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Re: Regarding squirrel's hides In addition to what PALU said there is also this alternative:

June 05, 2022, 10:01:52 AM
A new piece of primitive music by Enormous Elk We're happy to present you a new piece of music and a video.
"Illalla, lammella" (In the evening, by the pond) can be viewed at Enormous Elk YouTube channel:

Like mentioned earlier this was recorded and filmed while I was visiting Erkka last month. You'll also see the authentic setting of the live recording, by the pond.
Post-production took a little longer than expect because my right hand is still in a cast, but even though this was mostly edited with left hand we're happy with the mood and result.


June 12, 2022, 05:30:12 PM
Summer Sale on Steam - and a few pics Steam Summer Sale is going on for those you seek an opportunity to enter into Far North for a discounted price:

Otherwise, I just wish everyone a good summertime, and share a few photos around the development chambers.


June 28, 2022, 07:15:29 PM
The real world paddling adventures You see a canoe here.
The paddle wielded as a primary weapon.
You push the canoe into water and jump aboard.

And there, in the real world, 120 kilometer long Kokemäenjoki ("Kokemäki River") awaits...

So, as mentioned in the previous post I went for a lengthy river canoeing trip with a friend, and here comes a little photo greetings from that magical journey.
We travelled with an indian canoe through the whole Kokemäki River in southwestern Finland, all the way to the Gulf of Bothnia, and on top of that some 10 kilometers out to the Reposaari island at Bothnian Sea. The whole journey was about 130 kilometers long.

It took six amazing days of adventuring, and there are a lot more sceneries to show and stories to tell.
For those who are keen to see more I will go through the whole journey day-by-day in series of posts at my BuyMeACoffee page, with some video footage as well.
Take a peek, all the content there is available for everyone:

But should you then feel like buying a coffee for a weary paddler one of the upsides is that every supporters gets e-mail notifications when future posts are up.

Let's keep adventuring.

August 23, 2022, 12:15:41 PM
Re: It's a longish post... Tio, me parece que has comido demasiadas setas de noaidi  :o

You are right though, the Unreal World is all about making peace with the forests and the lakes  :)

November 27, 2022, 12:34:21 AM
Re: Need another hand with Wooden biulding I have built multi-room building before and apart from some of the joins looking a little odd, it was no problem.  This was before the changes were made for smoking and heated rooms though; so I can't confirm it will be fully functional, but my guess is that it would still work.
December 12, 2022, 10:00:15 PM
Re: That's how you think the weather will be like I use weatherlore often. When wandering in the summer, it check if it’s going to rain; so do I need to prepare post spruce or not.
In winter I check if it’s getting colder; stay close to cabin or if it’s bearable to go check trap sites at days trekking. Failing to check for that has got couple times too close for comfort of freezing to death.

And also to pass couple minutes, especially when waiting for food to be done cooking.

December 13, 2022, 06:15:33 PM
Re: Need another hand with Wooden biulding Visually it’s nicer to have bigger room on the north side, then smaller room butting against that without separate northern wall. The isometric view has some height on the wall sections, so there’s no visible gap.
Smaller room on north side works too, but the ‘inside corner’ inside the bigger room won’t have notched log graphic and looks bit odd.

If the building is joined west—east, then those rooms will have a visible gap.
As for smoking, as long as there’s wall, door, or shutter on all sides and corners AND ceiling&floor built, it’s ‘closed space’.
Building a cellar indoors will remove the ceiling&floor structure and that space needs to be separate (door, walls) from smoking room.
Doorway itself isn’t ‘closed space’ for smoking check.

December 13, 2022, 06:26:05 PM
Version 3.72 stable released and available on Steam, Itch and for Lifetimers Version 3.72 has been released and is now live and available on Steam, Itch.Io and for Lifetimers at the designated forum section.

Here's the changelog.

Version: 3.72 (stable)

** Saved characters from version 3.60-> are compatible with this version. **

- improved: NPC archery checks to avoid hitting unintended friendly targets

          Before shooting an arrow NPCs can now consider the risk and possibilities of hitting an unintended friendly target, ie. members of their own party. Depending on their risk assesment the shooting NPCs may then choose to take or not to take a shot. The higher the risk, the less often you'll see the NPCs using their bows.
          These improvements will change NPCs archery behaviour to quite an extent, especially if there are several NPCs being engaged in a fight or hunt, and moving within the risky zone. In general you will see NPCs being more careful with archery than before.
          Now you can also feel more relieved about your own archer companion's behaviour. They won't be taking seriously foolhardy shots which might put you, your dogs or anyone else in your party at risk of being wounded by an unintended arrow hit. This will also sometimes make hunting with companions to proceed differently than before. See, if there's is a pack of dogs, or melee armed companions, running in front of capable archers it might be that they have difficulties to find a spot to make a safe shots to the target. Many new scenarios may arise, and occasionally you may need to build new tactics based on the new NPC behaviour.
          Lastly, in the heat of the archery combat accidents can still happen. That possibility hasn't been excluded, but now these things should happen way, way more rarely than before.

- improved: aggressive NPCs waypointing to their enemy

          Agressive NPCs may now choose to use slightly winding routes to their enemy, instead going for the shorthest and straightest route. These new tactics aim to give NPC archers some free space for shooting, and to increase chances for group of NPCs to nicely encircle their enemy.

