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Messages - rudy

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I definitely sympathize with the lack of documentation. One of the long-term goals would be to create better general explanation of all the recipes in this mod but that's a tall order when most of them not created by me in the first place.

As far as the specific case of the bundle of branches, the simple fix is to open up the DIY_bac_lumber file, and find the line that has bundle branches and unbundle branches. Remove the // that's in front of the lines dealing with that recipe. The only current problem is I don't recall how many items are currently in the lumber menu. Menus cannot go past 25 items, or the letter O. If the current lumber menu has 23 items or fewer then there will be no problems at all. If it has more than that the last items at the end of the list will be pushed out of the page and inaccessible in game. This is a problem I will easily fix the next update but maybe more difficult to fix yourself. If you can let me know what the current size of the lumber menu is, AKA what letter it goes down to. Again not on my desktop to easily check

Okay well I'll definitely work the branches back in the next update. You can uncomment the recipe in the meantime like I said. It looks like you may not have installed the latest full version in post number 28 because that would have overwritten the DIY glossary file with a blank version. I would check whether the zip file you downloaded ends in r or r2. You want the latter. You don't need the first. Right now it's r2 followed by the hotfix a few posts after that. The first file in post 25 is not necessary, though it shouldn't hurt if you install that first.

I'm not at my desktop to check explicitly, and won't be for a few days, but I think I know what is causing at least some of these off the top of my head.

Bundling branches was entirely removed, because I found it taking up space on the menu while not being an important recipe. However, it is still there in the code, just "commented out" with the '//' in front of it, which you should be able to remove. Since you have now provided evidence that at least one person actually uses that recipe, I'll strongly consider putting it back it. In the meantime, you should just be able to remove the comments.

Could you tell me what 'menudef' files you have in your game folder? Make sure you just have the one. When you open up the menudef_BAC file it should have the following in it. Note the commented out menus. Cloth Garments shouldn't even be a menu anymore, and S going to Smithing is a small change in the lettering scheme.

.Knitted & Bark Clothes. -K- *MAKE*
.Armors of Leather and Fur. -A- *MAKE*
.Armors of Iron and Wood.      -O- *MAKE*
//.Barkware.      -A- *MAKE*
//.Boneworking.      -N- *MAKE*
//.Bowying.      -O- *MAKE*
.Carpentry.      -P- *MAKE*
//.Cloth Garments.   -G- *MAKE*
.Earthen/Barkware.   -E- *MAKE*
.Fletching and Bowying.   -Q- *MAKE*
.Hide and Bone.      -H- *MAKE*
.Mining & Iron.      -M- *MAKE*
.Smithing.      -S- *MAKE*
.Toolmaking.      -D- *MAKE*
.Utility recipes.    -U- *COOKERY*
//.Woollen Garments.   -Z- *MAKE*

Finally, your diy_glossary file should be empty (blank) inside the file. Please ensure that it is.

If any of those things aren't the case, let me know; that will give a good diagnostic of what happened.

Modding / Re: BAC making linen, and the naming of flax yarn
« on: November 22, 2022, 06:36:48 AM »
It's a problem with the BAC not being adjusted to the new yarn system; I have made the necessary adjustments in my latest update to the BAC mod (see the recent release thread).

But, in short, the new (vanilla) yarn system produces :

nettle > nettle yarn
flax > linen yarn
hemp > hemp yarn.

BAC was previously developed under the need to make its own yarn, and it had "flax yarn" from flax.

If you want to change it without using my 'update' of BAC, then just change the 'flax yarn' requirement to 'linen yarn' in the recipe.

I'm going to be away from my Unreal World computer for the rest of the week. Here's a view of where I am in the latest updates. Other ideas or suggestions are always welcome.

DONE (for next posted version)

BUG - Skirt items in clothing had "hig" instead of "hip" coverage. fixed.

Added new recipe to lumber menu turn a slender trunk into firewood; attempted to maintain same ratio of time and mass as turning larger logs into firewood.

Changed the skill used for Quern Stone creation to AGRICULTURE (instead of COMMON)

Cloth recipes changed to use 'hunting horn' base item, then other properties adjusted. This is because the 'bandage' base item was not allowing higher quality cloth from higher quality yarn (it was treated as though it had the [noquality] tag on output).

