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Re: Someone know about Privateer from the old forum?
Re: Someone know about Privateer from the old forum?

 I know about me. I like long walks on the beach, sunsets, hot coffee and fishing.
I saw and caught a rainbow on 1-1-2018

You can message me through the board  :-*

January 03, 2018, 08:31:31 PM
Modding Wishlist I thought I'd compile a list of things that would be useful (long-term) additions to the modding tools, along the lines of Rain's old list here:

  • Time of year requirements for recipes.  Something like [MONTH: 5 6] to restrict an item being made from May to June.  I'd use this for things like birch-bark gathering (early Spring) or sheep shearing (Summer).
  • Weather requirements for recipes.  E.g., [WEATHER: sunny] for drying berries. I always like seeing weatherlore more useful!
  • Quality limits on outputs.  Something like [MAXQUALITY: 1] to prevent the produced item from being better than crude.  Or similarly, something broader than [noquality] like [QUALITY: 1] to make the output always crude.  This would be nice for primitive item crafting like easy cords.  I've got a recipe for cords from soaked branches, but I don't want them usable to make high quality items, so I want to make sure they're always low quality.  Right now I just have a massive %-100% quality modifier, but I still often produce decent or even fine cords from the recipe.
  • Item categorization for use in recipes.  Something like [IS:keyword] to define an item as a member of a preexisting or custom set.  So a recipe for drying berries that has [IS:Berries] that would allow the dried berries to be used in berry porridge.  Or custom items like [IS:Iron Ore] that would allow specifying {Iron Ore} in smelting recipes instead of using complicated regexes.
  • Custom tool preferences.  If I've got multiple tools of the same category, it'd be nice to specify that one is better suited than another.  E.g., I've got stone and iron hammers in my smithing mod.  Something like {Hammer} <Iron hammer> to make iron hammers perform better, even with the same qualities.
  • Cooking without a fire.  Something like [nofire] to allow cooking of foods without a fire, for things like drying berries or cracking bones for marrow and such.
  • Cooking without a pot.  E.g., [nopot] that removes the pot requirement at least for baked foods.
  • Nutrient modifications in cooked items.  Normally, the nutrients of the input food get used to automatically calculate the nutrition of the output food.  Customizing this based on the input items would be nice.  Something like [CARB_DIV: 0.5] to let roasting turnips make them more nutritious, or [PROTEIN_DIV: 2] for losses of nutrients during cooking.
  • Custom flavor text. [TEXT:Something immersive it says in the game text for flavor while you are doing a diy action]
  • Allow [SPOILAGE_DAYS:] in diy items.  Would like this for things like retting grasses or soaking branches for cords.

Anything else other modders have been hankering for?

January 03, 2018, 11:57:46 PM
Drinking from bowls, tubs on the floor I'm new here so apologies if this has been covered before but I think it would be cool to be able to drink/quaff automatically when there's a bowl/tub of water on the ground where you're standing.

Unless I'm missing something, you have to pick up the bowl first, drink, then set it down.

It's not unrealistic as it is but it does get a bit tedious :)

January 06, 2018, 02:36:44 AM
Re: Suggestion: Allow trading in exchange for same item type In a barter economy it doesn't make sense to accept inferior trade ins: that's something that would make sense only for  dedicated traders (and the foreign traders won't count as they're mobile and thus have a very limited inventory). When bartering your offer ought to be something your trading partner wants, so in fact the current system is a great simplification in that you don't actually have to offer something they are in need of (just think of running around to conduct 7 different trades with different people to get the items your primary trading partner wants).

When it comes to asking "How many X will you give me for this/these Y?" it would make logical sense that they'd give you a number, but it's a specific case, and the coding of that case probably won't carry over to more complicated trades, so while it would be nice to have, it might not be worth the implementation effort.

January 11, 2018, 12:02:14 AM
Healing (the bleeding wounds of) your pets and companions Started to add rudimentary (and probably the most important) stage of healing your pets and companions; trying to stop bleeding of their wounds.
More companion/pet healing methods may follow in the future, but we'll start with the most crucial one.

The mechanics of applying physical skill to your companions are the same as applying them to yourself. Herbs can be used in the process, the success or failure messages are the familiar ones, and so on.

How an attempt to heal your companion is started is to face them upon using physician skill. If treatable wounds are found (ie. bleeding wounds) you'll be asked whether you wish to try applying the physician skills to this companion or pet. The wound to treat is then auto selected based on its severity.

January 12, 2018, 03:50:15 PM
Re: Harvest field near village The only reason the villagers haven't reprimanded you is that you've been a SNEAKY thief ;)
Also note that terrain types that can exist outside of village influence spheres aren't owned, so roads, ground, and groves are fair game, for instance (you can find  individual road tiles inside villages, and I wouldn't try to harvest from those, should there grow something on them).
I've been reprimanded for picking an unknown herb on a pasture, as I thought only fields were owned.

They also don't like you setting traps on their property...

January 13, 2018, 12:28:58 AM
A new short film by Enormous Elk This is not strictly UrW-related, but a stand-alone production by Enormous Elk.

We made a short film called "Shaman Duel". It's a variation of a classic theme in Finnish folklore; two sages meet on a narrow path, they both refuse to give way to the other, so they end up having a magic duel to see who has to step aside.

You can watch it on Vimeo

January 14, 2018, 04:14:57 PM
Re: How old is your oldest survivor poll? I can't seem to last the first year.

a. killed by wolves
b. fighting one-too-many Njerpezits
c. a new version comes out and I want a fresh start
d. lose interest and want to try a different approach
e. character loses the will to live and walks into the sea

January 15, 2018, 01:05:06 AM
Re: How old is your oldest survivor poll? The game log (shift + L) contains all the important activities you've done (e.g. dug a pit, caught a roach, encountered/killed an animal, entered a settlement) and the date and time it was done (e.g. Day 3 of last week before midsummer point - year 16 - noon).  You start in year 16.
January 16, 2018, 06:36:53 PM
An unexpected suprise I went to check my long fence line with 5 trap pits on a narrow strip of land between two lakes today. I didn't have anything in my traps but out of the corner of my eye I saw a dead elk about 10 paces away.

It was partially eaten but gave me a fine skin and 208 cuts of meat.

How did it die I wonder? Bear? Wolf? Njerpez? Old age?

I don't know but I do know I love this game.

Thank you Sami!

January 16, 2018, 07:48:35 PM