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Adding marriage - poll about how you find its priority Let's have a poll, just for the sake of poll.
December 18, 2017, 09:28:04 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? Karma in the Unreal World:

A bug duplicated my masterwork battleaxe.  I neglected to make a bug report as I had no idea how or when it had happened.

I just walked drunkenly into the water and dropped my stuff.  My masterwork battleaxe, gone forever due to a typo and a moment's inattention.  But karma had already given me a spare  8)

In another example of you reap what you sow:

I planted 8 peas a few months ago.  I have just harvested 8 peas  :-[

December 18, 2022, 06:50:05 PM
Re: How did you discover UnReal World? -- 10 choice poll I don't remember exactly when I heard of Unreal World specifically, I think I was looking at other roguelikes after playing a bunch of Dorf Fort and Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead when I came across it. As soon as I read the description, not only was I super excited about the gameplay but I remembered reading Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson. In it, the perspective character in the modern day, Randy I think, talks about either playing or programming a game which is exactly the same as Unreal World, and was clearly a reference to it. I was incredibly excited that it was a real game, installed it and fell in love immediately
December 25, 2022, 12:57:48 AM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? I just raised an army of seven brave men and three dogs, and went to attack a Njerp camp.  Four sides of the camp were coniferous forest or thicket, so I decided on an assault from the heathland to the south.  Being lazy I went right up on the overland map then zoomed on an adjacent tile, then the bloody dogs started barking.  I had forgotten to feed them.

Surprise lost, ten Njerps came streaming through the trees at us.  My little army was bow heavy, as I had intended to sneak up and take them on in the open area of their camp.  The trees were riddled with arrows, and even a Njerp or two took some hits.  I was impressed with the new AI for bowmen, I didn't see any friendly fire from either my lads or the Njerps.  Mind, things were a little hectic to check so it might have happened.

I loosed off a few broadheads, dropping one Njerp and wounding another.  It was all too confused now, so I drew my battleaxe and launched into the fray.  I chopped one guy's arm off at the elbow then finished him, but one of his mates had got behind and absolutely ganked me with a spear in my back.  The lights went out; and when I came to some moments later I realised he had speared me in the throat while I was down, and I was bleeding out fast.  I let the dogs loose and managed to stop the bleeding as the fighting roared around me. 

I staggered up again and rallied the troops, finishing the last few Njerps.  I have named the camp Ilmari-Tommi, in honour of the two fine warriors who fell in its taking.  We built a fine pyre and cremated their remains.  The Njerps we shall leave for the crows.  My wounds are too grave to continue the campaign, I have dismissed the surviving men as I must return home to heal.  Let the Njerps know - I will return!   

December 26, 2022, 11:57:04 PM
3.72 hotfix patch #1 for OS X and Linux released Hotfix patch for OS X and Linux has been released to address the following issues. The patch is now live on Steam, Itch.Io and at Lifetimers section.

On OS X there were some weird random oddities namely with map rendering and menus. We certainly hope this hotfix clears 'em all.
Because nature of OS X issues seemed to be system related don't hesitate contact if you're still bothered with some weirdness.

Version 3.72 (patch #1) for Linux and OS X

- [os x] fixed: walking through walls

- [os x] fixed: fistful of random oddities with map view and menus

- fixed: character portrait being shown in message log screen

- fixed: character portrait not showing up after using encyclopedia in skills menu

- fixed: arrows picked from villages not tagged as unpaid


Should you encounter any more showstoppers let us know and we'll continue the bug hunting.

And hey, we also wouldn't mind hearing the good news if this patch now cleared the issues on your end, dear OS X adventurers!


January 03, 2023, 05:36:36 PM