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Bug reports / Re: teleported to field
« Last post by JP_Finn on May 19, 2024, 06:57:39 AM »
Any chance you saved, copied and compressed the save game there and then?
Bug reports / Re: Spotting, getting noticed, by unconscious NPC
« Last post by JP_Finn on May 19, 2024, 06:54:20 AM »
I’m not sure we’re on the same page here.
I don’t recall seeing yellow text or “death blow is possible” ever.
Most of the time getting big game, moose (alces alces (elk (cervus canadensis)is sort of taxonomy misnomer:) is British English error) or bear unconscious, it’ll take 10+ axe poll hits to skull to kill the animal.

I thought alternate target option was all there was. Instead of head-body-arms-legs, you get to target skull-neck et cetera. I don’t recall other options of the unconscious as game animals get ‘skull’, Njerp and robbers get ‘neck’…
Bug reports / teleported to field
« Last post by Kouvostoliitto on May 18, 2024, 06:34:47 PM »
I took the two clothes of the boy who fell into the trap and died. The woman noticed it, and demanded that I come back with the things I took. I started walking towards the southern border of the village, where there was a trap, because the others had been triggered, and there was no time to start fixing them.
When stepping past the trap, the villager man following me, stepped into the trap, causing the program to "crash". The other half of the field of vision turned into empty terrain, and soon the program teleported me to a field, on the east side of the village. After this, the game seemed to work normally. 0_o
Finally, I found out why that function failed for me. It turned out to be a software I used before causing the problem (it deals with keyboard input, so it all makes sense). If it hadn't been for the SDL library update of the game somehow exposing the issue, I could have never noticed it. So, thank you, UnReal World and devs.
That software *hijacked* this key combination and set it to the top priority for itself system wide.
And if anyone suffers from similar problems, I hope my story can help you or at least provide some thoughts. You can try:
I missed the two updates and was playing v3.82 all the time due to this problem. Now I can finally enjoy the game with the new content. But still, it makes me wonder why UrW was not influenced by this problem before while the whole system was.

Excellent! Very good to hear this.
This might discovery might be valuable information also to contribute at SDL2 bugs forums/tracker.
The system dependent oddities with SDL are the evidently the most trickiest to discover by the library maintainers, and users.
Bug reports / Re: Spotting, getting noticed, by unconscious NPC
« Last post by Sami on May 18, 2024, 03:38:48 PM »
The hare was still unconscious as the character moved 2 more tiles and then killed the hare with the axe’s poll with a perfect hit to its skull.

Ah, so there was the "Deathblow is possible..." etc. additional information in yellow text shown when selecting attack aspect?
Bug reports / Re: Double fire
« Last post by JP_Finn on May 18, 2024, 06:50:51 AM »
Just emailed you the save game.
Happy bug hunting!
Bug reports / Re: Spotting, getting noticed, by unconscious NPC
« Last post by JP_Finn on May 18, 2024, 05:40:42 AM »
The hare was still unconscious as the character moved 2 more tiles and then killed the hare with the axe’s poll with a perfect hit to its skull.
Glad you figured it out!
I do detest any non-documented features/hijacking programs with a vengeance.

On that note, I tend to reinstall operating systems every 2 years after ensuring backup is current; repartition, format. 
Used to do clean re-install every year, but I don’t run too many odd projects these days.
Caveat: I have an old ‘08R2 server (installed 2015ish) SDRM recorder running in the laboratory (garage) still, without one re-install. 
Finally, I found out why that function failed for me. It turned out to be a software I used before causing the problem (it deals with keyboard input, so it all makes sense). If it hadn't been for the SDL library update of the game somehow exposing the issue, I could have never noticed it. So, thank you, UnReal World and devs.

That software *hijacked* this key combination and set it to the top priority for itself system wide. Even though I had already uninstalled it long ago, this shortcut key was still not released. Either the software was just poorly programmed, or they coded that intentionally. But anyway, Now I finally found it out and fixed it, along with other problems which the software caused and I just discovered now. Also, a consumer complaint is formed for messing up my system.

Many thanks to you guys for helping me fix the problem in this post!

And if anyone suffers from similar problems, I hope my story can help you or at least provide some thoughts. You can try:

    1. Check if mechanical issue.
    2. Update or rollback your keyboard drive.
    3. Examine your shortcut key registration.
    4. Recall if you ever installed something that could mess up the keyboard input.

Hopefully, these methods I once used could help you locate the source of the problem.

I missed the two updates and was playing v3.82 all the time due to this problem. Now I can finally enjoy the game with the new content. But still, it makes me wonder why UrW was not influenced by this problem before while the whole system was.

Computers are tricky little demons after all. And UrW is a magical game made by magical people, I reckon.
Development News / Version 3.84.2 - second hotfix patch for version 3.84 released
« Last post by Sami on May 17, 2024, 07:16:10 PM »
A second hotfix patch has been released for version 3.84.
It's available for all the supported platforms on Steam, Itch.Io and for lifetimers.

The following fixes/changes are featured:

Version: 3.84.2

** Saved characters from version 3.80-> are compatible with this version. **

 - fixed: pausable crafting item duplication

         In some conditions when you finished crafting an item the work in progress item still remained on the ground.

 - fixed: using TEXTILECRAFT skill displaying corrupt "Command:" prompt, eg. TEXTILECRAFTNETMAKING

 - changed: Staff item type and role

         Staves are now classified as timber type items rather than weapons, and considered mostly as raw material for crafting and construction purposes.
         There are no changes to staff making. They are made from slender tree trunks by delimbing and debarking the trunk and cutting it to
         suitable lengths. A common staff is thought of being about two meters in length with a diameter that fits nicely in one's hand.

         MIGRATION NOTICE: Weapon type staves obtained in previous versions do work in crafting the same way as the current version staves.

 - updated: STAFF game encyclopedia (F1) entry


Happy patched adventures!
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