Can I ask you, do you also changing the other pictures, or you just change the portraits?
I'm just going to do portraits for now, I think.
No promises, but maybe when I have some time I could see if I can write up some steps for what I do when making the portraits, so you might have an easier time using your scripts and stuff. And your death scene looks much more moody, I like it. 
I already worked on and finished a few backrounds. I already have a concept about how I like to change those backgrouds; and it's namely: the color tone of those pictures. I'm a guy who really doesn't like cold, and I hate winter, and the snow - I hope the finnish guys now didn't get mad at me

So what it means that I prefer warm color-tones. So, while I try to keep them as "nordish-winterish" as possible, I bend the colors to add a bit "warm" feelings to those pictures. Or changed the mood. I'm really happy to hear, that you get that mood-change when you looked at my variation of the death-scene, beause that wa my intention!
But! Not every time this "warming-up" gives a good result, in my opinion. Sometimes I had to change the tone into the cold blues, to get that "far-north" feeling. Tho, it isn't really a big thing when it come to the backgrouds, but it can have a drastic effect on portraits!
What I like to tell you, is that, I'm not sure why, but for me, those peoeple who have that pinkish-reddish color to their face (like lot of those with ginger hair) they give me the impression of "nordic-people". When they took a sunbath, their skin get that bright reddish taint to it and not that well tanned brown.
See the "fem5.png" portrait! That lady is a very good example to what color tone I prefer, if I think about someone nordic.
So, if you don't mind I played with your last picture, because that is somehow looks like a very well tanned man, like someone from a warm climate.
Another thing; If I think about pictures, portraits from a game, I really like to see when all the different pictures has something similarity in them: they are from the same game, the game must have it's own style, and to me it also means; they use the same color tone.
Your first portrait (fem3.png) give me the base: that lady, too, has that little bit of (IMO) nordic-reddish taint in her face. The man in your second portrait is just too brownish, so I changed the tone to somthing like the lady in your first portrait. To give it that more "nordic" tone and to achive the similarity in the colors. While I prefer warm color tones, in this case I had to change it to more cold.
And of course, if all the portrits has the same color-tone; it also means more consistency in the art-style of the game.
(P.S.: I also changed the color tone of another portrait, just to showcase to you, what I talking about.)
Of course, simply changing the tone of the whole pictures it can ruin the background or the cloths.
Like it did with the green shirt and with the forest backgroud, and also drasticly changed the background on your portrait.
Definitely must do the color changing only in the skin, so skip the background and such, I just didn't want to spend time with that for no reason.