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Blacksmith orders viewed on the map Release of 3.80 stable is just around the corner, and some very sweet features are awaiting us there.
There are still some sweaty days ahead, but hopefully it's all wrapped up the next week.

Let this screenshot reveal one of the final touches.

May 18, 2023, 05:25:13 PM
Craftable fishing nets and more The current version 3.80 is now few weeks fresh and working smoothly.
And we've been working on a new update for this summer.
So how about just a little update about the little something upcoming?
Very well. And let's do it with a sneak preview screenshots.

So, what is to be highlighted now and to be featured in the next release is ...

Fishing nets craftable by the player characte

Player characters will be able to make fishing nets.
Thinking of the mere amount of yarn alone it's not all too simple craft to collect the material for.
You'll also need rocks for the weights, and birch-bark to wrap the weights with and to make floats.
And then there is also a special tool required ...

Netting needle. That's the tool you'll need. It's a wooden tool for weaving the net with proper knots. As a curiosity for history enthusiasts, one of the oldest known fishing nets in the world, the Antrea Net dated to 8540 BCE, was laced with knots that indicate use of netting needle. The same kind of fishing net knots have been used by Baltic Finns in much, much later dates. UnReal World takes place around 800-1200 CE.

Netting needle.

Net weight - a decent size rock wrapped in birch-bark.

Introducing pausable crafting

In the next screenshot our character has started weaving the net.
And after 6 hours of work the progress bar hasn't even reached the tenth of the remaining time...

Now what's that about?
Well, that means in the next version we'll be also introducing pausable crafting for making a net - and for few other tasks. This will be the start of featuring a possibility to have a break in long crafting tasks and continue at will later on. After the mechanics have been tested properly it will be expanded to cover wider range of crafting. Which will make quite a difference, you'll see.

So making a net won't be a task of few hours, or even few days, but can easily last for a week or more.
After four or five days of weaving the net our character takes a look at the half-finished work in progress...

Luckily for us all, the upcoming version is already more than half-finished by now.
July 2023 seems like good month for yet another release.

These are future features - not yet functional in current version 3.80.[/i}]

June 13, 2023, 07:44:36 PM
Version 3.81 released for Windows In the midst of summer schedule challenges we're hereby releasing version 3.81 first for Windows  and follow with Linux and OS X builds in early august.
Version 3.81 for Windows is available on Steam, Itch.Io and for lifetimers.

This version is mostly about craftable and repairable fishing nets, preliminary introduction of pausable crafting and some bugfixes. Find full changelog at the end of this post, and now let's highlight the most exciting addition...

Craftable and repairable fishing nets

Now it's possible to both craft a net from the scratch, and to repair worn-out nets. These are both pausable tasks allowing you to finish them in parts as you please. This will be the start of featuring a possibility to have breaks in long crafting tasks and continue at will later on. After the mechanics have been developed further this will be expanded to cover wider range of crafting.

        Weaving a net is laborious task and the mere amount of yarn alone may be demanding to obtain. The other material requirements include thicker cordage for the supporting lines, rocks for weights and birch or pine bark for floats. Traditionally the rock weights were sometimes wrapped inside birch-bark pockets for more durable attachment. This is optionally doable in the game as well.

         Making a net is process of several days, and that is why nets were usually woven indoors during the wintertime. For the history and realism sake a good use of written sources along with actually interviewing old net makers were carried out to come up with the many values and mechanics. And still there's a room to add some advanced fishing net care and maintenance features in the future.  It might be interesting for some if we opened up our research and field studies later on, but here's just one curiosity:

There's a tool called netting needle which has been essential in netmaking. It's a tool the player characters can craft in the game as well. In our interviews with a certain old net maker one question was: "We're the nets ever made by hand alone, without a netting needle, and is it even viable?"

    Ville, a real person in real world - an old fisherman - just kept staring for a really, really long time and said "Everyone had their own netting needle."  Other interviewees also confirmed that netting needles were always needed, even when repairing the nets, and during the fishing season people would carry them around just in case. Well, the game mechanics allow netmaking without a netting needle too, but you will only find it impractically slow.

Netting needle.


