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Re: squeezing damage? There are some hints in urw_combat.txt file, note the emboldened line:
rg -i squeeze | tail -n5
messages\urw_combat.txt:// value: POINT/EDGE/BLUNT/POINT/BITE/CLAW/SQUEEZE
messages\urw_combat.txt:// PAW, SQUEEZE, HOOF, ANTLER, HORN, TUSK, BEAK
messages\urw_combat.txt:// for previous version compatibility also use: paw,squeeze,horn,hoof,tusk,antler,beak
messages\urw_combat.txt:[SQUEEZE:to crush]
messages\urw_combat.txt:[SQUEEZE:paws grab]

And in the game log, squeeze damage (crush) attack by a bear manifests itself as so:
msglog.txt:(000000):29gh:[T]{05C8047C}      | The female bear tries to crush you.
msglog.txt:(000000):f5h3:[T]{046303D3}      | The bear tries to crush TWO truck.
msglog.txt:(000000):f5h3:[T]{046303D3}      | The bear tries to crush you.
msglog.txt:(000000):f5h3:[T]{046303D3}      | The bear tries to crush Dolores.
msglog.txt:(000000):q5hj:[T]{049503CA}      | The female bear tries to crush Dolores.

July 26, 2021, 09:53:24 PM
Re: Hunting gripe
I really am getting irritated at the current state of hunting.

In the past,<snip>
Welcome to the forums. Now, that's an entrance! :)

Sorry to hear you are frustrated with the game - my post below is not to disprove your points but just to share my point of view...
I personally do not agree with the overall sentiment that active hunting is hard in thick forests as overall animal AI is not that sophisticated and you can easily tire a reindeer herd by simply going around in the general vicinity. You do not need to track an animal perfectly to get a kill - even a semi random search pattern in the area works good enough in my experience. And after a while, when they are breathless (assuming you are not injured/breathless etc.) then they will start dropping like flies.

Furthermore even when it "doesn't work" that shouldn't always be problem either as in general you do not need 100% success rate in your hunts, a more relaxed hunting strategy in which only some hunts end up with kill might be less stressful and more fun as this is a game. Based on the text below it might actually be more realistic not to aim 100% success rate in active hunts (I get that we are not lions but it is provided as an example from the nature):
Lions are the archetypal apex predator, but their hunting success rate strongly depends on the number of lions involved – a single lion hunting in daylight has a success rate of 17-19 per cent, but this increases for those hunting as a group to 30 per cent. Of 1,300 hunts observed in the Serengeti, nearly half involved only one animal, 20 per cent involved two and the rest a group of (normally) between three and eight individuals.
( source: )

Below is an example video, not a particularly methodical one or good hunting in any way, wastes a lot of time (sped up in the video) but in the end, this hunt achieves the ultimate goal of obtaining skin and meat so I call it a success regardless:

If you would like more methodical examples, there are other active UrW hunting videos on YouTube if I recall correctly Jonathan Ferguson posted some complete beginners active hunting tutorials.

Currently if you do find active hunting hard with the current game version, suggesting devs changing the game is one way. As an alternative approach, you might just want to change your methods slightly but unable to suggest something useful specific to you as I don't know how much experience you have with the game and active hunting but if you share your approach in text or even better perhaps record a video and post the link we can maybe discuss? There are a lot of veterans who would be willing to analyse and assist.

Another option is perhaps getting a single dog which will bypass the "difficulty of tracking" problem as you will be simply following the barks instead.

Yet another option is hunting in winter time as it is much easier to tire animals but also much easier to spot tracks on snow - of course this removes half of year so not that great.
I get that last two suggestions are reductive solutions but I cannot think of another solution to the problem you describe without reducing overall difficulty and thus making it even less of a challenge for other players.

Sorry about the gripe, I love this game, it's just disheartening to see another game go this way where they'll make everything stupidly hard but not give us the tools to deal with the simple game limitations that shouldn't be limitations at all.
I think it is a great that you are voicing your feedback. If there is a genuine problem (which I might be missing here) alerting devs is the only way to get it fixed. Hope you stick around and soon start enjoying the active hunting phase of the game once again.

Edit: modified the YouTube hyperlink to skip to the beginning of hunt at 4m11s mark

August 07, 2021, 10:08:21 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? A blessed hunting session
As a newish character, having just killed an elk & traded some of the roasted meat for preserved ones and the rest for a fishing net, I am content...

