Topic: [Brygun] Journal of Novrus  (Read 59071 times)


« Reply #75 on: December 11, 2018, 04:51:50 AM »

Day 7 of the 5th week before summer.

It was now noon when chores were in order for Novrus to travel to Flower Wild. He smiled at the thoughts of the feast to be had with the over one hundred pounds of meat he was bringing them. He checked the door way trap one last time before going. The others guarding his homestead having just been given maintenance.

Along the way he paused to assemble a shelter to mark the turning point from south east to east to find Flower Wild. He scouted to find a hidden spot that could be guarded with just two noisy traps. Spruce twigs were gathered to lay over the crossbar placed onto the notches of two uprights. More spruce was laid as a bedding. A fire circle of rocks and stone was made with extra stones for roasting. Trail markers of three smalls to one large were laid in different directions with rocks to stones and spruce twigs to spruce bundles. The delay though had taken the sun to early evening. Sadly this would mean the meat arriving to late for feast tonight.

The village was ghost like when he arrived. It took a few minutes of his burdened and fatigued skiing to find them. The shaman, Hanno, had gathered them on the north edge for a ceremony. Andde the woodsman had been left to guard the Kotas. Inside one  Norus traded a third of the meat for a rusty handaxe which had seen better days. This to him was metal. Metal he could reforge into other things.

He gave two days of meat, five pounds, to the woman named Elen. The same he gifted to Hanno the shaman, to Heandarak the helpful, the young lady Oaja and old-man Antti.

Duongi sought out Novrus. He questioned Novrus if he had seen the Grey Man of the forest. Novrus openly said he had not despite two efforts which seemed to draw him near. They talked about Novrus’s unsteady ties to the forest spirit. Niether could fully explain the whys of the spirits but that is why there are Shamans. Even the shamans have concerns with the spirits at times too. Like then Flower Wild’s doe had been taken into concealment with the forest. Novrus gave Duongi ten pounds of meat to be freer to think on the matter.

Old man Elijas, Sabbe the hunter and the woman Ada were given their meat gifts. Novrus had been reluctant with Ada as she seemed to be woman passing her prime. She said it was to feel warm meat in her hand like her deceased husband would give her. Novrus wasn’t sure what to make of this but felt he she had eyes like a hunter looking for prey.

With the last of the meat he bartered for a pair of arrows. In part to make up for those lost in actions. That done they village settled down to share stories with and hear them from Novrus. A bit of the meat gifts were cut to small strips, spiced and pot fried. They were handed out as snacks with hot spruce tea.

Novrus decided against asking them for help at the homestead. They should see him as a friend not as one buying them off. Nilla might well still be on their minds. Nilla was at times in Novrus’s thoughts. The recent bear battle certainly had made that clear.

Shaman Hanna spoke, “Novrus you did not come alone. There is a spirit with you. One whose name you have not spoken.”

Novrus looked about the gathered people. He knew what the shaman meant. Novrus stood up taking his shield up in his left hand. Upon it the scratches and bangs of battle. His right hand pulled up then held high the battle axe.


Novrus let its name sink in among the Flower Wild. Their village-man had died just months ago to bear. Now before them was a bear killing axe.

“Birthed by a Smith of the North,” continued Novrus, “Metal and wood of the north are its grandparents. Its name found in battle. A battle with bear that wandered amongst my very homestead. I felt a calm fury with it in my hand.”

Novrus brought the axe down to a vertical guard behind and above the shield.

“We have slain bear together. We have slain many together. It was a few nights ago with the homestead probing bear its name was called out. First not by me but a mind voice.”

Hanno added, “A spirit voice.”

Novrus went on to describe the battle. Bear-biter swished the air while Novrus ducked and stumbled. Both portraying the name fight. He did not speak of thinking of Nilla thought shaman Hanno’s gaze seemed to mean he already knew. Had it been Nilla from the spirit world who named Bear-Biter?

So it was Flower Wild learned Bear-Biter’s name.

Each person of Flower Wild was allowed to hold Bear-Biter. To air swing it a few times. Even the children met the axe as if it was a village-man. At slumber time Novrus had Bear-Biter resting in its leather blade sheath.

On awakening Novrus politely slipped out from his Flower Wild neighbors. The paths home were well known. The new shelter gave him a good mental map image to steer for as turning point. At home all seemed in good order. The rusty handaxe and new arrows were stored. He decided to go out hunting again. He knew now the mires north and north-west were well suited to spotting large game.

At the shelter used returning from the recent reindeer catch he added more trail markers. Stone were gathered to start a fire ring, though the shelter’s position was not ideal for having both guarded approaches and a fire. As he worked around the snows he noticed the snow melted by rain showing the tip of ant hill just a few strides from the shelter. Perhaps he might try the Grey Man meeting ritual here one night.

<Novrus ant hill shelter>


« Reply #76 on: December 11, 2018, 07:05:44 PM »

Day 1 of the 4th week to summer season

Novrus awoke rolling on the spruce bedding over snow with a spruce roof  covered in snow. With no fire he still felt rather warm inside his layers of armors, furs and cloths. Rain had come now and then the past few days contorting the landscape’s snow into melted then refrozen decorations. Among this he would be hunting the northern mires.

On his ski he spotted a man in the distance who was not found on coming closer. Novrus remembered he was wearing lamellar armor which could be taken as a warrior coming for battle.

A few hundreds past an elk was seen. This was a time of bounty. Through here and now a migration may be taking place. Placing a hub marker, four branches leaning together like a pyramid, his wheel circles soon found the elk’s fresh tracks.

Closing up it is a small elk. Perhaps the one that had been with the reindeer and perhaps yearling calf to the she elk caught in the pit. A shot fired is a miss for a lost broadhead arrow.

Searching on the trail is kept fresh whirling amid spruce.

When a growling man steps up to Novrus!

