Topic: Too many Njerps?  (Read 16933 times)


« Reply #15 on: May 23, 2020, 12:12:49 PM »
If you use @Night tool, you can see all the Njerpez generated in your area. Just edit your stats and activate ninja mode, and you will see all creatures around you. As far as I noticed, their numbers grow if you linger more in an area, maybe I am wrong tho. Wouldn't be the first time  :-*

Tom H

« Reply #16 on: May 23, 2020, 03:34:16 PM »
I said earlier that I'd only ever had one Njerp encounter at my homestead. Of the 4 characters that I've been running now for over a year(RT), the only one with such an encounter just had another recently. A Njerp came around who was tripping the traps next to my homestead (I'd read someone's account of Njerps doing that). Now, later, a band of foreign traders kept bumping into the surrounding fence at the same homestead for about 4 days. (pathing problems?)

So, in over 800 hours of play of 5 characters (4 still living), that's the totality of homestead encounters with humans, three, and all at the same homestead.

I guess my point is that IF there is some abnormality in Njerp frequency, I feel I would have seen it around the places I've settled, too. I'm leaning toward simple RNG, like the one character I run that has encountered wolves on so many occasions, out of proportion to any of my other characters. 


« Reply #17 on: May 23, 2020, 04:02:43 PM »
I think the point is that the Njerpez are there, on the map. Now crossing their path is a RNG, because if there are X Njerpez on the map, you need to cross their paths. So even if we have the same numbers of Njerpez on the map, some of us can encounter none, while others may encounter plenty.

Bottom line, your actions and your chosen path IS the RNG, not the Njerpez.


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« Reply #18 on: May 23, 2020, 06:39:53 PM »
Njerpez at your settlement isn’t super common, never has been. But in the surrounding 20 wilderness map tiles range, you can get a lot.
Sadly, I can’t use Night’s tool as it’s for Windows.


« Reply #19 on: May 23, 2020, 07:22:29 PM »
Njerpez at your settlement isn’t super common, never has been. But in the surrounding 20 wilderness map tiles range, you can get a lot.
Sadly, I can’t use Night’s tool as it’s for Windows.
If Cheat Engine works for Mac or Linux, don't know what you use, I can send you a table with what you need, it should probably work. Let me know.


« Reply #20 on: May 24, 2020, 09:59:47 PM »
I think that an interesting thing will be that the random njerpez encounters were like robbers encounters. Numerous njerpez warriors instead of just one, that will be tough and will answer the question of 'why are njerpez here?' Well, it's a raiding party, an exploration party, robbers, etc.

Labtop 215

« Reply #21 on: June 03, 2020, 10:20:54 PM »
I've had Njerpez warriors visit my cabins when they are too close to lakes or rivers, along with multiple elk's, stags, wolves, and bears.  Not that it would be impossible for them to stumble across them elsewhere, but if you happen to settle at a place where there are there seems to be a fair amount of foot traffic then you might find more Njerpez.  Oddly enough, I had a Njerpez that had a dog just continue on through instead of attacking me, and at first I though it was because of the pits I had setup infront of my cabin door, but a different one came by about 8 months later and did stop to attack me.

For that reason, I've learned to try and not let the bed be visible from the window shutters, and preferably not the door when opened.  building a cabin this way takes more time however, but it minimizes the number of sleep attacks you get.


« Reply #22 on: June 13, 2020, 03:57:07 PM »
I think that an interesting thing will be that the random njerpez encounters were like robbers encounters. Numerous njerpez warriors instead of just one, that will be tough and will answer the question of 'why are njerpez here?' Well, it's a raiding party, an exploration party, robbers, etc.

Thats an exact point as the single Njerps running around are are for a prepared adventurer no danger at all but only makes the adventurer rich as someone mentioned. No invader would behave like this and without being an expert for older finnish history i dare to claim that they didnt. Not the number of them is the main problem but they need to build groups to be a challenge. Then i have to confirm that i the early game they would need to spawn in teir own region where Njerps are and spread from there. Njerps nor elks grow out of the bog and can only grow where otheres of them are. Even they dont despawn and dissapear by a slight breeze.

Labtop 215

« Reply #23 on: June 14, 2020, 07:43:42 PM »
To be fair, if they where just foreign explorer's who where paranoid I would get why encountering them one on one would make sense, but yea it seems like there are too many scouts and not enough war parties.

One other thing I find frustrating is that you can't tell the difference between a single individual on the map vrs a group of people.  It should be obvious really.  If people are easier to spot than animals, then groups of people should be even easier to spot and there should be multiple people on the map tile.