I leave the village and find a forest reindeer herd, I aim for the biggest one, both javelins hit making this a very easy kill shortly after. Carcass processing begins...

Then a glutton shows up, attacks another reindeer just half-screen away, hurts it, knocks it unconscious - it is hurting and naturally my heart bleeds. I approach & put it out of its misery, move the new reindeer carcass next to the old one and skin/meat processing resumes...

Then I get interrupted by a lynx, clearly after some food but every time it gets close enough to spot me it just runs away - I ignore it & keep processing the carcasses...

In this very busy part of the forest, next visitor is a calf which clearly misses the two former members of the group and wants to join them. Poor thing, lacking the ability to speak, communicates its intention by standing literally next to me and who am I to say no? A kick later, it joins them happily having its wish granted...

Processing of the two and a half carcasses resume and I keep an eye for the next visitor, surprising nobody else showed up. Now I have a long way ahead to roast the 297 forest reindeer cuts, preserve skins, trade roasted meat before it spoils and so on.

When I am at the nearest village, I will leave a 5 star review for this hunting spot!

Edit: Here is the link to the video for the hunt (with a time jump to the relevant moment):

September 18, 2021, 01:07:45 AM
Re: How to avoid boredom
I tried starting several dozen new characters, with different conditions, usually getting harder to play, in case the challenges could overcome the boredom. Usually after 3 months I have reached the point of food security, decide I have won the game<snip>
I do not know if it will keep your interest but starting a mega project (mega-farming/building/Njerp-eradication/...) could be one way to add another several hundred hours to the lifetime of a particular character. With one character, I started building shelter+cellar network at one day walking distance from each other throughout the map and marked each such location with a bookmark on the map. This does take quite a while. Perhaps try a few mega project ideas and see if any of them keep your interest.

My natural instinct is to pull people to UrW and not push them away from it but here is an exception: if no mega project (or challenge) keeps your interest, at this point I would suggest a different activity (or a different game). Miss UrW, come back to UrW, enjoy UrW again.

September 22, 2021, 01:31:57 PM
Re: How to avoid boredom
I need rods cabin network is a good project. I often do few winter locations and few summer locations. With stocked shelters on the way.
hey now! I don't need rods :)  I need cords! or more like needed cords... for a long time...

but thanks to Sami & version 3.60 ever since late 2019 I am able to address all my tying equipment needs quite easily, even with a zero-day brand new character! kept the name as a testament to the positive evolution of the game.

September 22, 2021, 07:15:58 PM
Re: Tips, Tricks, FAQs
1) I have spotted an error with your FAQ: "2. How to Sleep Warm in Winter" <- You have it backwards, with fewer furs you "Lay on the furs", with more you "Wrap yourself in furs".
If I may also suggest some additions:
2) spruce twigs can now insulate you from the worst of the groundfrost.
3) The game is traditionally permadeath, but there is a way to save scum ahem...  I mean archive a save in case of a bug.  Find the game directory, for Steam users usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\UnRealWorld  and you'll see a folder there with your character's name.  You can copy this to anywhere else before facing a bear possible situation where a bug may arise, then if you die shut down the game and copy the character folder back into the game directory.
4) It is a really, really good idea to set up your base on a rapids tile or where the sea doesn't freeze over.  This way you aren't always having to break the ice for water in winter.  Unless you're freezing or starving, always take the time to find a good spot before beginning building.  I like to find somewhere with water just outside the front door, but also space for a tanning table (you can build "floors and ceiling" outside your cabin if there are two adjacent walls or doors, this means you can tan skins without getting frostbites in winter - well, mostly!)and a cellar, preferably designed so the walls of the cabin block access to any of this unless you wade through water to get there.  Most predators won't wade through water, especially in winter.
5) Another way to keep valuables safe from home intruders is to push (shift-P) the valuables onto the walls of your cabin.  Thieves can pick up your stuff, but only from the ground.  You can also use the push command to display antlers, crossed swords etc. on your walls once you are sufficiently set up to bother with cosmetics!
6) A persistence hunter needs to be fast and use javelins, while someone with speed less than 6 km/h when dressed for hunting should probably use a bow or stick to trapping.  Tracking skill is vital for persistence hunting - that is, chasing the prey down - and even a master tracker will still struggle to keep the trail.  Snow makes tracks much more visible, and you will need skis.  Some animals are designed for snow but many are not, and on skis you can run them down very quickly.  Winter also means you can dry the meat, which is the best way to preserve it.
7) The northern coast has a really harsh winter, there are days when even if you are wearing everything you own you you will not be able to go half an hour without being next to a fire without getting frostbite.  Stay in the south for milder climes.  I had played for years before I became aware there was a difference!
8 ) Something else I took quite a while to realise existed was the Shift-A screen, detailing warmth and armour ratings.  Also that making a general sacrifice after each kill is probably a good idea, even though nobody knows why.  That's religion for you!
Further to direct messages, once again, thank you for your valuable contributions. I find it easier to process in chunks so I've atomised your message into a numbered list.
I've added some of your suggestions, won't add some of them due to the reasons below, and will add others later when I get a chance.