<Novrus robber 1>


« Reply #77 on: December 11, 2018, 08:35:52 PM »
Bear-Biter calls to be held. Novrus puts away his ski pole for the proven battle companion to take its place.

“Who are you?” ask Novrus, “I know the villages near here well.”

“We are the ones who will take from you. Submit and live well. Resist and feel pain,” replied he man.

“Just as would rob my village neighbors no doubt. I shall give you my axe. Edge first!”

“We have known,” said the robbers, “hunters would come for the elk. I say we because I am not alone!”

The man whistles and another man emerges farther back among the spruce.

Novrus readies his shield, shuffles to get his back to trees when the first robber lands a staff stab to his hit. Perhaps it was meant to trip him but this it did not do. Yet it did unbalance him from getting Bear-Biter to connect on the next swing. The two fought again Novrus placing the axe across the robber’s hip while his padding protected him from the staff.

Novrus shifted back and turned to have good strong spruce covering his blind rear. On came the robber thrusting with the staff. Novrus catches it on his shield, angled to send the staff sideways. Bear-biter whips down and draws back. The hook of the axe beard catching the staff. Caught between shield and axe the staff pulls sideways out of the unbalanced man’s grip.

First robber was swinging a club. Novrus tried to connect with bear biter. It is a hand-and-a-half handle. Useable though off balance with one  hand needed for a shield. The robber uses a missed swing to mash fur padding with his club. Second robber was getting close at hand also wielding a staff.

Novrus notes their blunt weapons are of little use against his furs. Shield is slid behind. Now both hands grip Bear-Biter.

Now a gale of club, staff and axe. The second staff falls to the snow, the club swishes and Bear-Biter cleaves the first robber’s knee! The man howls falling to roll in the snow grasping the tear above the right knee. Novrus focuses on the fallen as he rises with a broad knife coming out. The left is cut though lightly. The second robber ineffective in blows.

Fury of blows with all throwing snow in their efforts. A club blow turned to thrust bangs off Novrus’ helm. The sound ringing like hammer to anvil. Axe can’t find deep flesh and a club slams a numbing strike on the ball joint of his shoulder. Bear-Biter shifts in the hand yet stays with him as if an unseen hand kept it there.

If Bear-Biter was named by Nilla of the Owl then it must know as Novrus does these robbers would ambush any of the Owl they can come upon. Their cunning to lay near large game would surely bait lone hunters  out as prey.

Novrus swung for legs now Bear-Biter wants to cut arms. A knife stab finds the shoulder meat of Novrus. The first robber has seen no fear on his opponent. His turn to flee saving his arm from being bitten.

Limping first robber’s speed is slow. Novrus growls as the Biter cleaves into the backside hip. The other robber makes to strike on the side. Novrus shoves Bear-Biter backward putting the butt of the haft hard into the second robber’s hip.

The swirl of blows low and high. Bear-Biter finds a shoulder. The wound squeals with blood from the second robber.

With one robber unable to walk and the other bleeding Novrus shifts out of his spot then back to another. This outdistances the reach of the crippled first robber. The second comes after him with furious desperate strikes.

Between thrust with a second robber’s northern knife Novrus resumes the use of his shield. He was starting to pant. With shield cover he can better recover his breath.

Second robber stabs unable to get around the shield. Novrus axe hooks the outstretched arm. With an arc the knife is flung into the snow.

Disarmed the second robber reverts to desperate kicking. He has not the skill of that agile red foe. Bear-Biter cuts along the outstretched thigh. All the while the bitten shoulder pumping blood onto the snow.

Novrus blocks several unarmed blows with his shield. His breath only partially recovered before he strikes and misses. The bleeding second robber grabs the shield to pull it aside. Novrus twists back with Bear-Biter severing a forearm. The hand and arm bit falling faster onto the snow then the slumping robber. The axe blow is kept in momenteum, brought high, wrist turned and the backside smashes onto the fallen robber’s skull. Braced by the ground the skull erupts in brain matter. This foe slain.

Novrus glares at the first robber arm crawling across the snow.

“Brother!” the robber shouts.

Bear-Biter in hunger is thrown landing edge first amid the robber’s ribs. Howling in pain the robber pulls the axe free. In frenzy approaching at the speed of elbow dragging. A hand axe through the air follows cutting only snow. A rock throw bounces. Novrus draws his self made broad knife. The crawling first robber holds just the club to have a hand free for pulling forward in a hateful vengeance.

Novrus speaks, “I regret your spirits will not remain amid your flesh to warn others to try no foul deed here.”

At his brother the robber fishes out a bow and arrow. Before he can notch the arrow Novrus steps forward, kneels and stabs in the abdomen. The robber goes limp. The knife edge is drawn across the neck.

Novrus laughs, “At least they were decent enough to die on top of each other. There needs be only one funeral pyre!”

Stripping them Novrus then sets to cleaning and dressing his wound. Snow begins to settle perhaps the spirits offering to bury the robbers its own. Novrus shifts his clothes to secure the bandage when the small elk trots nearby. It bolts as Novrus gets his hand axe ready to throw. Away into the spruce it goes. Novrus laughs.

The funeral logs are brought among the two. They are laid ontop of each other, covered in spruce and the smoky bright fire lit. The elk would be nearly two hours gone now.

Almost forgotten he picks up the severed hand with half a forearm. He tosses it into the blaze.

<Novrus robbers slain 1>


« Reply #78 on: December 12, 2018, 01:35:55 AM »
An elk’s cough was heard though only hour old tracks found. Novrus made to sky for home or a shelter. He slumped face first into the snow. Exhaustion or a drugged knife wound abating his progress.

Circling a few strides for a defensible hiding spot getting two snare noisemakers up is all he could do before his eyes could no longer open.

He woke up with snow fall moistening his face. Brushing it off he stood. Alive. He was still alive. It was the start of the morning rising light. He must have slept for nearly half a day. A meal of meats and a drink of cool water from the skin tucked inside his fur clothing.

