Topic: [Brygun] The Story of Calle (long story style)  (Read 28279 times)


« Reply #135 on: December 05, 2023, 03:16:39 AM »

Day 4 of the last week before winter, Center month

Pounding a heated bloom at the forge refining the metal continued. He had days work to convert over the bloom to workable iron. He started to think of what to make. To be the smith of the north he should be making for the villages near and far. Weapons came first to mind though is that really what is needed? Iron pots would bring life through the cooking. An iron shovel is far more efficient than a wooden one for those turning fields. The reindeer herders don’t make fields but they uses for digging too don’t they? Perhaps pits for waste. These could be good things to make for life. Axe heads and knives were tools as much as weapons.

The next day billets of iron were fused together. Heated and pounded to weld. One for the bottom and four around in a great circle. The shape turned around on the anvil horn to bend, then bend next to it and so on to make the bowl of the pot. He let it have four small nubs he stretched into short legs, better for balancing in coals. One part of the lip he bent like a triangle for pouring out liquids. He punched the top through in two pieces. To this a yarn of iron was turned out bent through and bent to hook creating a handle. A fine pot for homestead’s cooking fire.

Holding the work up Calle put out lingon berries as a gift to the spirits. The sacrifice of thanks done most days to show respect, with berries or leaves or other foods. Sharing the cycle of life.

Pushing through the knee deep snow back to the door he kept close to his regular path. It was a little more worn though the old footsteps iced in places. To the cooking pot he bought he bought long ago. It was a simpler design without the inspired trimmings.

Calle laughed, “The homested for you new pot is this one!”

He would take pride cooking with the fine iron pot he made himself. The original would go the trade goods. The next day a newly made iron headed shovel and small knife joins it. Being almost midwinter Calle looks to spend a few days visiting a local village.

In the morning the skis were finally put on. Using the lakes and rivers as easy paths he came to the nearest people, the homestead of “Maiden’s Stream”. Aune, a Kaumolais woman known to him, is the first person he speaks to in months.

“Who is it that comes from the woods,” she called.

“Calle,” he called back.

“I though it might be you,” she said, “but one is good to be sure. Come. You’ve missed the midwinter night and its dawn was this morning. We still have our decorations up.”

Calle’s head dipped and a frown on his face. Somewhere in his isolation he had misjudged the passing of days.

“You aren’t are only guest,” Aune said, “A wounded man. Come share the hearth.”

Sampsa came along from his chores guiding Calle in, “Glad to see you alive in the winter. Neither North Wind nor Swan Maiden has taken you to other realms.”

“The former I’d protest,” grinned Calle, “The latter not so much.”

They laughed together.

“To the kotta my friend,” Sampsa’s arm swayed, “Tornia is in there.”

Calle knocked the snow from his leg furs as they listened to Tornia. It had been another case of a bear attack. Few things would attack a man in the woods. Wolves or bear the most common. A pack of hungry wolves is not so often escaped. A bear though might have its own thoughts other than killing you. Scared, protecting young or avenging some wrong you or the people in general had done to the woods.

Tornia added, “It was north west from here.”

Calle and Sampsa turned to look at each other. That was the direction of Swan Cabin!

“A couple of miles,” Tornia said, “On heathland so I could have a frozen puddle to chip to water. I used spruce from the coniferous forest to its south to make the shelter.”

Sampsa said, “It is a bear you must contend with. Surely this falls to you.”

Calle stroked his cheek.

“Yes,” Calle said, “That is to decide it. I am not sure if it will be killed in battle, this bear. There are heavy traps at my cabin. They might decide it.”

Tornia stammered, “You’re not going to let it go? After it did this?”

Calle took in a breath, “Two years ago my heart would have insisted on battle. Now wisdom speaks many words. Why did it attack? Why did it leave? Is it right or wrong it should live. Who might die hunting it? Shall the spirits calm it or is it a sickness of their world we need to set right. I ask these things for wisdom says to ask. The answer will come after asking.”

Tornia scowled while Sampsa looked confused.

Tornia looked up, “My precious handaxe was given to me in my test of winter years ago. Do you know of this quest?”

“Yes,” Calle said, “I won mine. A proof before I came here.”

Calle stood up. Both the others turned to look at him.

“My journey today is about life,” Calle said, “With a pot, shovel and knife not with weapons. I will not hunt this bear. I will make offerings to the forest to calm it. Bears do not eat axes. It is then that when you are well you might… showing respect… return to your camp. Remember this. The axe is not the greatest thing your father gave you. It is the wisdom of the ways. Think on this and put it in your heart.”

Calle turned away. Tornia brows furled with tears forming in his eyes.

Sampsa whispered, “Calle isn’t the same. He has stayed in a cave of the old ones and met a green beard.”

Aune entered through the flap of the kotta, “Feeding time for the wounded.”

Calle stepped out. Sampsa followed holding up a winter bear fur, the extra thickness of fur making it abundantly fluffly.

“You mentioned goods,” Sampsa said.

They began to barter for the excellent fur. Whether Calle would craft with it or save it for trading to foreigners he wasn’t sure. He traded over the pot, shovel and small knife for most of the payment. Then stacks of smoked bear and dried berries he brought, which would be shared in the celebration. A leather rope and one of the fine broadhead arrows from his quiver.
They spent the rest of the day and night in the cabin telling stories. Tornia was led in to join them a while. The children were especially happy to munch on the dried berries. Even in the morning the time sharing together resumed.

Traveling northwest home Called avoid rapids by skiing into the woods. Near this crossing he saw a man tending his own skiis.

“Greetings,” Calle said.

The man leaned to reach a large axe near his skis.

Calle made a gesture of greeting while staying back in open view. Now the man returned the greeting putting the axe back.

“Are you of these lands?” the man asked.

“Indeed,” laughed Calle.

“Mine is Unto. I have been traveling some time and my skis were damaged on rocks.”

Calle pointed with his skipole, “South east is a homestead. They may be able to help you. Farther from that is a village. Take the river way along my tracks and turn east into the woods when they do.”

“Thank you!” Unto smiled, “They say it is good luck to meet one who knows the Old Ones. I heard such a man lives in these woods. Perhaps he is there now. What is your name?”

“Me,” grinned Calle, “I am called Calle and you may have good luck. There is a man there who needs help. If not in battle then to help him search when he can travel again.”

