Topic: I killed an innocent Njerpez warrior . . . will my settlement be attacked?  (Read 3914 times)


« on: August 04, 2019, 02:53:34 AM »
I was wandering outside of the known areas to build a shelter as that is the next accomplishment quest. I found a man in red, and it says that he's a Njerpez Warrior. So, I went over to talk to him, but he kept running away. I decided to fight him, one, because I backed up my save, but two because F1 said that these guys hunt down my people, the Kaulamienen . . . or something.

It did not appear that any other warriors were around. When I tried to talk to him, he refused to respond and kept leaving. So, I threw a javelin at him. He wasn't trying to kill me, but the description didn't appear to sound like any of them are useful other than to kill. So, I killed him in the ensuing fight with another javelin.

I just want to know if I'm screwing myself over, or what? I'm still newb. The winter in which I started this game isn't over, and I have been killing whatever birds I can happen to hit with a javelin. Most of my kills though have been birds in my traps surrounding my cellar that I kill with a knife to the skull. I'm actually surprised I was able to kill this guy so easily. I think I hit him twice with actual attacks, once on the hand and once on the hip, and then the rest were counterstrikes as I kept trying to throw another javelin at him, but he kept interrupting me. One of the counterstrikes knocked the guy unconscious, and I sustained no injuries.

Is this just a crazy stroke of luck very atypical of facing these guys?
Should I leave immediately, or do I have time to build a shelter? Are there typically more around somewhere close-by?   


« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2019, 09:05:33 AM »
Njerps are the "goblins" of UrW, i.e. the evil bad guys. This means they can never be reasoned with and they are always hostile, although they can flee (and sometimes return to attack you after fleeing). I kill them most of the time as a kind of "keep the world free of scum" service. These guys are raiders from the east (there's a Njerp region on the map), and thus are worse than robbers. Outside of their area they are always* alone, although two of them can happen to appear close to each other.

You were lucky to kill the enemy, as they can vary significantly in skill and luck in a fight can cause even a skilled warrior to lose to an unskilled one, with the first connecting blow often dictating the results due to the penalties inflicted. Njerps can be killed fairly safely with appropriate (or cheaty) tactics, but any "fair" fight is risky. UrW does not favor repeated combat, as it's risky.

always*: It's said that Njerp camps can appear on the map, but I've never seen one except for the starting scenario where you start in one. However, people on the forum confirm they do exist.

Njerps will not retaliate, and villagers will not react to you killing them in any way (neither positive nor negative).

Tom H

« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2019, 05:50:27 PM »
Notwithstanding all of Palu's wise admonitions, your early kill of a Njerp probably provided you with some very useful gear and items. Whether for your use or for trade, the loot from a kill can be a real kickstart for your character's efforts to survive.

However, soloing Njerp is, indeed, very risky. Hire a Companion and buy some dogs who can take the brunt of the fight, for discretion IS the better part of valor!


« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2019, 08:38:39 PM »
Notwithstanding all of Palu's wise admonitions, your early kill of a Njerp probably provided you with some very useful gear and items. Whether for your use or for trade, the loot from a kill can be a real kickstart for your character's efforts to survive.

However, soloing Njerp is, indeed, very risky. Hire a Companion and buy some dogs who can take the brunt of the fight, for discretion IS the better part of valor!

Thanks for the tips. My stealth skill is at expert, mainly because that's all I do every time I see an animal. My character just doesn't have the fighting skills to back up his stealth skills.

So, I'm exploring the art of the ninja. I'm not sure how involved this game is yet in making NPCs behave like actual people where it regards stealth. I traded his handaxe and bow, and several things I made for an elk fur in a somewhat far village. I then traded that fur for superior broadfaced arrows from foreign traders. These arrows are really nice. They do a significant amount of damage if they hit right.

It seems like you can't hide anywhere in Heathland, not enough to actually practice the art of the ninja . . . well not for my less skilled character. I can't throw things that far or hit the broad side of a barn from a distance where I can get back into hiding somehow in Heathland.

In a coniferous forest, you can hide everywhere. However, it seems that you can't hide from robbers. I went to a group of robbers intentionally to see if I could use my stealth skill to sneak away or kill them one-by-one. But it's like they know right where you're at at all times, regardless of whether you're hidden. I don't know if that's just my stealth skill is too low or that their ability to find you is too high, and so I can't hide from them.

