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Re: No leather from squirrels? In the [H]ideworking menu, you have to select the option to de-hair a furry skin. Keep in mind that squirrel leather won't have as high a trading value as squirrel furs and it will take a while to amass enough hides to make leather clothes.
July 06, 2020, 08:20:30 PM
Re: No leather from squirrels? In order to get skins, you need to do it from the hideworking menu before you start butchering.
July 06, 2020, 09:31:08 PM
Re: No leather from squirrels? Also, if the corpse is described as "grisly" you wont get a hide regardless.
July 06, 2020, 10:59:58 PM
Re: When it says, "you could have done better, but you can't make good out of bad."? You can't improve a finished good to a quality level above that of the input materials (there are some exceptions with "no quality" tags in recipes). All slender trunks you cut are of decent quality, and thus you can't turn them into higher quality items (you can rarely buy fine and masterworks staves, so you can make fine and masterworks javelins out of those, if you're lucky).

There are also cases where the tools hold you back. You can't create masterworks fur and leather with a decent standard knife, but you're capped at fine. To be able to make masterworks you need either a broad knife (the preferred type for hideworking), or a fine knife of any other kind (except stone knives, but I don't think you're going to have any fine stone knife, or if it's even possible to make one).

July 21, 2020, 02:19:50 PM
Re: When it says, "you could have done better, but you can't make good out of bad."? FYI, this specific case (making high quality javelins) is why I removed the [noquality] tag from slender trunks when making staves in my mod.  It's a very easy change to make.
August 01, 2020, 12:38:12 AM
Re: How do I build wealth If you want to rely on crafting for a living, the most valuable, accessible, useful and easy to carry item would be arrows. Arrows are absolutely the currency you are looking for and it does make sense in iron age Finland, unlike other trade items - who need tons of wooden bowl/ boards in iron age?

Build lots of light level trap, preferably near berries and your corps and sometimes it wouldn't even need to bait, the birds just filed in if you choose your trap location wisely. Their meats can be used to roast (I usually give the meat for my dog as treaty through), their skin can be turn into leather and very useful to produce both bandage and cords and their feathers for arrows. The trick is, shorten each cord (15ft) into 15*1 ft cord, so you can produce arrow one by one and arrange your time in a more flexible manner. I am only competent in carpentry and it is already guarantee no curved arrow. So you can keep those decent arrows to yourself and those rough arrows for trading. I haven't been the richest man in the iron age yet but that's how I brought my first iron helm by trading rough arrows to villagers. Besides, you got tons of decent arrows for your hunting :)

August 07, 2020, 04:22:44 AM
Re: How do I build wealth I started with Javelins.
Then make some fox traps, paddles and shovels.

If you want to craft a lot, focus on trapping not hunting.

Use harsh and ragged leathers/furs to make the cords you need for arrow crafting.
Arriows is a good trading item.

Decent and fine furs can be used for tailoring, clothes sell good aswell.

Sadly we cant make woolen or nettle cloth in vanilla.
Hope that will come soon.
I dont like modding :)

Tricky trade:
If you come to a new village first time, look for all their valuables and stack them in one point.
Now start gathering enough boards to pay all of that valuables at once (cancel trade completely if you dont have enough boards for all).
That way you can trade 1000+ boards to one village, they wont accept anymore boards if they already have enough, but they dont count how many you deliver in your first trade. There is still no limit.

August 09, 2020, 05:27:16 AM
Traditional Roguelikes Bundle and Daily Deal on Steam For a short period of time a pathway has opened to get into the realms of certain traditional roguelikes for discounted price. Steam offers Awesome Traditional Roguelikes bundle - with UnReal World naturally included - until 13th of August. We, and all the games included, also offer individual Daily Deals so you can decide whether you wish to pick a good fistful roguelikes, or just a selected one.

You can take a look at the bundle here:

And UnReal World store page is here:

August 11, 2020, 07:33:17 PM
Re: Can't find a mace for sale? Maces haven't been uncommon in Villages in my playthroughs, but for some reason they don't spawn inside the buildings, they actually spawn outside on the ground, on top of a stone. I've seen them in Kaumo, Reemi, Kiesse and Driik, so I don't think they're specific to one type of culture.

Just keep an eye out when you walk around a village; if you see what looks like a club on the ground, it's always often a mace. It can spawn a fine or masterwork mace as usual, but maces just have that specific spawn quirk. I think the justification as to why they spawn outside is that the mace & stone are supposed to emulate the club & flat surface that the player needs to tan hides.

August 15, 2020, 07:01:42 PM
What will happen when using watercraft with hired companions? Basically the title, I know leashed animals won't drown in water, but I am not sure if companions can cross water with me. Anyone know the answer?
August 18, 2020, 07:38:12 AM