- added: vastas can be found in village saunas during the appropriate season

          Villager made vastas will now appear in the village saunas during the season when it is possible to make them. This is mostly an atmospheric addition, but also works as an indication for the player character that the birch trees are now in good leaf for making a vasta.

- added: random character name option

          Upon creating characters and choosing their name you can now randomize a culturally relevant names for them. Pressing tab or asterisk (*) will bring up random names which you can then confirm with enter, or modify at will.

- added: water temperature affecting to spoilage rate of the fish caught in nets

          The colder the water the longer the fish will now keep good in the nets. The effect isn't all too drastic, but still functional. In the coldest waters during the wintertime you can expect a few days longer preservation times compared to the average.

- changed: name/sex/culture character creation selections order -> culture/sex/name

          As the random character name option needs to know the culture and sex to pick up a relevant names these selections now come before choosing the name.

- changed: "quick and easy" character creation mode now randomly chooses also the culture and sex

          Previously there was no randomization in that regard, but Kaumolais male was always chosen. Otherwise this character creation mode mode remains the same assigning rest of the options automatically and starting nearby a village.

- added: "Harvest and pick" agriculture option

          The good old harvest option only cut down the crops, but this newly added option also automatically picks up the harvested plants to character's inventory. For clarification the existing "Harvest" option is now renamed as "Harvest down" in the Agriculture menu.

- added: domestic animals in the villages will withdraw from player character's way

          Moving towards a domestic animal will now make it to withdraw from your way. This is to prevent the character from getting jammed eg. in small buildings with village dogs.

- modding: increased maximum number of character portraits in each category up to 250.

 - added: watercraft marker icons on zoomed-out wilderness map

          When leaving punt or raft on the zoomed-in map the corresponding marker icon is now shown on the zoomed-out wilderness map.

- enhanced: message about the markers at wilderness location

          Instead of given information about each marker with their own message now a summary of all the markers is given in one sentence. For example: "There is a shelter, set traps and a punt at this location."

- added: confirmation to start a fire on some occasions

          You will be asked a confirmation to start a fire in the following conditions:
          1. There are valuable items to be burned down where you are about to build a fire.
          2. You are building a fire indoors at other than fireplace location.
          These confirmations will prevent the unfornate cases of accidentally setting your house or valuable belongings on fire.

- adjusted: party members fire making safety checks

         From now on your companions won't ever start a fire at a location with items on the ground. Previously they might accidentally set a pile of items on fire.

- enhanced: rendering of the portraits

         Character portraits are now rendered directly to the screen using the available resolution. This makes the portraits appear more crisp and clear. This enhancement affects to various game screen where portraits are being used; quest info display, list of ancestors, character profile, chat screen, etc.

- added: two new character portraits, one western and one sage

- SDL update: updated to newest SDL 2.24.0

          Updated SDL release includes a good deal of bugfixes which may have hampered some systems.
- reworded: "The sauna" game course task description

         The task description of taking a sauna bath was outdated. Now it's reworded to feature the current mechanics.

- fixed: minimum number of fibre plants required to extract one bundle of fibre

          Previously 15 plants were always required, which was a result of failing math. Now the amount depends on the plant and its' fibre yield, and the minimums are 5 flaxes, 8 hemps or 15 nettles.

- fixed: flowering plants providing also seeds when treshed

          The seed production code apparently has gotten broken somewhere in the earlier versions, and you got them upon treshing even if the plant was still flowering. Now it's fixed back as it was and you get seeds only after the flowering period.

- fixed: sacrificing food in a container mistakenly removed the container too

- fixed: auto-cut yarn weights calculated wrong

          This bug manifested itself eg. in smoking and drying cookery recipes. After retrieving the auto-cut yarn you found it heavier than expected.

- fixed: extracting fibre from retted but not dried nettles was possible

 - fixed: extracting fibre from bundles of nettle fibre was possible

 - fixed: carried weight statistics not updating immediately after cancelled crafting

 - fixed: character's height in metric units displayed wrong

         This was a conversion issue within character profile screen.

- fixed/adjusted: squirrels won't climb to safety in saplings

         Previously they were mistakenly considered being high up in a tree even if it was a mere sapling.

- fixed: heavy missile weapons getting stuck to small animals

         This is a legacy issue which is hopefully fixed for good now. The bug manifested itself eg. in a situation where you threw a javelin at a bird, the weapon got stuck and the bird flies away carrying it.


Cheers! Enjoy the release.

December 19, 2022, 08:24:22 PM
Re: question about diagonal distance
is diagonal distance of a tile 1.4 times of the horizonal/vertical distance or same with it? So, will going diagonal direction take more time than going horizonal/vertical direction each turn?
Conceptually, each move is 1 "effort", so rather than going 1 tile north and then 1 tile east, it is better to go 1 tile northeast directly.

Edit: I forgot to mention that, the terrain does matter. For example, if you have rock tile(s) in front of you, going around might be quicker/less tiring and possibly even safer, as climb action involves a risk.

Not something you asked here, but since you seem to have an efficiency interest, I will mention this one too, just as a FYI. When facing a direction, and wishing to face the opposite direction (i.e.: needing a 180-degree turn), you can do that via 4x 45-degree turns, 2x 90-degree turns, or 1x 180-degree turn.
These 45-, 90-, and 180-degree turn actions all have separate key bindings via left and right.
To see these, and many other key bindings, in game, press ? key to bring up the built-in help screen and checkout the MOVEMENT section at the very top.

December 31, 2022, 05:54:46 AM