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Messages - user1805

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General Discussion / Starving dogs refuse fresh Njerp? (6.1)
« on: June 12, 2020, 08:12:53 PM »
Is that standard now or a mistake from me?

As i bring my starving dogs a really tasty fresh Njerpes Warrior they shake their heads. Such waste of food should anger the spirits. Would be a shame :)

Didnt see it in the change log, overlooked?

Gameplay questions / Re: Ritual "Rod fisherman's sacrifice"
« on: January 17, 2019, 10:20:09 PM »
I'd expect it to mean the ice is gone, yes. Thus, it definitely doesn't apply to ice fishing.

Thats it.

Is it it really so difficult?

Open water means there is no ice. And some times the ice melts earlier some times later. There is no special month to do it.

You will recognize that the first fish you though will dissapear. Not necessarily the next ones.

And: When you are going fish in the "Open water season" its up to you. It may be fall.


Off-topic / Re: What every salesman needs to know
« on: January 10, 2019, 09:12:15 PM »
lection 2 - always sell in local languages


Off-topic / Re: Traditional Lyrics for tradinonal topic game
« on: January 10, 2019, 06:36:48 PM »
Some day he had to get home even if it was not a good season for travelling. The snow was deep and those fastly prepared skis were not the best. Therefore and even more because of mountain area he slowly came forward and meanwhile there was not much to spent anymore, if he did not like to sell his best equipment. He decided to stay hungry.

Coming to the the north of Touli he recognized the culture there was already more similar to his own one.

In some villages he asked for directions, and the people told him to turn to the south east now. With a south western wind a first smell of flowering trees were in the air and the snow would be about melting. He thought it was not far anymore getting home. One late morning from a hill he saw a „human shaped figure in the heathland there“. Looked like an adventurer, but at home he heard stories that this can come out wose to try to meet someone out there. He tried to look from closer, few hundred meters about only left.

Strangely he was not able from so close to see if it was one person or more. Possibly the sprits were hiding the reality from him. He was not recogniced and he heard singing now.

This was known to him and it seemd to him as if the spirits and the wind joined the singing. But then the singing turned more rough.

He fastly decided to avoid a meeting and took his way home straightly. He reached his village safe. A small forester village one day walking from the east of Owl and Koivula lands to north eastern way. He was aware that this very lucky journey could have turned out worse in the last moment.

Modestly he gave his treasure to the village shaman. Ten bunches of a southern herbal blend. He had no knowledge about it but he looked at the shaman. The shaman was like far away as he examined it and he send our adventurer away telling him that this is not for him now to be understood.

Here at home the songs didnt turn rough anymore. Under treatment of the shaman using different herbs his brother was slowly recovering.

The adventurer had to join his parents now to prepare the seeds and the fields for seed time. Until autum he would not travel anymore.

Off-topic / Re: Traditional Lyrics for tradinonal topic game
« on: January 07, 2019, 10:55:29 PM »
Passing Tombouce no cloud was seen and reaching the sea again after a while this time near a town, where merchants of the whole the mediterran region providing a permanent market.

Again on board a fleet of several triremes took course north bound, passing Tartessos and Galicia towards Britannia where most of them stopped purchasing tin ore in bigger amounts. Good wind supporting the jouney brought them fast sensing the winter hard. Travellers told about agitation in the Baltic Sea when a part of the group, who was traveling to Scandinavia decided to follow a nothern route to the Thouli.

Rough wind around rocky islands in the north forced the adventurer in dream listening the sound of the Gael.

Finally half frozen they reached the fiord coast of Thuli recovering in a larger village when a shaman was singing a song.

Off-topic / Re: Traditional Lyrics for tradinonal topic game
« on: January 06, 2019, 07:04:06 PM »
When the weather changed he joined again the caravan of the people of the central desert.

Off-topic / Re: Traditional Lyrics for tradinonal topic game
« on: January 05, 2019, 09:40:55 PM »
Resting - the real art of archry he found did not leave him in peace.

Even they went off and turned to the south. At the Cape of Aremorica he heard the sound of a diffenrent ages conflict in the wind.

Passing the coasts it seemed as if the winter faded away strangly unexpected and they reached a place from where the desert spread. He had to change from the sea the a way through the desert. A commercial caravan trail. Days went by and finally he reached the land in the south of the desert area.

Missing language skills it wasnt easy to talk to the local shamans, but in the end he was sure finding the right medicine. Holding 10 bunches of unknown desert herbal blend, he had to plan his way back but sand storms prevent traveling for several days.

Off-topic / Re: Traditional Lyrics for tradinonal topic game
« on: January 05, 2019, 07:47:45 PM »
Waiting for better weather a person approached the adventurer with a message. It came from the Shaman of his village. His brother was sick and could only be healed by a medicine from a place far in the south what he even cant imagine. One of the traders of his group told him to try to find travellers to to there by sea avoiding the western continent, sourronding it in the west.

The one thing he leaned in the east was that there is an „Eastern Bow“, by far stonger than everything than Skandivavian or western continent people can imagine. His tribe would not be able able to craft it on their own. He would have to try to trade for it or fight for it. In a vision he saw a book where future and past collide, from where he would be able to find some information about it.

For now he could not care for it but has to try to find the medicine for his brother. Searching several days he found a goup of people who were intending to take the proposed route. He left the shores of Latvija to the west. Travelling for days by boat he sensed refections of the center continent he was passing and left behind in the south.

