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Skinning doesn't affect carcass weight When skinning a carcass, the weight doesn't reduce at all (to reflect the weight of the skin and connective tissue, silver skin etc.)

See attached.

January 18, 2021, 12:54:52 AM
Show status effects on injury screen Currently there is no indication that the character is crippled apart from trying to perform some activity that's blocked or hampered by the effect. As the character heals the crippling effect goes away at some time, but the only way to find out when it has healed enough is to try something that would provide a message if it's still crippled on a daily basis.

It would be good if the injury screen showed which injuries cause crippling effects, or, list these under the injuries in the main list.

It would be an extra bonus if the game provided a message similar to the one telling you that an injury has healed fully when it's healed sufficiently for a cripple effect to be removed.

January 18, 2021, 02:59:22 PM
Seasonal immersion, flavor text, issue Zoom-In When entering a Zoom map by water side, the flavor text says:
By this lake, where the surface of the water reflects images of both you and the skies above, you take a closer look at this area.

Frozen lake surface doesn't really reflect.

January 19, 2021, 10:00:22 PM
Additional Ice functions for kicking, looking. At the moment, our characters can throw and push varied items on ice to see if it’s durable for walking on. Sometimes it’s a chore, lobbing several stones or slender trunks on ice, then picking them up.
So the suggestion is: when standing, I.e. not swimming, allow the characters to “kick” or “stomp” the ice on adjacent tile to see if it’s durable. Also useful to keep existing water hole in use. *
Also let the character look at the hole in ice, and estimate the thickness. E.g. “the ice looks as thick as one finger” or “the ice looks as thick as a fist” and so on.

* heavily burdened, tired or fatigued characters could have a chance of losing balance and falling. Possibly through thin ice. we don’t have enough dangers in URW

January 21, 2021, 07:07:00 PM
Kotas for Northern tribes' overmap village tile I'm colour blind and I have a serious difficulty spotting villages in the North, when they are surrounded by forest. There are no clearings around. I have to usually check the map to find the general area I'm supposed to look. (I used my "color blind pal"-app to tell what colour the little houses were. It tells the roofs are orange.)

Suggestion: Change Northern tribes' village graphic to gray kotas instead of houses.

January 23, 2021, 07:45:30 AM
Re: Kotas for Northern tribes' overmap village tile If it's any consolation, it's quite hard to spot those villages with reasonably normal vision as well...

I think your suggestion is a good one both visually and thematically. The only problem I see is how to distinguish them from the kota sites that already exists (at least some bugged sites resulted in a kota image and just a single kota rather than a village, due to some problem with fitting the village to the terrain. I believe that bug has been fixed, though).

January 23, 2021, 10:08:24 AM
Easier to find masterwork small and broad knives Now I'm not sure if they are more common in other than Driik villages, where I'll always shop, but:

I'm guaranteed to find at least two complete sets of masterwork axes (8 axes) before I find a masterwork small knife.

On top of that, yesterday I found my first ever masterwork broad knife. (You should've seen my celebration! If my memory serves me right. Believe me I've played this game a lot.)

This is a very old issue I've had with Urw: this sparked me to start modding ironworking in the ancient past...

It's about time to rectify it.

January 24, 2021, 09:53:28 AM
Re: What region does Unreal World take place in? According to Erkka, it’s pseudomap of possible perception.. the North Sea on the map isn’t Arctic (although the Tribes live on that side) the sea is meant to be Gulf of Bothnia.

In my perception, I see it as Arctic in the north, and Scandinavian peninsula as an island (not visible), Gulf of Bothnia in the west and bay of Finland in the south. Then the placement of islanders and driik, also Tribes and Sartolaiset(with their knives: Bothnians) make more sense.

January 24, 2021, 09:59:59 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? I finally finished the grand "Inn" for my elaborate trading post / outpost.

I think I may be playing the wrong game sometimes, but I haven't found a better one =D

January 28, 2021, 10:55:32 PM
Trade bug A former Companion has been hanging around my settlement for weeks, felling trees. I recently found him outside my fence again and I offered to trade him 150 raw elk cuts for his broad knife, which he accepted. He dropped the meat on the ground. When I picked it up, it did not get the notation 'Taken'. He should not trade for something he cannot carry, just as the foreign traders won't.
January 31, 2021, 12:17:19 PM