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Going canoeing - from Koivula to Driik, so to speak. The year off from coding has truly brought my way something else than sitting in front of the computer.
Next up is sitting in a canoe instead - and paddling some 120 kilometers through Kokemäki River all the way to reach the sea at Gulf of Bothnia.
Well, luckily I get to stand and walk as well as we'll be camping outdoors.
This expedition is about to start tomorrow, and I'm sure you'll be hearing more about it when I come back.

Everything's packed and I'm off to canoe - for a week or so.

This is is river a route which you can paddle in UnReal World too.
The world map of the game is always somewhat randomized, but you can still find some river floating from Koivula to Driik.
This can be imagined as being the Kokemäki River.
In reality the route is 120 kilometers long, but the game world map scale is smaller.
When put on the game world map the route would be like this.

Our destination is an island in the Gulf of Bothnia about 10 kilometers from the mainland.
If everything goes okay we'll reach it in a week.
And who knows if this inspires me to tweak the paddling code in the game just a little bit - when it is time to sit in front of the computer again.

August 12, 2022, 06:19:47 PM
Animals helping the player [P] and [M] stuff Good day everyone.

It's been a looong time since my last UrW game. I'm currently immersed in a runaway slave run and having a blast. My former masters camp has already been burnt to the ground with only two casualties in my warband, and the remaining companions are currently helping me build a small cottage to pass the winter in the cold Owl-tribe lands.

I forgot how time consuming it was, just moving the logs around is extremelly annoing. The help from my unoccupied companions is invaluable, but I came with a little idea that would make it even easier: What if animals could help [M]Move (draft) stuff around too? Only reindeers or bigger, and only if equipped with a harness made from ropes and slender trunks or planks. My guess that a regular reindeer could pull three or four times as much as a human, and a bull or cow maybe ten or twelve time more.

The sled from the BAC mod is a really cool idea, but once we have companions help the player, why not extend that behaviour to animals? I think it would be a first step on having proper vehicles and such.

September 09, 2022, 06:44:09 PM
Need to Chinese characters The lack of Chinese characters, cause I can't experience new content. I can only play the old version(3.16)

September 28, 2022, 02:29:09 PM
Let us automatically use tools carried by leashed animals Got me a tool pig but it's annoying to constantly manually grab tools off of them, drop, and push back onto them after each action, etc.
October 08, 2022, 09:56:57 AM
Re: Let us automatically use tools carried by leashed animals Same with having to equip a paddle that you are already carrying before you can punt or raft.
October 08, 2022, 10:17:10 AM
ModernNorseman's Portrait Mod 2.0 (Updated November '23, 1000 unique portraits) I'm glad to be able to release version 2.0 of my portrait mod. The old version contained 327 unique portraits, this new version contains 1000 unique portraits.

As previously mentioned, unpack the file with for example winrar, and copy all the imagefiles to the "truegfx" folder in your UnrealWorld folder. It's about 150 mb, as it's actually 2000 images because portraits of men is used in three categories - east, north and west, and the images of the categories, old men and sages, are the same. Due to the size, I have used mediafire to distribute this time.

Version 2.0

All portraits have been made by using

Thank you for all the positive responses for the old version, I hope you will like this one as well.

Original post below
I always saw Unreal World as one of the most immersive games I have ever played, and thanks to a tip from forum user MilitanttiTalitintti (Many thanks!) I started to create AI generated portraits that I deemed immersive to the game, through the website With Sami upgrading the amount of available portraits ingame, it is my goal to keep this project going until all slots have been fully filled, so there will be alot of variety when meeting characters in the unreal world.

Adding these portraits is very easy - download the .rar file, unpack and copy all the images to the folder "truegfx" in your Unreal World folder, and overwrite existing files.

As for the version 1.0 there is currently 327 unique portraits. The pack of images of males are the same for all three categories (west, north, east) but renaming then can easily divide them up if you want. The amount of portraits per category are as follows:

Male: 130 portraits
Female: 60 portraits
Girl: 41 portraits
Boy: 44 portraits
Old male: 34
Sage: 18

I hope the portraits can be of joy for fellow Unreal World gamers, and I will continue the update the mod in the future to add many more portraits.

Due to the size of the folder (Approx. 50 mb), the following link will lead to downloading the folder from

@ruskerdax have created a version of these portraits created on with the watermark removed, which can be downloaded from the following link:

November 25, 2022, 10:15:03 PM
Academic interest towards UnReal World - in Finnish and in French Every now and then the many unique elements of UnReal World do arise academic interest.
Folklore, mythology, historical ambition, recreation of traditions, long history or the mere depth of it all.
Now we're highlighting a fresh book in Finnish and shortly upcoming conference in Paris for you to have a closer look at will. Both can be witnessed also online.

The Finnish connection ...

Back in 2019 mr. Kyyrö, PhD from University of Turku School of History, Culture and Arts Studies first interviewed me, and then Erkka separately, for his studies and projects regarding computer games and religion.
There's a forum post (with a picture) about it here.

