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Commands should have a longer range than conversation So, once again I've had the frustration of battling robbers and most of the hirelings just twiddle their thumbs when the one they fought was killed, while the last of them is fighting a 1:1 battle against one of the robbers.
The refusal to follow orders in this situation has thankfully been fixed, but I still have the problem that the order range is the same as the conversation range, i.e. about 10 meters. As the robbers tend to come towards you in a string, there can be some distance between your character battling the first one and the hirelings battling the others.

My suggestion is that you should be able to shout commands to hirelings (and dogs) at a considerably larger range, probably about 30 meters (15 tiles), although maximum visual range probably wouldn't be excessive. Instead of the infuriating message that I have to get closer while the abandoned hireling gets hacked to death, only commands should be available if the distance is too large for conversation, with the rest being greyed out. Non hirelings should continue to behave as they do currently (i.e. no reply, "get closer"), as you can't order them around.

In the same vein, dogs ought to hear you at a considerably larger distance than is currently the case, both because you're presumably shouting to increase the range, and because dogs have a better hearing than humans. If the dog is sufficiently far away you may not hear its reply bark, though (range based on character hearing?).

May 02, 2018, 12:23:50 PM
Exploring the medieval hunt (blog) I was searching for some more information about javelins and I found this web site dedicated to historical reenactment.  They have some great stuff and I thought I'd share the link.

May 11, 2018, 04:37:54 PM
Wind I think adding wind effects to the simulation would be a great benefit to the game.  This would add to the depth of the world in several ways.

We could have blizzards where high winds would cause low visibility and rapid heat loss, creating deadly conditions.  Weatherlore could help a survivor predict an incoming storm, prompting them to take shelter or at least seek a heavily wooded area.

Stalking prey downwind would be extra challenging because smells drifts toward them.  This might necessitate careful planning of a hunting expedition or the use of a ritual to mask a character's scent.

Strong and especially gusty wind conditions could cause projectiles to veer off course, especially long range shots.  Blowdown could cause trees to uproot and fall.

On the other end dead calm conditions might cause sound to travel extra far, I'm thinking of Sami's whistling arrow shot from the recent video.

Clearly this would be a large effort as it would change many existing systems.

May 18, 2018, 05:26:41 AM
barry the bull, why you should get at least 1 bull. left my cabin this morning, gathering stones for the paths on my homestead (when finished, i'll Screenshot that to for y'all to see)

anyway, this picture is why you should get a bull, when doing large building projects.

June 05, 2018, 01:24:33 AM
Re: taking a footbath, cooling down. well, cleaning to prevent pests is a luxury, because it implies you have something to protect in the first place, and that makes you a wealthy man in urw.

when surviving in the wild, moving with my dogs and kota, i find the game to be very realistic, fishing to is very well done, hunting is amazing!

but once my homestead is done, i find myself idle 75% of the time, when irl to run a homestead like that with those tools i'd be working all of spring, and half of summer. prepairing land takes a lot of effort, even if you use the slash and burn techinque, the weeding is much more time consuming then the planting. and if you leave edible stuff everywhere (like a cellar) that's bound to attract pests, it also gives another difficulty at the later game stage without having an effect on the early stage.

as for hygiene, that to would be nice to have a use for, preventing disease is one thing.

needing to feed your animals gives a great chore, the chicken co-op mod already does this, if i want eggs, i'd better get some form of chickenfood first.
and of course, being so busy, heatstroke is a real danger, a simple footbath can do wonders against that :D

these small adjustments could make the farming lifesteal much more realistic, and combined with the planned building decay would keep you busy, preventing a single man from being richer (and more bored) then an entire village.

when you have all the tools, and you have all the foods, and you have 3 full sets of metal armour, and a pallisade wall around your homestead you'd find yourself to be a very busy man maintaining all of that. but in urw, you can just keep stockpiling stuff.

about slash-and-burn's purpuse, it's mostly as fertilizer. it also removes weeds making prepairing faster and less tireing, but not really that effective against the weed's roots. it still takes a lot of manual effort to remove those.
you use fire and ashes to prevent soil degredation, together with migrating your fields (crop rotation in later forms, ancient fins just moved a bit).

neither of those prevent weeds from growing back tough, and the better the soil the worse this gets. if you leave your crops alone for 2-3 weeks there won't be that much left for your crops to grow or make the parts that you'd like to eat, depending on what type of crops you are growing and what stage of growth they are in.

you also have crop diseases and pests or even storms that can ruin or seriously reduce your harvest, some of wich you can take action against. a fungus or slow-spreading disease can be removed, bug infestations are very hard to deal with without pesticides, chickens do have a use against bugs but they themself can be bad for certain crops that they reconize as food, or for young/small plants.

wildlife can also treathen your crops, but the game already simulates this for the animals it already has. birds steal seeds and berries, rabbits eat the green parts of your plants, rats can even dig out potatoes, i have no idea what the fins used to do against those animals, irl i use cats.

June 05, 2018, 03:52:36 AM
Re: Vagabonds A vagabond is just a human who doesn't belong to any tribe. There are vagabond villages outside of tribal territory, for instance, and vagabonds can have any of the professions that tribe members can have.
Vagabonds can be recruited as companions just the same as tribal ones, and vagabond adventurers are just the same as tribal ones.
Vagabond robbers are just as much a pest as tribal robbers.

Thus, murdering vagabonds just because they don't belong to any tribe is akin to murdering members of other tribes because they don't belong to your own (or murdering members of a particular tribe because of some reason).

The only possible difference is that I see more vagabond woodsmen, hunters, and adventurers traveling around that I do tribal ones, but on the other hand, my characters settle outside of tribal territory.

