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Messages - Ezhe

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Gameplay questions / Re: question about diagonal distance
« on: January 03, 2023, 06:40:05 AM »
I see, thank you all!

Gameplay questions / question about diagonal distance
« on: December 31, 2022, 05:37:12 AM »
is diagonal distance of a tile 1.4 times of the horizonal/vertical distance or same with it? So, will going diagonal direction take more time than going horizonal/vertical direction each turn?

I was wondering if dog could be able to hold small preys like squirrel or hare in mouth by wielding them, so that dog can take back these preys when you order them to hunt them and they did it. Then you don't have to difficultly seek the location of hunted prey in forest.
In this way, dogs can hold a bone in mouth so they will atomically eat the bone and save you a lot of operation from dropping a bone from inventory, ordering them to eat and picking up unfinished bone to move on.
If this in game, Adding option to order dog to fetch a stick or your shoes is not far. You can also play 'go fetch' game with you dog by throwing a stick and tell your dog to retrieve it. :D

Suggestions / Re: Let us automatically use tools carried by leashed animals
« on: December 31, 2022, 04:21:00 AM »
Same with having to equip a paddle that you are already carrying before you can punt or raft.
I'm wondering if paddle could be attached to punt or raft. That will save a lot of effort from equipping/unequipping paddle or packing/unpacking it from the pack animal

Gameplay questions / Re: [Spoilers] Forest Cow Quest
« on: December 27, 2022, 12:34:38 PM »
Press F6, you will see a circle marked on map, which shows the area of possible location of the lost livestock. then try to start searching from the center of that circle. By my experience, the track of the lost livestock is most likely to be found there.

Gameplay questions / Re: Unworthy trade items
« on: December 27, 2022, 12:30:43 PM »
If you are buying a very expensive ware, a single dried meat is not accepted as one bid, because the value of one dried meat is too low compared to the ware you want to buy. You need to bid several dried meats each time, in this way the value of them is high enough as one bid.

Trading with the wandering woodsman/hunter/adventurers in wilderness is a common interaction with them. But after you buy tools or expensive furs with like more than a hundred cuts of meat in one time, they will drop the cuts on ground since they can't carry that much. Then you can just pick up them and they are ok about it. villagers also drop things they can't carry, but they are still considered as village property. So, if you picked up them, you need to buy them. They are not yours anymore. However, it seems wandering npcs just give up the item they drop, just like the arrows they shoot. I think it's not a bug, but still a loophole you can exploit to take goods from wandering npcs without actually paying.
Suggested solution: add a label to mark items as npc's individual belongings

The stolen goods will have (taken) label for some time when you steal them and take them outside the village without being caught. So will the empty containers when content poured out or consumed. And I found this when I stole a bag of beans from a village:
When I had eaten all stolen beans, the empty bag was left and marked with (taken). So, I went back to the same village without carrying the bag, in consideration that the bag was still plunder. But the villagers still knew it and required me to pay for the empty bag when I traded with them, even if I didn't carry it. Other stolen items, however, were not required to be paid. Then I paid for the bag, but it was asked to be paid again every time I entered that village.
Sometimes, people are desperate enough to steal food and cloth from village in order to survive coldness and starvation. I guess this is a small punishment for stealing, but still hope it could be fixed.

The (unpaid) or (taken) label is not correctly added to arrows, when they are picked up as goods in a village. They will be automatically stacked to the arrows you have already owned in inventory, so you can leave the village free without paying for them. It's happening in Version 3.72.

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