#1 TODO: Hoping to test, verify and then correct my entry as soon as I get a chance.
#2 DONE: Added to the 1st post already (#19 in 1st post).
#3 TODO: Good idea to mention the external save possibility for those players who are not so computer savy and may not think of it (Regardless of how hardcore/good player one is, just because no write-to-hard-drive operation is 100% safe on commodity hardware, an interrupted write can ruin a savegame in rare circumstances).
#4 DONE: Added to the 1st post already (#21 in 1st post).
#5 SKIPPED: (A matter of taste but...) On my mind, due to the fact game enemy AI is incapable of countering this, it is (or should be) an illegal move. I won't add it to the 1st post but those interested would be able to find it in your message & use it anyway.
#6 SKIPPED: Probably those numbers as well as weapon type is experience-dependent (rather than hard facts which are true for all players). In my experience, a "walking-speed=1kmh & running-speed=2kmh" character can active hunt using blunt (non-ranged) hits only, so I won't add these numbers (example hunt: )
#7 TODO: Hoping to test, verify and add as soon as I get a chance.
# 8 DONE: Added to the 1st post already (#22 in 1st post).

September 24, 2021, 11:32:40 PM
Fire Starter Kit a new trade good which makes it easier & quicker to start fire Hi,

What do you think of adding 'Fire Starter Kit' as a new trade good which makes it easier & quicker to start a fire?

Reason: The logic behind it would be similar to the existence reason for most other tools: just to make life easier, such as splitting axe. A person with the means would like to obtain one, just be able to perform actionX much better & quicker. Not having it is not a blocker though, similar to crafting some items -without having the best tools for it-, one can still make/craft whatever it is but it will take longer and output quality will be lowered although output quality of fire is probably irrelevant.

Usage Mechanic: For such a fire starter kit usage mechanic similar to axes/knives etc. would make sense e.g.: as long as this 'kit' is in player's inventory or nearby on the ground it is automatically chosen as the preferred method and relevant action bonus is applied.

Benefits: As mentioned in Reason section, when used, such a kit should greatly reduce increase (or even guarantee?) successful fire-starting chance, and also greatly reduce the time it takes to start one.

Kit Contents: Based on my brief research, I can think of at least three options, as detailed below.

A) All wooden hand-drill kit (which is presumably the current/default fire starting kit?)
Based on the demonstration on this video (reference #1a):
Another similar video (reference #1b):
For this all-wooden hand-drill kit as background info & F1 in-game encyclopaedia text idea: This comes in a leather pouch which makes it water-resistant against precipitation. It probably should not be fully water-proof (against entering water with it), if game engine is capable of tracking that detail on objects.

B) Flint stone + Pyrite kit:
Here is one example video that does not use any wood or any human-made steel component (reference #2):

C) Flint stone + Steel kit:
When I started drafting this suggestion, I assumed only options A & B made historical sense for Iron Age but then I found reference #3b which brings the date of steel to much earlier than what I originally thought. If that is accurate perhaps flint stone + steel kit could be a candidate as well?

Example video (reference #3a):
Article that claims steel was used as fire starter in early Iron Age (reference #3b):
("It was quickly replaced during the early Iron Age when flint and steel became the preferred materials. Fire making “kits” of flint and variously shaped steel strikers were still used by a few isolated cultures in the late 1800s.")