Thus, I greet vagabonds (some of them can also provide a quest, although that quest isn't exclusive to vagabonds) and theoretically trade with them (in theory, as I don't have any need to trade). Of course any "adventurer" seen on the map can turn out to be robbers of any tribe, including the vagabond "tribe", so you need to take care with those.

June 05, 2018, 08:33:30 PM
Re: A few noob questions  As stated the meat needs to be in a stack to process them together. It can be very difficult to get fish stacks that large.. due to freshness.
Large animals are where 19 cuts per cord really pays off.

 As to a home site, for me, I like to be away from towns as human activity diminishes animal activity. I like to be near water, generally building at 11:00 of the lake for some reason. I spread shelters around my hunting and trapping areas, some containing remote cellars.
 Establishing a building is usually done so I can smoke meat vs dry/salt/roast. For me this building usually ends up being renovated into a full home/settlement.

June 07, 2018, 10:05:49 PM
Re: Vagabonds
Yeah, I usually murder them too.  Usually I just ask if they have a quest, and if not, it's murder time.  I do feel slightly guilty, but then again, if you were starving to death in the woods... perhaps you'd do the same
You must be a poor player indeed, if you're character is constantly starving so you have to murder everyone you encounter to get something to eat...

June 09, 2018, 08:30:09 PM
Version 3.51 released on Steam and for Lifetime Members Version 3.51 is now released on Steam and for Lifetime Members.

Here comes a minor but significant new patch before I'll start settling for summer holidays.

The additions in this version 3.51 mostly consist of balances, fixes and additions related to interacting with both the spirits and NPCs. Many small game hunters should be happy to know that for example the unreasonably harsh forest spirit mood changes are now toned down.

Find the full changelog below, here's UnReal World Steam page, and the version is also available for lifetimer members at the designated forums section.

I wish you all great adventures in both real and unreal worlds -
and nice and cosy summertime, if that happens to be your local season.



Version 3.51 (stable) changelog

** Saved characters from version 3.40-> are compatible with this version. **

- added: map of known areas (F6) remembering the toggleable settings to show or not to show cultural areas and map markers

This was once featured, but got broken somewhere along the way. The settings are remembered after exiting F6 map view and persist until toggled otherwise. The display for both cultural areas and map markers is on by default when the game is first started.

- added: ask NPCs to find quest related persons in villages

You can now ask villagers if certain quest related persons are around. This is done by automatically appearing chat options within the common greet dialog. For example:
"Is Sampsa around?" or "Where can I find Tornia?"
All the quest related persons, including the original quest giver, are covered within these chat options if you are aware of them.
There are some exceptions though; NPCs who are involved in quests themselves can't be asked for others whereabouts, but there are always enough common villagers around to assist you.
When it comes to finding quest related persons in other villages the chat options become available only when you are in the right village where the person can be actually found. This can be considered slightly gamey in our standards, but it is more helpful that way.

- adjusted: no more multiple villagers with same names

Possiblity of two NPCs having the same name within a single village has been removed. In seriously crowded clustered villages it is theoretically possible that villagers might run out of unique names, but real chances for that to happen are practically non-existent.

MIGRATION NOTICE: Within villages created in the previous version two persons with same names may still exists.

- added: dozens of new northern names

Due to aforementioned adjustment it was necessary to add lots and lots of new names for northern men and women.

- improved: NPC name randomization routines

NPC culture has more distinguishable influence to their given names. There's noticeable variation between the eastern and western names, but especially the current wider range of northern names now appear unique from rest of the world.

- added: light a torch with another torch

If you are already carrying a lit torch a new torch can be lit of it. This is done in normal fashion by [a]pplying the torch to be lit.

- balanced: forest spirit's attitude in regards to hunted animals - size and significance matters

When an animal is felled the forest spirit's mood change and need for compensation by sacrifices now depends on the size and significance of the animal. Previously almost all the killed animals were valued equally by the spirits which resulted in small game hunters often receiving unreasonable disgrace. Now it is far more tolerable to hunt smaller game and get along with only casual sacrifices every now and then.

- fixed: only one sacrifice allowed per day

If any kind of sacrifice to any spirit was performed even the different kind of sacrifices during the same day were considered excess. This was not intentional, and is now fixed back to normal:
You can perform multiple sacrifices on daily basis as long as they are targeted at different spirits, ie. forest or water spirit, or if the act of sacrificing is a part of unique spell.

- fixed: spoiled food items were seemingly accepted as sacrifices

Now it is foolish to try that sort of sacrifices.

- fixed: former companions never agreed to be hired again

Despite of their "maybe in the future" responses former companions did never reach proper status to be hired again. This is fixed now and companions can be rehired after a varying NPC dependant timespan from few months to full year.

MIGRATION NOTICE: Rehiring possibility timespan may appear glitchy as companionship date information was broken in the previous version. For most succesfull rehiring of former companions try it at villages that were visited long time ago.

- fixed: skinning young animals mistakenly gave adult animal size skins

Now skins obtained from young animals are more or less smaller depending on the cub/calf actual age and size.

- fixed: village items getting easily corrupt upon crash

Crash security improvements added in version 3.50 are hereby improved/fixed in regards to certain crash vulnerable village items.


June 17, 2018, 05:18:47 PM
Re: Playing as animals and Njerpez Animals do not lead particularly exciting lives. That would get boring fast.

You can already act as a Njerp in everything except the color of the clothing, i.e. murder everyone you meet. The only differences are that you wouldn't be welcomed in Njerp villages, and that your victims are unsuspecting.

July 06, 2018, 04:22:20 PM