Now mr. Kyyrö has written a chapter about UnReal World and its approach and relation to the field of new spiritualities in recently published compilation work titled "Uushenkisyys" (in Finnish).
The title of the book translates as "New spiritualities" in english, and quoting the english abstract:
"The book shows the multiple ways in which new spiritualities intertwine with different sectors of the society and blur spirituality’s boundary with religion, health care, art, and popular culture, for example. The book is the first book-length presentation in Finnish of the field of new spiritualities."

In his research mr. Kyyrö analyzes both the game and the interviews of me and Erkka. The chapter is titled "Dare to hear your voice, dare to follow your spirit" - which is a line you may have spotted from the game end screen. For me, quoting this very line means a lot. I don't exactly remember if it appeared into the game 20, or even 25 years ago - but it's been there for a long time and the underlying attitude behind it still stands strong even though it was first made up by a far less experienced coder and a human being.
The book is freely available online, in finnish. So take a look, you finnish speaking players.

The French connection...

Earlier this month I had a pleasure of receiving contact and talking online with monsieur Efrati, a doctorate student at EHESS (School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences) in France, where he works on the representations of Prehistory in video games. We had a great and interesting talks which may lead into further research or co-operation, but he already gathered some UnReal Worldish background material to be utilized at the following event.

Tomorrow,  28th of november,  he's organizing a conference at the French national library dedicated to a 1986 survival/proto-open-world game called Sapiens. The subject may be interesting to many of you on its own, but now also the UnReal World is going to be mentioned in the context as well. To what extent, I don't really know, so you have to witness it by yourself. Luckily the conference can be watched online too: Monday, 28th of nov., 18:00 - 20:00.

Unfortunately, it will be in French only but our french speaking player base is not a small at all - so go check it out.
Here's the conference web page, and at the bottom you'll find  a link to watch it live (and afterwards) on YouTube.

Screenshot from Sapiens game

November 27, 2022, 01:50:16 PM
[OUTDATED] [3.72] Community Mod BAC Moderator edit:Current version, BAC for 3.80 thread ~JP_Finn

In continuing the tradition of keeping this mod alive, I've updated Arimon's updates to this mod. I started doing this in Arimon's thread, but the ability to update the first post will be important to prevent confusion in further updates. I do this with the belief that Arimon has ceased being active on this update. If that changes, I will be happy to either work with them, or turn it back over to them.

The general intent is to clean up recipes, tweak a few things, and reduce the number of menus significantly (currently with 5 free slots instead of 1). Full changelog is below, it includes a number of fixes to things that didn't work, a LOT of rearranging of menus, some tweaks to existing items, and a few new things.

The attached file is the only one you need; it includes all updates that I posted in Arimon's thread.

Next major steps are to try to incorporate some elements of other mods with permission of authors. I have my eyes on manure!

EDIT (12-20-2022) Updated to Version 2.3 of the mod. Changes for latest update below; you'll have to download to see the full changelog history (too big for this post)

IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT: IF you are updating from version 2.2 or earlier of this mod, rather than installing fresh, then DELETE the diy_BAC_Knitting file. It is obsolete now.

Spoiler: "Changes" • show


DELETE the diy_BAC_knitting file.

HUGE overhaul to wool clothing, after a lot of reading. Knitting is not a thing any more, because it did not exist at the time and location the game simulates.

Recipes were redone (in a more complicated fashion) in order to get around the hard-coded limitation on clothing quality. Now, instead of all woollen clothing being decent quality, it can be anywhere from crude to masterwork, based on your TEXTILECRAFT skill.

Large pieces of wool clothing are made primarily with wool cloth (which was a thing in a previous version of BAC), which I have now restored.

Smaller items, specifically gloves, socks and caps, were made with a process called Naalbinding (google it) which is a precursor to Knitting. The latter is somewhat slower, but does not require a loom, and is "lossless" in terms of material used.

All wool processing and clothing moved back to a single menu, though tools used in common with other textiles (e.g. loom) are still under the Textilecraft menu.

Prices were rebalanced so that each step in the wool clothing process adds value to the finished product. Wool yarn is worth 1 unit (arrow/squirrel fur) per pound. Wool cloth is worth 2 per pound. Wool clothing is worth 2.5-3 per pound (varies per clothing item; vanilla item values were not changed, and the values were built around this). This is in contrast to previous wool clothing crafted by BAC which had MUCH lower prices than the corresponding vanilla items. IT's now possible to make your living as a maker of wool clothing, if you wish.

Unraveling woollen clothing to obtain yarn is now slightly lossy (0.6 pounds of clothing gives you 0.5 pounds of yarn).

You can now "trade" for wool yarn in a village using a recipe that simulates that trade. The required input is one arrow (as the most common trade-item used by players), but this can be fairly
altered in the code for any item of equivalent value (such as a squirrel fur).

Weaving wool cloth increased from 90 minutes to 2h for one pound of cloth. This may still be too little.

Removed 'noquality' from wool yarn creation, so that you can have higher quality wool yarn. Changed length to 100 feet per 0.5 pounds instead of 15 feet (which is silly). 100 feet per 0.5 pounds is still REALLY thick, but it roughly lines up with the thickness of the vanilla linen and nettle yarn (and is in fact slightly thicker than either).