He decided to ski north. To tell and warn the village. To learn if anyone was missing or lately robbed. Also perhaps their healer could check his shoulder wound.

The village of Greulfen can into view with the sun still clearing the southern horizon. Young Uddi had clambered up a pine tree to see who was coming.

“Novrus! Its been a long time!”

Novrus lifted up his lynx face fur, “That is has. Be a good lad. I have news for your head man. Run ahead to tell him. That’s a good boy.”


Uddi slid down the tree. Like a lynx he bounded as much as he could in the deep snow. He would tire soon but surely not before the word got out.

Only a few ski strides more had Novrus taken before Lauri the shaman approached.

“As I saw,” said Lauri, “Now let me see your wounds.”

“You saw?” asked Novrus.

“That a wounded friend was coming. This the forest sang. Only a few could have heard it.”

Lauri busied with probing the shoulder wound. With a knitting needle he flecked out a sliver of steel. Novrus told him of the robbers and their demise.

“All our people are safe,” Lauri said.

Novrus was pleased. Before he could be questioned more Lauri sat down with his back against a pine tree. His snoring was almost instant.

Novrus then set about trading. The bandits had a northern bow which with other goods traded for a fur. The fur and bits of bandit clothing traded for one of Gruelfen’s fine northern bows. The two they had had a better spring to them. Lauri explained the best bent trees had been used to make three of them. The pick of the year’s fishing had done into the skin backing. One was with a long adventuring village man and his wife who traveled to the south west. These two were set for trade else gifts.

Lauri said, “I am happy to trade you for it. The bandits were a risk to us as you say. I feel this is both a trade and gift to you Novrus. What you traded, the robber’s goods, is proof too you defend this land, spirits and our people.”

Carrying on he found a good spot for a hunting shelter. He had learned that having longs views of mires in different direction was superb for spotting distant large game. He set a shelter up but while setting the trail markers for it found a better one.

The loop snare noisemakers, of which he now carried four, aided in the security of these scattered rest spots. Novrus reflected one could put lever traps or others at them. The problem is that you would not come by often enough to find the catch. They would rot uselessly. This was improper for a hunter and certain to anger the spirits. The loop snares you could easily pick up and take with you. In fact one might know to make primitive cordage and leave enough at a camp. For now Novrus preferred to carry those he used.

Day 4 of the 4th week to summer season.

Scouting the mires toward the Point cave was so far without game. He might sleep in the cave tonight then head back to attend to the drying wolf meat. There was a flash of a figure a few hours from the Point cave.

Novrus skied closer to see. A Nerjpez Red foe with little gear. Perhaps an outcast or outlaw expelled. Perhaps a member of war band that fell behind. The closer view showed he had at best a hand axe for a weapon. Novrus felt little concern in fighting. Then he checked himself.

“Treat each battle as one that matters. It makes you ready for the ones that are,” Grandfather had said.

The chase is brief with Red Foe doubling back almost immediately. Red foe swings first and in doing so the hand axe slipped from his frost bitten hands. Now with a plain knife Red Foe fights for his life. Novrus switches shield behind fearing little from the knife. Blows, misses and dodges. Then Bear-Biter cuts his torso as the man leans forward. Immediately Novrus’s left knee screams in pain as the knife thrust comes home.

“Treat each battle as one that matters. It makes you ready for the ones that are,” Grandfather had said.

Novrus flopped along a spruce’s branches spraying snow as he fell. Novrus tries to butt thrust but red foe is on him with the knife stabbing his abdomen. In the flailing of almost over top becoming a tumbling knee-gouging head-butting tumbling both lose their weapons.

Novrus gets a hand on the head of Bear-Biter not the haft, just so the Red foe couldn’t get it. His other hand draws his self-made broad knife. Dueling knives exchange attempts at cuts and stabs. Novrus uses Bear-Biter as a crutch for the pain in his knee.

Novrus holds defensive like that. One hand on the top of Bear-Biter for support the other with the leveled broad knife. Disarmed the Red foe begins to speak in his foreign tongue. Was he offering a truce?

With no response Red-Foe suddenly kicks! Novrus, little skilled in knife fighting, misses with his counter thrust. The kick wallops but padded fur dissipates its energy and Bear-Biter keeps Novrus standing.

Novrus repositions with a reverse bent over kick tapping his face but lacking in force to harm. Bewildered the broad knife is lipped back into the sheath. A tuck of his abdomen avoids the next kick.

Novrus sums up his fierceness. Facing the pain he pulls Bear-Biter to hand. The swing misses. Red foe keeps up a desperate fury while Novrus swings rarely seeking to gain the breathing advantage.

Its hardly working as sky fills Novrus’s vision. Flat on his back the Red Foe stomps on his ribs. Lamellar metal padded by furs limit it to the shame of being ground pounded.

With an axe threat Novrus gets to his feet. Looking past he can see Red Foe’s dilemma. He had gone into a circle of trees with only one way out. The way were Bear-Biter is swinging. Red foe can not escape. Novrus reverts to shield and axe. Behind the shield to recover.

Kicks and punches at the shield do little. Red foe slips but rolls to avoid the axe. Rising they exchange again. Then Red foe’s face contort, he crumples. Bear-Biter had found his groin!

The next blow cuts half way through the neck and Red foe is finished.

By the light of smoky funeral pyre Novrus dresses his wounds. The new knee stab and the puncture in his left shoulder.

Novrus was happen to the Point cave finding its door needing to be freed of a light layer of ice to open. He set the near-door safeguard trap before starting a fire and enjoying rest in the furnished portion of the cave.

Waking he was even sweating in the heated cave. The foods he had packed though were running out. He should have traded for a food at Gruelfen as well. The Red foe had food but that and a portion of the clothes were burned on the funeral pyre. After eating hard tack and a turn over he gave herbal leaves for the cave spirit.