Before turning to the south they rested. Winter was about to begin and the people there were going to celebrate.

Off-topic / Re: Traditional Lyrics for tradinonal topic game
« on: January 05, 2019, 05:26:01 PM »
No one participate? No problem ill tell you a story.

One night in Chalmg Tangtsch our adventurer had a dream of place more far in the east.

He did not decide to trave more far to the east but joined a group of traders to go back to Skandinavia the next day. This evening he listened to the local sound where he ha a spot light vision of a far away place.

When the group reached the shores of the Baltic Sea the changing weather of late autum forced them to stay to recover.

Off-topic / Traditional Lyrics for tradinonal topic game
« on: January 04, 2019, 11:43:36 PM »
As the game based on history and tradition there need to be some lyric support for it. Let me begin with the people from the east who are in the game the enemy and bring some acknowledgement to their cultures. As you see the hero in the video is wearing red and a lamellar cuirass.

Suggestions / My little suggestion
« on: January 02, 2019, 09:05:09 PM »
The Adventurer is about a thousand URW days old, has 10 lamellar/mail cuirasses/hauberks 200 superior arrows and broadhead arrows, several masterwork longbows and northern bows. All other weapons and tools are masterwork in any amount, and so on. And he could have 10 times of this if he really wanted. The one before also was about like this, he did not die, i removed it for some role play reasons.

In that situation survial is not a question. Its done.

What now?

There was another post which i saw with the same question some month ago, cant find it anymore.

→ explore regions. I did.
→ dont use the large maps. Yes, it can be a feature for one time, but this is not the intended game, since those maps exist. And i claim(!) that every player will reach his borders with this after some kilometers :))
→ Try to accumulate 100 sheep. No sry.

There is a challenge needed and more quests will not solve it. A lot of cool things are intended in the developement list, but even they are good, they are all not an answer to this question.

What is a definate challenge that keeps the adventurer under pressure?

Njerpez have to be more agressive and stronger. The way they are acting now makes the adventurer rich fast with about no effort. Get some companions, kill 10 Njerps in a week, again and again. They have no chance to stand any ground walking single. The adventurer does not know where to with the loot after some weeks.

Up to now i saw one time(!) a Njerp entering a village. The citizens smashed him immediately, even almost unequipped. The Adventurer did not need to help. Another time they build a camp. I thought 'what wil happen now??' Sry nothing at all happened.

My proposal is this → Let the Njerps build big groups once i a while, like robbers do, or even a bit more and threaten villages and everyting. Then the Adventurer has a permanent challenge to provide villages with equipment if he does not like to loose all of his trading possibilities or even see his whole culture going down. Or try to face them with a group of companions.

This would be my top point of the to do list.

Second is: give a possibility to start with far lower crafting/weapon abilities. Easy → Challenging → Hard.

Third point is trade. I see  that it is understood that citizens would not buy any amount of boards. Thats good. At my first Adventurer they bought any kind of crap in any amount, such like 30 inferior paddles :) No one would do. Possibly not even one inferior paddle. That needs to be restricted completely.

Forth thing is, give the citizens an age. Let them grow, take professions according their region, settle somewhere, die. But i think the villages in iron age would have ahd mor kids and young people. At midwinter point age → age+1. Its alredy been considered, with marriage and so on as i saw so i keep quiet on this.

Some little things:
Harvesting from villages fields is not punished? Not possible. Citizens (and Spirits) need to be more strict.
Let it be possible to dig something under.
Price of a staff is to high since its produced so fast and easy.
Price of Lavaret is not sound.
Price of cord is not sound.
Give up on winter fur until other trading things are solved.
Why is the price of a bear fur clothes lower than a normal fur clothes when it is better in abilities?
Walking in waist deep snow is too easy.
Let it be harder, however to find good stuff to tade for.
Give up on the difference between rope and leather rope since there is no real practical difference.
Bear trap only with leather rope, Arrows and bow only with cord.
Cool thing would be a footbrigde in shallow water.

There is a lot of other stuff but let it be for today :)


Gameplay questions / Re: Defense of Cattle?
« on: November 12, 2018, 08:04:03 PM »
Thx  for this.

So if the intention is to scare the wolves/lynx away a couple of small dogs could do, to be left together with the cattle?

Ho do i feed them when im away for weeks?

Gameplay questions / Re: Grandmaster bowman never hitting target. Why?
« on: November 11, 2018, 07:37:55 PM »
Yes thats a good question. Do I just "claim" that leashed pets diminish the abilies. After you say like this i really dont know. I thought it was like this, my exp.

But what,  the pic you see that its just not necessary to leash your dogs. Do you see it? I did it really small to be available here :) They are not hurt at all, but the Nerp is about over, just examined it today. Why are they running around to be harvested like some berries :) Wont it be smart for them going in groups as the robbers do? But this is not the question HERE.

Do leashed pets diminish you bow abilities? Who in the end knows it definately?

Gameplay questions / Defense of Cattle?
« on: November 10, 2018, 09:43:10 PM »
Someone has some exp about what we have to expect about the defense abilities of a (big) Bull f.e. ?

One time i went to catch an enemy and left a bull and a cow at tree. When i came back with some loot i found the cow dead.

As i saw the cow was killed by a lonesome wolf. Somehow i dont think a single wolf could go for such a big prey, but anyway, what do we have to wexpect ion the game?

Someone know?

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