Unto tilted his head at the strange answer.

Calle pushed off on his skis. Soon back in Swan Cabin laying on his bed platform next to a warm fire in the oven place.

<CALLE 139 a journey of life>>>


« Reply #136 on: December 05, 2023, 01:03:15 PM »

In a pine mire far from the cabin Calle set out a batch of dried berries.

He chanted for several minutes that the spirits might know where to find the offering, then he spoke.

“Bear spirit. These are for you. What wrongs were done may they heal. May this gift of food respectfully given sooth the anger of your pains.”

At the cabin the grouse had started to appear again. Regular catches in the guard traps were keeping him in freshly roasted meat. He at least was in good harmony with the forest. Now he was doing butchery on the snow room’s table. What heat came in from the open door made it warm enough with his doubled furs.

Swan Cabin time with stocks of food was a pleasant time. Calle started work toward making more arrows, since that had been of use in trade. It was an item both of life, through the food it caught, and death, being used in battle. It also occurred to him that in all the time of using the snow room he had never once used the eastern door. So he decided to buffer this up as a sturdy wall though with a shutter for light.

<CALLE 140 adapt to UrW 3.82>>>


« Reply #137 on: December 05, 2023, 01:03:35 PM »
Being reminded how useful arrows are in trade chore work now was on turning out arrows.  At first five broad head arrows for his own hunting needs with their barbed iron heads. Then he turned to the great collection of animal bones turning out several pointed bone heads mounting on shafts.

“A living could be made just on arrows,” laughed Calle.

He also converted many bird skins into a long length of leather cord. Small portions were then used to tie on elbow and knee cups made out of elk. These were wanted more the rigors of outdoor life to spare the softer clothing though also protective when fighting.

Knowing how to respect North Wind allowed a joyous smile be on Calle. He could work around the homestead with little worry, so long as he kept to the teachings.: Wrap up warm, shelter when you can and sleep warmly. A set of shelves was assembled of well fitted boards. Its home became the workshop to sort all the small things all the better than the pegs and notches of the walls or hanging amid the beams.

Finally the amphora of water is drained. It had once again refilled the cask that in turn was filling the canteen, water skin and supplying the craft work. A walk to his eastern shore find the ice hole fully sealed up. Though it takes time to chip through this is the first time in weeks he had to come here. Tipping the amphora in his hands sting where the icy water touches them. Back uphill is a hurried motion no better than a waddle with the filled amphora. Once inside it is placed next to the over place where the heat will soak in to keep this water free of ice.

Long had the though the slope east of the cabin would become an enclosure for animals. His mind became curious on laying in a small open wall building to shelter them from the worst storms. That would take a lot of logs again. For now he settled on fencing up a notch in the trees, that he might have a place for whatever first animal he brought. Actually keeping animals though was a great cut into one’s freedom. The outer sides are fenced in save for the gap in the south west where seems the best to build storm shelter.

Day 2 of the 11th week to before summer, End of Center month

After strapping on his skis Calle hoists the sled ropes around his waist. With knee deep snow he and the sled can glide well once loaded. A few loads will bring in enough for the storm shelter barn. Gathering already fallen is a swift task. A few will be taken just for boards or firewood. Four new fells are made to be strong supports on each side of each corner of this C build. Loading the fourth new fall among the gathered falls Calle takes a meal. His canteen is cold to drink as the temperature is as low as it gets. A bit of slush passes his lips were freeze had started on the water. The water skin inside his jacket though jiggles with water. Deep breaths let him soak in the air.

That’s when a large figure approaches from the east. An elk coming toward him. Its breath puffs the air as even it strains against the snow. Taller than a man what is knee deep to Calle is mid calf to the elk. Still enough to trouble it. Its majestic powerful muscles bring each hoof clear to stretch forward then plunge back into the snowy embrace. As it comes closer Calle only momentarily ponders his bow. He has a great deal of meat in the cabin still. The elk glides between the heathland snow topped pines. A beauty he can enjoy. This too is part of North Wind’s teaching.

A sniff of air and the elk arcs its motion. A scent of Calle’s labors. The speed is unchanged. Only the direction making a gentle swooping crescent in the snow like a glimmering moon sliver. In a moment more it has slid from sight leaving Calle’s heart the merrier for sharing the magic.

Another day of fetching trunks lets Calle watch grouse fly and walk around him. The forest is more accepting of him than in his youth. Even with the bear overcoat on top of his furs and cloths North Wind can make him chilly. Her cold fingers sliding in through the tiniest of gaps to rub icy tips on his chest and legs. His feet get tickled as North Wind turns from feminine to masculine. Touching cold fingertips begin to grow scratching claws. There is danger in the wood amid the calm.

Gladly back at the cabin Calle’s skis clatter on the wood floor as he wiggle them in through the door. Now inside the snow room he knocks his covers. Snow flops down onto the floor here. By the time he has the skis off his feet the touch of North Wind is no longer felt. The door is closed until for a moment it opens. Calle has pulled it a crack to put an offering of peace, turnip outside. This North Wind can have instead of him. A tribute, a tax if you will, for the reminder of the teachings.

Closing the door Calle shudders to knock more snow off. The worst of it will make a puddle here in the snow room. With a hearty smile he goes through the joining door. Once this was his exterior now it has become a passage to the safety of the hearth. Prepared kindling stack waits to take the spark his steel and flint cast. As an iron worker he benefits from avoiding the tedious efforts of spinning a bow drill to life. A bundle of branches and crafting discards are added. The fire roars brighter, deeper and longer. Its heat seeping deep into Calle. Restocking his foods Calle blows heather petals into the winds.

“Thank you hearth guardian for having the house safe on my return,” Calle said, “Thank you Swan Maiden. Thank you North Wind.”

Lastly he goes about finishing another set of shelves. This one coming into the main cabin to sort more of the crafting supplies. Working on it outside while the bear coat was hanging in the snow room wasn’t a wise move. He grew bitterly cold though free of the bites of frosty North Wind. Once inside a new fire is started. With the chimney stones already simmering with heat and the coat donned Calle gets blissfully sweaty as he falls asleep.