Version 3.81 for Windows
** Saved characters from version 3.70-> are compatible with this version. **

- added: craftable fishing net

         It is now possible to make a fishing net by the player character. The option can be found at "Fishing" category in the [M]ake menu.
         Weaving a net is laborious task and the mere amount of yarn alone may be demanding to obtain. The other material requirements include thicker cordage for the supporting lines, rocks for weights and birch or pine bark for floats. Traditionally the rock weights were sometimes wrapped inside birch-bark pockets for more durable attachment. This is optionally doable in the game as well.
         Making a net is process of several days, and that is why nets were usually woven indoors during the wintertime. In the game making a net is newly featured pausable task allowing you to finish it in parts as you please.
- added: NETMAKING skill

         Netmaking is a skill for weaving and constructing fishing nets. Success in netmaking determines the quality of the nets crafted. For migrated characters this skill is created upon the first load in this version.

- added: pausable crafting

         In this version we are introducing pausable crafting for a few selected items. This will be the start of featuring a possibility to have breaks in long crafting tasks and continue at will later on. After the mechanics have been developed further this will be expanded to cover wider range of crafting.
         Crafts that can be currently paused are:

         * Net

         * Chop felled tree into blocks

         * Split firewood from a block

         * Split a trunk into boards
           With the pausable timbercraft options you can now also use unhandy and inferior tools eg. stone-axe in board making as there's no upper limit of how much time can be used to get the work done.

         Pausable crafting works similarly to pausable building. You can cancel the process at will, and then continue at will. The crafting will be continued when you try to make the said item again standing beside the partially finished item. For example, if you try to [M]ake a fishing net beside a partially crafted net the crafting continues.
         Partially crafted items will remain on the ground and can be picked up only after they are finished. They are rendered with a different tint and described as "partially crafted", "half-crafted", "largely crafted" etc. when looking at them.

- added: different tile graphics for a set net

         Tile graphics for a set fishing net is now different resembling its float line on top of the water.

- updated: "Net" game encylopedia (F1) entry

- changed: the weight and price of the net item

         Both have been increased. The weight because of the rock weights taken into account, and the price because of the true workload.

- added: netting needle, a new item

         Netting needle is a wooden tool used to weave fishing nets. It can be crafted by the player character from [M]ake menu "Fishing" category. Netting needle allows weaving the net conveniently with proper knots and tight mesh of uniform size.

- added: repair worn-out nets

          The option to "Repair worn-out net" can be found at "Fishing" category in the [M]ake menu. Repairing a net is also pausable task and can be cancelled and continued at will. To continue paused net repair works the same as continuing paused net crafting; if you use the repair option again beside the partially repaired net the crafting will continue.

- added: harvesting pine bark

         Pine bark can be harvested from big pine trees all-year round. Pine bark chunks are used used in making of net floats.

- added: "Bark" game encylopedia (F1) entry

- added: ball of birch-bark strip as village resource

         Villagers now gather and stock balls of birch-bark strip. These can be then traded for by the player characters if need be. Birch-bark availability in villages is based on the culture, and it naturally gets restocked only when the birch-bark harvesting season is on.

- updated: "Birch-bark" game encylopedia (F1) entry

- added: timbercraft product quantities affected by the used tool, ie. an axe

         When making boards, blocks of wood or firewood you'll get fewer products when using an unhandy axe for the said tasks. The effect is most notable when the axe is far from preferred one, eg. making boards with a stone-axe.

- adjusted: blacksmiths titled as masters always produce masterwork goods

         There was a small skill range where blacksmiths titled as masters produced fine, but not masterwork goods. This has been adjusted so that now masters always produce masterwork goods.

- fixed: using STEALTH from skills menu prompted nothing

         Now it says the skill is automatically used when necessary. That is, when your character gets [h]iding.

- fixed: firemaking failing at fertilized locations

         Fire data couldn't be properly set to locations with fertilization data.

- fixed: some diy/biy descriptions corrupting the material requirement text output

         Adding descriptive texts eg. '+(needed for this and that)' to some diy/biy entries caused text output corruption in the displayed list of required materials. This was noticed with some cordage at least.

- fixed: math failures when using withes (on the ground) in constructions

         There was a rare occasion where using withes on the ground might cause math failures to the number of materials used or required. This was noticed with building a fence gate, but might have occurred elsewhere too.

- fixed: animals leaving droppings far too often after 255 game days

         Yep, it was char<>int kind of mistake in the dropping interval calculations.

- fixed: some encumbrance penalty calculations

         Excess penalty didn't always capped at 100%, and the weight of worn clothes you could carry without penalty wasn't always calculated correctly.

