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Re: Rye and Barley are not good crop? Your own fields make a wonderful bait for small game.

I like to think of it as the animal have taken away grains and given back meat.

Its a circle of life.

Very traditional.

June 05, 2019, 09:24:02 PM
Re: New furniture item: "Chest" for storing things
The BAC mod has this built in.

It does???

*Brygun keeper of the BAC wanders off to check the mod*

hmm... probably Carpentry...


Wooden Treasure Chest.

Well... sort of.

It will create a nice graphic of a chest. As to whether it will display on top or under the piles of stuff isn't something I can code. Possibly picking up and dropping it will change the display sequence.

There is also an outdoor table with a pretty big graphic to clean things up.

A hard coded storage location would, AFAIK, have to be coded by Saami or Erkka. That is the only way (AFAIK) to have the cellar like graphic affect of deactivating the display of all the pile of stuff. The chest, table or other item function as big things hopefully covering the pile.

The BAC furniture items could well display as if the chest was bursting with clothes. Which might fit your immersion too.

June 16, 2019, 02:38:13 AM
Re: Lucky Event... (sorry by size) So nice to see one of the robbers getting their come upance. Remember when you sacked my earlier characters.

August 25, 2019, 08:38:47 PM
Re: Throw of life And that son is how your great grandfather founded this homestead.

(pending children expansion)

August 26, 2019, 03:27:55 AM
Re: Advanced Combat You reminded of the start of Beodrin Two-Bears

Starting with the bad hunting trip is dad was killed by a bear. The starting location turned out to be an island of only a few tiles. At the time the only way to rope I knew of was with leather... for which I would have to kill said bear. LOL. This was like my second play through long before the BAC modding skills you see today. I spent weeks on the small island with the bear noticing that the two of us were running out of berries and the only other thing for him to eat was me...

August 28, 2019, 04:59:58 PM
Re: Stuck on an island? IIRC my BAC mod is among those with a way to get boards a bit easier. "Radial Board" by splitting into half then quarter logs only then the radial. I set up the time steps to avoid the "to long" with the vanilla board making.

This of course is using a mod which you may or may not want to take that plunge.

Of note is that once items are created you can remove the mod (other than the tile graphics) and still use the items.

August 28, 2019, 09:48:16 PM
Re: Tufted duck? And here I was thinking going to find a tufted duck was a Diirk pickup line.

August 29, 2019, 12:26:27 AM
Re: Summery summary in the midst of upcoming version hype Can we get a metal working skill and start integrating smithing into the vanilla game? It is Iron age Finland after all.

August 29, 2019, 06:01:30 PM
More skills for vanilla Brygun of the BAC here

Cross posting similiar concept mentioned in the Summery Summary thread for the upcoming developments...

Can you add some more skills to the vanilla game?

Metal working or Iron working since this is an Iron Age Finland game is leading one.

Ive also seen weaving and tailoring as useful one.

Third might be pottery but others might suggest something else.

As for the recipes thats another kettle of fish but we modders can do many things with the recipes but we can't add skills.

August 29, 2019, 07:50:39 PM
Re: Leaving dog behind on long trips It worked out as mentioned. The dog and other animals were fine on return. Food stocks left for them appear unused. The belief the game doesnt process the distant animals is likely true.

I circumvented 80% of Finland's coast on the trip over a few weeks, going down the great river, going west to the coast for the salt quest then going north to where the coast turns east. Great fun. BAC mod's punt shelter put to on was helpful for a quick place to sleep when it was raining.

September 09, 2019, 01:01:56 AM