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Re: Island challenge stories I applaud your swimming.

Have you considered swimming to Angleand?

December 23, 2020, 02:08:41 AM
Re: Old Character Journals [Unfinished] Lovely illustrations

I appreciate the extra effort

December 24, 2020, 04:02:50 PM
Re: Introduction & Question on Playstyle Welcome,

I loved your drawing in the stories. I'm Brygun who does the long text character blogs and keeper of the BAC mega mod.

Solo games, like this one, really can be played your way.

I find Unreal World is one I come back to over many years as it has a good grasp of survival skills and seems to inspire my writing side. As a single player game I can pause the action... or in this case just not hit the next button... to take time to write. In your case it could be to draw.

As for the no zoom, there are some difficulties for that as in real life you can see far away in certain conditions. Smoke rising out of  a village, the cuts of hills implying rivers and so on.

One challenge was to not use the zoom unless you were on a hill. Then you can have full map modes once you get to your first village.

December 24, 2020, 04:19:26 PM
Re: Taking a look at the suggestions Thank you Saami for helping me deal with the isolation of the CoVid lockdowns shutting down so many places I would normally go.

December 27, 2020, 10:15:25 AM
Re: NPCs to use exactly same movement rules as player character. No more >LAME< robbers running through thigh deep snow at the same speed as the unwounded character.

December 31, 2020, 06:01:09 AM
Re: Finding my arrows
Alone? Ha! Never alone... if you rove at any decent frequency... at times it feels like I’m leaving arrow-seeds in the undergrowth.

We give back iron of knives to the bog from whence ore comes and we give back the wood of arrows back to the forest. It is a respect for the cycle of life to lose arrows.

December 31, 2020, 11:25:38 PM
Re: more sea-ness of the sea: seatic species

Seagulls going come and poke you in the coconut!

January 01, 2021, 07:27:44 PM
Re: Happy new year! Slipping through 2020 like a hunter on skis through Nerjpez lines.

January 01, 2021, 07:48:19 PM
Re: [Brygun] Tuukka
Of course trying to sneak with a big reindeer doe isn’t so easy.

Tuukka laughs.

Coming homeward they pass through the Hand Cliff fields and by the Badger Landing bear trap, still empty. At the cabin Relka is coralled in one of the prepared fenced areas. Before going to sleep a reindeer figurine is carved and placed as a spirit-house in Relka’s coral. This will let Relka still be part of a herd and be protected. A stack of turnips is provided should Relka wish to eat of them.

The next morning the middle sized traps are moved to outside the fence perimeter. Once they had been to guard the cabin. Now they are to guard Relka. Being a carpenter a new wooden tub is fashioned. This becomes how rapid’s water will be provided into Relka’s coral. A thud is heard and a moved trap has caught a bird.

Over a few days the trees for a triple log bear trap are assembled and tied with a fresh rope. This is also near Relka’s pen. The ritual of naked baiting the bear trap is followed. Tuuka is wondering now that all his changes may well mean the pit traps will no longer have animals coming to them. Relka’s presence may actually help calm their fears. It could also be it is a seasonal path and it isn’t the season now.

As if to tease Tuukka the Badger Landing has old elk tracks passing by the pits. Tuukka doesn’t think he led Relka there. So the animals are coming back. Tuukka resets the traps here and at Hand Cliff’s fields. While circling the fields the elk itself is seen. It is quick into a dip then out somewhere. Tuukka skis after it. The chase this time is not productive.

Day 4 of the 4th week before summer season

Tuukka woke up in a panic. Warm rain was falling on his face where he had collapsed. Collapsed skiing on top of the river ice! The rain melting snow and ice! How the angry water spirits could have just reached up to him. Yet he had given sacrifice often to the waters, avoided wasting fish and thought well of the water. His heart was racing for minutes before it calmed down. He must not let himself fall asleep on the river ice. Ever! Even worse in the warming season!

Day 6 of the 4th week before summer season

After stocking fire wood at the Hand Cliff field Tuukka passes into Badger Landing. Finally the elk has put itself into the reset pit trap. A few broad head arrows at short range and the elk has passed away. The weather is still cold enough that on average it can be dried rather than smoked. After bringing in the hide and first load Tuukka brings Relka to pack carry the rest back. The hide, lacking the thicker winter coat, will be de-hair in hopes of better leather. Perhaps as backing for armor once he can gather lake ore again.

<Tuukka almost spring elk 002>>>

January 02, 2021, 05:18:19 AM
Re: Cooking: Roast: Beef: 2lbs This is good - Conan movie
January 13, 2021, 06:30:41 AM