There was a stock of food in the cave stores. That had been wise to bring. He took up some of the turnips and one portion of dried meat.

It seemed fitting to reward the cave with an expansion of the furnished area. A few more strides of floor boards were balanced, wedged and pegged into place. Within the safety of the cave he again cleaned and dressed his wounds. The stored water was stale and cold. First he placed the wood bowl on a chimney ledge to warm at least. Spruce twigs and branches were put into storage with spruce now as bedding on top the second sleeping bunk.

<Novrus at Point cave 3>


« Reply #79 on: December 12, 2018, 03:04:16 AM »
Setting out from the Point cave Novrus spied a bear far to the south west. He had thought he had glimpsed one a day or so ago but unconfirmed had dismissed it from his journaling mind. Now the consideration is it following him? Had the funeral pyre’s smoke drawn it? Had the spirits sent it as a reward? Was a man killer bear awoken by all these?

It was north of a mire pocket in the spruce woods. Perhaps there to drink easily upon breaking mire ice with its mighty paws. Novrus skied there. A large boulder made a good hub for the search. A near, middle, far and farther still circle skied around the hub found fresh bear tracks to follow.

Upon hearing snorting he ski waddles with bow and arrow at hand. The Gruelfen chosen laminted bow prepared to find foe. He steps and pauses. Snorts. Step and pause to listen. A few more like that with snorts.

There the bear!

<Novrus bear post cave 3>


« Reply #80 on: December 12, 2018, 05:55:15 AM »
Gruelfen’s bow sung a tune as the string vibrated from the loosed arrow.

Straight into the bear’s abdomen it flew. Deeply the arrow plunged. The small bear face plowed into the snow. Blood bubbling out coated the snow.

Novrus advanced thinking the bear unconscious but it regained its senses. It was dazed not knowing what had happened. It realized the source as the second arrow stabbed into its thorax. Likely hitting a rib bone as it stuck firm but not deep.

Novrus glanced to his quiver full of trade acquired arrows to spot the fletching of a broad head arrow. The kind more likely to give bleeding wounds. As arrow was brought to bow the bear wasn’t in sight but in sound of its pounding charge.

It came to view a few strides away on the other side of a spruce. Broad head arrow like lightning cut into the bear.

Novrus now made ready Bear-Biter. Cuts slash the bear’s hide as it rears up. Jaws rip through the lynx face mask drawing blood from the face of Novrus. The sight of the teeth so close to his eyes is not one he will ever forget. The bear sways as blood lose and damages tamper with its balance.

Both hands are on Bear-Biter. The crank stroke in downward vertical plunge is the choice made. The fore hand diving with the rear hand rising. Together accelerating the axe strike to horrendous speeds. Bear-Biter finds the bear’s eye! Deep the bite! AS the bear falls in instant death Bear-Biter is brought with it. Novrus keeping grip but not wanting to break the blade plunges into the snow. It takes a boot braced on the slain bear’s snout to extract the battle axe.

Right away Novrus goes to clean the face wound. He curses angrily at himself for having forgotten to replenish his water skin.

As he sets to the chore of removing the bear’s hide rain begins. Novrus shifts off the mask and hood. Leaning his head back he turns his face to the gift of the rain spirit to wash his wounds and hands. As minutes of rain wash pass he remembers he has red foe and robber clothes left in his bundle. A bandage piece is cut free then applied to his face. As if knowing this once the bandage is on the rain turns to gentle snow.

The small bear is butchered. Novrus would stagger under the load but he did bear it. He laughed at the pun. Through the night he tries to reach Wolf’s Tip village. He stopped to break ice for water. While he did refill his water skin it drained his energy so he fell asleep amid random trees.

The next morning the village is spied a few hundred strides onward. Valde the shaman applies herb poultices to his three wounds. Novrus relates the story gifting Valde a stack of bear meat.

Valde spoke, “In this short time you gained on a reindeer, an elk, two bears, two robbers and Red foe. Novrus, take a rest. Your ambitions are making quests you body can’t keep up with.”

Novrus grinned under the face poultice, “I think you are right.”

Valde added, “Best take one of the men with you to see you safely through any more battles.”

“I consent to your wisdom,” said Novrus.

Heige was nearby. Concerned about the fresh wounds he still could not part from his own duties here. Another of the Wolf’s Tip hunters named Gealbu owed the shaman a duty debt so agreed to come. Food was easy to provide with all the bear meat.

Novrus traded for goods mostly to lighten his load by paying for it in bear meat. Roasted cuts where traded for a little more than their weight in fresh cuts. Novrus gave Gealbu a recently bought juniper bow and a hand plus one of arrows. He also gave him a bowl. These were to be as payment and in part as gift for hunting the same mires. Then Novrus with Gealbu as escort skied off southward for the homestead.

It was still morning when they saw a man in the distance. Novrus was panting hard. Gaelbu warned to rest first lest the man be another robber. Novrus agreed. The man wasn’t trying to hide as they came near.

“I think I know him,” said Gaelbu, “Its Niila. A woodsman who passed through our village yesterday.”

They spoke with Niila warning of the robbers.

“Well if they are dead they are no longer a problem,” said Nilla.

Nilla was unwilling to trade so they skied on.

At noon they spotted a bear. Norus eyed it hungrily.

Gaelvu leaned close to whisper, “Remember but the shaman said”

Novrus was shaken out of his blood lust. He wiped snow over his face wincing when it pushed on the bandage. Indeed he had first thought the two of them could down this bear forgetting how wounded he already is. Shaman Valde had been right to have someone see Novrus home. More than to save him in battle but to save him from going into battle!

Day 1 of the 3rd week before summer

Noon and late Novrus with Gaelbu arrived at the homestead. A big fox was trapped behind the house! There are fresh reindeer tracks to!

The fox was laid low but there were chores to do before pursuing the reindeer. Besides some may already being the pit traps. What was left of the bear meat was added in the smoker’s rafters and a fresh smoky fire started. An arctic fox was found dangling in a homestead paw board. The bear’s skull was put in an honor tree and the hide needed its hours of work. In fact it took the rest of the day.

