Topic: Njerpez Encounters in 3.63  (Read 9277 times)


« on: March 27, 2021, 01:35:36 PM »
On some play throughs I like to hunt a lot of njerpez.  From reading the patch notes, it seemed like wandering njerpez would still be common in the Eastern part of the world, but I've encountered significantly fewer than previous versions. My last playthrough I had maybe 5 Encounters with wandering njerpez in about 1 year, almost all of that time in between kaumo and reemi.  I have been seeing quite a few war camps though which is pretty cool, and when I do meet wanderers they're usually 2-3 instead of 1.

Anyone have tips on finding more or getting war camps to spawn? War camps seem to have a chance at spawning randomly, maybe more often when you travel good distances in the Eastern world? Or maybe you just need to be within a certain distance to see them?  I think I cleared 6 in about 1 year in game in my last playthrough.


« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2021, 06:38:21 PM »
I don't know if it's superstition or not but I think warcamps spawn when you sleep in the no man's land between the territories. I've only seen one in the recent versions though. You'll know when one has spawned because on the F6 map there will be a new purple square region of Njerpez territory


« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2021, 07:52:17 PM »
I don't know if it's superstition or not but I think warcamps spawn when you sleep in the no man's land between the territories. I've only seen one in the recent versions though. You'll know when one has spawned because on the F6 map there will be a new purple square region of Njerpez territory

After my journey by boat from drik to no man's land between kaumo/reemi two camps spawned near my route. Had I think 6 camps spawn my last game... In one year!


« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2021, 08:01:36 PM »
Must be randomized. I’ve seen 1 camp in last 6-7 characters, on 36.2&3.63.
Which is infinitely more than on version 2.7?-3.52. Older versions would spawn a LOT of Njerpez and their camps. “Like mushrooms after a rain”


« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2021, 11:30:29 PM »
I don't know if it's superstition or not but I think warcamps spawn when you sleep in the no man's land between the territories. I've only seen one in the recent versions though. You'll know when one has spawned because on the F6 map there will be a new purple square region of Njerpez territory

To add on this further, I'm about a year into a new game. Think I've seen ~5 camps so far. But they stopped spawning maybe 4 months into the game... I wonder if something changed. The only thing I can think of is I don't often sleep on the wilderness map anymore, so I'm wondering if you might be on to something... I also encountered my first wandering njerpez in this playthrough...1 year into the game!


« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2021, 05:22:44 PM »
Update here: After not getting any new camps spawn I acted on a hunch. I burned down the existing camps so that it showed up as "ground" on the wilderness map. Immediately new camps started spawning and I'd clear and burn them. I've cleared probably 6-10 more in a couple months (in no man's land thit spots,) I'll post a screen shot when I get home.

Edit: Attached a screenshot.  All the red X's are cleared and burned camps (21 I think.)  I think anytime you move in no mans land in the east theres a chance for a camp to spawn, but the game does a check if theres a camp nearby.  If there is it won't spawn, so clearing it gives the chance for more to spawn...I think.  Although now it seems to have stopped, harvest month currently so I wonder if that's the reason...if maybe spring and summer is the time for them to spawn.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2021, 03:57:03 PM by Edico »


« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2021, 10:11:40 PM »
So it's been about 8 or 9 months in game since I adopted the strategy of burning down the wooden buildings in cleared njerpez camps.  In total I've cleared either 41 or 42 camps total (including 1 from initial scenario and two east of southern reemi not included in this screenshot,) and I think that number was 6 or 7 before I started.  So in ~9 months I got ~35 njerpez camps to spawn. 

So, if you're not getting enough Njerpez action where you are, move to no mans land between Reemi and Kaumo, roam around until you see those purple spots, then clear it and burn down the wooden buildings (you can leave the kotas.) 

Side note but clearing all these camps led to the first time I ever saw an ango in game, and also a throwing axe.