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Messages - Dungeon Smash

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Gameplay questions / Questions about Intelligence & other stats
« on: January 09, 2020, 09:21:40 PM »
I'm currently going to wrap up an Advanced Adventures gamecourse soon, and was going to go for stat increases.  I already know i want more Strength & Endurance, but I'm trying to decide what else I should get.

Basically, I'm wondering what Intelligence actually affects.  I assume it can bump you up to 2 stars or 3 stars for learning certain skills, but are there any other in-game effects?  Does it increase the likelihood of success with any skills? 

Similarly, what does Will do?  I assume it makes it harder to pass out or die - is there anything else?  Does it make you get cold slower, or decrease fatigue?  I'm just trying to decide if it's worth it to increase these more nebulous mental attributes, at the expense of something like Agility.

I was on the "Big Elk" portion of the Advanced Adventures quest, and the quest completed itself after I shot and killed a reindeer doe?  It wasn't even a Big Doe, just regular size.  Not that I'm complaining... it's a difficult quest.  But I thought this was odd.

Hello Brygun!  Been having a good chance lately to try out the newest version of the game along with your esteemed mod.

Sorry to hear about your real life troubles - i hope the holidays have treated you well, and I hope you know i hold your work in the highest regard.

So far all is going smoothly.  One thing I will suggest - currently the recipe for "Stone adze axe" (found under diy_BAC_toolmaking) requires "Rope", which I think might be a little much under the new nomenclature.  I don't actually have any rope to test with at the moment, but I think it probably requires 15 ft of rope.  I would suggest changing it to instead perhaps 5 or 10 feet of Cord, since nowadays rope is harder to come by and I think cord would probably do the job.  Anyway, that's what I've changed to but you're welcome to make your own decision.

Thanks again my friend, hope you are doing well, and I'm loving all the good work that's been put into this mod.

Suggestions / Re: Footwraps needed
« on: January 04, 2020, 04:36:14 PM »
Perhaps those with more knowledge of ancient Finland could help out - but if fur mittens and fur footwear are insufficient to protect from the Finnish cold, then what did ancient Finnish typically use?  In particular, what might an isolated survivalist use? 

Gameplay questions / Re: Frostbitten toes!
« on: January 02, 2020, 08:32:20 PM »
You should make a suggestion. I feel it's reasonable for our characters to have the knowledge and skills need to turn old (often blood soaked) wool clothes into foot wraps.
I certainly agree with this.  A character can make a whole coat of fur in a couple hours but has no idea how to rip up a woolen tunic into strips?

Off-topic / Re: Axes and hatchets
« on: December 30, 2019, 04:55:40 PM »
I'm not sure the exact definition of a havukirves, but here in the US there's a company which makes a tool they call a "woodsman's pal" which I think might be similar:

Gameplay questions / Re: Frostbitten toes!
« on: December 30, 2019, 05:48:00 AM »
Woollen footrags can indeed be worn with leather boots, i made it one of my priorities to find some asap

Suggestions / Re: Spotting smoke
« on: December 25, 2019, 03:59:33 PM »
If an old man were able to smell their campfire and stumble upon it by accident then I don't think the robbers are being especially cautious.  It's true that in the dark night my character can't see much, but in the early evening he can see a goodly ways off into the distance (enough to see animals etc) so I think he would also be able to spot a burning fire or a smoke column (if there were one).

Suggestions / Spotting smoke
« on: December 25, 2019, 07:08:42 AM »
Right now I am playing the homeland robbers quest, and it just made me think... why can't I see a smoke from the enemy cookfire?

The old man in the village mentioned that he found the robbers from the smell of their smoke... my character has high smell and eyesight and yet he seems to get no clues.

I apologize if smelling smoke already exists in the game, but I have not found it.

However, it seems a character should be able to easily pick out a column of smoke rising - especially for my character right now, as he in on a mountain overlooking a region of barren hills. 

It would be really nice if a graphic indication would appear on the worldmap to show where a campfire has been lit, especially as hunter-type NPCs in the game world can now light their own fires.  similar columns would surely appear over villages as well.  It might even be nice to have a message prompt appear as we do when a village is spotted - "You spot a column of smoke nearby".

Similarly, it would be nice if you could smell smoke when you get within 1 tile or so.  "You smell smoke on the wind."  Similar to how you can sometimes pick up tracks in an accidental fashion by walking by. 

I reckon you'd also need some method to identify a fire only once too.  It would be annoying if you keep walking by the same village tile and keep getting "I Smell smoke!!"  over and over.  Sort of the way village tiles are only "discovered" once, and tracks rarely pop up over and over from walking across the same worldmap tile.  or when you get a message saying "You hear [xyz] woodsman singing nearby"

This could also help to make the (often frustrating) robbers quest less frustrating.  A good warrior would use every clue his senses can give him.

I noticed this too - just in case it isn't clear, the issue is that this is a strange phrase in English.  It should be "Craftsperson" or "Craftsman/craftswoman".   Also, children's tracks are labeled "childhuman's" tracks - it should simply be "child"

After testing, it does not appear to work.

Just wondering, thanks.

General Discussion / Re: That island life.
« on: December 16, 2019, 11:00:20 PM »
Island life is a peaceful life.  At least until you're trapped there with a couple Njerps...

Easiest way to get fibres is to peel bark from trees and process it with a knife.  Because of new changes in the main game, this cannot be done in the winter any more.  There is a bug in the mod currently (or at least i think it's a bug), in the recipe for "Fibres from bark" you need to change
*-bark* to *bark*

Suggestions / Re: Patreon
« on: December 13, 2019, 10:40:11 PM »
The nice thing about Patreon vs. Paypal is that the default assumption with Patreon is that you will be making recurring payments.  It might be possible to set this up in Paypal, but I don't know and I've never tried.  However, I do support several Patreons in this manner - it's as simple as entering your credit card info, typing the amount you wish to contribute each month, and clicking the button.  In addition, the framework of Patreon makes it easy to give "rewards" to your contributors - when they go on the Patreon website they can easily see a list of all the special posts you've made exclusively for patrons, such as videos, songs, special messages etc.  As well as the special posts of all the other Patreons they support, in one place. 
You could do all this stuff via Paypal as well, but it would take a few extra steps.  The supporter would need to use Paypal to send you the money, then follow your instructions to navigate to a separate site to see the "rewards".  In addition, if they want to set up a continuing donation, they would need to learn how to do that on Paypal (if it's even possible - like I said, I don't know) or else remember to do so every month/week/whatever. 
For your business model I think it might make some sense, just my opinion.  Of course you could always keep Paypal as an option as well.

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