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Re: Does BAC reduce realism? Well, now. Didn't expect that question.

Fair disclosure: I'm Brygun. The B in the BAC mod. Organizer of the mod from its various sources including my own addittions.

So where to being:

Q: Is play balance different with BAC?
A: Yes
Of course it does. There is many ways to get different tools or results other than the options in the vanilla game.
Ways of generating wealth bundled up in ways of entertaining your self with role playing whittle a board game. Even if the game tracks how much of a different good is sold that there exists multiple new items means you could profit by selling them to a village.

Q: Does it change realism?
Well what is your reference for realism? Many, though not all, players are modern urbanites enjoying the game as a trip to the woods. I'm a bit urbanized but also grew up in the country side running around in forest was normal. It was a very safe wood without bears or lynxes or wolverines or Nerjpez to worry about.

Q: Is there realism basis for items in the BAC?
A: Yes
In fact if you open up the diy_BAC_XXXX.txt files I specifically included references including links to youtube videos you can watch. Those certainly show there is realism is the mod.

Q: Did item XXX exist in real world Iron Age Finland?
Oh now there is a varied question. Item by item of all items would be too much so here is a few. Again many others have references in the .txt file comments.
= As a Canadian with a tradition of birch bark canoes I put it in yet as Saami, maker of Unreal World and a native Finlander, pointed out is the sort of birch trees in Finland are different so they probably couldn't even made at all.
= The largest of the boats, the clinkered punt, is a combination of the steamed open tree logs known to Finland plus the clinkering and caulking of what is known for sure in later ages but possible in that age.
= The steps for making iron come from Rain's Ironworking mod and do indeed match up to my own studies of blacksmithing in that period. I was surprised to find that lake ore is a real thing. I thought it was a quirky gamey thing but low and behold if one looked into it this actually is realism. Secret: Finland has/had so much surface and near-surface iron ore that it flowed down with the rains into rivers into lakes. In the lakes, like the bogs, biological processes pulled it out and tended to make it into clumps mixed with non-iron. Thus you did need to roast the lump of lake ore (or bog ore) and process.

= Back strap weaving is a real world thing. I believe there is a video for that in the .txt files.

=  Cordage is easier to make in BAC through various real world ways. Only the recent 3.60 ish (IIRC) added the withe making. Prior to that it took capturing animals to get leather to get the cords to hang meat to dry in the winter. A rather recursive if you have it (an animal kill) you can do it but if don't have it you can't do it (if that makes sense). In my own research I looked into real world ways for making cordage, like digging up spruce roots, and added them in. Real = yes. Changing the play balance = yes.

Part of the BAC goals was to include things that were known or plausible to teach woodland survival skills. Thats why the Shaman mod was excluded, that is well researched but deals with a metaphysical.

If you are new to UnReal World you might want to give a few goes at playing without the mod. It can be added mid-play or removed. The way Unrweal World recipes work once an item is created its properties are assigned to the instance thus not needing an ongoing reference. IF there is a graphic custom that might end up being empty but it should still show up in the list if you stand on a tile to pick it up. Of course without  the mod you don't need a Ball Hammer.

Good question. Think I will add the answers to the BAC forum and the text files.

May 23, 2020, 04:27:46 AM
Re: Improvements to fire mechanics, changes to smoking mechanics Can't wait for all the new stuff. And I'm not sure if it's already been suggested or not yet, but when you spoke about embers and smoke, I started thinking of some additions for the scaled out travel map in relation to that, what if you could discover fires made in villages, some smoke a couple tiles farther than the village itself if you have a high enough ability in the eye statistic, and perhaps -if it isn't already implemented in the AI- it's been a while since I've been able to play so I don't know if NPC's outside villages make fires, but if they do, maybe you could spot smoke from that too, farther out and easier than seeing the people making them.
May 24, 2020, 07:38:20 AM
Re: Does BAC reduce realism? That's a very interesting question. Is realism in games a thing? Well, obviously for UrW it is, but for others no. In my experience the UrW is, what I think, one of the more realistic games about survival, but is it really realistic? well, no; that's somewhat impossible for a videogame. There are many things to be considered like balancing, and obviously, fun (that delicate line between tedious realistic work in-game and reward for the user).