[While working on the barn I got a game message of the “Spirit of the Forest” quest expire. Its been months since I played. I had really thought it was complete. Probably confused Calle with an earlier character. Hopefully it will come up as doable again.]

Chopping away at the building with Truth Cutter handaxe Calle feels something had slipped his mind. Something in the mists of the forest forgotten.

A pause.

Then he continues to work the trunks. It occurs to him a carving axe might be good or a broad axe. As he has a working smithy he can make one. Before the day is out he has shaped a iron to grip a steel billet and take a handle. The steel, charcoal treated iron, is welded in the slot. With a handle fitted Calle has his carving axe. First if his working this thin style it is serviceable though far from one worthy of a song. Trying the edge it does well for the small fittings. Still there is large shaping work to be done.

A feverish compulsion comes to him driving him. New blooms are run to billets. The first billets reworked with charcoal exposure to render them from black iron to gleaming steel. It takes day to work down all the blooms then rework billets only then to begin the axe. Three times he slept in the workshop. North Wind dancing outside the dying heat of the forge. Care is taken when shaping the haft. Once inserted haft and edge line line with the snaking handle magnifying the stroke into the sleek crisp edge. A fine broad axe forged by Calle, smith of the north.

His strength manages a few strokes at the barn construction. Then as the surge of inspiration leaves him his body sags. Stumbling he enters Swan Cabin. A fire is started to warm the place as he curls up amid the bed furs.

Come his awakening the broad axe is put to the task. Rapidly it sheds the outer trunk’s bark. Large smooth clefts remain to show where they were bonded. Such faster is the work that come noon the stocks of chosen trunks are prepared.

Day 5 of the 9th week before summer, Pearl month

The last of the roof is up. The C shaped barn will shelter animals on three sides reducing the affects of winds. For further comfort Calle lays in a layer of spruce branches as insulation across all the barn’s floor. Chanting a prayer he leaves out smoked bear meat as an offering for a protecting spirit to move in.

As better way to control the animals the entrance gate is turned into a double system with a small vestibule. Further preparation puts in a stock of bones for the animal to eat or play with. A new water tub is crafted, filled and put out. In the side pen two batches of spruce are laid out under spruce boughs to give other resting spots. This side pen might be used for shearing, separating a sick animal or restricting a temperamental one.

Recalling how farms were setup Calle brings in one of the unfavored trunks, trims the bark to a log then sets a fire along the middle top. Hollowing out could lead to a water craft, a dug out. Without needing to go all the way the hollow sections also act to hold water and the larger size good at catching the rain.

<CALLE 141 animal zone established>>>

[I later adjusted the double gate system to have a 2x3 interior not just 2x1. That will work better with game mechanics to bring an animal in and close the first gate behind them]
« Last Edit: December 05, 2023, 01:48:18 PM by Brygun »


« Reply #138 on: December 06, 2023, 02:13:51 PM »
Day 6 of the 8th week to summer, Late Pearl month

After a days more of crafting Calle prepares for another journey. To be the “smith of the north” he should support the more northern people. Pearl is named for the white on the trees and ground. A great skiing season. He knows in his heart he should go in the winter.

The good this time are more about hunting. As this is more warlike he will add his metal armors to him. Iron knee and elbow guards, lamellar cuirass, a spectacle helm and mail mittens. This on top of his bear overcoat, furs, leathers and wools. A healing pouch all warriors should carry. His adds two more bandages and the traveler's trio of herbs: nettle, heather and hemp. All can be eaten with nettle and hemp nutritious. When wounded wash with heather then add nettle to the binding. A heather tea is amazing at aiding many types of sickness.

For trade goods he has crafted a good supply for a hunters. The largest is a pair of hardwood bows just finished. For shooting there are six fine broadhead areas with keen edges for bleeding out large game or enemies. Fourteen bone tipped arrows fill out the quiver. A small knife will be of use in preparing the meat and light enough to be taken on long travels.

Food is packed on as well. Those traveler trio increased along with turnips and many smoked meats. A check of the canteen finds it full as is the water skin worn inside his clothes.

Lastly on go the skis. A puff of heater is offered to the spirits to guard his home while away. Once the door is closed behind him his ski pole pushes him northward.

North Wind dances around in the woods. Even through his layers and exertion the cold claws tap at him. Warmth grows from using both legs and arms to ski. The claws slide away leaving the merely a chilly sensation to the war clad Calle of the Reemi.

First to greet him is the Owl village of “Hanging Wide”.  One of the dogs leaps over a snow dune barking at his shape. As well as the trade goods he has weapons of bow, axe, sword and knives. His shield waddles on his back as his skis. Helm covering his face it is no wonder the dog is on alarm. Calle slides to a stop. He raises a hand in the sign of greeting.

Orddot greets him back. Seeing this the Owl-tribe adventurer Ahkejuoksa approaches.

“Be wary this winter,” Ahekjuoksa said, “I scouted the Nerjpez as planned. They moved about to kill a few seals and ambushed someone when they were far from me.”

This worried Calle but his courage was gathered, “Such as this is why I come offering bows and arrows for trade.”

Orddot came closer to them, “Calle of the Reemi, will you be traveling south. There is a bundle promised that I am to carry there.”

“Take the rivers but sleep in the woods,” spoke Calle, “The need of me is here in the north.”

With Gahteriinna Calle barters for a winter arctic fox fur, the kind beloved by foreign traders. She is a shred trader taking both bows and 4 of the bone tipped arrows.

Calle laughed, “Truly I expected to travel father before trading so much away.”

Gathteriina snarked back, “We know our people well. These bows will go to my cousins. You would never find them as they move with the herds. Arrows they make enough of and those four will please me to practice shooting until we meet. Now, have you thought of taking one of our reindeer to your stead?”

“You are skilled haggler,” smiled Calle, “There is not much else I planned to trade this trip.”

“What of a dog then? We trained one up for hunting,” Gathteriina perisisted.

Calle showed the knife and remaining arrows, “Clearly not enough. Knowing some idea perhaps when I can fetch more ore and smith it then this can be done.”

She huffed, “But not in winter when the ways to ore are frozen over.”

Things shifted to the general trading of stories. In the afternoon Calle decided to ski on. More now to see if the lands were well. His heart still yearned to be out of the cabin.

