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Re: What are some good early game barter items? Early on, there isn't much that you can make that the villagers consider valuable. Depending on the type of PC you create, some cannot actually make anything! I've played PCs that took two days just to make a simple shelter! And, they had not the simple skill of making a javelin!

However, assuming moderate skill in woodworking, the easiest items I can think of are Fine clubs and Decent javelins. My new PCs usually start off by trading up their minimal possessions, e.g., some clothing, some javelins, and clubs, for an improved ax, or a spear, or bow. I'll always trade for a cord or loop snare, which they trade for a couple of pieces of dried meat, or a javelin. Ropes, needed for a raft, can be had for about 3-4 javelins.

Once you get a good kill, the dried meat or even raw meat is good for a lot of items that you'll covet.

I strongly suggest that your new PC accomplish the missions and receive the free hand ax and fishing pole. The ax will be useful in trading up, while the pole will be vital in keeping food on the table.

Paw board traps, yes, they are good trade items. The problem is that they are labor intensive> Fell a tree, make boards, make traps. Early on, it's tough enough finding food, eh? Without specific tools, every step becomes more time-consuming, whereas a handful of javelins can usually be made while performing the rudimentary missions.

In my experience, the number one method to good, early trading is to kill a Njerp! Honestly, that's a single action that breaks the poverty logjam. The second best is the kill of a large animal.

March 09, 2019, 05:30:51 AM
Re: What are some good early game barter items? If you want to kill njerps, do take note:
1) Ensure the njerp doesn't have arrows.
2) Have at least 7 javelins, and at least 50 in spears.
3) Don't bring non combat items. Drop them before zooming in
4) Kite the njerp! If you miss from two tiles away, and the njerp is closing in, wield the javelin and keep retreating.

March 09, 2019, 05:38:34 AM
Re: What are some good early game barter items? I'm generally trying to go along the self sufficiency route with trading limited to items that can't be produced, and on that path the meat from the first big kill is useful. You can't eat all that meat anyway before it goes bad, so I tend to roast it and haul it to the nearest village to trade for some essential item(s). The same goes for further kills until I get the resources (a "sauna" and cords) to preserve the meat for my own character's use (I know you can use a real sauna in a village to smoke meat, but I've never done that).

Killing Njerps is dangerous, but definitely lucrative. If you've got a fast character it can be done comparatively safely, provided the Njerp doesn't have ranged weapons, while a slower character will take a significant risk. Also note that rocks can be used to pelt a slower enemy once the bugger has been worn down by exhaustion. In fact, when an enemy is breathless, you can lead them around and then go back and pick up the used rocks to throw them again. I generally don't use more than 3 javelins, 2 of which are thrown and the third being used as an emergency spear, while a decent pile of rocks are used for the bulk of the task, but mind the load so the enemy doesn't get a chance to catch up!

March 09, 2019, 09:56:13 AM
Re: What are some good early game barter items? Arrows are a very decent, lightweight trade good that don't require much in the way of materials, you can usually find feathers if you just walk around in the woods for a little while.

wooden shovels as well, only require a block. Not worth much but you can sell them in bulk.

Shortbows are also quite easy to produce, and fetch a relatively good price.  If you have trouble getting enough cords, try the BAC mod - gives you more options for making cordage from things like tree bark. Also gives you more options for making arrows and bows.

You can also sell meat or fish - if you have decent fishing and cooking skill, selling tasty roasted high-value fish like salmon can actually be somewhat lucrative for a starting character. You can trade for arrows, squirrel fur, smoked meat, etc.

if you kill a large animal and have more meat than you can use, sell the rest.  You don't have to smoke or dry all of it - eat some, preserve some, sell the rest.  Of course, this depends on having a village nearby. If you're worried it will go bad before you can reach a settlement, start traveling and then cook it on the second day.  It will stay good longer and if you have a high cooking skill, you will actually increase the value.

March 09, 2019, 05:16:00 PM
Re: What are some good early game barter items? I want to add that the most reliable way I've found to get an early kill is to build a heavy deadfall very near where you've found a bear. Thus, carry either a piece of raw meat or fish (preferably a roach or animal fat, for weight) and a cord. If there are not enough felled trees around, you'll have to make your own. The key is to put the trap down right after you spot the animal, very near where it was spotted.

Then return the next day. Honestly, in over a dozen times I've done this, it has only failed once to trap a bear. I've done this for the mission with the wounded hunter, too.

A decent bear fur is a very good trade item and you'll have a lot of meat to trade, as well.

March 09, 2019, 11:09:34 PM