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Improve the menu system With the menu system the way it is now, it's not possible to have more than 25 items on a menu. This severely limits the amount of mods you can use at once, which is annoying to say the least. It shouldn't be too hard to add multiple "pages" to menus, or enable people to scroll down. Hopefully this can be worked into the next update.
May 31, 2019, 07:45:03 PM
Craftable birch-bark items and associated ponderings Craftable birch-bark items are a thing now.
You can make boxes, and baskets, and shoes and caps - and also birch-bark ropes.
Character's CARPENTRY skill determines the success of birch-bark crafting.

And while I was at it, leather/fur cloth crafting times and material requirements were also touched a bit. All the material requirements have been increased to slightly exceed the finished cloth weights, and crafting times of smaller clothes have been reasoned by increasing or decreasing the required time.

And while I was studying the nature and construction of birch-bark shoes, I found a remark that if birch-bark shoes were used in a field work they lasted in usable condition for maybe two weeks. So in real life birch-bark shoes should wear out pretty quickly if used extensively.  And as our characters usually tend to walk ridiculously excessive distances on almost daily basis it got me thinking of adding wearing out mechanism for shoes and boots so that you would need to replace them every once in a while.
So...something like that is also very likely to be added now.

June 14, 2019, 12:09:23 PM
Messing with measures So, the length property has been added for tying equipment, and I've been working on to update item conversions and crafting requirements to accept this brand new addition.
Adding measure of length is a perfect example of seemingly simple, yet fundamental addition which extends all around the code and has brought up numerous related features.
Here's where we are at now with tying equipment additions, and now I hope to be able to catch up with more NPC stuff - where I was before getting entwined by ropes and cords.

 - added: measure of length for tying equipment

         Appropriate items, such as ropes, now have a length property. The unit of length we use
         is foot (ft), and should an item have a length property it is displayed both in inventory menu
         and when looking at items on the ground. This addition foremostly affects to crafting material
         requirements which can now be length based.

  - added: new crafting category under [M]ake menu: "Tying quipment"

         This category contains the usual ropes and cords, which are now removed from their previous
         location in "Utility articles".

 - added: Join and shorten options to manipulate tying equipment lengths

         Under "Tying equipment" category within [M]ake menu there are options for joining and shorterning
         ropes and cords as sometimes specific length is desired. You may not want to spend full length
         rope on something that requires only a short piece, or you may need to join cords together to
         come up with long enough string for a specific craft.

 - changed: tying equipment requirements in crafting are now length based

         Instead of requiring certain number of cords and ropes all the tying equipment requirements
         are now length based.

 - reasoned: required tying equipment types in some crafting recipes

         For example:
         When making arrows, previously you could use any "tying equipment" in the process - including
         ropes. Now arrow making requires "cord", a little finer and more specific tying equipment.

 - added: tying equipment used in cookery do not disappear in the process anymore

         You can pick your ropes and cords back after the smoking and drying processes are done.   

These are future additions, not yet functional in current version 3.52.

July 10, 2019, 01:40:01 PM
Re: Finding fresh water should be more challenging
If you think about it, one of the harder aspects of survival is finding freshwater. Just watch any Bear Grylls documentary.

I think finding water should be much more difficult. You should have to trek long distances up river to the original mountain stream (the game doesn't have such a feature yet), dig a well, use the well water in villages, boil rainwater, or boil fresh snow.

If you drink mire or sea or river water, you should get a stomach ache and diarrhoea. Do you know how much moss, bacteria or animal waste there is in there?

In the Iron Age, water was a lot cleaner. In fact, this easy life we have today is what makes water so dangerous. That and the fact that most live in industrialized cities. We're not used to the different bacterial pathogens or parasites that might be gotten from the water. That's why we have to clean it. if your society has been living that way for a long time, people born into it are not going to be so susceptible as we are today. Don't get me wrong, being so clean is what keeps so many of us alive, but at the same time, we're also less able to handle pathogens out in the wilderness. It's a better trade-off if more people survive due to no exposure to such pathogens, but then they are also weaker to those pathogens, therefore must take extra precautions like boiling water before drinking it or using Iodine tablets to disinfect the water.

