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Re: Modding limitations? Hey Sloomingbla! Welcome to the forums!

In my experience with decompiling URW and modding in general, Sami has been super supportive and chill. When I did a deep-dive to find out how missile dynamics worked the other month, Sami was 100% cool with me posting my findings, which I'm very grateful for.

I wanted to know, what is it that stops people from creating their own custom creatures, cultures, in game balance and the like? Is it entirely hidden to the users, and if so what could possibly make it so hidden?

URW has a famously long development history, and is written in C/C++. The code has evolved over time, and you can see this in things like the item and recipe definitions, which can be easily modded. However many aspects of the game are still hard-coded in, with cultures and animals being part of this. Modifying those is hard, not because of any intentional efforts to make it hard, but just because that would normally be done in source code, rather than in configuration.

Being in C/C++ has an extra layer of challenge, as it doesn't decompile anywhere near as easy as, say, C#, which is what Unity games are written in. Modifying code for something like Rimworld of Kerbal Space Program is relatively straightforward, not only because the decompiler preserves most or all of the original names, but also because tools like Harmony exist to make the process easier.

Having said that, it doesn't mean that more advanced mods to URW can't be done, just that they're not going to be as straightforward as you might expect. NIght's Character Menu, for example, has identified a lot of values in the internal data structures, for example.

If you are looking at making binary edits or using code injection, do check in with Sami first. Not only is it polite, he's also genuinely lovely. :)

~ T

August 16, 2020, 08:30:34 AM
Gaining the high ground; Elevated hunting blinds/tree stands Elevation is crucial in UrW, both when hunting for game and exploring for encounters on the map. Finding game in a coniferous forest without a vantage point is a losing proposition most of the time.

Hence why I suggest; tree stands or raised hunting blinds! Wooden towers with a little optional windowed shed perched atop from where a character might be able to have a good view of the surroundings - and possibly shoot game within range. I figure they might have two different useful modes to them giving them increased versatility;

- A local zoomed-in mode, where you could physically climb up into the hunting blind and get a good overview of the local terrain just like when climbing a tree (and possibly not alert nearby game to your presence quite as much as on the ground) while still being able to take potshots at game coming close (bait coming in handy here).

- A wilderness map mode, giving that one map tile better vision over the surroundings by raising the effective elevation by 1 level (for example; a hunting blind built on a Coniferous Forest tile would raise it to the effective elevation of Heathland, giving sight over surrounding Coniferous Forest tiles and lower, but not over Heathland and up).

The cost is left to be determined, but trading wood, time and effort for one of these could be an attractive option for lots of players; hunters active and passive, merchants, explorers, Njerp headhunters ...

Hunting blind in a field in Baden Wuerttemberg, Germany

A small hunting tower made from logs in Salo, Finland

A deer stand in Bavaria, Germany

August 25, 2020, 05:56:04 AM
Re: Location, Location, Location Something that might help is a way for our characters to see farther on the zoomed in map.  This would be a way to show things that are visible on the zoomed out map and represent them in the zoomed in view.

In this example we see our dog beyond the zoomed in range, if we had zoomed out we would have been able to see it on the zoomed out view.  So if it went into a spruce mire or somehow got blocked from view the icon would disappear.

This could also represent traps that lie within a certain range, even if they are not visible, but shown because the character remembers where they were placed.

October 04, 2020, 10:02:33 PM
Building a fireplace outside of a house So, recently I've got an idea of how to build a nice fireplace in my courtyard, and all of a sudden it worked.

Here's howto:
1. Build a corner, two walls and a ceiling.
2. Build a fireplace.
3. Deconstruct the walls.

Can't say for sure though if this doesn't break something. Has anyone tried this before?

October 13, 2020, 10:57:39 AM
Villagers build new houses and start new settlements JP_Finn's post inspired an idea of villagers building houses over time, maybe once in a year, and up to a certain limit. There might be higher chances for fine and masterwork items to appear in new building. Villages expansion also gives cause to add new quests such as falling some trees and making boards.

Furthermore, villagers could start new settlements, say, once in five years, so as to enhance the impression of tribes actually strengthen and evolve.

October 15, 2020, 05:45:22 PM
[3.63] Tying equipment quality exploit When joining cords, the resulting one seems to inherit the quality of a cord player chooses second. Say, if you're joining a fine cord to a decent cord, you still get a fine cord.

This way, having just one cord of better quality makes possible to obtain an infinite amount of better cord.

UPD: @JP_Finn figured out that the exploit works for any joinable tying equipment.

October 21, 2020, 07:42:33 AM
The first snow and back from holidays Hey, it's been a good two months without a word here at dev. news section, so it's about time to break the silence,  although you may have spotted my slowly increasing presence at the forums bugs section already.
We had the first snow few days ago, so the summer season is evidently ceasing.
See, I went on summer holidays quite late this year, in august, and thought "it's likely autumn, or early winter, before I get back to development chambers again."
Looks like that the time is at hand now.
Hunting bugs has always been a good way to get oriented back into coding, and I guess focus on that will continue for a good while. But yeah, the endless to-do lists also awaiting for us. So let's continue from here, and see where we get by the end of the year.

October 23, 2020, 09:16:19 AM
Kill counter? I took a hiatus from URW for couple months. Now playing again, my character has killed 6 more Njerpez and his big dog 2 more. But I lost my piece of paper I had the kill tally on. Maybe 40-50 something.

So, is there a non-encrypted / clear text file game file, that I can filter/grep for njerpez/human kills? (my guy hasn’t killed any non-njerp humans, so that might make it easier to count)

October 27, 2020, 06:17:56 AM
Re: IF you could see any mod created, what would it be?  For me the mod (other than mead) that I've always wanted to make is a "Living Skill" mod. Along the lines of what Simon did with "Shaman".

 So the Mod addition I have wanted for the longest time is the ability to 'detect' NPCs in recipes.
This would open the mod world to interacting with NPC world.
Needing to find a Shaman to make x.
Working with a craftsman to gain the ability to craft x.
Learning from an old woman a great recipe for x.
Gain special items by meeting with Vagabonds, woodsmen or Adventurers.
It would allow you to sheer a sheep, because you have a sheep.

 NPC detection in recipes pls.

October 27, 2020, 06:46:48 PM
Re: Kill counter? I poked my nose into some of the files.
kill.log uses unknown encryption.
LOG and LOG2 are truncated, I.e. don’t go back to day 1. Same with msglog.txt

I might be out of luck. Well, got to go kill another ~50 Njerpez.

October 28, 2020, 10:23:00 PM