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Messages - koteko

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General Discussion / Re: Culture Poll
« on: August 31, 2017, 09:50:42 AM »
You just inspired me to make a Kuikka char :)

PS: I had exactly the same game idea, inspired by a combination of playing URW and watching "The Revenant" :D

Modding / Re: Cheesemaking
« on: August 30, 2017, 08:43:48 PM »
I've shamelessly taken the "it-egg" and "it-bread" tiles to make "it-fcheese" and "it-wcheese" respectively. My art skills are non-existent so there is that.. but they should suffice.

Modding / Re: Cheesemaking
« on: August 30, 2017, 07:23:42 PM »
I've improved it a bit, by separating rennet-making from cheese-making. Quantities are more or less based on online recipes. (salt is a bit more, but I think it's important to include salt in such "advanced" cooking, to make trade-trips meaningful).

  • Nettle rennet: longer-lasting because of 5-days spoilage, but also because it's essentially a nettle tea so the water doubles the amount. Cons: it requires salt and a pot.
  • Sorrel rennet: only requires (in addition to a pot.. wanted to avoid that but it's easier this way) a knife and a wooden bowl (might be great to use Mortar & Pestle if you have the herbalism mod!). Doesn't need salt. Cons: it just produces a little bit more rennet than the sorrel you use. It spoils in a couple of days so use it quickly.
  • Fresh cheese: like a soft gouda, or a firmer quark (thanks to the rennet). Only has to rest one day and it's ready for consumption. Lasts 10 days which is more than most recipes, but it requires salt to achieve it, plus some additional things.
  • Wrapped cheese: it's actually a cornish cheese, so not really setting-appropriate, but who's to say the Finns didn't think of it too? It does make sense if you are swimming in nettles and are tired of breaking clothes apart to make bandages. Anyway, it requires a long maturation beside the fireplace but eventually will yield, in about 30 days, a harder cheese that lasts many months. A good idea to make those if you have enough food during your summer. You'll appreciate it during winter!

Modding / Cheesemaking
« on: August 30, 2017, 03:16:55 PM »
NOTE: not tested yet! I'm putting it here to self-motivate to finish it soon, now that I've posted it :D

Taking inspiration from this website:

All the milk was made into cheese or sour milk Uusivirta writes that people in ancient times ate cheeses cooked from sour milk as their everyday food. For feast they cooked cheeses using eggs. To sour milk for to make cheese there are several ways; wild plants (for example nettle) and the stomach of certain animals (Uusivirta, Rautavaara, Israelsson). Traditional sour product is also quark, spaghanum. Butter was made by processing the milk by hand in Iron Age, since we did have no churns in Iron-Age Finland.

and to make better use of nettle (otherwise never preferred to Hemp in agriculture) and salt (never preferred to smoking/drying), I set off to make a simple setting-appropriate cheesemaking recipe.

The idea is the following: first you need "rennet" (only vegetable-based here), which will spoil after a few days. The rennet allows fast curdling of the milk, thus giving you "cheese".

.Nettle Rennet. *COOKERY* /30/ %10% |1| [effort:1] :148:
{*nettle leaves} #1# [remove] [boil]
{Water} #1# [remove] [boil]
{Salt} #0.1# [remove] [boil]

.Sorrel Rennet. *COOKERY* /15/ %10% |1| [effort:2] :148:
{*sorrel leaves} #1# [remove] [boil]
{Water} #0.1# [remove] [boil]
{Knife}<Small knife>
{Wooden bowl} '+as support'

.Fresh Cheese. *COOKERY* /15/ \1d\ %10% |0| [effort:1] :148:
{Milk}    #5#    [remove] [roast]
{*rennet} #0.3#  'Rennet for curdling'  [remove] [roast]
{Salt}    #0.1#  [remove] [roast]
{Bandage} '+to drain the whey' [remove]
{Pot} '+to boil the milk'
{Wooden bowl} '+to mould the cheese'

