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Messages - rudy

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Brief testing with the speed stat (using cheat engine) shows that my base speed has been set to 40% of my Speed attribute, whereas it's normally 50%.

I have just had the same issue occur for me, FYI.

General Discussion / Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World?
« on: January 30, 2021, 05:15:46 AM »
Well, the unthinkable has happened in my main settlement trading post...

I'm getting warnings on reaching the item limit! O.O

General Discussion / Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World?
« on: January 28, 2021, 10:55:32 PM »
I finally finished the grand "Inn" for my elaborate trading post / outpost.

I think I may be playing the wrong game sometimes, but I haven't found a better one =D

I think it's a cool idea. I have yet to figure out a way to modify how long it takes to "harvest" flora, though, so you'd possibly be stuck with ore that was very quick to gather. You could have an additional step, of course. I also don't think you can make it effortful?

Ultimately I'd prefer a mod that just informed me of an appropriate limit and then rely on my own RP to enforce it. Like, X ore per pit dug, for example.

Straight up, simple to fix, bug:

In the .Make Lamellar. recipe, under armors, the Steel Billet ingredient is missing the [patchwise] tag.

My original mod intended these two to be used for roleplay*, yes, but also for those (rare ?) instances where you want to forge stuff out of existing iron items

As a note, this is not possible under the current iteration. There are a few items you can specifically "recover" iron or steel from (axes, swords, scimitars and mail armor), but otherwise no.

The comment in the file notes that:

// {*Iron*} changed to {*Iron bloom} to avoid other items

I've changed it back myself, so that damaged iron items, such as helms, can be reforged.

That's fair. It still seems to me the better path to require both things (so remove "forge" from the bloomery name), but I won't claim that's an error. I've removed that from my own copy so that I need to make both.

They are different things.

Bloomery (youtube) is an enclosed furnace capable of higher temperatures and forge is a regular blacksmith's forge/fireplace.

For roleplay reasons it is good to know that the bloomery is for smelting the ore to get the iron and in the forge you heat the iron to start hammering it.

You can get more info about some BAC functionalities if you download the Extended Encyclopedia  8)

I'm aware of both of those things, but thank you both.

There is a comment in diy_BAC_Metalworking that reads:

// In terms of later recipes the calls are for *forge
// so both work equally well

That comment is made immediately before the recipe for the bloomery furnace. Thus, I naturally assumed that it was in reference to the bloomery. This is borne out by the fact that the actual name of the Bloomery is "Bloomery furnace (forge)" in order for it to work for the forge recipes.

Bottom line is that, as the code is currently written, you can use the bloomery as a forge, but you can't use a forge as a bloomery. If you must build a bloomery (and currently you have to), then there is no reason (other than roleplay) to also build a forge.

If the intent is that you must have both a forge and a bloomery, then the "(forge)" should be removed from the name of the bloomery.

If the intent is that you can use either, and only need one or the other, then the {Bloomery*} in .Smelt ore into iron. recipe should be changed to {*forge*}.

If the intent is that all you need is the Bloomery for everything and the forge is unnecessary, as is currently the case, then there is no reason to have the .Build a simple stone forge. recipe at all, or the .Assign a fireplace as a forge. recipe.

Above the recipe for .Build a bloomery furnace. there is a comment indicating that a fireplace can be assigned as a forge, and so you do not necessarily need to build a bloomery furnace. The comment further says that "later recipes the calls are for *forge so both work equally well".

Later down, such as under .Wrought iron billet., you can see this is the case, as {*forge*} is used in the recipe. Similar for others.

However, for a very central recipe, .Smelt ore into iron., {Bloomery*} is used instead of {*forge*} making the bloomery furnace required after all. Assigning a firecplace as a forge is largely useless for this reason.

Either this is a mistake in the comments, or an oversight. If the latter, the recipe for .Smelt ore into iron. should be changed to use {*forge*} instead of {Bloomery*}.

Making the blunt arrow under Fletching menu requires {*perch-skin}, but there doesn't appear to be any way in the mod to get perch-skin, or otherwise skin a fish.

I've changed it to        {*glue} #0.05# in my copy, since there is already an established method to get glue.

General Discussion / Re: Fireplace Inside A Kota
« on: January 24, 2021, 04:29:52 AM »
I'm not sure. I did try replacing the tile I was standing on and, indeed, that was insufficient. If I have a chance to replace a 3x3 area I'll give that a shot.

General Discussion / Re: Fireplace Inside A Kota
« on: January 23, 2021, 08:56:55 PM »
It does not; just tried.

Bug reports / Re: [3.63] Cave floor retains snow cover if built on
« on: January 23, 2021, 08:28:14 PM »
I can confirm that the cave for which the bug occurred is at "rock" level as opposed to "ground". Same for the kota.

On the ones for which the bug occurred, the snow *did* melt, but I was left with just the rock visual (even though it says "Inside of a Building" when looked at).

The good news is that another winter has come, and snow is not falling onto the tiles so far. They still just look like rock, though.

General Discussion / Fireplace Inside A Kota
« on: January 23, 2021, 08:00:30 PM »

Just realized today that if you deconstruct the kota frame, you can build an "Inside A Building" space in the empty space. Then, a fireplace on top of that.

Added benefit of removing the distracting visual of the frame.

Thought I'd share!

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