Now, with that said, there are certain realities that this game seems to ignore. Standing water becomes poisonous because of all of the organic matter decaying within it. So, swamps and such should not be potable without some further treatment like boiling it for so much time. Drinking lake water without first treating it in some way, like boiling it, should have a minor chance of causing someone to contract a parasite or some sort of bacterial infection. But then, if they did that, they would need to make water requirements more realistic as well. That need water bar needs to be put on a more realistic time frame. The need food bar should also. I find I need food more often than I need water in this game. And this guy doesn't eat lightly either. He eats a pound+ of food each meal. On days I'm really doing stuff, he could eat like 5 pounds of food in a day. Did they really eat that much more back then? Maybe they did, I don't know.   

July 29, 2019, 12:47:48 PM
Re: Companion - does their help worth the food? If you want to get your money's worth, hunt down a Njerp and let your Companion take the lead. Either he'll win and you get the spoils, or he'll lose and you'll have to clean up and STILL you get the spoils, including whatever the Companion possessed. The loot will usually be worth much more than the cost of hiring and paying off the Companion.

For work around the settlement, I've found them very useful. When they fell trees, I haul them where needed. When I have enough, I have him make logs from trunks and make boards when I need them. They do a good job skinning and butchering, helping me move heavy loads, and any tasks I set for myself, like tanning, making logs, etc. While he works, I can perform other tasks, go fishing, craft, etc.

As for their worth, the FOOD is just the initial cost. I guess it varies depending on the length of hire. Thus far, I've only hired Companions for the longest periods so, when it nears ending, they expect some nice payment of gear or furs.

I've never had cause to regret their hire.

March 08, 2020, 03:52:20 AM
Re: Companion - does their help worth the food? I'm bad at delegating, so no companions for me, other than to fill the last tutorial requirement.

I have yet to raid a Njerp village or to be killed by a stray Njerp but when that day comes, I suppose I might change my tune.

March 11, 2020, 03:36:09 PM
Pit smoker, doable without building walls? I’ve been trying to figure out a way to build a smoker/smoke house without 54 logs, 20 boards and 4 slender trunks.
Had an idea to dig 2 adjacent pits, then mod a structure to include roof, walls and fireplace.
But the placement of “walls” (packed earth) in soil... won’t work as walls.
I’m not sure if the idea is doable or not. So, can anyone think of a way for the idea to work at all without needing to build the walls tile by tile?

December 24, 2020, 06:58:30 PM
Romance/Husband/Wife Quest Mod Idea Hello,

Inspired by Privateer's quest idea, I wanted to float the concept of a multi-stage "quest" mod in which you would woo, or otherwise prove yourself worthy of, a wife (or husband; if interest was sufficient there'd be one version for each).

The "quest" would essentially be a story told through the F1 key, where each stage of it would be a single menu item, and the entire mod would be contained within one menu. There's be certain things you'd have to accomplish before reaching the next stage, though a lot of that would be left to player enforcement.

For example, the start item on the menu would give you a token, which when examined with F1 would describe the woman you were trying to woo, with a picture. Some of her traits. Probably some warrior maiden would be the most apropos? It would then describe the first task needed to win her affections. Such as, "fell a squirrel with thrown rocks near a village".

When you accomplished this, you would activate the next menu item, which would give you a new token with a new F1 entry. This one would describe how she witnessed you felling the squirrel, and was impressed by your aim, and how you spoke for a while, etc. The entry could then describe you and her having a throwing competition, which you barely won.

The next task might be something like "Come to town wearing a full set of fur clothing, to show that you are self-sufficient." Then you'd trigger the next step in the story/quest, which would describe (via the F1 key) her noticing your styling wardrobe, and further conversation with her, now becoming somewhat flirtatious.

It would go on like that. one of the final steps would be to build a house nearby the village for the two of you to live in. The mod could not actually create a new NPC, unfortunately, so this would be the closest it could achieve. The player could, if they wished, imagine one of the "Maiden" NPCs in the village corresponded to the one talked about in the story.

So basically I want to start by seeing if there is actual interest in this idea, because it's not something I would create solely for my own use. Thoughts/feedback/ideas are welcome, too.

January 13, 2021, 12:23:00 AM
Re: Cozy Cave Mod I reported the underground rain as minor bug

Feel free to add to it the “snowy floor retained after building ceiling&floor over it.”

January 13, 2021, 10:46:07 PM
Decorations Mod!

Above you see my new bearskin rug and wall antler decorations.

Seeking ideas/suggestions for other decorative items that could be implemented.

I'm hoping to have enough to justify a single menu.

Some sort of flower wreath will be one. Perhaps more than one flower-y thing.

January 31, 2021, 03:35:35 AM