.Wrapped Cheese. *COOKERY* /15/ \30d\ %10% |-1| [effort:0] :148:
{Fresh Cheese} [remove] [roast]
{Nettle Leaves} #1# '+as wrapping' [remove] [roast]


  • graphic tiles for rennet and cheeses
  • test if total quantity fits a pot
  • maybe separate the nettle/sorrel rennet production from the cheese, so that people can use any rennet they want. (and in the future, also make rennet from lamb stomach)
  • this is a soft, perishable cheese. It would be great to differentiate "soft" and "hard cheese" by making two different recipes starting from this "very soft cheese" and letting them mature for a few days (soft) or weeks (hard). The former might have a few months of shelf life, the latter being essentially non-perishable (or, say, two years spoilage time)

PS: here there's the full process with pictures! (only for nettle rennet)

So, like the title say - turnip seeds can be used as "Vegetable" ingredients, while hemp seeds can only be seasoning. Interestingly, turnip seeds can also be used as Seasoning.

General Discussion / Re: Culture Poll
« on: August 30, 2017, 12:07:13 AM »
Would be great to know your reasons, too :)

For myself,

- Seal-tribe because it reminds me of inuits, and is a nice challenge for an active hunters. Slim, not good with bows and not particularly good at dodging, but excellent with a spear, it's harder than an Owl or a Kaumo but each kill (and survived fight) gives much satisfaction.

- Reemi: plenty of skill bonuses so it's a good all-around, almost as big as Kaumo, nice starting area (close to Njerpz but not too close, sea, lakes and forests in abundance) and good agricultural support in villages (all kinds of seeds and produce to be found).

General Discussion / Culture Poll
« on: August 29, 2017, 04:27:01 PM »
I've been looking into the different cultures, and trying to play as all of them. Apart from the stats/skills differences, it's quite cool to actually travel to their lands and live according to their customs. I wish there were more marked differences, more lore, more interactions but I'll patiently wait for future updates :)

In the meanwhile, I'm curious as to what you guys play the most, or which culture you love the most even if you play it little (some are objectively hard!).

I personally used to be a Owl-guy, and never really liked the Kaumo (luckly, they are not the only "big guys"). Nowadays I love Seal for active hunting (spear & club) and Reemi for passive hunting and some farming.

Off-topic / Re: Excel table to wiki
« on: August 28, 2017, 05:41:49 PM »
After some experiments I do this: paste excel table to .rtf in word, sometimes i have to resize rows and columns because pasted table has not the same size as in excel, then i save this as filtered html. There's no need to convert html to wiki - at least not on, where i updated Cultures 2 days ago for version 3.30.

@tedomedo do you by any chance have those tables for 3.4 too? I would be curious to see if the stats distribution has changed.

EDIT: also there's something strange with the first table (at least). Some of the "top" numbers are lower than the "average" numbers, which is impossible. Eg, Owl supposedly had a "top strength" of 3? That's probably a mistake but there are a few in there.

Guides and tutorials / Choose the starting Culture based on skills
« on: August 28, 2017, 04:00:35 PM »
Here is a short commentary/guide to the starting cultures, based on the simple analysis of the starting skill bonuses/maluses. This should help any beginner looking to make things smoother for themselves.. or harder, if masochistic :)