- fixed: making stone arrowheads not allowing using stones on the ground for grinding

 - fixed: wading mode text alignment not centered

 - fixed: repeat the last action display for arrow and bowstring was blank


July 31, 2023, 01:19:14 PM
Splashes and ripples - visual fish activity indicators The fish spawning cycles are in action and pikes, breams, salmons and lavarets now gather at their species specific spawning locations at their specific times of the year.
As the fish spawn in shallow waters they do splash in noticeable way, so we just had to also add splashing sounds to be heard and round water ripples to be seen.
These are completely new indicators of fish activity and quite essential in order to find the fish spawning locations.
The water ripples have other uses too as they can be added to indicate diving of aquatic birds or seals, or added as simple eye candy when you throw something into the water.
But first things first... we're now testing and making last adjustments to the new fishing stuff, then fix a few fistfuls of most critical bugs, and then wrap up the new version for a release.

Here's a few screenshots of the newly added splashes and ripples:

Isto hears a splash from the west. It's pike and bream spawning season, and the shallow vegetation rich shore looks just the right kind for that.
Could it be the spawning fish? All the evidence, and even the Kuikka, seems to be pointing that way.

More splashing and now Isto notices it's the fish. Now if you look two tiles north from the character you'll see round water ripples.
In the game these come with a modest little animation. Easier to notice, prettier to witness. Now Isto will know at where he should try spearfishing - or maybe using a lippo.

These are future features - not yet functional in current version 3.81.

September 19, 2023, 07:20:14 PM
Version 3.82 released We're happy to announce a new version release.

Version 3.82 is now released on Steam, Itch.Io and for lifetimers.

This version brings you a whole new fishing method, bunch of fish life improvements and a basket of crucial bugfixes.
Find the changelog below.

Version 3.82 changelog

** Saved characters from version 3.80-> are compatible with this version. **

- added: retrievable broken off arrowheads

Occasionally arrows do break upon hitting a target, and now the arrowheads can be also occasionally, but not always, retrieved and re-used. Only the arrows of decent or higher quality will loose the arrowheads in retrievable condition and the arrowhead itself almost always suffers from the quality degrade.
If the arrow breaks from hitting a non-living target you will find the arrowhead on the ground together with the broken arrow item. If the arrow breaks upon hitting a living target the broken arrow part will drop on the ground and the arrowhead gets stuck into target's body. These stuck arrowheads are not visible to the player character when looking at NPCs/creatures, but can be found and retrieved only from the target's dead carcass.

- added: lippo fishing, a new fishing method[/b]

Lippo is a kind of a dip net with a long pole used for catching fish from rivers and shallow waters. Lippo fishing is foremostly practised only at certain times of the year; when the fish to be caught are migrating upstream to their spawning locations, and during the active spawning period.
Fishing with a lippo in the rivers and rapids is done by standing on rocks in the river. The location is often suitable when there are several rocks around as these are the usual places where both resting and spawning river fish are around and can be caught. Additionally, a lippo can also be used from the shore if the spawning fish are noticed by the shoreline. The lippo is lowered into the water, down to the bottom, and carefully dragged around in order to catch resting or spawning fish into its hoop.
Start using your lippo either by [a]pplying the lippo from the inventory or using the FISHING skill.

- added: LIPPO encyclopedia (F1) entry

- added: craftable lippo

You can craft a lippo from [M]ake menu under [F]ishing category. A lippo is constructed in such a way that it has a wooden hoop into which multiple small birch saplings are tied to. These saplings are tied together at their open ends, so that they form a net like construction around the hoop. The hoop with this net is then fixed to a long wooden pole.
The applicable character skill for crafting a lippo is NETMAKING.

- added: spawning periods for the relevant fish species

The following fish now have their unique spawning periods; pike, bream, salmon and lavaret. During the spawning period the fish gather up at their species specific spawning locations. This can be then taken advantage of by spearfishing or using newly featured lippo fishing.

- added: splashing and water ripples from the fish activity

As the fish spawn in shallow waters they do splash in noticeable way, and there are now splashing sounds to be heard and round water ripples to be seen indicating the fish activity. These are essential cues in order to find the actual fish spawning locations.
There's splashing audio to be heard but you are also notified with a game message. For example "You hear a splash from the east." or "You notice a lavaret splashing in the water." And then there are modestly animated water ripples, a new visual effect that can be noticed in the water where the fish activity has taken place.

- added: encyclopedia (F1) entries for PIKE, BREAM, SALMON and LAVARET

You'll find information for example about their spawning periods and habitats, and the related fishing means.

