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Re: Late Night Encounter ... After Paimen eliminated 5 of the foreigners, he waited for the sun to rise to collect the bodies and gather their gear...

August 23, 2017, 09:26:12 PM
Re: Late Night Encounter ...There was too much to carry or load on his bulls with all his other provisions.  So Paimen shredded their clothes to cords and bandages and set back into the unknown wilderness toward Kaumo.

Later that same day, Paimen realized he misintrepreted the spirits and gave great offense.  He started to sneeze and was cursed with the influenza.  It worsened for 2 days until he stumbled into a Kiesse village who thankfully had a sage.  After resting for 2 more days in that village, and frequent interventions by the sage on his behalf, Paimen was able to appease the local spirits and was healed.  He traded some of the foreigner's goods for some pots and a masterfully made handaxe in that village.  Rested, rejuvinated, and equipped, Paimen then headed east into the unexplored region of the Kaumo in search of furs.

August 23, 2017, 09:36:14 PM
Re: Fur protection/warmth values Good spot! Amazing that people are just bouncing around the same figure without re-doing the experiment :P would be nice to check reproducibility..
August 25, 2017, 09:16:09 AM
Re: Mik Many weeks have passed and Mik has made many hunting trips and continued working around his homestead, but he is still passing nights in the shelter because his kota is not complete yet. Winter has begun but there is no snow yet and nights are not too cold for his shelter because he still has the precious, warm stag fur.

He decides to go trading to obtain the last 3 furs he needs to finish his kota. So he packs up some of the equipment he has taken from his vanquished enemies and sets off toward a village.

It is early morning and the air is crisply cold, but the light is still dim. Mik is fortunate that he is alert because he sees a sleeping figure. He quietly puts down his load and draws an arrow to his bow, then begins sneaking forward. An easy kill, surely, and he can make out the foreign costume of the Njerpezit.

Mik's first arrow bounces off the man's leg armor and the man cries out, jumping up and draws a knife.

Mik quickly drops his bow and clutches his shield and mace. The fight commences and Mik's confidence soon wanes as he realizes this enemy is an expert fighter. Both score multiple hits and Mik is grateful for his shield's protection, but he has taken many knife wounds by the time he finally knocks the Njerpez unconscious with a blow from his mace, then smashes his skull. Mik is close to death himself and can no longer walk.

Mik is very lucky that none of the wounds struck deep or hit any vital organs or major blood vessels. He manages to crawl to the safety of home.

(I've never had a character wounded to 98% before... this was scary!)

August 26, 2017, 04:00:03 AM
Re: Help finding a treasure Fairly late reply, but in case it helps anyone else, can I assume this is from the wounded adventurer questline? When I got that quest, it took me forever but I finally managed to find the treasure on the last overworld mountain tile in the named area he pointed me to. The "chasm" is literally just a 1x2 tile depression that you have to climb down into, and the items might not be apparent depending on your perspective. I've attached an image of the area where I found them so you know what to look for. Came away with a few furs and a bronze bracelet. Pretty neat reward for a simple quest.
August 30, 2017, 01:26:07 AM
Re: Add "wetness" penalty to clothes A macintosh is a colloquial name for a waterproof raincoat.
September 01, 2017, 10:09:58 PM
[Fixed - persists in 3.40] Townspeople break through ice in town and die Just reaching the first freezing temperatures of the year, and going back to town to finish a quest, and I find one of the townspeople lying dead in one of the 1x1 water tiles I've been calling wells. There's ice starting to form on the shore tiles, so I can only assume he broke through the ice on the well and drowned. On the other hand, I was completing the forest maiden quest, and he was the villager the quest-giver referred me to as having had a recent run-in, so maybe he was chasing a forest spirit?
September 02, 2017, 08:35:39 AM
Re: Impossible quest
Thus, I have learned two things from you: First, I can harvest the leaves of bear pipe in game while it hasn't ripened yet. Second, people here, especially you, are quite impolite and if they are in a bad mood, they are insulting each other just for fun, because it isn't just enough to be right, trying to humilate others while having the advantage is fun.

Without entering the specific subject of this topic, I want to remark on this. This forum doesn't seem to be such a hellhole, does it? It's quite the opposite. Some nastiness may happen from time to time but mostly people are very nice and helpful. Where does this anger come from? Have you had bad experiences?

PALU especially is a great help in this community - and I've never seen him being rude. Take that as you will.

September 03, 2017, 09:33:15 AM
Large animals wandering out onto ice and dying So this just happened to me.

I was minding my own business near the North-Western coast, because I built my house there and I am also Seal Tribe. On the tile next to my settlement on the wilderness map there was a stag so I traveled over to try to kill it. When I got there it wasn't there so I checked the map again. This time it was on the same wilderness tile as my settlement. I went over and it wasn't near my home so I walked around near the frozen coast when I saw the stag. It walked onto the ice and fell through and died. I just got a free stag fur and a bunch of meat to smoke along with my store already.

So what I am wondering is if anyone else has had a similar experience.

P.S. For some reason, I don't know if I am just lucky or what, but there seems to be a herd of forest reindeer that hang out around my home before winter so I also got like 4 or 5 of them with javelins. ;)

September 04, 2017, 03:44:19 AM
Re: Easiest way to trap njerps? Several characters ago, I had a bruiser that lived in Njerpez territory.  A few pointers based on your questions:
  • Take over a village and clear out the natives.  This becomes your base for raiding and a place to store your loot.  My character took over a fortified village that bordered the southern sea.  There was a well in the village (a water tile), so I rebuilt the houses into a compact settlement with a few animal pens.  I surrounded the base with a pit trapped fence.  No one ever came to visit or assault my base.  But I felt safer.  (Note: After so much loot piles up, being near the coast allows an easy multi-day punt trip to the southern cultures to trade.)

  • This is a risky strategy.  It is very hard to control how many villagers you "pull" and you might have a challenge hiding or losing those villagers who pursue you.
         A. If you want to attempt these assault, I recommend you do it during the winter at night.  Creep near Njerpez villages and alert a Njerpez villager to draw them away.  Try to pick them off, but the villagers might not follow you as you get further and further away.
         B. An alternative strategy to clear a Njerpez Village is to sneak near the village and find a building that has a 1x2 interior dimension.  Then, run into that building and hold off the villagers as they assault you one at a time.  If you back yourself into that building, you should be able to limit your opponents to one assaulting at a time.  You'll need to rest by dodging or not attacking (but do counter) to prevent you from getting too tired.  Additionally, if you knock one opponent unconscious, a second opponent will step into the same square as the downed villager.  If that unconscious villager recovers, then you have 2 villagers stacked on top of each other, both attacking you, but you can't pick which opponent you attack.  After a while, the villagers get tired and then exhausted and it is easier to mop up at the end. 

  • I know of no way to attract an NPC from the map screen.

On a related note, has everyone ever successfully (and intentionally) trapped multiple Njerpez?  Do you think a series of pit traps would work like this (X=fence and O=trap):
       O  O  O  O  O  O

September 05, 2017, 03:30:08 AM