glazed in sweet honey goodness. Super bonus that any spices you toss in will stick to the honey which sticks to the meat!

Currently I serve it out on a pita bread with optional lettuce/vegetables arranged in an outer ring. The roughage helps the body digest the meat. Well, it is like one steak per person. I tend to use cheaper more-fatty cuts since they will come out okay in the longer cooking time.

I like to pour the pan's honey-greasy goodness onto the bread too. Don't let any nutrition go to waste!

General Discussion / Igloos and arctic survival
« on: April 29, 2017, 02:21:45 AM »
While not something we would likely see in Finland's Iron Age they are still interesting bits of survival lore.

Here is a Canada National Film Board from decades ago on 2 Eskimo making an igloo for a night.

And Ray Mears suvival show on the arctic, apparently a whole series of shows I never knew about:

I vaguely remember someone mentioning it. This was pre-steam. At the time I was between work so a free to try game with a recommendation was an 'okay lets try'. Turned out I liked it. Paid into becoming a lifetime member. Did a simple mod. Annoyed Saami for a while every time I did a minor update to the mod. We eventually just realized its better to link to the mod thread in the forum so he wouldn't have to do coding every... few days... or few hours.  ;)

General Discussion / Re: Suggested forum modifications
« on: April 23, 2017, 08:19:40 PM »
I have mixed good-bad feelings on the Saami picture in the background. As it currently displays it looks like Saami is peeking his eyes out over top of the blue text box. I get it that Saami ought to be visible. Its the combo of photo size vs board display. It may change for some users? For me I'm wondering if Saami is sneaking a look.

General Discussion / Re: Suggested forum modifications
« on: April 23, 2017, 08:17:44 PM »
The default color looks okay.

I'm sure people will want to have the option to change. For instance I like greens. However color blindness for red-green is a thing so its not good for default.

Should be suggested sections to have on the forums? If we trusted few start some chatter it will help us test things by doing things.

I might suggest sections for the following (name changes understood)

Real Life History
For links and discussion on real life history

Real Life Survival
For links and discussion on real life survival stories or advice. We are a game not a survival school.

Your Adventures
Tell us about the adventures of your characters in the Unreal World

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