- improved: spearfishing

It still remains possible to catch lone roaming fish with luck and patience, but now the spearfishing can be considered most effective for catching the spawning fish.
Upon spearfishing you will be now notified about the ongoing fish spawning periods. The messages will tell if the chosen location might be good considering the spawning fish, or if the spawning might be going on elsewhere. These are hints to consider in order to find a good spot, but you are naturally free to try out your spearfishing luck also regardless of the spawning periods and locations.
There are also some changes in the spearfishing messages thorough the process.

- changed: rain visual effect slightly softened with randomized alpha blending

- added: ROUNDSHIELD encyclopedia (F1) entry

- updated: FISHING ROD encyclopedia (F1) entry with a bit of baiting information

- fixed: not being able to use withes as tying equipment when crafting skis

- fixed: encyclopedia tooltips in the inventory not displayed for items with additional item part descriptions

Tooltips were missing for items such as "Hunting bow with no string" or "Fishing rod with iron hook". Now the base items (ie. "Hunting bow" and "Fishing rod") are properly parsed in these cases too and the tooltips displayed accordingly.

- fixed: Old Man's Punt quest dialogue confusions

The quest progression dialogue had gotten tangled with blacksmith related dialogue.

- fixed: NPC archers could shoot arrows from beyond player character's visible range

- fixed: NPC archers could use and shoot back the arrows that had originally hit them

- fixed: blacksmith product price estimation oddities

Quest rewards were discounted from the final blacksmith product prices, but the blacksmiths didn't bring this up in their dialogue which caused confusion and wrong estimations. This was most notable when quest reward would compensate for the whole price and resulted in blacksmith trade preference being blanked (ie. "..give me your .")
Now blacksmiths will speak about how much the possible reward compensates, and give items truly for free with applicable rewards.
Blacksmiths might also have given wrong price estimation for batch of product because of not calculating the number of finished items properly.

- fixed: blacksmiths failing to produce ordered items

Blacksmiths often failed to produce ordered items because of carrying too much load. This prevented the ordered items to be added in their inventory. Blacksmiths kept building up the excess load because the items they got as a payment weren't never removed and restocked from their inventory. Now blacksmiths will restock their inventory before attempting to carry the finished ordered item.

- fixed: usage of TEXTILECRAFT from the skills window or via hotkey not working for migrated characters

- fixed: TEXTILECRAFT skill not improving for migrated characters

- fixed: Chat command causing fade to black after being forcefully woken up by an NPC


October 09, 2023, 07:45:11 PM
Participating to Free City of Games game art event in Kouvola, Finland Free City of Games, the event showcasing games and game culture is being held in Kouvola, Finland for the second time in November 2.-19.11.2023.
This year I'm happy and honoured to participate the exhibition with an interactive playable installation created together with a long-time fellow coder and friend mr. Pasanen.
Our work is called "Avaruuspuhelin" (Space Phone in English), and it's basically a seriously tweaked old rotary phone which you can use to solve a little extra terrestial mystery in sort of escape room fashion.

So if you happen to reside, or feel like travelling to Kouvola, Finland, feel free to visit the event. It's all free, and features a diverse selection of games and game art to play and experience.

No matter what sort of game you've created, the playtesting is important.

You can find more photos and background info here at the Buy Me a Coffee page:

November 05, 2023, 01:25:38 PM
In the real world at present-day Savo The year is nearing its end - so let us send you our winter season's greetings with this post.
Firstly, we wish you all the best with the festivities and holiday season you might have at hand, and happy new year!
Then, as a season's speciality let us entertain you with little something recreational from the real world at present-day Savo.

The winter has come, and for the devs like us it means the balance between coding and cross-country skiing must carefully maintained.
So, a week ago Erkka came over for a visit - and we went exploring the real world on skis.

Over the years, we've found ourselves doing many kind of media works more or less related to the game world or inspired by the iron-age culture.
And now, quite spontaneously, we ended up doing small stop-motion animation - and then though of publishing it as 2023 season's greetings
at Enormous Elk YouTube channel.
There's more, and surely more sophisticated content to explore, if the channel wasn't familiar to you already.
We call it Tanssivat tontut in finnish, which would translate as Dancing goblins or Dancing household spirits in english.

And lastly, for myself the last weeks have been more busy with horseback riding and archery than coding.
In early December I did three horseback archery demonstrations at different stables which required quite a bit of both time and energy.
But hey, sometimes one has to ride a horse to endure extended still sitting periods in front of the computer.
And maybe it's good for one to try out the bow for real if he intends to simulate archery in the game.
So, this also falls into category of in the real world at present-day Savo. Let the bow skill speculations start :D

Let's see you in 2024, with all sort of new achievements, features and adventures to follow in the real and unreal world.