“Hair Wild” village was reached in the evening under a three quarter moon turning the pearl snows silver. On the north side of the village they were gathered into a game of ball kicking. The two teams taking turns attempting to knock parts off the other team’s snowmen.

After the game Calle gifted the small knife to a shaman on the winning team, Vilhaelbma. In the tent they sang songs. His old friend Doaivu sat next to him. Doaivu expounded to the others on staying in Swan Cabin. Calle told them about adding three works this winter: the workshop, a snow room and a pen with C shaped barn. The Owl elders found the barns funny. All that work when the animals need to be moved to new grazing grounds. Come morning Calle continued northward while most were still sleeping.

At noon he skid into a community new to him, Barley’s forest. Old Silvu came trampling through the snow then took cover behind a tree. He had thought Calle might be a raider. Once the greetings were exchanged Silvu explained he had heard of Calle. To honor the visit Calle bartered for a spool of nettle yarn for which he overpaid a little with two bone tipped arrows.

From among them Vulle was hired as a guide. North across frozen uninhabited mires they went for miles. A herd of reindeer was seen moving without a care in the world. At a stand of spruce on higher ground they set up a shelter and settled in.

On the next morning they made it north enough to enter the mountains that made the north spine of the land. Crossing up and down onto a mire a nonchalant reindeer herd moved up to them. Calle tried a shot but missed. They smiled to each other as they continued.

Another camp was made and another morning saw them moving north still. This afternoon they reach the coast.

“Bouldery passage,” Vulle explained, “Traders have trouble sailing into this fjord.”

<CALLE 142 north coast with Vulle>>>


« Reply #139 on: December 06, 2023, 08:31:56 PM »
On a mountain point, named Bouldercliff, on the west side of the north facing fjord Calle and Valle assembled an inukshuk. A stacking of rocks that those here could use as a reference. Later to draw the shape for traders to know to avoid the fjord’s waters. That night they made camp in valley rising to the south.

Day of the 7th week before summer, End of Pearl month

Vulle directs Calle to turn southeasterly. There they come into the Owl village of Palmwide. This village has a blacksmith, Olle. A brawny man.

Vulle said, “Olle is a smith of the north like yourself.”

Calle’s head jolted to look to Vulle then study Olle.

Vulle continued, “An apprentice in his youth from the Driik far to the south west. In his journey work time traders needed him to fix their armor. Hearing their stories and needing his skills they agreed for Olle to join them. On this journey he met his wife to be at a full moon celebration. He chose to stay.”

Olle looked over, “Strike iron true. No shoddy work to these good people. What iron they do use had better work or you’ll annoy me fixing it. Remember to give iron back to the land too. I don’t need you making the land spirits angry.”

Calle smiled, “Wise words good smith and a good reminder. There is plenty iron in the northern mountains but few skilled in working yet. Peace between us. It seemed the spirits wanted me here. That is in the north, not necessarily this village. I am traveling to see with my own eyes and hear with my own ears. If you would wish perhaps I can work for you a few days to learn as a journey and aid in what needs doing.”

Olle raised up to look over Calle, “Perhaps. Half my time goes to tending the herds. Everyone works.”

Calle bowed with open arms, “Consider it as I shall think on the wisdom your spoke.”

Vulle guided Calle over to other villagers. An honor trade for more thread for bone tipped arrows is made.

Vulle calls out, “Calle. Take a look at this.”

In the other trade tent the villager is showing a masterwork northern bow. A rare mighty thing. It two wood layers strain to complement each other like a good marriage. Known for hitting power at medium ranges in its lighter package Calle holds up his masterwork longbow, “Moon Bow” named, in comparison. It had come to Calle by foreign traders. A “war bow” they had called it and wanted the moon caught fur for it, hence the name Calle gave it. The longbows compare well with more accuracy at long range though bulkier to travel with.

It would certainly take a great deal to trade for it. He couldn’t fight with two bows. This northern one will truly speak of being in the north.

<CALLE 143 debating mw north bow>>>


« Reply #140 on: December 06, 2023, 11:43:12 PM »
An extended haggling begins between Calle and the Riigu, a bold adventuring man of this Owl tribe of Bouldercliff. After the second verbal exchange one of elders puts down two blankets.

“This is the pride of our villages winter crafting,” said Riigu, “Everyone of us know this bow. Many of us have a part of lives tied to. Our elders saw a wind bent tree years ago waiting this year to harvest.  Smith Olle made a new axe just to cut it down. I’m the one who brought in the birch bark for the covering. Our best bowyer shaped these woods. My cousin’s hands were the one that stirred the boiling perch into the glue.

Calle sat down in front of the blanket nearest him, “There is great wisdom in that bow. A tribe working together as one people. Of the people knowing deeply of the woods and animals of this Unreal world. It is an honor to even see it. Here is the heart of my offer…”

Calle looked to his metal armors. He started to untie the fine iron knee cups. An angry twirl of wind curled the snow. Thinking back these were a thing he bought from foreign travelers. Securing them back on he untied his iron elbow guards.

“This iron is of our land,” began Calle, “Plucked from mother earth myself trudging around our land. Exploring her blessed shapes to find the spots she chose to form the ore. It was fused by charcoal from our trees. Hammered by iron also from this land. These leather ties are from the living beasts. It was a vision dream ago that called me to be a smith of the north. Here in these pieces is proof that has become so. Things of life were giving to other your Owl tribesfolk. This is armor.”

Olle came to sit beside Riigu. He picked up the iron elbow guards. Tapping it with a back of finger knuckle he listened to the tone. Each was held to the fire light burning in the big kotta teepee. As it turned the quality of light was studied.

“Decent work this,” said Olle, “Its ring is fair. There are better rings. It is sturdy enough. This could be good for you Riigu but its not the full worth of the village’s best bow.”

Vulle spoke, “Calle had made bows as well. A pair of hardwood longbows traded for an arctic fox fur full in its winter coat. It was caught by those of the Hanging Wide village. Gahteriinna the fierce beauty was vicious in her bartering over it. Show them Calle.”

Calle put down on the trade blanket that fur. Riigu eyes brightened at the mention of her name.

Smith Olle teased, “Riigu fancies Gahteriinna. Returning the trade fur to her is like taking on her debts, a thing a husband does.”

Riigu blushed and looked away. The other villagers giggled while an elder nodded approval.