While Novrus did chores Gaelbu made a tour of the homestead. He spent over an hour in the smithy studying the forges, bellow, hammers and other tools. When it came to working the large hides Gaelbu joined in the work. After all hunters often partake of tanning the hides of their kills. Novrus asked many questions of the Owl huntsman how to tend for reindeer should he put one,or more, in the the herd pen.

The next days check of pit traps did indeed find one had caught a reindeer. Chores would take the three days Gaelbu was to stay. Even then there was a few days more what with all the game caught at the field plus the large hides took a great deal of work.

<Novrus so much hide>


« Reply #81 on: December 13, 2018, 03:13:04 AM »
Day 7 of the 3rd week before summer.

There were many small hides to process. The de-haired elk hide would soon give leather to go with the leather bear hide. The small bear’s fur joined the reindeer and fox furs. That work took th rest of the day.

Nest morning the elk hide for leather was moved farther to finished. Recalling the rusty hand axe trade Novrus set about getting its iron. Compared to working with fresh wet ores even a rusty axe was relatively “pure”. The resulting iron could use cleaning up. He decided to carburize one which might also along the clean the rust back to iron. Worked for a third of a day the resulting steel was as good as any other.

Another craft challenge was to replace his awkward ski stick. He made another and found it not much better. The next attempt he got the leather ski cup to catch the snow properly. The thicker carved shaft bent only slightly under the heavier loads of him, furs, armor, weapons and carried goods.

It still nags Novrus he hasn’t gotten salt. No trader has had any. He might manage a fast ski of three or four day to the southern shore then back before the river ice becomes unstable. If he doesn’t go now the slush months will interfere with boating. He decides he will go. Tonight he packs trade furs wrapped around arrows, a red foe shortbow and knives. His travel bag is packed with extra meat, a cup, bowl, an extra water skin, bandages and herbs.

When he awakes one last smoker fire is started. Extra wood and extra spruce piled in. With the doors kept closed the smoke should hover for amid the rafters for many days. Amid the ceremonial ring he starts a small smokey fire giving away a turnip to the forest spirit asking for it to watch over the house spirit and the homestead. The house spirit receives its own gift of meat.

Day 4 of the 2nd week before sumer.

Now well into his southward ski his path takes the opportunity to explore new ways and rivers. On one he finds a Kuamo village new to him: Holler Wide. They had foods and a few knives for sale. He had a long journey ahead so he did not stay long.

A stead of bronze workers was nearby. There he found a beautiful bronze bear pendant. Being the maker and wielder of Bear-Biter it seemed to call to him to carry it. Unrolling his trade goods they settled for the short bow, the ten pound reindeer fur and a few smaller furs. This also reduced the load he would be carry over the next days. He likewise purchased a small brooch, paid for in furs and arrows to likewise reduce his trade burden.

“Gain tail” was the next Kuamo settlement he found. It was only a few hours from Holler Wide. They had a few trade items but none called to Novrus for ownership.

He made south west to scout the edge of the Kieese tribal lands. He slept in the woods in his layers of fur. The next morning he skied across a wide frozen lake. Off the south western bank were Kieese homesteads. The Gore Mountains homestead had a small sheep herd. Perhaps on the way back he might purchase one as a source of wool.

At night a hidden shelter with trail markers was set. Skiing on he realizes if he diverts a little west he might manage a trip home. They might think him a failure to return so soon. Then he could show them the metal armor he won in a battle that might have killed him and the broad knife forged at his own smithy.

Day 6 of the 2nd week before summer.

Novrus skis into his home Reemi village of Rumeara, the Ugly Wild. With such a name could you blame him for leaving?

He met those clan mates like Peeka Peeka the stuttering old man, the unpleasant Jerkko, craftsman Tepu the teacher and Nestor the reliable Woodsman. There were family members like his overweight crafting uncle Olli the Rolly and his wife the feeding Aunt Kati. Both had looked after Novrus when his parent were taken by winter sickness. His grandfather had carried many wounds of battle. He had passed peacefully in the summer after Novrus had left. All but Jerkko were pleased to see Novrus though Peeka Peeka seemed to no remember him leaving.

The herd cows and bulls shifted in their pen. One cow he knew was missing. Kati said she had tasted good.

Novrus felt dismay and calm at his grandfather’s passing. He could recall who aching joints, off set bone fractures and other wounds had troubled the master of militia of the nearby Reemi. Jerkko had wanted that role but the refusal only added to his bitterness. Novrus felt better on giving Peeka Peeka two cuts of meat of he gnawed on.

Novrus pondered if the times he had remembered his grandfather’s advice had it been the body freed spirit coming to him?

Novrus spent that night in the villages great hall. A building of  girth not unlike the new house he was planning. Novrus woke before sunrise with Jerkko staring at him with cold eyes. He decided to hurry on his quest for salt. Today the reindeer meat should be done drying far back north at the homestead.

Midnight had not yet come with it being a deep black night. It was even more surprising to come across an elk in the black. It was if the local Reemi-friend spirits were gifting him with a sign of love.  He could not forgo the offer for if this elk was caught its meat would fill the cellars of his home.

After over an hour of trying to close Novrus made a sacrifice praising the elk’s skill. They had shown him favor by giving him elk sight but it was his destiny to be in other lands, to be the smith of the north. He skied on south to hurry on his salt quest.

 In the breaking daylight a Red foe by spruce watched him skin on the mires. Novrus turned for him and the Red foe did not shy away.

<Novrus southern red foe>


« Reply #82 on: December 13, 2018, 04:52:51 AM »

Novrus and the Red foe stared at each other a hundred yards away. Novrus desired to catch his breath before the battle. He took a drink from his water skin and ate two cuts of meat. All the while he boldly stood in view of the Red Foe. As he finished eating Red Foe seemed to lose courage and began to slide into hiding. Novrus grinned under his lynx-like face mask. He had one the first part of the duel.

