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Re: Luckiest kill? I had a couple of similar kills with bows (mostly northern bow). The one I consider the luckiest, was one-shot kill of the large stag, who was exactly at the border of visible screen, with maximum zoomout - i.e. the longest distance of shooting. My guy was quite a crappy shooter then, so I was surprised when he instakilled the stag with single try. In this case it was thorax, not eye shot, with a broadhead arrow.

I also had some intakills with humans, and other deer.

Quite often I have instakill of birds with thrown spear, but this is easier to do, since the distance is smaller than with bow.

I also had something which can be considered luckiest in another sense, when I wasn't targeting the subsequent kill. I shot at the stag, and missed, the arrow flew past the screen border. When I went there looking for it, I found it quite further, together with a badly damaged corpse of a goshawk (it was a broadhead, so nothing strange there). This way I learned that the ballistic curve and collision detection is calculated even for off-screen objects. Since then I was using this technique to shoot these nasty robbers from afar.

May 23, 2017, 09:00:57 PM
Re: My trusty woodaxe
Battleaxe have a good looking stats but it is nothing compare with other top tier weapons (battlesword/ango/warflail) due to only having good (3/5) attack bonus where others have remarkable (5/5)

You should consider sword/spear as your main melee skill instead of axe

Not true anymore. Battleaxe has 4 attack bonus. But the attack bonus is not as important, especially if it is bigger than defence of opponent's weapon - which is usually the case. And ango's defence is lower, and battlesword's is the same as battleaxe's, all of them low. Battleaxe also has the highest damage of all melee weapons, bigger than battlesword and ango (which weigh 2.5x more, and you cannot really use a shield with them) or warflail had. There is no warflail in current game anyway, and good luck with finding better than average ango. If the skill in axe is bigger than in sword or spear, then it's a better choice as a main weapon.

Additionally, the axe is the best tool for breaking ice (from the news.txt, the order of ice-breakers from best to worst: axe, spear, sword, knife, stone).

Also there is a difference when blocking - spears degrade much faster than axes or swords, for example, no matter skill.

If choosing spear, I would take standard spear over ango. It has only a bit smaller attack bonus (4 instead of 5) and damage (7 vs 8), but has better defence (2 vs 1), is much easier to use with shield (penalty of 20 instead of 35), and is much, much lighter (5 lbs vs 8 lbs), making it great for throws as well as for melee fight. Plus you'll have a plenty of masterwork spears from traders.

Still, it's best to have more than one skill in melee weapons, plus one in ranged. If the next highest skill is in axe, there's no point in wasting time to train other skills.

May 25, 2017, 10:56:18 AM
Re: Armor - Maximum Protection
Second question, I read somewhere that armor quality doesn't change protection value, is that definitively correct?

I haven't found a single instance of difference of armour between poor and masterwork quality items. Assuming they have the same condition, they will set the total protection for a given body part to the same value. Whether their quality will play role in the combat - I don't know.

May 31, 2017, 07:22:49 PM
Re: Buying animals
A couple of times now, I've purchased a cow and wound up getting a small cow instead - seems like a bit of a ripoff, since that affects their carrying capacity.

Price of animal is directly proportional to value of its meat, and its size (with dogs commanding a premium on top of that). Assuming you were cautious when buying and did not overpay, you are not ripped off. Smaller cow costs proportionally less than a bigger cow. Indeed the carrying capacity is proportional to the size (and thus price) of the animal. Actually the carrying capacity is the same as the size of the animal.

Also, currently the adjective (small and big) means only that the animal is 80% of average size or less, or 120% of average size or more. It is possible that the "normal" cow isn't much bigger than the small cow.

June 06, 2017, 06:38:16 PM
Re: Increasing stat upon Course Completion Fails
The stat increase increases all your stats across the board by +1, but I'm not sure what it does for stats that are already at max - I'm assuming nothing, but not sure - it may be that it does increase the value, but still displays the same.