“I agree to this,” Riigu shot out.

“As do I. I agree to this,” answered Calle, “Now your village’s work may help you get a bride!”

Cheers broke the crisp winter air. Riigu scooped up the fur holding it tight to his chest.

Olle added, “The armor too.”

Riigu took the iron elbow guards in one hand never letting go of the fur.

Calle took up his new bow, a masterwork northern bow brought to life by an Owl village.

Vulle patted him on the back, “Good thing you hired a guide.”

Together they laughed.

<CALLE 144 bought mw northern bow>>>


« Reply #141 on: December 07, 2023, 01:31:48 AM »
The pair, Calle and Vulle, stayed on another day.

Olle had a stack of stones he used to hold the charcoal of his forge. While that was made each time what he would move was the anvil stone. It was a beautiful spray of colors dotted like flowers. It had been used the Owl’s for generations.

In the traditions of journeymen Calle labored at the instruction of the local master Olle.
The exchange of knowledge mirroring how elders tell stories of the ancestors. This let Olle catch up on repairs of various things used by the tribe.

During a time when Olle was needed to assist with the reindeer Calle used the time to make a wooden shield for Vulle. Boards with a wooden connectors and wooden handle bar pegged together. While lacking a steel center boss it was still reliable for the skirmishes or wild beasts. If nothing else it might stop a raider’s arrows. During the stay another wooden shield was gifted to Riigu, all the better to survive his upcoming quests with.

After two extra days Vulle spoke, “I won’t be able to stay with you much longer. While you were hammering I’ve been helping with their reindeer. We are quite a ways north. Do you want stay or start southward together? You’ve shown enough skill out here that either is a fair choice.”

Calle pondered, “Olle and I are rare smiths in the north. It was good to spend some time on our craft. Thank you for your patience. Yes we can leave today and like the reindeer herds turn our own directions”

Vulle said, “Then lets make for one more village.”

South they went on a more westerly path then their norrthard journey. Vulle guided them to the Owl village of Hollermire. It was there that Vulle finally parted ways, heading easterly to get back to his own village. Calle made a point of greeting as many of this tribe as possible. An honor trade was made of bone tipped arrows for a leather rope.

Continuing south west he found the village of “Blue front”, again of the Owl reindeer herders. As he went about meeting them an honor trade was made of one of his broadhead arrows for a spool of nettle thread. A way to commit the hospitality between them.

He spent the night in woods making a new shelter, lining the bottom with spruce and being sure to put out some pointer markers of 3 and 3. Three singles then a bundle of three together acting as an arrow pointing to safety.

Next day he saw a stag elk in the distance. Being this far out he decided to let it go. Around noon he recognized the hills. At Pitchhead he found one of his travel camps on the edge of a lake. These were places of refuge should on a long journey like this things take a turn for the worse. He was today healthy and well. He smiled at seeing the result of “Preparation is all it takes to live.” Before leaving he hauled over a wind fall tree and chopped it into blocks for future emergency fires.

With the dark of evening growing the traveler shelter at Tarwide was found. Another of the places prepared for long journeys. Its guard traps are set up for the night, to be disarmed in the morning. More locator markers added to those already there and a wind fall brought closer. There is already stocks of firewood and blocks at the shelter.

Finally Calle returns to Swan Cabin.

Day of the 6th week before summer season, Beginning of Soil month.

Once inside he takes off his metal armor, the iron elbow guards having stayed in the north. His carried arrows rebalanced to a normal load and the medicine pouch is stored. Its contents confirmed as thirty nettles, heather and hemp plus two bandages. Moon Bow, the warbow from the foreigners, is unstrung to be stored by his bed. With him will remain the masterwork northern bow. He ponders what name it will gain.

<CALLE 145 back at swan cabin>>>


« Reply #142 on: December 07, 2023, 01:32:04 AM »
At Swan Cabin early soil month Calle sets about making replacement iron elbow guards. The prosperity of the land flows in with the homestead guard traps catching a grouse then a hare. In a couple of days the replacement iron elbow cups, coudes, are fit tested then placed with the iron armor stores.

<CALLE  146 iron elbows back>>>


« Reply #143 on: December 07, 2023, 04:58:20 AM »
Day 3 of the 6th week before summer, Early Soil month

The layers of snow are still be added to. Though named Soil month it will be time yet before soil work can actually begin.

With a fresh look after his trip Calle does sorting and decoration. From the stack of trades furs in the snow room, the cabin atrium, the non-winter furs are pulled out. He should leave himself some for crafting and decorating.

For the smoke house backside a wolf fur is hung up. The idea being if the wolf spirit is there other predators will be scared off. All the predator traps are really defensive not for active captures.

A beaver fur goes by the pantry shelves. Known for keeping happy homes even with storms outside the beaver is welcome sight. Certainly less scary in a flash of lightning then the wolf by your bed!

Swan feathers are hung from roofs too. A symbol that the Swan Maiden is welcome here. A feather each is hung in the smokehouse, workshop and the sauna room. There are already several by the bed in the main room.

The snow room has the benches that once were the outside seats. Now inside Calle affirms them each having a reindeer fur as a padding. This room is for gentle sitting times for family yet to be.

Come the next morning the question of what to do now fills his find. There is almost no iron left at the workshop. Enough for a pair of small knives or more broad heads. The “smith of the north” trip has been done twice. Once with things of life and once with things of death. Seeing all the winter furs on the trips reminded him how expensive foreign trade is. Its time then to get more winter furs of his own.

Gatheriina of Hanging Wide had that hunting dog. Its an investment that will take food. Food he has plenty of and more if he catches fur bearing animals. Collecting furs and leathers suitable for crafting will be part of the payment. A day of crafting wood objects for them is a good idea. First he scoops out wood to bind in pairs to make two canteens. Useful for nomads like the Owl tribe. A pair of bowls for the traveler to eat from while drinking from the canteen. A bone comb may interest Gatheriina with her long locks of hair and a second perhaps to use separately on the reindeer.

His trip is quick, reaching by noon. What a haggler Gatheriina is! At one point asking for that new masterwork northern bow! She unpins her apron putting it down on the snow sitting next to it.

“You want only one thing, the leash of the hunting dog,” Gahteriina proclaims, “This then is a one blanket trade. Put your offers! I’m a fussy person. That bow would do well!”

