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Messages - koteko

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 [17] 18
Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: Setup Options do not save
« on: August 26, 2017, 09:09:15 AM »
I don't have Mac either, but this is very strange. I was going to suggest making sure the permissions inside your folder are correct (since you don't have urw_ini.txt, and you can't persist option changes, it's probable that the game cannot save that file) but then why does MAP_LIGHTING_EFFECTS get persisted? Are you sure you can DISABLE it and persist it? The default is ON.

Do you know how to use a terminal on Mac? If yes, can you put the output of the command ls -l (run inside that directory) in a text file and attach it?

Suggestions / Re: Reindeer genders
« on: August 25, 2017, 03:38:37 PM »
I like this idea. Anything that's good for Reindeer.
Didn't know sheep shielded milk.  :o

Yep they do, about a third of the daily cow's output. I guess reindeer should have an output between sheep and cow, since sheep will be very valuable one day when shearing becomes officially available :)

Suggestions / Reindeer genders
« on: August 25, 2017, 01:39:31 PM »
One of my recurrent "themes" for playing is as a pure northern nomad. Small kota and furs carried by my docile reindeers Astrid and Gudrun and off to explore the north.

It occurred to me that reindeers should be "gendered" just like cattle and sheep. This would allow the collection of nice reindeer milk from domesticated female. Antlers grow on both sexes apparently, so that'd be the same, but males are bigger (eg, carry more and yield more fur/meat).

This would make my northern experience much more complete :)

According to this paper, this is the nutrition of reindeer milk:

Proteins: 9.9
Fats: 15.5
Carbs: 1.2

It's now clear why Sami people took good care of their reindeers!

This is a very nutritious milk but I believe it can be balanced by milk output: should be less than cows, maybe like sheep?

Mod Releases / Re: Jaredonians Character Models + Distinct Tribes v3
« on: August 25, 2017, 12:20:38 PM »
This is unbelievably beautiful. Thanks for doing this @Jaredonian!

I really hope someday this gets included in URW, with the addition of dynamic icons (eg, different outfit depending on what the pc/npc is wearing). It'd be great to see at a glance what your opponents are wearing/wielding, and to see your icon change when you move from a "kaumo hunter" outfit to a heavy furs one.

Gameplay questions / Re: Fur protection/warmth values
« on: August 25, 2017, 09:16:09 AM »
Good spot! Amazing that people are just bouncing around the same figure without re-doing the experiment :P would be nice to check reproducibility..

Gameplay questions / Re: Fur protection/warmth values
« on: August 24, 2017, 10:21:04 PM »
Neat!  Where's the image/caption from? 

You can use some modding to whip up furs from nothing if you're not inclined to go hunting until you find each one of them.

It's taken from a 70s article (ref in the picture caption) but I actually took it from the web somewhere - can't remember :P

You are quite correct about mods.. silly me! :D

Mod Releases / Re: URW sufficiency mod
« on: August 24, 2017, 11:27:11 AM »
@caethan cool that you introduced flax! I can see why it wasn't included in the original game together with nettle and hemp: its nutrition is crazy high :P

How accurate are the other values you chose for it?

Stories / Re: Late Night Encounter
« on: August 24, 2017, 09:55:59 AM »
Nice story! By the way, where did you get that alternative character sprite? :D

EDIT: it's probably this.. I can't believe I never noticed it. It's awesome!

Gameplay questions / Re: Fur protection/warmth values
« on: August 23, 2017, 06:00:37 PM »
I don't think there is any, so far I can only tell you that all you need for torso and leg armor are 2 bear furs made into all possible clothing to get maximum protection, rest probably easy to fill with bear leather and some iron cowls/helmets.

Thanks, I actually know what the best things are. I have all generic fur/leather/iron/mail/lamellar/linen/nettle/wool values, for they are available in any OBJ file. Also, in my games I always wear bear and elk (depending if I have to maximise warmth or protection) so I have those values too (and I know that stag/elk/reindeer are exactly equal). So I'm "settled" in my game optimisation. What I never did was making clothes out of other hides, and this means I don't have the values in the OBJ file.

I wanted to propose a re-calibration of some furs based on this:

Which would make wolf as warm as bear or even as deer (the maximum available), and arctic fox even warmer. This could help re-valuating hides that are more difficult to get (arctic fox is rare, and wolves are, IMHO, more dangerous of bears because of pack behaviour. I can kill bears with any character now but wolves are still scary).