Removed noquality on spindle, but reduced the skill bonus from 30 to 10. Higher quality spindles now possible.

Removed noquality from knitting needles so that you could have good quality ones.

Wool cloth garments need {Fine cordage} now as opposed to specifically yarn to sew the parts together. (Yarn still works, this just makes it broader, AND prevents the annoying bug whereby the entire stack of yarn is used up)

Knitting needles no longer an item; instead, you can craft more generic "textile needles" out of wood or bone. (Using bone offers a 10% skill bonus to the crafting). These are intended to be a set of needles that can be used for any of the textile processes.

Woollen veil and woollen cowl presented an issue: the first weighed 0.3 pounds, the latter 1 pound, but both covered the same area (skull and neck) and provided the same protection. Veil is unbalanced in weight in comparison to other wool clothing. It should probably provide less warmth, because it is a lighter material, but that is not an option in modding. Both items were removed, and replaced with a "woollen heavy veil" that you can craft, which weighs 0.6 pounds, as a compromise item. Both vanilla items are still obtainable through trading with villages.

Woollen longsocks item added, covering feet and calves, because of the large number of woollen garments that cut off above the calves.

Woollen footrags removed as a craftable item. They are mechanically identical to woollen socks, and removed for redundancy since more menu space was desired. Woollen socks and woollen longsocks may be layered if double foot protection is desired.

Woollen hood added as a craftable item, due to lack of face coverings. Covers the same area as the fur hood (skull, face, neck).

"Woollen dress (w sleeves)" added as a craftable item. It is mechanically the same as the woollen undergarment in terms of price, weigh, and area covered. Allows layering, and RP of those who wish to wear a dress without having cold arms.

* Renamed "Wool Processing and Garments" menu now uses the O key. Armors of Iron and Wood changed from O to I key.

* Bark clothing (previously with wool clothing) moved to Earthen/Barkware menu. That menu is now 100% full, which is not ideal for future expansion, but perfectly fine for now.


* Removed -30% penalty from smelting iron bloom (I don't understand why it was there)

* Halved input and output and time of smelt ore into iron recipe. 4h instead of 8h, one pound instead of 2. Just to break it up.

* Reworking iron and steel recipes, in order to allow you to keep working at a piece of metal to perfect it further (can take MANY MANY tries)

* Removed two "fix errors" cheat recipes under ironworking. Haven't seen any need to use those yet. They are still in the file, just commented out.

* Nettle Cheese now has a price of 0.25 squirrel hides (or 0.25 arrows), as opposed to having no value.

* Dried berries and mushrooms now has a price of 0.1 squirrel hides (or 0.1 arrows), as opposed to having no value. Unfortunately this will work on poisoned mushrooms, but the value is low enough that it shouldn't be a temptation to cheese.

* Recipe to make berry turnovers from dried berries added


* FIX: Commented out prepared soil line test.

* FIX: Fur mittens had been altered for a previous test, and never unaltered. Restored to normal values.

* Textile needles added as a requirement for all linen and nettle clothing that use yarn to attach pieces of cloth together.

* Firewood from slender trunk effort increased to match other firewood making. Patchwise option added.

* clay amphora tub renamed to Amphora

* clay large amphora tub renamed to Large Amphora

* Changed loop snares back to using yarn because of quality issue (they were always coming out as poor quality)

* Vanilla leather and fur clothing was using the COMMON skill, while all added recipes were using the HIDEWORKING skill. They now all use HIDEWORKING.

Re-balance and analyze linen, leather and nettle clothing as has been done for wool. Consider the process of value added at each step. Change their recipes so that they can have higher/lower qualities. (this is more time consuming that you'd guess)

(The same approach will not work with fur, because it would interfere with the way fur clothing borrows properties from the type of fur used, e.g. bear. At the present time, I don't forsee any way for me to modify fur clothing so that it can have varying quality.)

Determine to what extent it makes sense for leather and fur clothing to use textile needles. Research how such clothing was actually fastened.

Clay playset needs different tile graphic.

Digging clay too easy? Rebalance?

Incorporate manure mod into BAC.

Ensure compatibility of Privateer's bees, mead and coop mods with BAC (Privateer does not wish them to be incorporated directly)

Look into other mods to incorporate.


Add chainmail as optional craftable menu (ahistoric, but not implausible)

November 27, 2022, 04:17:18 PM
Re: Academic interest towards UnReal World - in Finnish and in French A man in his 40s; who can look back on something he said in his 20s without cringing, is a blessed man indeed  :)
November 28, 2022, 02:38:22 AM
Re: ModernNorseman's Portrait Mod 1.0 (AI Portraits) Hi, @ModernNorseman !

I love this portrait pack you made. Unfortunately I found the watermark in the corner of every image to be a tad distracting. I understand why they put a watermark, but considering this is for personal use to mod a game we're all just playing by ourselves, and not some commercial project, I went ahead and did what came naturally to me and removed the watermarks using Photoshop.  ;D

If it's okay with you, I'd like to share it; however it looks like I'm unable to post external links. Would you be interested in this version? I can figure out a way to send it to you somehow if you'd like. Please let me know!

December 10, 2022, 04:39:52 PM