He was unable to find Red foe’s footprints. Some of their magic must have been used. He did fire at an elk on the mire but missed. He chased it a short time before returning to his southward trek. He reach the south coast with its broad ocean of salt water. Hopefully soon someone would have salt for trade.

He searched several other villages not finding salt. All he found was more and more worry he needed to return to the homestead to store the meats. Skiing into the night he saw a glimpse of a figure. He felt he should get closer. 

It was a Red foe that two arrows missed. Then it became a chase as the sworn enemy pounded through the snow with Novrus skiing after him. In the tracking the Red foe was lost when the footprints were intertwined with those of a Reemi adventurer named Miku. He too was hunting the Red foe. Novrus decided to leave him to it.

Feeling defeated in the salt quest Novrus used the trade goods to obtain a starter group of sheep. Two sheep and a young ram not yet full in size. One item traded was his carving axe. At first he hesitated. Then he realized he had metal enough at home to make another and trading it hear would among his Reemi tribe would spread news of him being a smith. At first he stumbled badly with the sheep delaying putting a leash on making it a chase to assure himself of the beast. Novrus laughed. He was the smith of the north not the great herder of the north!

On his way back north he followed a road to other villages. One of these was Hyhky’s Passage. The enjoyed hearing what he had time for his adventurers since being here last spring. Novrus was impressed by the iron spectacle helm they had in their storehouse. The first thing they asked for in trade was Bear-Biter and this companion he would not part with. Now they haggled. Novrus agreed to turn over two broad knives taken in battle, the smaller Red foe iron helm and their curiosity asked for the lynx fur mask. Novrus parted with the simple helm as he would not need it now. As for the lynx mask he could make something similar and it humored them both to see the children pretending to be a lynx with it.

At the other Hyhky’s Passage village, just a few hundred strides down a road, they had dogs, cows and a bull. Concerned for the safety of the sheep while he would be on longer trips he asked for a dog. For it they agreed to the broad knife Novrus had smithed, the small bronze brooch and a few arrows.

Named the animals thusly:
Hyker for the dog, for its place of origin and for hiking long treks;
Ryser for the small name, a joke on its new profession as stud;
Onely and Twoly for the ship, as a means to count them.

With evening setting Novrus, Hyrker, Ryser, Onely and Twoly would rest in the northern Hyhky’s Passage village.

<Novrus named starter herd>


« Reply #83 on: December 14, 2018, 12:06:21 AM »
Once rested and gathered Novrus and his herd hurried north. So important did he feel speed was that he ignored a stag seen at a hundred strides.

Day 6 of the last week before the start of summer

Finally they arrived at the homestead. The herd and Hyrker were put into the herd pen. The meats drying and smoking were thankfully found in good order. A few birds were alive in the traps. To keep the herd watered he crafted a new wooden tub.

The next day chores found elk tracks on the frozen lake just off the homestead’s beach. They lead to a stag stuck in the closest pit trap. The processing would take more than a day to complete. More spruce was spread around the herd pen so they would have more separation from the snow. Novrus felt he might have delay the new house by using its log to build a half barn for the herd.

As he went about several day of chores the presence of the herd pleased him. The bleating sheep broke the silence in an nonthreatening way. Their wool covered bodies were like happy balls of snow. Hyker was often circling them. He seemed to have accepted them as part of his extended family. That is good for dogs will defend their family. Ryser was doing his own chasing but not yet getting consent.

Novrus debated if he should have a left a tree for them to use as a play thing and shade. He should build them the half-barn soon. It was the start of Swidden month making this the time to plant long growing crops like broad beans, barley, rye and hemp. Some push for two crops of turnips but Novrus wanted to use the existing fields for the long growing list. New fields could be made this month or next and still get a crop of turnips. Being disappointed in the yield of peas he didn’t plan to plant them this year. He could also plant the few herb seeds and bulbs he had.

A new carving axe was also needed to replace the self made on sold in trading for the herd. He should make that before building the half barn. First though was to be the planting, which it turned out the ground was still to frosty for. The carving axe then.

The carving axe work kept being interrupted with Hyker barking angrily. Novrus wasn’t sure what it was about and tried to continue working. Hours of work would be lost if the metal was cooled now.

Then a wolf at a few dozen strides from the sheep came into view! Novrus decided to never ignore Hyker again! To protect them Novrus slept within the herd pen. No attacks came that night.

In the morning howls were heard and perhaps even movement among the spruce. Hyker was eager to get out of the pen. Novrus almost lost him out the door getting the leash on. They went to hunt this wolf. Surely there is a legend of a wolf, three sheep and their protectors. Novrus laughed for if not before there soon would be!

Wolf tracks abounded and quickly fresh. Novrus’s eye bulged out! Two wolves running free and a third in the glutton trap! More perhaps unseen around them! The sheep pen still in view! A day to win a battle song indeed!

<Novrus Hyker wolf legend>


« Reply #84 on: December 14, 2018, 02:32:49 AM »
<Novrus Hyker wolf legend>

(During the first pass one of the wolves got a rear side “free” attack that ripped out his left eyeball… though he didn’t see the wolf doing it. Apparently it is more like 4 or 5 wolves not 3. So again if you want hard core rules he died. For those enjoying the story and of course my own benefit in writing we carry on)

(The next death saw only the trapped wolf slain. Novrus made a stand at the trees getting a bad shoulder wound. He got into the herd pen but never saw good bow shots. He got into the house to fight in the door but a wolf hurt him bad. That wolf he tricked inside and slammed the door. Wounded Novrus and Hyker were no match for the indoors wolf.)

(Dear Sami and Erkka,

Wolves are nasty.