A note on current "fire starting mechanism": Presumably option A is the current fire starter mechanism that is in the game as an abstract item without being listed in the inventory or named anywhere; even so I wonder if it would still make sense to leave it as is and also add option A/B/C as a "higher-quality version" that comes with a price tag in the sense one needs to trade items for it as well as needs to put some effort into obtaining one from someone that is open to trading it.


Edit: In the Reason section, I obviously meant 'fire starter kit should increase fire starting chance' but in the original post I somehow put the word the 'decrease' there! Edited & fixed.

September 26, 2021, 05:47:32 PM
[GUIDE] Obtaining and Playing UrW first version 1.00b from 1992 on a modern PC Summary
This is a guide to obtaining Unreal World version 1.00b (1992) and running it on your modern PC.

Background Information
9 years ago, in July 2012, Sami has got the flu and posted this on the old forums:
Summer flu - that's evil, but I've been touched by one.
Five days of coughing and sneezing - no stamina for more than handling e-mails....and browsing archives for ancient UrW versions!
The very first UrW version - 1.00b from 1992 is now available for download as a full version. Get it from here: (website to be updated later)
(editor's note this URL is no longer working --> )

Remember to view and follow the readme file.


It's been so long that I'm no expert in gameplay questions so good luck and have fun! Achoo.

To be clear he has included a registration code in the archive file and thus gifted the very first version of the game to the Internet. I would like to thank Sami for the registration code gift and for utilising his down time beneficial to the masses.

Step by Step Guide
Here is what you need to do to successfully run UrW1.00b on a modern PC.

1. Download and install DOSBox (or any other emulator you prefer such as dosemu although this guide mentions only DOSBox)
If you have never heard of it before here is a description from Wikipedia: "DOSBox is a free and open-source emulator which runs software for MS-DOS compatible disk operating systems".
It runs on many modern operating systems including the big three (Windows, Linux, macOS). Download it from the official website here:
If you have issues with setting up DOSBox, please refer to the online documentation here
Or if you are a video learner perhaps check YouTube for one of the step by step tutorials.

2. (Before getting into URW at all) First launch DOSBox and ensure you can boot into it successfully and reach the C:\> prompt. Then, exit DOSBox return to your normal O/S.

3. (Only once you have confirmed that your DOSBox is healthy) Download URW100b from reference #2 at the bottom of this post, then extract (unZIP) it on to your DOSBox C:\ volume's root thus you should have "C:\URW100B" and all game files under that directory.

4. DOSBox steps
4a. Launch DOSBox.
4b. (Do this only if you are not using DOSBox auto-mount feature) Manually mount the volume which holds URW100b so that it becomes visible to DOSBox.
4c. In DOSBox command prompt, go into the UrW1.00 directory with the command: CD \URW100B
4d. Use DOSBox special key combinations (listed in reference #3 at the bottom of this post) to speed up the emulation, set it to maximum cycles you can based on your actual PC hardware.
Note: that the purpose of using MAX EMULATION SPEED at this stage is to complete the next step as soon as possible because it is a heavy computation step and takes several minutes to complete (waiting patiently is incompatible with most modern people).

5. (Before creating a new character, one need to run world randomiser) To run the UnrealWorld1.00 World-Randomiser mini program execute this: RNDWORLD then wait patiently 2-5 minutes (or a few seconds if you are using MAX EMULATION SPEED).
Note: Sami provides information on this, in Reference #1 (at the bottom of this post).

6. Prepare for launching game: Use DOSBox special key combinations (listed in reference #3 at the bottom of this post) to slow down/speed up the emulation and try to set it to about 3750 cycles.
Note: If you do not do this, you might get lucky and it might work but the most likely outcome is you will get 'stuck' at the URW game main screen where it lists F1, F2 keys etc. - will look like your key presses are ignored.

7. Finally, launch the game with: URW
You will see that the on-screen instructions list;
F1 show story
F2 create a new character
F3 exit the game (back to DOS)
F4 will 'Enter to Ankhyrnia'

If you need help , please REPLY to this thread and I -and probably others too- will try to help.
If you spot missing steps or errors, likewise please REPLY and report so that we can improve the guide.