“Not the bow,” answers Calle, “Here various craft goods.”

“Hardly enough!” she snaps back, “That lynx fur is rare. I can manage that to carry it until a foreign trader brings something worthy.”

Calle rubs his chin. He too wants to trade with the foreigners.

“There are these furs and leathers,” said Calle.

He started adding to the blanket the crafting furs and leathers, such as hare furs and bird skins for leather.

“Well at least something is useful.”

Calle’s head shrunk on his neck. She was truly a demanding force of nature. Back and forth they went. Finally the agreement was made. She took 3 arrows, the 2 canteens, 2 bowls, 2 combs, the bird leathers and hare furs. This let Calle old onto the lynx furs while still winning the leash.

Gatheriina bolted up snatching up her apron and all those goods inside. She bundled it tight right away hurrying off to a kota as if chased by wolves.

<CALLE 147 bought dog>>>


« Reply #144 on: December 07, 2023, 07:00:50 AM »
Now for a name…

Marikka: in Finnish, this girl’s name means “a woman of turbulent personality.”

Calle chuckles at his choice. Maarikka is a big female dog, named for turbulent nature of the barterer Gatheriina. Riigu is going to have his hands full if he marries that one!

Orddot joined Calle, “Let me explain what commands she knows.”

The lesson was given. It was much the same as in his Reemi home in the south. Good to be reminded and updated to the local dialect, so to speak. Old Geablu had been sitting until the end of the lesson.

Geablu cane walked over, “Calle good man. While you are here could you lend Simma a hand?”

It was just labor needing to be done. The sun was still in the sky when it was complete.

“Just consider it for future trades,” said Calle, “Now I want to get Marikka off with me to show her she is live with me not this village.”

“She was trained well,” Simma said, “Remember to make a hunting horn to call her if she goes too far.”

“Ah! Yes!” replied Calle, “That would be needed in these spruce woods. I believe there are suitable antlers at Swan Cabin.”

By evening they were at Swan Cabin. Through the double gate Marrika was led. Foods were taken out of his bag. She could have the run of the pen while he saw to making the horn. From now on he had to double up on planning food.

Come morning Marikka was happily bouncing around her large yard. She took to the smoke meats left for her and the elk bones had been tossed about sometime in the night. Her trail showed she had made use of the C barn to sleep on top of the spruce bedding.

Back into the cabin Calle searched his stocks finding two sets of elk antlers. Their natural scooping shapes could be joined like how two cup shapes made a canteen. Choosing between them he settled on a set. The extra tines would need to come off. Since they didn’t grow as one whittling would be needed to make a tight fit. That fit would take glue. Searching the shelves he had a stores of fish-skin glue and pine pitch glue. He almost used the former then remembered that should be saved for bows and delicate works. Pine pitch glue, made of pine sap chunks melted to stir in ash, would be strong though not as pretty. With the over-place the glue was reheated turning form its hard standing state to a spreadable glue.

Once it cooled enough to use Calle went outside to the pen. He gave it a blast. It trumpeted loudly. Marikka pulled away from the side of the fence she was prowling on. She looked between Calle and beyond the fence. Calle blew it again. She came over then looked back that way. Paying attention to the senses of the companion is part of the teaching. Calle followed the gaze to see a grouse was stuck in a trap. Marikka was doing her job!

A perfect training time. Calle open both double gates. Marikka follows out. The attack command is given. Marikka savages the grouse!

Happy with the result and training her Calle puts the carcass down in the pen. There Marikka can eat the reward of her adventure.

First plan is to restore portions of the field traps. The fences and pit traps do make a trap fence. Calle had wanted to focus on smithing during the winter. That time has passed.

Its good fun taking Marikka to explore. These fields will be part of her life now. Each pit needs the snow dug out before being able to reset it. Half are missing their bait or didn’t have it when knocked out. Now the two sets are up. Were the lake water they would catch animals moving along the shore. Right now the thick lake ice could let them pass should they risk coming fully out of the trees, something the prey animals don’t like doing.

The next day yet another trapped grouse goes to the pen. Now they go south finding an ignored pit trap that Calle decides to disarm. He hadn’t thought about this all winter. It would have been an unnecessary lost animal had one gone in.

While there a hare is spotted. Time to try a dog hunt. Unleashing Marikka she is set after the hare. If they become separated the elk hunting horn can always recall her. The hare and Marikka move so fast Calle there are soon lost form sight. Following best he can Marikka wanders back to him. It doesn’t look like Marikka has blood on her jaws. The hare had gotten away. Still a good test of Marikka who did come back on her own.

Man and canine travel the woods looking for game. Checking on the various shelters and spots it becomes a perimeter patrol as well. They arc from south to west, through “Iron Corner” where ore was harvested then north coming to the spot of the “battle bear” and the ant hill of sacrifice. That fight was a tough one. The standing bear figurine Calle carved symolizes the power of that bear. For a time he wonders what happened with that most recent bear wounded and whether the ritual had calmed the anger. The battle bear’s skull looks on from its perch on the lonely pine tree.

Circling back they come back to the cabin. Marikka happily bounds into the pen. Calle puts out stored elk and bear bones to leave a lot more food for her. So far no large animals to hunt. He is still happy to have her company.

<CALLE 148 dog patrols>>>


« Reply #145 on: December 07, 2023, 11:11:47 AM »
There was still time left in the day with sun’s bottom only starting to touch the distant heights. Calle made to the workshop then he thinks it doesn’t have to lonely. He lets Marikka come out to run around while he works on bone tipped arrows. Once he made up three such arrows he used the horn to guide her back to the pen. He ruffled her fur with a good dose of petting before closing it up for the night.

Sweeping out active hunting again they spot a badger. As Calle fires Marikka’s leaping catches a scratch. Being leashed to Calle hadn’t helped that! It isn’t bad and Calle washes it with heather rubs on nettle. Marikka licks at the nettle so he puts a second batch on. Exploring around Calle lays in a new hunting shelter on the edge of “Old man’s mire” and a lake. Huddled together inside the spruce shelter on spruce bedding they pass the night together.

In a dream Swan Maiden with wings outstretched passes from one cloud to another.

Waking Calle finds Marikka already looking to him. A check of her wound finds it free of infection.