Signed Brygun)

(Note: Bug detected.
Every time I force closed and reopened the game the wolves had more and more initial injuries. This included some of them being dead on game load. Admittedly force closing can do weird things. My zip save was used to restore the initial conditions without the extra injures. I did not think to save a set with overly wounded wolves for comparison.

Are you sure their bite damage is scaled properly? They seem worse than bear to fight even one on one.)

<Novrus deaths #2, 3 and 4>

Mists of possibilities swirled mind and air. To go forward to kill the trapped wolf wsa to invite the pack to attack. Backing to the trees might work. That is until a wolf might leap from behind, reach over your shoulder and tear your eye out.

Fighting to defensive posts seemed the best chance. Perhaps even getting a single wolf into the house. Yet the movement would leave opportunities to be bitten and bled by the pack.

So many ways to be taken down by a pack of wolves.

Novrus volleyed an arrow then made for the herd pen. Hyker blocked a wolf taken greats wounds for doing so. Novrus through his hand axe at the wolf, it missed, went to retrieve the axe and was charges. He got the axe and the wolf withdrew, as it glanced back it received the hand into its eye and brains.

That only left one in the trap, plus the raised count of two wolves and a small wolf running over the homestead.

In the pen Hyker squirmed from several serious bites. Novrus had leashed him to the fence for he had done all that he was likely to live through. Novrus to was bearing several wounds.

<Novrus got a wolf>


« Reply #85 on: December 14, 2018, 02:49:43 AM »
Novrus advances cautiously. The neck bite hurt him the most. So easily it might have opened him to bleeding. The fur niska had taken the worst of it. Other tears and bites in his gut and shoulder.

An arrow at the trapped wolf aroused growls from the others. One came charging as Novrus readied a broad head for the wolf pinned in the glutton trap. The charging wolf is too close. The broad head is sent at it. Mid stride it dives through the skull and brains. The struck wolf’s chest plows the snow as it comes down with no life in its legs.

<Novrus shot 2nd wolf>


« Reply #86 on: December 14, 2018, 03:08:16 AM »
Another wolf charges taking an arrow in a hind leg. With a whimper it moves away into cover.
It catches a glimpse of a wolf circling to the east. Cunning group fighters these. He looses an arrow as it closes with the shot catching snow. As the wolf closes Novrus growls punching the shield edge. Though no contact is made the wolf darts north.

Another dashing charge turns evasive wasting a pair of arrows. It disappears among the spruce.

Novrus advances on the trapped wolf. At a few strides only sending an arrow it into the elbow of a foreleg. It yelped then fell into slumber. Another wolf somewhere growled, likely another charge is coming.

Throwing the hand axe deters two more charges. Recover is swift for its held to short range. With this Novrus has his shield up to block or limit bites, like the next bite he receives.

The charging wolf is absent as blows are landed that finish the trapped wolf. Novrus moves the carcass off the trap hoping to reset it a new. That is when two wolves charge! One from the north and one from the east!

<Novrus double charge>


« Reply #87 on: December 14, 2018, 03:17:22 AM »
Self forged broad knife is in hand from stabbing the neck of the trapped wolf. Being literally what is at hand Novrus throws it at the nearest wolf. Both turn to flee.

Two wolves may be much less bold than when they were what… five was it?

Novrus is willing to end the battle if they are. Three wolf corpses are huddled together in the courtyard. Hyker is anxiously yapping for he smells all the mixed blood in the air.


A heavy rain begins to fall. The smells floating are captured in the droplets.

Is this the forest spirit agreeing to the end of fighting. That the battle between settlement and wolf pack has been played out. That both have suffered and both yet live.

Please, let it be so.

(I am so not chasing down those wolves!)

<Novrus rain after wolves>


« Reply #88 on: December 14, 2018, 05:03:24 AM »
Breathing restoring also meant the adrenaline was fading from hiding his pain. Hoping the peace was true Novrus went into the herd pen. Hyker was unleashed and Novrus washed his wounds with water from his water skin. The rain would be helping too.

Briefly Novrus considered bringing the herd and Hyker into the small house for safety. It would be such a disaster of broken pots, tipped over stacks and lost tools.

Stepping out the gate a wolf at the new house stock piles stared at him.

Novrus held his head down a moment.

Novrus relocated the gathered wolf carcasses to be placed near the remaining strong traps. If they were coming to be near their fallen kin this would bring the survivors to those ends. With at least one wolf skirting the herd pen sheep and Hyker Novrus withdrew himself into the sauna-smoker house. The entrance guard trap set, the door closed and himself watching out the window that looked toward the herd pen.

He hoped and prayed the house spirit would keep him safe while he dressed his wounds. He wondered if the forest spirit would dull the wolves senses of the large traps with their wolf-carcass lures.

Washing his neck wound stung. It had to be done though. Rain continued to tappity tap on the roof. Uncoiling a bandage he began to wrap it around when a growl proceeded wolf paws and eyes! A wolf on hind legs looked through the opened shutter back at him.

Panic took hold as Novrus snapped up bow and arrow. The arrow sailing past made Novrus take dread for fear of hitting the herd. It didn’t. The wolf though again bolted below the window and out of sight.

His mind thought of a battle trick. To lure the wolves to the two large lever traps and three-trunk bear trap he opened and stood in the smoker’s venting door. It was also the house’s rear door. One he placed just in case a fire took the front door.

Again he started to prepare a bandage knowing the wolf might come. It sure did! From the house’s blind side it leapt the fence. Its attempt at an aerial jaw clamp failing as Novrus’s fear inched him backwards into the table. With shield and axe wounded Novrus tried to fight. The unmarred wolf is fast to make snaps his right upper arm. Then it leapt over the fence away again. Novrus had to remember there were two wolves out there as well.

Novrus now stood at the smoker’s venting shutter. It faced east from the south east corner of the small building. Doors would have to be forced to approach him here. He waited for sings of a passing wolf. Ten minutes or twenty he didn’t know for sure when a loud thud and growl of pain signaled a wolf had been seduced into one of the traps!