Therefore, does BAC unbalance the realism of UrW? I would say no, on the contrary it brings more realism.
Maybe you can find Finnish realism discrepancies (like the birch-bark punt Brygun mentioned), but in general it just adds historical iron age heavy-inspired-realism processes. Balanced and, as the same UrW authors said, with some artistic liberties for the purpose of make an entertaining game, not an documentary about Iron Age Finland (although UrW can be considered a similar thing, is very educational :D).

I think that if the game goes 100% realistic wouldn't be fun. Life was and is hard, and the struggles for ancient people were a thing. But there is a well said principle you can find in Aristotle's Poetics: The spectator will be satisfied if the story presented to him respects the own rules of the world representation delivered. For example, you maybe don't know what a giraffe is, you may never seen one, but if someone came and explain it's properties to you, respecting the rules of physics and biology that governs 'your' world (this very world), you would understand what a giraffe is and be satisfied seeing a characterization of that. A similar thing applies for UrW and BAC, both gives you elements of a world that you can say "oh, yeah, sure it was a thing in those times".

And in addition, in my gameplay experience, I would say it is balanced. If you read the code it has limitations for keeping things difficult as those things were  in those times. Mining bog ore was a thing, but the process would surely be a slow one. The same goes for 'carrying tree trunks' and 'building a house'. Man that was a thing. You don't want to do it in actual life in the same way you do it in UrW, is really tedious and hard work. That's why lots of cultures had rituals for many things, those were very important accomplishments.

May 24, 2020, 05:44:16 PM
Re: Improvements to fire mechanics, changes to smoking mechanics Allfather, I crave for animal husbandry. Anyways, I liked that fire mechanics improvements  ;D
May 24, 2020, 05:56:10 PM
Noob Questions I have found a few issues and stuff I can't really do while playing (started playing 2 days ago) and I hope someone on this server might help me out.

1 - How do I take some of my clothing off? I know how to put them on (CTRL+W) but, for the life of me, I can't find out how to take them off

2 - Whenever I try to plant a fishing net it says the water isn't deep enough, but If i swim to deeper water I can't use the fishing net. What am I doing wrong?

3 - Do you go straight into building a cabin after you're settled? It takes so long to build that, if I don't start early, I'm afraid I might not finish it in time for winter

4 - Is it possible to survive indefinitely, if you manage to avoid dying from stupid events?

5 - Is agriculture essencial for long term surviving?

That's all, thanks in advance for the help.

May 28, 2020, 04:44:55 PM
Re: What are you doing while being fatigued? I go to the map view and wait there, it is so much quicker due to the fact the game isn't processing much else in that mode. It means a wait for a second or two IRL will mean I am no longer fatigued. I reenter the map in the place where I left it and continue.

June 04, 2020, 12:49:17 PM
Re: What are you doing while being fatigued? I keep working until I drop.
June 04, 2020, 02:10:47 PM
Re: Improvements to fire mechanics, changes to smoking mechanics Current version allows us to light up torch from ‘remnants of fire’* and the torch can be used for immediate relighting of more wood.
So I agree on easier/faster/guaranteed lighting of new firewood from (at least glowing) embers.

*Remnants of fire count as fire for all but automatic burning of new material.

June 11, 2020, 05:48:00 PM
Re: Starving dogs refuse fresh Njerp? (6.1)
Is that standard now or a mistake from me?

As i bring my starving dogs a really tasty fresh Njerpes Warrior they shake their heads. Such waste of food should anger the spirits. Would be a shame :)

Didnt see it in the change log, overlooked?
Do you have the vegan dogs mod?

June 14, 2020, 08:15:08 PM
Re: Improvements to fire mechanics, changes to smoking mechanics
- added: smoking requires continuous maintaining of fire

          In the previous versions smoking succeeded if the room was heated once, and the process required no further maintenance. Now the heating must be maintained through the whole process.

Wait, are you saying that covering 400 stale chunks of meat with the thinnest layer of smoke from a tiny pile of twigs in my cabin fireplace, once, in 3 weeks is not enough to ensure that the meat is properly smoked?

June 16, 2020, 07:02:09 AM