Cloth recipes changed to use 225 ft of yarn in order to produce a 1 lb. cloth output of equivalent weight. Better to have cloth in single pound units. (Doing 2 units at a time will still allow the use of exactly 3 150 foot spools of yarn, or yarn can be created in 225 foot spools in previous step). Time and price adjusted proportionally. Patchwise max reduced from 5 to 4. In-recipe warning added that input should be exact length required, or surplus is lost (I know of no way around this while requiring the specific type of yarn). Shorten/join cords command allows exact length to be accomplished easily, though.

Issue with two 'Skin' recipes in Utility; decide which to keep.
Removal of the Trim birch bark recipe? This seems a legacy option from earlier versions that has no function now.
Switch nettle/linen clothing undergarments?
Max weight on barrel is an issue for light characters; I've added a warning. Anything else to do as safety measure?
Experiment with barrel base object so that it can be interacted with from the ground? Unlikely to work based on my understanding, but worth a look.

Ask permission from some other authors to incorporate aspects of their mods. E.g. manure, bait, coops, mead, honey. Or, otherwise ensure compatibility between them.
Optional menu to add in chain mail crafting. I've seen this in a previous mod - a-historical, but not implausible.

Is there a reason "Skin" appears twice on the Utility menu, at 4 and 9?  At first glance both appear to make the same thing with the same components.
Thanks for the catch! There should not be two, even though the recipes are not identical (One uses 'cord', the other 'thin cordage'). I'll remove one for the next version, but need to decide which recipe is more appropriate. 'thin cordage' is more universal, but allows for using things like linen yarn, which probably doesn't make sense for a skin?

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / [Fixed] 3.72beta - minor typo bug
« on: November 19, 2022, 02:03:18 PM »
When attempting to extract fibre from a small number of dried retted flaxes, the message received is "That is too few! You need at least 5 dried retted flaxes to extract practical amount of fibre."

In reality, you get that message for anything less that 15 dried retted flaxes. So the message is probably meant to say that.

So in Finland nettles around the nasties are considered comfortable?  Dayum but these guys really are savages.

Many thanks for your work on the mod  :)
I actually don't know how undergarments worked in Iron Age Finland. Those two items were added by the BAC mod, both in linen and nettle forms; they don't exist in the base game at all. All I did was research briefly and find that nettle clothing was often considered close to silk for many cultures, and preferred for underwear.

You're very welcome; I hope it's useful.

Not bugs / Re: [3.72beta Windows 10] Fireplace not working for sauna
« on: November 17, 2022, 10:07:25 PM »
I honestly can't imagine it's a problem with BAC. Mods cannot affect base built objects in any way, or what they do; they can only affect the recipes used to build them. And I don't think BAC modifies even those.

When I harvest flowering flax, it says "To gather the seeds, harvest the flax after its flowering period."

When I harvest it anyway, and thresh, I get seeds and straw.

I will test further to see if I can find anything else.

This 'hotfix' fixes both issues you observed, as well as two other changes.

Anyone downloading this, it needs to be unzipped on top of the R2 version a few posts up.

Spoiler: Changes • show
Version R2.1 (changes as compared to Version R2)


* Commented out Linen privates wrap, and linen breast wrap, two mod-introduced clothing items. This was to bring back the "Repair Clothing" option that I'd accidentally bumped from the clothing menu; I had to cut two clothing items. I chose these two for a few reasons. First, nettle clothing is (apparently) softer, and more suitable to being against the privates or breasts. Second, this distinguishes nettle and linen clothing a bit more (linen already had some unique clothing items, such as undershirt, now nettle has some unique clothing items too). Users can easily comment out some other clothing items instead, if they so choose

* Restored the block tub / block pot under lumber. I had commented them out for a test, I think, and then didn't restore them.


Changed the cloth recipes under textilecraft to require 150 feet of yarn instead of 50, and output a piece of cloth that weighs 0.66 instead of 0.5. With the reworking of the vanilla yarn system, the vanilla yarn was much lighter per length than the yarn in earlier versions of the mod (it was the same thickness as cord), and under the original recipe 0.2 pounds of yarn was becoming 0.5 pounds of cloth. With the recipe change, a full 150 bundle of yarn will be used each time (satisfying), and 0.66 pounds of yarn will become 0.66 pounds of cloth. Prices of the cloth output were scaled up proportionally (32%). Time scaled up from 36m to 1h. The time scale was difficult to judge, because the length of yarn increased three fold, but the cloth output only increased 32%, so I went with something in between. Patch option reduced from 10 to 5.