It had tipped the three-trunk bear trap onto itself. The hips and leg angles looked quite wrong now. He tries a shot from the smoker’s west sided door but the arrow is taken up by the trees that shelter the rear of the building. Nervous Novrus hopes the rain hides the smell of fear coming from him.

Approaching the trunk trapped a wolf the Gruelfen chosen laminated bow drives an arrow into its skull. Its chest still rises in breathing. The blood flow marks it as soon to pass.

Growling hate calls from behind. Turning Novrus shuffles for the house door. Before then the other wolf is on him. His shield is not always able to stop its bite. As Novrus backs into the door flailing with hand axe and shield the wolf dashes away. Surely it will return.

With little strength left Novrus resets the door guard trap rather than attempt an axe throw a the wolf.

Pain swims though his mind. Is his grandfather walking past the herd pen? If only he could have told him of his successes yet surely his spirit knew. Overhead the birch-bark punt expressed a wondering if they would ever take to the lake again. An elf’s shadow peeked from the smoke of the fire.

He was not well.

Nearly half way into the spirit world now was Novrus.

“Grandfather,” said Novrus.

Spring flowers in full bloom skipped around the growing stands of rising crops. Grandfather had called the young men of the villages for weapon training.

“This is your shield. It keeps you alive,” said Grandfather, “This is your spear. It is your fang. With warriors on either side one holding shield and spear is like a fortress.”

“Like a fortress,” Novrus repeated.

His mind drifted back to the senses of the unreal world. He backed up to the sleeping bunk. When he had built this place it was here he figured he was a fortress. From where it stood un-summoned for months against the wall Novrus took up his spear. In spring time he had carried it from home. Before that he had trained under his Grandfather for the shield wall.

He climbed onto the sleeping bunk. Pressing into a corner he got small behind the shield. Spear leveled to the short but forced approach. Either side a wall or the fireplace. As he had thought when this was built here he was a fortress. A fortress under siege. He had prepared for this.

Outside the wolf could dance its way into the other traps.

After a few moments he laid the shield and spear in alignment for quick arming. Now he dressed the bandage around his neck wound. Outside he heard something running.  Hyker had not barked an alarm nor the sheep bleated. With hope they were alive in the pen with Hyker enough to give the wolf pause.

Then cleaning dressing the fresh hip wound he ventured a look to the herd pen. Hyker was on the spruce beds looking back at the house. Ryser was strutting in defiance while Onely and Twoly kept shifting nervously. They were all alive. The wolf was still near. Novrus withdrew to treat other wounds.

During that the last wolf growled at the heard. Novrus banged shield and spear together as when shield walls sought to threaten each other.

As the wolf made away again Novrus gathered all the arrows left in stores. Blunts, unbalanced, broad heads or what so long as they could be shot.  Right in this moment he missed having the half-hundred sheath of arrows he had gone south with as trade goods. He moved to the middle not the sleeping bunk to have a different window angle. The wolf came by circling the herd pen, Novrus fired but there was no connection.

Minutes later the wolf past close to the window. An arrow went to its hind leg for all the trouble it had caused.

Novrus came out to try for shots and to gather arrows. The last wolf wasn’t moving well but still was coming for its pack mates. Novrus put arrows and neck stabs to the three-trunk trapped wolf while getting another arrow into the moving wolf.

Novrus withdrew to fortress mode. The three-trunk trapped wolf had expired at last. The other moving wolf was not seen as he cleaned the rest of his wounds.

Now things needed to be done carefully. That meant bringing Hyker out with him. The dog’s senses would give them warning. Tracks of the wolves were everywhere. Novrus quickly let go the idea of pursuing the wolf. Instead he reset and rebaited the large traps.

So exhausted, bled and drained was Novrus that when returning Hyker to the herd pen that Twoly bolted out the door. This with a wolf loose in the woods!

“Bashed berries!” cried Novrus.

It took a few minutes to ski enough for Twoly to be leashed and more to be returned.

Novrus hoped the wolf matter was over. He hoped to awake after sleeping with his bandaged and unbandaged wounds.

<Novrus post wolf pack sleep>
« Last Edit: December 14, 2018, 05:12:13 AM by Brygun »


« Reply #89 on: December 14, 2018, 05:46:01 PM »
He woke up.

He felt glad to know pain.

He had gone to the spirit world that night.

Pain tingles and stabs in many places. It only hurt to breath, eat, drink, use his right arm or his left leg.

“Why only half bad!” laughed Novrus.

He checked his laughter as it added to the pain. Managing a short move he looked out the north window as he ate and drank. All the herd and Hyker were alive as well.

Now for a painful day of skinning and tanning hides. The four wolves taken felt like it had happened in a dream. Perhaps it was just the pain fogging his mind. Didn’t one bite his eye out? Didn’t he get throated? Hadn’t another death found him? Yet he lived.

Grandfather had been seen. Reminding him of how to fight had indeed been a boon.

One wounded wolf was still out there. Had its blood lust gone? Had it had enough of avenging its pack mates? Novrus wasn’t going to hunt it. He was glad enough to be in pain and that meant alive.

His homestead stocks good easily sustain him a few days without adventurers. He debated hurrying to Flower Wild for the care of their healers. They were such a generous people. Time and time again they had cared for those wounded in the woods. Novrus was glad to have such neighbors. He felt a duty to the too.

To travel to them now though was a great risk. Seriously wounded and a wounded wolf in the nearby woods. No he would not travel. Although if the wounds became infected that would be a different matter.

Chores would have to be struggled through like finishing the tanning on the elk fur. The wolves were skinned but due to the delay from the battle the meat was already gone off.

Novrus thought to convert the light bird traps to the heavier traps that had been effective on the wolves. It was while building one of these the crippled wolf waddled out from under the spruce branches that had been hiding it.

<Novrus Wolf 5 is back>

