Topic: Finding Silver?  (Read 7856 times)


« on: February 20, 2018, 07:47:42 AM »
I'm working on a certain quest that requires sacrificing silver, yet I can't seem to find it anywhere in the game world! I'm glad the quest gives such a long timeline, because I've looked from Driik lands to Seal lands and talked to at least 3 groups of foreign traders in between, and haven't seen anything better than bronze!

Is the "silver" part literal in this quest or would, say, an iron weapon do? Has anyone had luck finding silver in their game world? Which cultures seem to have it? I know it supposedly exists from the game encyclopedia, but have yet to come across it.


« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2018, 09:00:01 AM »
It's literally silver, and yes, it can be a pain to get hold of it. Traders do carry it occasionally, and it can occasionally be found in villages. I think I tried 4 or so traders and (half?) a dozen villages before finding any silver (in a village). Generally I'd say traders is the most reliable source (and you've experienced how reliable that is..). I've since found silver providing traders, by the way, and have since built up a respectable mound of trinkets.

My character is Remi, so I found my silver in a Remi village. Driik are the best for anything not tied specifically to a given culture, so I'd expect that to go for trinkets as well. Trinkets in villages is a new thing (traders have carried them for some time), so I can't say how common it is in other cultures, but I'd expect the northern tribes to be the worst for trinkets.

And, by the way, pick up some seeds while down in the south if you intend to do some farming, as northerners don't farm, and thus don't carry seeds (assuming your character is a Seal tribe one).


« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2018, 03:23:58 PM »
Reading the GAME.NFO file can help. Seems like some silver trinkets are only sold by foreign traders, some made by Driik, and some are "liked" (which I guess it implies "sold") by eastern and northern cultures. So you could try this trip from southwest to north: Driik - Reemi - Kaumo - Owl. You should find something.


« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2018, 04:30:10 PM »
Ha, of course right after I posted this, I found some, in a Seal Tribe village of all things! Apparently all the wealth of the north is in this one village, they had a silver bird bracelet, silver sun-symbol pendant, and bronze pendant! It sort of felt like finding mysterious long lost treasure, hidden among the dried fish and seal skins!

So to any other adventurers, don't give up on your home culture just yet!


« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2018, 04:40:03 PM »
Have you tried the other two northern tribes? Incidentally, I also had tried a seal tribe quickly and was surprised by the many trinkets. I wonder if it's something linked to the north, like GAME.NFO implies, or specific of that tribe.

