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Re: What will happen when using watercraft with hired companions? They have succeeded to swim over in all my attempts (although they haven't been many: I generally avoid crossing water with companions). There have been some reports on the forum about failures to make it, though.
August 18, 2020, 07:52:35 AM
Hillforts and tribal protected areas It's well established that hillforts were a thing in prehistoric Finland, and I think it'd be a fun addition to have them dotted around the landscape. Maybe with alloted "chiefs" that consider themselves an authority in the area, offering special quests and such. I know that the Driikiläiset fortified cities are kind of this, they are still not a straight representation of this phenomenon, which occured all throughout pre-historic Finland.

It'd be a lot to add, but just a suggestion.

August 19, 2020, 10:25:25 PM
Re: Can't find a mace for sale? I don’t know why you are looking for it, but merchants will carry a small amount
If you settle near the swamp, you will easily find traces of the merchant

August 22, 2020, 08:03:27 AM
Re: Does deforestation increase the visibility of my settlement to bad guys?  This shouldn't have any affect on them showing or not.
September 02, 2020, 10:30:21 PM
Re: Hillforts and tribal protected areas Yes please.
Should also include a watch tower / hunting tower. And a ladder to climb up and down. To the tower. *

The hill forts should be spawned on the edges of the cultural area (not extending the area like settlements and villages do)and only spawning on hills, cliffs or mountains.

*maybe allow building fixed ladders to caves, cabin roof access et cetera. Notched log type, not 2 beams and rungs.

September 08, 2020, 02:10:57 AM
Re: Buying expensive items by selling boards, paw-boards, stakes and wooden bowls ? Yep, it's possible if you want a bit more fun and less pain in the early game.

I haven't played UrW for a long time, so when I started playing again a couple weeks ago I've decided to roll good stats and to spend some time grinding board so as to get my characted at least partially equipped for adventures. Somehow, making boards and trading ha turned out to be some kind of fun... so I've spent about nine hours grinding boards and buying expensive stuff. Honestly, I don't know why — . At long last I've got a plenty of masterwork items, mail armour, a couple cows, a bull, two dogs and a dozen bags of salt.

Here's how you grind my way:

1. Get an axe if you don't have one. Preferrably a woodsman's one.
2. Find a settlement (traveling to Driik is even more cheaty option).
3. Split one trunk, grab a board, try to trade it for something just to make sure that people in here do need boards.
4. If yes, fell several trees, make boards and trade them for food (enough for a week or more) and a splitting axe (or a woodsman's axe if you still don't have it).
5. Go to another village, once again, make sure that people need boards.
6. Start felling trees and hauling them somewhere close to houses. How many trees to fell depends on how much stuff you want to obtain. In my case amount has been ~25-35.
7. Make boards.
8. Grab everything you want.
9. Start picking up boards. It's going to take some time as your character probably won't be able to lift more then 10 board at a time. Don't get too excited as in a pretty short time villagers will urge you to pay for their goods. To avoid this, just drop all unpdaid items and grab them again intermittently (say, after each 250 grabbed boards).
10. Trade!
11. Goto step 5.

I would not recommend grinding THAT much, hovewer, as playing such a well-equipped character is far less risky and takes less effort, and thus you're going to have less fun. Right know I'm seriously thinking on getting rid of half of my stuff. Or even more. I've surely learned that it's really, really important to stop grinding at the right time...

October 12, 2020, 02:26:15 AM
Re: Buying expensive items by selling boards, paw-boards, stakes and wooden bowls ? One way to get decent supply of cord for new characters is to build light lever traps. 10 or so in the area where your shelter is.

FWIW: I always start in spring, even with the change of spring having still a deep snow. Just be sure to make withes of some saplings. One might get lucky and kill a deer or moose, then get the meat to dry, as backup food, should last to late summer, by that time should have steady supply of smoked meat and fish as daily nutrition

So the first few days is getting some fish to stay alive, build some traps, fish more, check traps. Make some boards or bowls for trade, javelins for trade or use. Repeat.
Checking those traps will yield decent amount of bird leather, once tanned, make them into bandages if they’re below decent. Then cut a cord of each bandage.
You can also micromanage those 1/2 bandages to even lighter, with meticulous use of tanned bird hide, and then a half bandage to make a cord. Bandage at full weight or 0.05lbs has same wound treating ability...

Trapping birds with light lever traps has the extra benefit of giving great supply of feathers for fletching arrows both for use and trade! (Carpentry is the skill that pays massive dividends here, aim for 50+)

October 12, 2020, 06:36:17 AM