  • Reemi, Sarto, Kaumo and Kiesse are quite versatile tribes, with bonuses far outweighing the maluses. Good choice for beginners, especially if the right tribe is chosen for a specific play style (eg, choose Sarto for agriculture-related characters, Kaumo for warriors and active hunters, Reemi for trappers and Kiesse for the prototypical woodsman.)
  • Owls have many maluses (which reduces their versatility in using multiple weapons and wood/construction stuff, but also fishing), but are probably the best active hunters (Kaumo is easier to play overall but takes more grinding to raise some important skills). This is your bow-sniper character, able to track down quickly the prey, kill it and produce high-quality hides, as well as identify useful herbs.
  • Seal tribes are not as bad as you would think from their -4. They are the best spear-users, club-users, fishers and "shamans". Their stealth bonus is also good. They make fun (and reality-appropriate) seal-hunters if you don't go the easy way (eg, traps): sneak up, throw your javelin/spear and club to death. I enjoyed playing as one.
  • Driik seem very "poor", but they have the best sword, shield and crossbow bonuses. Most other tribes have maluses there, or at best a zero. They might make for interesting atypical characters.
  • Islanders are the best weather predictors.. which is sadly useless (maybe for some quests? not sure). They can only swim, fish and carve wooden objects better than default, and have plenty of important maluses. More "carpentry" options (eg, fishbone carvery?) might make them more appealing in the future.
  • Kuikka are essentially lesser Owl that can fish very well (like Islanders and Seal-tribe), and carve wooden objects decently. Never got interested in playing as one.
  • Koivulanen.. these are weird. They have good Agriculture, like the Sarto, and also small tracking&trapping bonuses. They have a bonus to the least used weapon, the flail. That's it - however, they also lack significant maluses. Herblore & Physician only. So they make for the real average man, which can be interesting for the expert player.

Source of the above: the ini_skills.txt shipped with the game. I uploaded it on the wiki for easy consultation.

I found the actual file a bit hard to read - a table works much better. Also, I prefer a bonus/malus view (eg, difference compared to the default) instead of the absolute numbers.

It would be great to also have a table for attribute bonuses.. what we have was found empirically a long time ago and I'm not sure how accurate it is.

I find, however, that when planning a character I care more about the skills than the attributes, since I'm a heavy roller to get high values (or I even correct the attributes manually, if I can't be bothered to roll). So it doesn't affect me overmuch.

(URW version 3.4)

Gameplay questions / Re: Atypical Build
« on: August 28, 2017, 01:43:44 PM »
Rather than like all of these answers, let it suffice to say I find extreme merit in all three and will use the advice of all three. I agree with PALU that this will most likely be boring, but I'm planning on coming back to this character over time while running my regular guys and trying for extreme longevity. I was thinking spamgoose's option 2 the whole time, but it'd be a rough/slow start without spamming fox traps and bowls to keep from starving. Koteko, I love that role play, but an unfortunate thing about me is that I Don't Mod, as a matter of principle (/utter laziness). If it were doable without them I'd be all over it...

Without mods, you are pretty much stuck with either being a craftsman (board/fox-traps/arrows, all of value 8, a good unit) which is very boring but makes you rich pretty quickly (trading boards/fox-traps is almost cheating, in a way), or you'd be a very typical build (contrarily to the title): you hunt and sell hides and extra meat :P this is the single most common type of character.

As it is, my role play shall be the bastard son of a Driik woman and a foreign trader, ostracized by his clansmen and unskilled in their ways. However, he always enjoyed the idea of luring foolish wild beasts to a doom of his making, and is exceptionally skilled with traps and the gruesome task of processing hides. He will seek furs and primarily trade with foreigners, ostensibly for goods valuable enough to buy out whole towns' food supplies, but mostly to find and murder his father (first trader I accidentally trap dies and ends the character haha).

Nice RP, and you are probably going to enjoy it. But as I said above it's a very typical build, if you get a decent roll :P

Edit: I mostly want to trade with foreigners because I seem to recall that they give you higher trade value per fur, confirmation of this would be appreciated.

Yep, you get higher values for some furs but I don't know which furs in particular (fox probably, seal maybe?). Since they ONLY take furs, I find it quite annoying to trade with them (it's hard to "fine-tune", so unless you carry a load of minor furs, eg squirrels, you are going to have to give more goods than strictly necessary).

Gameplay questions / Re: Atypical Build
« on: August 28, 2017, 09:38:10 AM »
If you are up to a challenge, I have an option that I've tried to do (unsuccessfully, yet - I'm not a patient man) and should fit.