December 17, 2023, 06:46:33 PM
Haft them axes, haft them spears Hafting of the axes and spears is underway. This is relatively complex and fundamendal addition and I guess we'll be putting out a new release when it's all finished.
There's still lots of work to do, but let's have a first sneak preview of the upcoming hafting mechanics.

So, axe and spear items now consist of two parts; heads and hafts. Haft refers to their wooden handle or shaft, which can break over time or upon damage.
When a haft breaks the separate head remains, and can be hafted again. Hafting is a process of attaching axe or spear head to a new haft, making it a complete working weapon again.

Now let's meet our test character Terhi and let her show how the hafting in UnReal World goes.

One day the haft of her trusty woodsman's axe broke leaving the head lying on the ground.
For all the different axes and spears their heads now also exist as separate items.
Blacksmiths still sell these weapons readily hafted, so the heads aren't commonly found until the axe or spear haft breaks.

Crafting the hafts and the process of hafting can be found from [M]ake menu under a new [H]afting category.
The first two options are used to craft a new haft, and the latter for actual hafting to assemble a working weapon with the head and the haft.
Terhi now proceeds to craft a new axe haft.

Both crafting the haft and hafting task itself requires CARPENTRY skills.  Terhi has managed to craft a fine axe haft, and then she proceeds to actual hafting.
In this list of hafting requirements there's a new "hammering tool" entry. Axe haft needs to be pounded tightly into the eye of the head, so a hammering tool is required.
The butt of another axe, if available, is the best option but you can do this hammering also with a club, solid firewood or even a stone.

The hafting is done and she managed to assemble a decent woodsman's axe. Let the timberwork continue!

The haft quality and success in hafting has significant impact on the finished axe or spear usability. Poor hafting may result in lowering the weapon quality even below the head quality itself. The finished axe or spear quality thus now refers to overall usability with the used haft, and the success in hafting.
On the other hand, you may also manage to raise the finished weapon quality higher than the head quality itself with a perfect and perfectly fitted haft.

So, this is how 2024 starts feature wise. Stay tuned.

These are future features - not yet functional in current version 3.82.

January 12, 2024, 06:19:14 PM
Haft wear out and breakage mechanics continued As mentioned in the earlier post we're working on axe and spear haft breakage mechanics and re-hafting features.
To come up with separate spear and axe head and haft items was the easiest part of the process. And that's fully completed by now.
To add mechanics and features to combine head and hafts into fully working weapons, ie. hafting, was a bigger thing to accomplish but it's also done by now.

What's been more tricky was to add active wear out mechanics when these weapons are actually used in the game world.
Be it crafting, building or in the combat. But we've gotten there by now and your axe hafts will actually wear out when the axe is used.
And eventually, when severely worn out, they will break.
(This coding groundwork can be later on utilized for making edged weapons getting dull in use, so that feature is also one step closer now.)

Here's Olaus. He has been using his axe for a long time, and now upon felling yet another tree its worn haft breaks.

It was one thing to make the haft wear out mechanics work for player character, but we also needed to put in effect for NPCs. That wasn't a piece of cake, but it's done by now.
And that opens up an opportunity for variety of new incidents to take place. It's not likely, but theoritically possible, that one day a player character finds an old axe or spear head from the woods. Dropped and left there due to NPC activity.

Here's a bear fighting scene with a companion called Aimo.
Aimo's spear haft breaks at the critical moment, but he wisely proceeds to grab the fallen spear head.
If need be, spear heads can be used as sort of substitute for a weapon, although far less effectively than a proper spear.

These are future features - not yet functional in current version 3.83.

January 27, 2024, 05:01:18 PM
Pausable tanning and arrowmaking For the next version we'll also proceed with adding some more pausable crafting.
The last (and most the laborous and time consuming) phase of tanning - softening the hide - now becomes a pausable task allowing you take breaks and continue at will.
Arrowmaking will also be become pausable. Start crafting your batch of arrows, and then take a break and continue at will - finishing it in parts as you please.
As we know, tipped arrowmaking is harcoded due to sake of the complexity of multi-part item composition.
But the blunt arrow, found in diy_glossary.txt, will also become a pausable craft. With this we'll test and introduce allowing pausable crafting to be extended into moddable diy_*.txt files. Once we get these things going the mechanics will be built up to make all the crafting pausable in the near future.

These are future features - not yet functional in current version 3.82.

February 09, 2024, 11:17:00 AM