Topic: Shields & eyesight in combat, celling temperature in cabin.  (Read 14344 times)


« on: August 09, 2017, 07:57:19 PM »
From what I remember, not seeing opponent that is attacking you, gives them 100% chance to hit in meele, high stance with shield removes ~half of our eyesight for protection against projectiles. My questions are - how ranged combat vs eyes work in this case, only possible hits to eyes are blocked where our sight is blocked or protection is bigger? And how meele will work? Will enemies hit me 100% of the time there?

Also I remember celling counts as outdoors, and I vaguely recall one of updates changing how temperature work a lot, does my cabin need to be 100% hole free which excludes having cellar inside? I remember that wild animals will steal food, so I could make at least one additional room for cellings so only robbers would be birds.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2017, 08:02:22 PM by garettzriwin »


« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2017, 09:59:52 AM »
Not seeing the attacker removes your defense,  so you can't dodge or block, but they can still miss (and do so often when they are exhausted). I can't comment on shields, though.

Theft from cellars by animals is an insignificant problem: don't bother about it (you can place a snare or fox paw board on top of the cellar if you have a particular creature pestering you).
I don't think birds can get in through a hole in the roof, as they're blocked by the walls (and they fly high, out of reach, indoors). A cellar (or group of cellars) surrounded by walls (with a door) should make the cellar theft proof (provided you keep the door shut), but I wouldn't bother both because it's not worth the trouble, and because it's immersion breaking.
I don't know about the temperature effects on a hole in the ceiling. My characters never heat their houses and never close the door, and it works out fine anyway (but there's no hole in the ceiling). It's simply too much hassle to heat the cabin and then constantly shift the clothing: it's enough of a bother to shift the clothing to adapt to the outdoor temperature. I've noted that the temperature is slightly higher indoors than outdoors even without heating, though.

Saiko Kila

« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2017, 10:09:51 AM »
From what I remember, not seeing opponent that is attacking you, gives them 100% chance to hit in meele, high stance with shield removes ~half of our eyesight for protection against projectiles. My questions are - how ranged combat vs eyes work in this case, only possible hits to eyes are blocked where our sight is blocked or protection is bigger? And how meele will work? Will enemies hit me 100% of the time there?

Also I remember celling counts as outdoors, and I vaguely recall one of updates changing how temperature work a lot, does my cabin need to be 100% hole free which excludes having cellar inside? I remember that wild animals will steal food, so I could make at least one additional room for cellings so only robbers would be birds.

Cellar inside can be done without a problem. Even with current upgrade, you can survive sleeping on the inside cellar during winter if you have warm clothing, though snow will still wake you up. I make my cellar just a few metres off my sleeping space, which is near fire. It has no effect on perceived temperature - my character still sweats a lot. This cellar is very convenient, when you stand on it, you can prepare dried food (there needs to be a wall nearby, may be diagonal), which you don't need to care about moving to the cellar when it's done.

This can be still robbed by non-avians, assuming you let you door open.

I fight with the shield often, and enemies definitely don't have 100% hit chance. The melee fighters with axe will devastate the shield quickly, though.  One hit can even lower quality by more than one level. Also, even with the anti-arrow stance, the arrow can sometimes hit you, including in the eyes. Still, it will block most arrows coming from front. By the way, when melee fighting with shield and HIGH stance, you can still be hit by your melee opponent in the eye, too.

Enemies seem to have some advantage when attacking off sight, and if in group, some of them will try to flank you. But my character is so armoured, than these attacks rarely are very dangerous.


« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2017, 03:04:44 PM »
Unfortunately, enemies don't try to flank you: flanking only happens by accident as a result of the tiles in front of you being occupied by other enemies (or other obstacles).
And yes, it's possible to hit shield wielding enemies with arrows even in protected locations (and, conversely, arrows aimed at the exposed parts are frequently blocked).