Extracting fibre from rowan and spruce increased to 3 units, to be more competitive with the 7 units from birch bark. Getting 0.7 pounds of fibre from one pound of birch-bark, but 0.1 pounds of fibre from one pound of rowan bark, makes little sense to me. I don't understand the relatives trees well enough, though, to increase the entire recipe to match the 7 units confidently.

Managed a quick look and half an hour test play.

The layout looks a lot tidier and more logical, I think there may be a few things missing though. Perhaps I am looking in the wrong place which would not surprise me.

I miss repairing clothes but making new replacements is possible. I also miss the block pot chain, I often start with no metal tools and cooking with hot rocks in a wooden pot was always useful. Making clay pots is still an option but making radial boards with a stone axe seems to take about a week.

I also make life a little more complicated by needing glue to make arrows and several other recipes are tweaked to take longer or more inputs. I also need to add privateers chicken coop and beehives with honey and mead, but with so many menu slots free I can add my other recipes to a spare slot.

I will test further to see if I can find anything else.
Thanks for taking a look!

The repair clothes option I did not even realize was "bumped off" the page. I will definitely figure out a way to rearrange things so that is brought back. This is why input is so valuable, thank you!

I had removed the block pot for space, but with the latest version there is room for it, so that will be restored in the latest version (posted tomorrow). (It's just commented out; I think I had done that temporarily and then forgot about it)

If you find anything else 'missing' super good to know!

Been working on this the last few days, with quite a number of new changes. The changelog below is in comparison with the version posted at the beginning of this thread, still, not my last version.

Future updates will have a changelog based on my previous version.

Lots of new menu changes, optimizations, fixes and tweaks to things. I have tested all the recipes I altered. I have NOT by any means tested every recipe in the mod. I plan to play for a while to hopefully test more of them out before updating this any more.

Check out the attached images for an idea, or read the list of changes below for more detail.

Spoiler: "Changelog 3.72b-R2" • show

* Commented out descriptive text added to Thin cordage in recipes; the item will not display properly when it has descriptive text. I have reported this bug. This applies to the armor menu, barkware, boneworking, earthenware, fletching, hideworking, toolmaking

* Changed recipe for Flax Linen Cloth to use Linen Yarn instead of Flax Yarn, to match the new weaving system.

* Northern Staff-Bow base item changed from Northern Spear to Northern Bow, so that it works with the new bow string system. Credit to Nydxz for for this simple but important fix, pointed out earlier in this thread.

* {Dip net} changed to {*Dip net*} in the recipe for scooping lake ore. This is not a perfectly satisfactory solution; under the new fishing rod system, the dip net becomes a "dip net with no hook". If you change its base item so that it's not a fishing rod, the name becomes just "dip net" again, but then it can't be used for fishing (as intended). Best of bad options, I think, is to live with the strange name. Thanks to Pr0man for bringing this to attention.
* Renamed "Birch Shortbow" recipe to just "Shortbow"
* Renamed "Tipped Arrow" recipe to just "Arrow"
* Renamed "Wooden Blunt Arrow" recipe to just "Blunt Arrow"
WHY: This is complicated, but a good reason. These three recipes show up under the vanilla Weapons menu. BAC aims to replace them with its own 'versions' of the recipes. It removes the vanilla recipes by commenting them out in diy_glossary. This is fine if you install the mod by overwriting. However, if you install the mod with the mod manager, the vanilla recipes are still there, in addition to the versions under Bowying and Fletching menus. By changing the new recipes to exactly match the names of the vanilla recipes, that guarantees that the vanilla ones will be 'overwritten', even if they are still in diy_glossary.  (This also applies to "Spruce quick-bow", but the BAC recipe already exactly matched the name of the vanilla recipe, and so was already overwritten.)

REMOVED ITEMS - Removed items are "commented out"; nothing was actually deleted from the files.
* Removed 'Woollen Garments' menu.  This duplicates items from Knitting menu, Knitting option more immersive, and more sensical, than "wool cloth".