Reference #1: README for UnReal World 1.00b - full, registered version
UnReal World 1.00b - full, registered version

This is the very first version of UnReal World RPG (UrW) released in 1992.
You may be able to run the game from command prompt in Windows systems, but sometimes
DosBox emulator ( may be needed to play this ancient MS-DOS version.


This version is pre-configured to run in C:\URW100B directory.
For easy installation, extract contents of URW100B.ZiP to C:\URW100B folder.
(If you prefer to use alternate path you need to CONFIG.EXE after
 installation to change settings.)

Before starting the game you should run RNDWORLD.EXE. Rndworld needs to be
run EVERY TIME your character dies and you wish to create a new one - otherwise the
game maps won't renew. After running RNDWORLD you can start the game by
running URW.EXE. If you can't get the game running after creating the
character, you should exit the game and try to run it like URW CHARACTER
where CHARACTER is savefile name of the character you created. And once
more, when your character dies remember to run RNDWORLD before you start the 
game again.

All of this (and more) has been explained also in URW.DOC.

Have fun,

UrW author
Jul-6th-2012, celebrating 20th year of development of UrW

Reference #2: Unreal World version 1.00b (1992) download URL   (linked with permission from Sami)

File signatures (if you would like to check to be safe) are listed below. If you have not used this file signature concept before, here is a guide for MD5 signature verification on Windows:
     MD5: 38826fb600db8fdcb7fd738340310a28
   SHA-1: 3f3f5738b1a79ddd0fe79e698e87b1bafa258906
 SHA-256: 992fbbc90003f332c01fc785343acf85e0ebb6ce6df23a624f1e4d12e502385a
 SHA-512: 83fec8de5d6be51fbd7b355e0e9006b5345b972970b8ec6693eb1dc54b25e73770c2d43b8a9e7d69e5c3fd9dd3800bf2bfcc6b14829319fbff661410bf80c659

Reference #3: DOSBox Special Keys
CTRL-F11   Decrease DOSBox cycles (slows down the emulation).
CTRL-F12   Increase DOSBox cycles (speeds up the emulation).
Note: more special keys are listed here:

Edit 20211003: Received Sami's approval & added fileserver link to the file Removed MediaFire link.

October 03, 2021, 01:45:38 AM
Re: Turning a forest tile into a clear ground by chopping down all trees
is it possible to change tile type by chopping down all trees?

I want my field tile to be looked as a field in zoom-out view
I have not tried this myself but I read a post on this forums - someone reported that they did exactly that and the tile did indeed change.

Edit: Found it! Here is the post and @Labtop 215 's contribution to UrW science:

October 05, 2021, 04:59:20 PM
Re: How far do you travel at start?
I am curious to hear the answers. Because, when I try to travel a long distance at the start I always seem to lack food and can not really get the characters on their feet again. How far do you travel first starting out?
For me, it varies based on the scenario/character/initial goals. Some characters stay (mostly) in the spawn location for a long time but others move out immediately.

In the current playthrough called Tepu, the character has a goal of Njerp eradication so drawing a big 'L' on the map, he started moving south for a week and then turned east towards closest Njerp village. I am putting this particular playthrough on YouTube so there are a few links I can provide to share his progress.
1) In this particular moment there is relatively long map sequence showing what he's been up to for the first 2 months:
2) To put it in context, see the starting location for the same character using this direct link to 6m31s:
3) And in this frame, the green map-marker says "(Day) 11" -- so that can be used as a rough scale i.e.: it took that long to reach that village from the initial spawn position.

With regards to your situation ("when I try to travel a long distance at the start I always seem to lack food"): personally I have had the same problem before when I did not test and know the limits but after testing it (a lot), now for me it is really hard to fully starve in this game. To actually starve you need to plan the starvation pretty well (start at worst season, drop your gear, intentionally not create any new gear etc.) and stay at it by consistently not  finding food which sometimes is difficult because plenty of food is being thrown at the player by the game.
As there is plenty of reindeer calves around (that get tired fast), next time you have food issues find a herd, just walk to a reindeer calf and punch it to death and you will have enough food to fully recover from starvation and be set for a while.
Here is an example from the 2nd episode of the character mentioned above; he is in a bad starting state malnourished + half injured + running slowly at 2kmh & walking at 1kmh + has no decent weapons etc.):

Edit: typo fixes

October 11, 2021, 10:23:16 PM