I will slowly do this work and update the wiki :D

Gameplay questions / Fur protection/warmth values
« on: August 22, 2017, 01:12:17 PM »
Does anyone have a table for 3.4? I couldn't find the protection and warmth values for animal furs, neither on the wikis, nor the old forums, nor reddit. OBJ inspection didn't help because there needs to be an existing clothing made of a specific animal to see the values.

If there is none available I will slowly make it but it's going to take ages to find all animals and make a cap out of their furs :P

Suggestions / Re: Focus on Endgame Content
« on: August 18, 2017, 08:59:04 PM »

Hmm do you have budz brewery, the grog it adds takes a while to make, it helps me not get bored when I get stuck on my shamanic journey.

Also, I was actually thinking the other day of some mods I would make regarding NPCs, in particular their quests. I happen to be a creative writing student and have been using hypothetical quests to get writing practice, want to trade some ideas over PM?

But is it at all possible to mod quests in, right now? My understanding was that it's not. Also, if you have such ideas it would be great to post them in public here instead of privately - you never know Sami might implement them ;)

Suggestions / Re: The underdog of weapons: the short sword
« on: August 18, 2017, 02:47:09 PM »
In the old forum, Sami recently fixed several weapons that had wrong values. Several axes were nerfed but the handaxe got away with it :) I think it's just hard to do a global rebalance.

Suggestions / Re: The underdog of weapons: the short sword
« on: August 18, 2017, 02:36:07 PM »
I don't suggest the changes to the hard to spell and pronounce knife's actual damage scores. It is worth thinking about but my point is different: I'm talking about the attack value, it seems strange that a seaxe, which is a half tool half weapon designed for slashing, which in combat is much easier to parry/block, has the same attack score as a shortsword, designed for stabbing, an attack that is much harder to defend against unless your using a shield.

I'm fine either way (eg, leaving it untouched or bumping attack score), but note that attack/defence is unrelated to the type of damage, as of now, otherwise axes and swords would have very low attack values.

Not knowing exactly how Sami thinks of Attack/Defence, I prefer to focus on the damage values.

Suggestions / Re: The underdog of weapons: the short sword
« on: August 18, 2017, 10:41:25 AM »
You find the values here:

The short sword has indeed the same attack&defence then the three best knives, but it's better than all the others. So maybe it's best left at that.

Regarding the Scramasaksi, you suggest to make the damage 2-4-3, instead of the current 2-3-4 (and of my proposed 2-4-4). This would make it worse than both the current and my suggested shortsword, but the best slashing knife available. It might make sense (also considering it would cost and weight almost half the short sword) but I'm not sure.

It's already most heavy and costly knife available, and three knives already have bigger stabbing power, so making it 2-4-4 might still be better (it's called a "power knife", after all).

Secondly, Should handaxes even be able to deal point damage, that doesn't make much sense to me, I have used multiple handaxes when camping, and I do not see how one would effectively stab with one. THe only example I can think of is if the handaxe had a a sharp point on the opposite side to the chopping bit. But as far as I know, such a thing is more for a war-axe, not as much for a handaxe. And as far as I can tell the graphic does not have such a head.

Yeah, it's weird. I can understand the sickle of course, and even the carving axe having 3 point damage (looking at some pictures online, the edge ends up in two points up and down, they could be used almost as a pickaxe). But the handaxe? Unless it's similar to this:

But even in that case, point damage 4 might still be too much. Maybe drop it at 3, so that the handaxe becomes 3-5-3?

Suggestions / Re: Focus on Endgame Content
« on: August 17, 2017, 01:12:49 PM »
Good point, I actually know what thats like, I'm like that with several other games, mostly grand strategy games. As I said the main reason it isn't so with Unreal world is because I modded the stuffing out of it. In fact I've got so many mods I need to modify the mods due to compatibility issues.

I think it might work for me too, if I could mod:

  • NPC (both adding new ones, and adding/modifying dialogue/quests)
  • animals (as above, both for new ones and to tweak the behaviour of existing ones)
  • trees and their products[\li]
and other stuff. I do use a few mods which make the experience more pleasant (some cooking recipes and cloth mod) but it does not suffice in increasing my play time.

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