* Removed 'Weave Wool Cloth' option from textilecraft. Was only used for Woollen garments menu, so useless with the removal of that redundant menu (see above)

* Removed "Caulked wooden tub" in Carpentry. It was just a harder to make wooden tub, with no real advantages (only difference is its value is 2 instead of 1)

* Removed 'tub' chain of recipes in Lumber. These cluttered up the menu, and are supersceded by the containers made with the Carpentry menu. These are also too easy to make for things that store liquids, in any case.

* Removed bundle/unbundle branches in Lumber, as they just used up menu space in my eyes.

* Free ropes from raft recipe removed, mainly for space, but also because it's very unsatisfying to get the ropes back from a raft but the logs are destroyed.


* Moved the modded boat recipes (which are a lot of entries) into the criminally empty Fishing menu. Not the best fit, since that menu cannot be renamed, but a better fit than anything else would be. Added a note in the transport menu to look there.

* Moved the Sledwagon and it's 'loading' recipes into the Transport menu.
WHY: Frees up space under Utility for more miscellaneous recipes.

* Moved the peeling and trimming of bark to the Lumber menu.
WHY: Space optimization, and oppropriate since it uses fallen trunks.

* Moved Clean Bandage from 'Mining and More' to Utility.
WHY: Obviously a more appropriate place for the recipe

* Moved Bark Bandage to Utility
WHY: So all three bandage recipes are together.

* Moved Clean Fish from 'Mining and More' to Fishing.
WHY: Obviously a more appropriate place for the recipe

* Moved Skin recipe back to Utility menu.
WHY: Arimon had moved it to hideworking because of space in Utility, which is no longer an issue.

* Moved Wooden Shovel, Wooden Cup, Wooden Bowl to Carpentry menu
WHY: More space in utility, fits nicely in Carpentry.

* Mining and More renamed to "Mining & Iron". Initial smelting steps for iron (including charcoal) moved here.
WHY: Frees up space in the Metalworking menu for more options there in the future, perhaps. Balanced out the spaces used in the two menus.

* Glue recipes moved to Utility.
WHY: The fact that there were two types of interchangeable glues under the barkware and bowying menus confused at least me when I first started using the mod.

* Moved completed bows (final step) from Bowying to Weapons. Combined intermediate bow steps with the Fletching menu, now 'Fletching and Bowying'.
WHY: Number one, to eliminate another menu. Number two, I think it's elegant to have all final weapons under the Weapons menu. Number three, Bowstring cannot be moved from the Weapons menu (it's a vanilla recipe without an entry in diy_glossary), and it was awkward having that separate from everything else to do with bows.

* Combined Boneworking and Hideworking into "Hide and Bone" submenu
WHY: More spaces for menus

* Moved bark clothing (excluding Headdress and necklace - the decorative items) to Armors of Iron and Wood
WHY: free up more space in bark menu, hoping to combine bark & clay. Now ALL clothing items are broken into Clothing (Nettle & Cloth), Armors of Leather and Fur, Armors of Iron and Wood (Iron, wood, bark)

* Combined Earthenware and Barkware into "Earthen/Barkware" menu.
WHY: More space for more menus

* Moved all the vanilla leather and fur armors OUT of the Clothing menu, to the new Armors of Leather and Fur (A) menu.
* Leather and fur armors moved OUT of the Armor Group One menu to the Armors of Leather and Fur Menu.
* A single item did not fit, so I moved Animal Headdress to Hide & Bone menu (it uses bones, and fits there well).
WHY: Now ALL Leather and Fur armors/coverings are in a single menu, more appropriately named than 'Clothing'  Also:

* Moved all nettle and cloth garments from the Cloth Garments menu to Clothing. Cloth Garments menu removed.

* Armor Group One renamed to Armors of Iron and Wood (I). Retains metal and wood armors/shields.

* Moved the fibre recipes under Barkware into Tying Equipment. With the fact that most *fibre* recipes have been replaced with various forms of cordage, the only use for these fibres (I'm pretty sure) is making cords from the Tying Equipment menus. Thus, it's natural to group them together.
* Moved Everything from the knitting menu that's not the clothing items (e.g. Shearing, Carding, spinning wool) to the Textilecraft menu.