Traveling on they haven’t spotted more large game. Moving on the frozen lands south of Swan Cabin hasn’t been done this thoroughly before. He lays in a second travel shelter then a third, at the rapids of “Knocken stream”. A winter fishing spot which he tries and fails to catch at. Again man and dog huddle up in shelter on and under spruce.

Coming back to the homestead its been a few days since the pit traps were set. This is a good time to check and reset them. The chore done this time Calle leads Marikka into the Swan Cabin proper for the first time. She sniffs around all the places. The bed where Calle sleeps gets good attention. Glancing between bed and Calle she seems to have figured that’s where he sleeps. There is a lot of things she noses into: crafts, bone supplies, the pantry. It would get complicated keeping her indoors all the time with all the layers, stacks and piles. Tonight though it a treat of their couple of nights huddled together.

<CALLE 149 huddled nights with Marikka>>>


« Reply #146 on: December 07, 2023, 09:53:22 PM »
Day 4 of the 5th week to summer, Soil month

Snows are now waist deep. The deepest of the season. Cool are is warmer than the deep cold. Soon that warmth will start to melt the snow. It is the first signs of the earth that the month gets it name.

Restocking supplies Calle ponders the flax leaves. They are known for restoring nutrition when imbalanced. He has them in good quantity. Perhaps the Traveler’s Trio should be Nettle, Heather, Flax or maybe all four?  Nettle, Heather, Hemp, Flax. He adds thirty leaves to the warrior medicine pouch with a few on his traveling pouch. Maybe a saying to remember…

“Need fighter’s helpful herbs,” says Calle, “Nettle flax hemp heather.”

Still dim the morning be. So short the vision hunting wouldn’t be possible. Rather then travel to a hill now he brings a pair of arrows to life. Then Marikka is brought along. Another trip at hunting while hoping for catches at the trap fences. With the ring of shelters done there is greater confidence glowing from his heart to his smile. Marikka’s fluffy fur bounding along with him is a joy to see. He needs to learn to be aware of her senses as an extension of his own.

To the high hills and mountains they go. Each time popping up looking to sight large game.  Moving around the lands of the shelter ring.

<CALLE 150 hunting around shelter ring>>>

Wanted to save here to put up a pic of the hunting ring as a how-to teaching. With extra shelters you are much safer from sudden storms and injuries. It also creates a feeling of being established in the area. Over time you might expand in other directions such as the shelters left by the long trips north.


« Reply #147 on: December 08, 2023, 10:37:47 AM »

With the two great northern journeys there are shelters along their path and hills in places. Calle decides to move within that outer establishment. Much farther north west is the Old One’s cave near the iron camp. Perhaps a warm weather trip to there.

At a rapids he sets up another a traveling shelter with trail markers, stocks of wood and pre-built guard traps. Come the morning when leaving the traps are disarmed.

Day 6 of the 5th week to summer

Afternoon brings rain.

“So it begins,” Calle says.

Creeping warmth has sent North Wind back to the Ice Palace in the north. Water coming as rain darts tiny holes again and again in the snow. Snows will recede. Soon skiing won’t be possible. River tops will flow again. The temperature is at the balance point where it rains but a slight dip freezes it into a crust. Skiing is getting harder. Hopes for winter ski hunt will pass soon.

On completing the few days sweep without sightings its time to reset the trap fences.  No catches here either. Perhaps the winter migration has moved through already. Its important for a hunter to know the habits of the animals. They to will start to struggle with the crusts on the snow. Returning to Swan Cabin chores of clearing ice from the guard traps needs to be done. Marikka is let into the pen with the awaiting bones. Travel foods and medicines are restocked.

“Need fighter’s helpful herbs,” says Calle, “Nettle flax hemp and heather. Use the heather in a respectful sacrifice.”

As he puts out meats for Marikka a whisper in the wind goes, “Meadsweet”.

Its then he recalls grandmother mixing a child him a broth of meadsweet. It was a time a time he stomach was stabbing with pain. It had helped settle his nausea. Then there was a time sister had taken a fever so bad she was bed ridden. Grandmother had used something else. Something. Burdock! That brought down her fever.

Going to his cellars and pantry he reconsiders what to have for a traveling medicine bundle. It is a bit troubling that he has no burdock at all. Meadsweet he has in decent amounts. There is also stonecrop the wound aiding herb found on hills and mountains. Dogpipe is nourishing while roseroot reduces pain and speeds healing.

On consideration he comes up with new memory phrase: “Fighters need helpful medicinal herbs and bandages”.

Flax supports nutrition and recovery.
Nettles for binding wounds and sickness of the lungs.
Hemp is for eating.
Meadsweet tea reduces vomiting, reduces pain and lowers infection.
Heather is for washing wounds and as a tea for many internal illnesses.
“And bandages” means to have another two ready bandages.

A pot, be it iron or clay kettle pot, is needed to make the teas.

Flax, nettles and hemp leaves are all by products of agriculture. Threshing for straws also yields leaves so these can be grown in quantity or found around villages. Meadsweet needs to be gathered from the wild forests.  Heather flowers are light to carry for frequent offerings of peace with the spirits. When eating your daily leaves put heather out then.

After rebuilding his fighter’s medicinal pouch he hangs it with his metal battle armors. He does have much of those in smaller quantities with him as he travels. To finish the day he takes from his large stock of boards to assemble a wood shield for later trade.

On the next day he gathers Marikka to make another hunting patrol. A part of him is nagged for not being productive in crafts. Majority of his heart is enjoying being out after months close to the cabin. A good travel to hills. Into the north west region he presses out making another new shelter for them.

Going farther north west Marikka’s ears perk up. The ears twist then her head snaps to that. She takes a step forward then focuses on listening. Calle lowers himself to see from her level. In the distance a wolf is slips through the mires a few bow shots distance away. One wolf is rare and a pack is very dangerous. Heeding Marikka’s warning he turns them east.

A pair of days in the north east building of the second ring of hunting shelters. When set trees provide partial shielding from wind or attacks. A fire ring with rocks and a large stone whose height draws off the smoke. A few simple guard traps for safety. Wood down to firewood in stock. Trail markers pointing form several directions to make relocating the now many shelters in the similar looking woods.

Having spotted no game it is time again to reset the traps.