You'd be a blood-phobic farmer: you can eat meat/fish but you cannot kill animals, nor process the hides. Strict rule.

You can buy cows/sheep for milk, and you can burn down a big field and plant all kinds of things. At the end of the harvest season, you should have plenty of hemp, nettle, grains and various vegetables.

Now, to make use of this you should get some mods: Rainscloth mainly, but possibly also budz brewery and njerpez cooking (this has an alcoholic drink made with rye bread, very good for finally using rye). With hemp and nettle you make linen/nettle clothes (it takes a while!), with berries and some vegetables you make alcoholic beverages. You put them in barrels and when you are done, it's almost winter. You rush off to the villages and trade your stuff for warmer clothes and dried food. You can also buy bear/elk fur and make the clothes yourself of course.

A cheese-making mod would couple with this very well but there's none out yet. I've done some research for it but I'm too lazy to do it yet :)

EDIT: if you intend "cannot kill" in the strictest sense, you cannot use traps either. This requires some ingenuity to protect your crops from birds and herbivores. They can be a real nuisance!

EDIT2: a Sartolai is probably a better option than a Driik, since it's more agricultural-related. And also it doesn't have the nice shield/sword bonuses of Driiks.. my now-defunct Sartolai only knew knife and unarmed. A nice little pacifist monk.. that I threw stupidly against a Njerpez. RIP.

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: Setup Options do not save
« on: August 28, 2017, 09:15:53 AM »
Thanks for testing :) that was my only bullet, my Mac knowledge is quite limited I'm afraid. To put it back:

Code: [Select]
sudo chmod 755 urw3-Darwin

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: Setup Options do not save
« on: August 27, 2017, 11:03:48 PM »

I think the directory permissions might be at fault (depending on what user/group is the Urw binary executed as.. not sure about how Mac handles that). In short, permissions "r-x" in second position, for a directory, only allow reading and modifying files, not creating them.

So if the URW program is executed with a user NOT belonging to the group "staff", it would only be able to modify existing files but not create new ones.

I don't know if the above is the actual reason - it would be nice to test it. If you want to give it a try, just move the files urw_ini.txt and urw_ini_tmp.txt outside the directory, then type:

Code: [Select]
sudo chmod 775 urw3-Darwin
on that directory. This should change the permission line, when using "ls -ld", to:

Code: [Select]
TARDIS-AIR:urw3-Darwin bethefawn$ ls -ld
drwxrwxr-x  105 bethefawn  staff  - ...

Now just open URW again (it should be closed when doing the above) and see if the settings get persisted :)

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: Setup Options do not save
« on: August 27, 2017, 09:00:09 AM »
Koteko, your setup options file saved the day!

To answer your questions, however:

I was absolutely able to toggle Map Lighting Effects and have it persist. It was one of few options that even allowed a change, and the only to persist. Quite odd.

I can use terminal, but I already had my urw3-Darwin folder open, and I always force my mac to show all hidden files, are you still interested in seeing the directory?

Also, not using Steam.

Happy to hear it's working!

I think it can be useful, yes. It's not about hidden files but about the file permissions. If by default the website package of Mac-URW comes with wrong permissions, it's going to affect other users. @Sami might want to fix that, in that case.

In particular, the commands are two (you must run those one by one after moving, with cd, into the directory containing urw3-Darwin):

Code: [Select]
ls -Old urw3-Darwin
ls -Ol urw3-Darwin

which should show us user permissions on all files as well as if MacOS is applying a "restricted policy" on the folder itself.

Also, where did you put the urw3-Darwin directory? Inside "Users/" or "System/"?

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: Setup Options do not save
« on: August 26, 2017, 09:10:09 AM »
Also, you aren't using Steam, are you?

PS: you can copy my urw_ini.txt into your installation directory, and see if, afterwards, you can modify options. Maybe the game can't create it but can modify it..

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