Maxed out attribute (i.e. the one with value of 18) simply won't be changed. Only attributes with value of 17 or lower are increased. Also it's impossible to choose only one attribute to increase, because after selecting the option to increase attributes, the game will increase all attributes with value under 18.

June 20, 2017, 08:19:26 PM
Re: Killed Companions You can do nothing, but you can later make quests for the village, after they rage subsided. If you want.

You can roleplay a bit, drop some stones on the body to make a grave, or carry it to the cave. Personally I would try to cut it into pieces if it is winter and it won't rot too quick, then dry it, and sell/give to his fellow villagers, so they can retain at least some of his spirit.

July 23, 2017, 06:11:24 PM
Re: Snake venom arrows
I don't think there's any available poison that's sufficiently fast acting to be of use in Finland, and I very much doubt there's any historical indication of poisoned missiles (poisoned bait is a different issue, but I wouldn't be surprised if that wasn't used during the Iron age).

Oh, there's plenty of suitable poisons (see below). Question is if were they used, and if not, does it matter? This game is a fiction in a fictitious world, so why should it be limited to what we know about the history of real region, especially since we know not that much (before Sweden and Novgorod/Russian conquests?)

While we don't know if the natives of ancient Finland used poisons, we know that their neighbours Slavs (all three groups, including the ones who would later form Poles, and Rus') used poison arrows, Balts and Lithiuanians used poison arrows, Mongols and other Asiatic nations used poison arrows, and before them Scythians used very infamous poison arrows. If the action of the game is in the beginning of middle ages, then the Njerp could have been based on marauding Scythians (maybe after the fall of their empire), and they should definitely use poison arrows. It could be balancing to the game if they used it, actually.

As for what could be available, because it can be found in Finland and was used as poison by neighbours:

1. animal - viper venom was the main ingredient of the scythicon (toxin of Scythians) along with excrements, very deadly concoction, though it would work even better if infection (gangrene) was implemented in the game

2. plant - hemlocks - cowbane a.k.a northern water hemlock (Cicuta virosa), poison hemlock (Conium maculatum), both very toxic, effects can occur after 20 minutes if dose high enough, works similarly to curare; prefers wet places near rivers

3. plant - wolfs bane - varied Aconitum species, especially strong wolfsbane (Aconitum firmum), which is one of deadliest plant of Northern
Hemisphere, contains potent neurotoxin, also works similarly to curare, Japanese natives used it to hunt brown bears, but it was used in Central Europe and by Asiatic northern tribes too; it grows in mountainous areas

4. plant - false hellebores - varied Veratrum species, especially white hellebore (Veratrum album) and black hellebore (Veratrum nigrum), were used in warfare both in North America (by Natives) and in Europe and Asia (for example historically by Slavs and Lithuanians). This is interesting, because the same plants were used for the same purposes in completely different cultures, some of them were geographically close to Finland though.

Slavic princes after Christianisation began to ban use of poisons on religious grounds, but there still remain villages founded in this time which basically are named "poisoner's village", because their inhabitants were required to prepare battle poisons (as other villages were required to make iron, or hunt beavers, which is reflected in their names). Lithuanians and Balts are known to oppose Christianity, even after formal conquests, and they used poisoned arrows even till Renaissance (there are complaints to their Christian kings which describe this "unchristianic" practice). And they lived very close to Finland, so I wouldn't rule out a technology transfer. If not to natives, then at least to Njerps.

Also, poisons in real life take time to act. If used for hunting the idea is that the hunter follows the animal (or runs away from it if it's a bear) till the poison kills it, which may take hours. This would be perfectly in tune with present technique of shooting an animal with broadhead arrow and then following it. I think that poison arrows could be a home-made alternative to broadhead arrows, if available to the players (maybe only some cultures), or a valuable find when looting Njerp.

When used in warfare, it can debilitate the enemy rather quickly (cramps, loss of hand-eye coordination, sight loss, or even consciousness loss, like after hemlock), but is shouldn't kill quickly enough to fire-and-forget-and-select-another-target technique, more like should add penalties first. After all, it was more often used in guerilla style tactics than in open, huge battles.

