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Re: green color
Hi . thank you for your answer . I didn't add sprite to my game
I just put a box and I gave it a media material with "webm" format.
while all the colors are correct , non of green colors appear in my media

Ah, "Unreal World' is a roguelike survival game (this forum)

"Unreal Engine" is a development platform (

GL  ;)

October 18, 2022, 07:29:25 PM
Re: Clothing Quality Limit?  I recall this being a thing but a fast search of news turned up nothing. That high quality items are only available via trade. Could be wrong..
December 06, 2022, 09:15:41 PM
Re: "Liking" posts in the Modding Forum  You can 'like' in the Modding sub forum but not in the Mod releases sub. For me the 'downloads' number has been more important than a 'like' per say in there. jmo
December 12, 2022, 10:21:37 PM
Re: "Liking" posts in the Modding Forum
I was referring to the hard-working modders.

I'm actually not sure why  :D

December 13, 2022, 02:47:48 AM
Re: [3.72#1 Windows 10 Steam] Dog names causing sound effects?  This is old 'magic' (which used to work also) where words (that indicate some sounds) used as names cause URW to to spark the sound.

 Been a year or more since I've seen these :D

December 30, 2022, 08:44:56 PM
Re: Blacksmith NPCs and ordering their products
Great! Could villages loaded from old saves eventually get these blacksmiths? I mean, I have an old save from version 3.62 and the villages loaded from there still have gender-neutral kids and sauna scoops.

 I may be mistaken but, historically changes like this DO migrate in to old saves, appearing only in villages/settlements the player has not entered/visited.

March 05, 2023, 07:20:19 PM
Re: Game loading bug From recent Steam thread with similar topic:
Sounds like new SDL library issues, as the 3.63 uses the old (and on some systems more reliable) libraries.

Firstly, please try disabling the audio from the game setup -> AUDIO: NO.
Then restart the game, and see if it helps.
If it does, then we can pinpoint this down to audio libraries failing - for a reason, not yet understood.

Hope that helps

March 16, 2023, 05:38:02 AM
Re: Still forging the Blacksmith NPC code  Great stuff!
Are you planning a penalty for not coming back or not purchasing after completion?
Could your reputation play a role in the payment? eg: "Unknown traveler, I need x to begin your order." to "Hi trusted friend, I can get that started for you right away."?
- chat options: What the NPC is capable of making? Expanded: If known to NPC, general location of a more skilled blacksmith.

 Yea small business!

March 28, 2023, 08:12:23 PM
Re: [3.72.2 linux] hill replaced with empty tile Did you check if it's ice/water, that has gotten me before.
Snow blindness.

April 02, 2023, 07:31:06 PM
Re: Master Fisherman can't catch no fish!
I don't understand. Is it simply because I have no bait?

try bait, though it's still much harder to catch fish in the last version or so.

April 05, 2023, 02:01:26 AM