* Moved Caulking to Utility menu, to be with the glues.
WHY: One more space in Carpentry (otherwise 100% full), and it naturally follows from the glue recipes.


* Reorganized the way that alternate files work to make it more clear to users.

* Renamed several files to match new menus.

* Moved Obsolete files into separate folder (rather than delete them)

* All Knitting recipes use TEXTILECRAFT now (most had no associated skill before).

* Skill used for Earthenware changed from WEATHERLORE to COMMON, because Weatherlore has nothing to do with the skills. However, increased crafting bonus by 30%, in order to account for this change. MAY CHANGE IT AGAIN TO TEXTILECRAFT, since they both reflect fine manual skill.

* Armor menu letter changed from I to 'A', since barkware no longer using it.
* Metalworking renamed to Smithing. Mainly so it matches the letter (S), and because it is now only smithing.

* Added Refine A Cord recipe under Tying, which requires a comb, and potentially increases the quality of a given Cord, with some loss of material.

* Spin Yarn under Knitting menu renamed to Spin Wool Yarn. The vanilla Spin Yarn option cannot handle wool yarn, and this is to distinguish it.

* Removed the '+furs' added to the fur ingredient in new fur armors, making them in line with the vanilla fur armors. It caused it to display as (e.g.) "1 lb of fur furs". No impact on actual use of recipe.

* Recover tarp from punt now requires a tarp-weave punt. Under the old recipe, it would allow a 'cheat' where you could create infinite tarps. Under the new recipe, it has the downside of destroying the punt, but if you're recovering a tarp from the punt, then that probably means you don't want the punt anymore.

* Added "false ingredients" for ore-scooping actions, in order to make it clearer how they are meant to function to players. e.g.
{-} [optional] '+You need to be zoomed out,'
{-} [optional] '+in a mire, by a mountain.'
{-} [optional] '+For most immersive play, do'
{-} [optional] '+not use on frozen ground.'

---------------diy_BAC_Carpentry changes

* "Simple Wooden Tub" made 'no quality', renamed to just "Wooden Tub", because it has the exact same qualities as a base wooden tub.

* Renamed Cask-style tub, Keg-style tub, and barrel-style tub to Cask, Keg, and Barrel. Changed the (disabled by default) Rainwater collector recipe to require 'Barrel' instead of '*barrel-style*'
WHY: I strongly prefer seeing "Keg of Milk" to "keg-style tub of milk" in my menus. I'm aware that this could limit future recipes that call for *tub, but there's no recipe
that you're going to want to use a valuable cask/keg/barrel for, when you could use a (relatively cheap) wooden tub.

* Added [noquality] to caulking, firewood, and pot ingredients for Casks, Kegs, and Barrels. Made the output [noquality] as well.
WHY: Caulking and firewood can't have a quality, so its quality should not impact the final product. Pot can have quality, but there's no reason the quality of your pot used to hold the caulking should affect the barrel quality. As for the output quality, I don't produce these things to sell them, but rather to store things. So, I don't want them named "Fine barrel of X", next to "barrel of X". They don't stack, then, if nothing else. Easy to change, though, if you want to make your living as a barrel carpenter, just remove the [noquality] from the first line of the recipes.

* Added [noquality] to branches ingredient for furniture section, since branches don't have quality.

* Combine wooden figurine/set for gaming into one step, because there is no need for taking up two slots for steps always done together. Combined the times for each step into a total time.

* String renamed to 'refined cord' so that it works for *cord recipes.

* Move vanilla Bowstring recipe from Weapons to Bowying. It's not included in the diy_glossary, so I don't think it can be moved/edited.


* Gather bait recipe, under fishing, to get worms (e.g.) from thawed ground.
* Divide raw meat or fish into 'bait piece' recipes. Longer spoilage days?
* Add TEXTILECRAFT to woolen clothing? Probably.

Gameplay questions / Yarn Questions
« on: November 10, 2022, 09:57:10 PM »

I'm trying to update a few BAC recipes that don't quite work with the new textilecraft options. To clarify, please, when spinning yarn, is it:

nettles > nettle yarn

flax > linen yarn

hemp > hemp yarn


I haven't actually seen nettle yarn anywhere, so maybe that isn't a thing? I'm not at a season where I can check myself right now.

Appreciate any help.

Oh, this is in the latest beta, I should have said.

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