Marikka alerts again. Kneeling Calle sees a fox at the trap fence. In a rare sight he even sees it make the leap for the bait. Its paw slides into the notch of the fox paw board. Wriggling it is helpless to escape. He actually saw it get caught! Battered with the pommel of the River Sword finishes the fox.

Setting to the chore of tending the traps it almost went unseen that one of the pits had collapsed.

“Probably the fox,” said Calle, “Odd though. It must have been balanced poorly.”

Getting closer the brown shaft is realized not to be one of the wood beams. It is the frozen leg of an elk! The pit had taken it! The fox must have smelt it and tried to figure it out when it chose the easier fox board meat.

It was the afternoon of Day 5 of the 4th week before summer, Soil month.

Processing this elk will take hours. The work trails so late he sleeps with the carcass.

Dark shadows move in the woods. It has been angered. Has other animals died cruelly in the traps unseen? Checking the east trap fence finds no others trapped.

Calle takes time to set out one of the elk meat cuts in a tree. He chants asking for forgiveness for having taken so long to find the elk. Now it can journey back to the source to come back on the river of life.

At Swan Cabin one of the skinned elk’s legs with shoulder is put out in Marikka’s pen. She can eat as much as wants for days!

The main meat is stored in the enclosed cellar for overnight. Work on the elk’s hide begins. While waiting another wooden shield is made. Come morning the next phase of tanning is done. Taking the elk meat form the cellar and the now two shields Calle collects Marikka for a trade trip.

For this trip he choose Maiden Stream to the south east. Old Ollie is first to greet him. Nyri is here too. Trade goods include spectacle helmets and mail leggings.
“Foreign trader just came through, they left to the south west if you want to catch them,” Ollie said.

The value of the goods is well beyond the elk that he brought. Calle instead trades the fresh meat for tanned furs. Those won’t spoil. The village has an excess of furs and this time of year can use the food.

Back to Swan Cabin. Working the elk hide takes the rest of this day and the next. Its likely the foreign traders are now long gone. With the warming temperatures Calle sheds the bear fur overcoat. They make a go at finding the foreign traders with all of Calle’s trade furs.

Luck! Or did the traders plan on staying near a village so the outlaying steads could come?

<CALLE 151 trading with foreign>>>


« Reply #148 on: December 09, 2023, 02:29:34 AM »
Calle and the merchants go about the steps of offering. Most are carrying arrows and weapons that don’t match his collections. There is battleswords that are even larger than the fine River Sword Calle has on his belt.  Another item to consider is a battle axe.  There is a well made crossbow, a weapon of power Calle has little background in and he prefers the masterwork northern bow from Bouldercliff.

“Boulder bow,” Calle laughs. Finally finding a name for it. A joke about how it is so strong as to fire a boulder while showing its origins from Bouldercliff.

Bevisbert displays how the battle sword can be used. He spars lightly with the others. Battlesword and spear in opposition.

“These cleave through armor,” Bevisbert says, “Your broadsword is great on lightly armored foes. Its a good backup weapon. These though are truly for battle. By battle we mean others who are well armored. What is the extra hitting power might be the only part that affects the armored enemy. Hitting an unarmored area… well… it gets colorful!”

Recalling the Nerjpez warcamp to the southeast there might indeed be such foes there or found in the woods.

“Very well. Lets put down blankets,” Calle says.

Bevisbert put down two tarps, each a deeply tanned leather of a deer sized animal. They bore the stains of numerous trades, grounds and weather. Onto one he put the battlesword with its sheath and a weave of buckles.

“This is called a frog,” Bevisbert said, “It is used to secure the sheath to a belt at what angles you choose. This is a heavy frog for the heavy sword. Each buckle coming up distributes the burden to the belt in a different spot. You’ll need that too. Those lynx furs interest me.”

Call’s mounds of fur was untied to allow examination. They went back and forth picking some out, putting some back. Holding back the bear fur may be useful for fighting wear. Holding back large winter elks as well. High value smalls furs like ermine a good for rounding up to a closure. Finally its agreed on a lynx fur, a winter lynx fur and the recently caught fox fur. These leaves the bear, several elk and many small furs for Calle to bundle up.

<CALLE 152 bought battlesword>>>


« Reply #149 on: December 09, 2023, 08:46:58 AM »
Being late afternoon Calle might make the trip back. Instead he decides to visit Maiden’s Stream. He does have his trade furs this time. Is there a trade to be done? Perhaps for the mail leggings?

Greetings exchange its old Reko who sets down for a blanket trade. Calle pulled over the mail leggings turning them over for detailed study. Curls of metal links varied in places. A sure sign of repaired battle damage. Pits on older rings hint of having once had rust, especially around the groin known to get sweaty and the bottoms of the calves. The latter perhaps from snow?

Reko began, “That’s a nice looking sword you have there. That big one. Its new isn’t it?”

“It’s new,” chuckled Calle, “and not for sale.”

Starting an elk fur other furs were added and removed until the agreement was reached. Reko pulled his blanket to the side.

“These always need fitting to a new wearer,” Reko said, “Ill help tie up loose bits until you can shift the rings properly.”

While Calle stands still Reko uses threads to tie up where pinches are needed. He’ll use the pliers at his workshop to open and shift rings for a durable adjustment.

The village also needs labor done. After taking the armor and trade furs to Swan Cabin Calle returned to help his frequent companions. After the work is done a half bag of rye grains is given, for the trade a single bone arrow. It is a handy trade of non-spoiling foods.

Now then…

Calle had seen a boar snuffling into the north fields. Still covered in snow it was routing for remains of crops. Its time to test the “Boulder Bow”. One of own broadheaded arrows is notched… loosed… and cuts just above the knee! Blood bubbles out as the boar limps. Severed liagments make that leg useless. A bone headed arrow notched… loosed… deeply diving into the boar’s abdomen. It rises just avoiding the next bone arrow. Both strikes bleed furiously. It manages only a few stumblings before passing out. Drawing the battlesword for its first bloodening Calle stabs the next then pommels the head.

Calle rechecks their trade piles though nothing really calls to him. Still he gives them one of the boar quarters to have their own feast. The rest he takes back for smoking at the Swan Cabin. He gives himself the luxury of freshly roast boar belly!

<CALLE 153 Bacon and mail leggings>>>