January 25, 2019, 01:56:19 PM
Re: course reward I always choose attributes, though sometimes I make an archive save before finishing to be able to choose spells, for testing. But for continued play it's attributes.

Attributes generally are most important when creating the character (they govern how much initial skill will be), but some affect it all the time or during special events:

Endurance decreases penalty for encumbrance (and thus indirectly increases Mobility, and most if not all skills), it is also tested for shock (when you lose consciousness from heavy injuries). It's probably tested during swimming trouble (for drowning), though admittedly if this happens you're almost certain dead anyway.

Dexterity is tested with fumble tests (when you fight and drop your weapon it was a failed DEX test, in addition to failure in an attack/defence skill)

Agility is tested with stumble test (when you fight and trip over you failed AGL test)

Speed you mentioned, it increases Mobility directly

Touch is tested when eating for some reason (maybe how long it will take), it's also tested when performing crafting, at the start. It is actually tested when performing item related functions like shootin from bow or felling a tree, but I don't know it this is only to determine if you gain a skill point, or maybe if you don't drop a weapon or axe (something similar to fumble test but not in fight, but that's my speculation).

Eyesight is tested when on overland map, to notice animals and people (it is actually tested more if there are more tiles seen), maybe also when noticing tracks without explicitly involving tracking skill, but I'm not sure on this one.

Hearing is tested when on zoomed in map, for example when tracking unseen animal.

Smell probably too, though I'm not sure how important it is, I SUPPOSE you may detect the readiness of food from further distance with higher smell, but I'm not sure at all.

Also some attributes (probably Endurance, but maybe combination) are tested under certain conditions when deciding sickness or sickness level: for example flu or nausea. When I got influenza TWICE during my first summer, despite being decently clothed and warm, I'm sure it was a failed attribute test, END most probably.

Attributes also govern skill affinity (the asterisks to the right of skill), the higher affinity the easier it is to gain a skill after performing a task. I haven't noticed that affinity changes  when attributes increase though, so maybe it is set only in the beginning. The "resolution" of affinity is too small to be certain.

January 29, 2019, 07:53:58 PM
Re: course reward
Strength directly affects your carrying capacity.

Sorry PALU, I have to correct you on this one - STR doesn't affect capacity, though it does affect heaviness of the load you can pickup at one time (it's tested then). Maybe you had this in mind, but for most people capacity is what the maximum encumbrance can be. Capacity is simply your own weight * 1.5. For example if you weight 179 176 lbs, your capacity is 264 lbs. This, unfortunately, cannot be raised now, because your weight doesn't change. no matter how much you will eat.

January 29, 2019, 08:02:33 PM
Re: The currious case of Robbers Robbers didn't take your bulls? Strange I say, because when I was travelling with 3x dogs, 2x bovines and 2x pigs (in v3.52), they did take ALL lashed animals (the dogs were unleashed before fight, and I've found them later).

I'm also curious about who dragged you, but from my experience it's rare if there are only three robbers. Usually there are 5 or 6. Sometimes it looks as if there are two, I kill them with arrows, but usually they are just a vanguard it seems, the others being far away enough to be disinterested.

The dogs may be not dead, because they ran away temporarily, or were unconscious and left to die. But it may be they are treated as a non-threat by AI, once you are down.

Though I think it may be the algorithm doesn't take all circumstances into consideration, and always drops the character away, even if it is the sole survivor. By the way, the things dropped may be protected partially from taking. Also although they took all my animals in my case, they left some masterwork items I had in inventory (like a handaxe) and other stuff.

Additionally there may be some roleplaying as an explanation - that it is the character, wounded and delirious, who just wandered away before regaining his senses. The text doesn't say that the character is dropped, it says "You come to your senses in unfamiliar surroundings".

February 14, 2019, 08:33:37 AM