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Re: F1 help ought to cover smoking
The changes to smoking of food has made it quite a chore to perform, which is probably a reflection of the reality, but, more importantly, is quite impenetrable to players. There's really a need to explain both how much wood you need to use, how often you need to repeat the burning, as well as for how long you need to do it. None of these steps are intuitively obvious to people not familiar with smoking, and even those who are may well know how to use it as a means of cooking (for immediate/near term consumption) rather than a means of long term preservation.

Hear, hear. All the practical information of these can be found from the news.txt, but that's not the most friendly source - at least for beginners - during the gameplay.
We've now added SMOKING and FIREPLACE game encyclopedia entries, of which SMOKING is highlighted in the cookery menu Smoking option.
We aren't likely to give exact numbers of many firewoods to burn, but it's stated that to keep fire burning for 3-4 hours equals to proper heating, and for smoking a daily warming is preferred. This is largely copy & pasting the news.txt entries with few edits.

February 20, 2023, 01:27:34 PM
Re: Krutzel's Spirited Sprites
I've never actually experienced the spirits in the game, but any information about the visual descriptions would be very appreciated. I'd love to see the quest dialog you are referencing.

At the moment I don't have on hand the lines about the Forest Spirit. I do remember something about how he can change his size at will. It would be funny to have alt versions of the sprite where he's as high as a little gnome or a giant (like the preview pics of the URW v3.30 graphics update).

Forest maid:
Spoiler: show
Forest maids are pretty and secretive otherworldly forest folk who may sometimes appear to favoured wanderers, especially these days. Pretty maids in pretty dresses, that's what they look like, and what they let be seen is a real delight in the night.

I truly met a forest maid last year while working in the woods. Sleeping under the open sky I woke up one night to a pretty maid standing next to my campfire, smiling at me. Then she came and snuggled beside me. I was mesmerized by her beauty, and soon fell asleep again.
When I woke up, the fire was out, and she stood in the distance asking me to follow. It was still dark, but I went, following her far from the campsite. Suddenly she turned and I saw the backside. It looked all hollow or barklike. I startled and she just disappeared among the trees.

Spoiler: show
Spirits of the water can appear in many forms. They may dress in reeds and grass, and their voice is always bright, like a woman's. The oldest and mightiest lake dwellers are bowed long-bearded gaffers. The younger ones often appear as graceful men with reddish skin, big brown eyes and long black hair. Oh, but I'm quite sure you will recognize the spirit of the water when you meet one.

Upon meeting spirits of the water, however it happens, do nothing but wait and observe. They rarely say a word, but their appearance reveals how things are. If they look gentle, or wear decorative clothes, it means they are pleased with you and good fish catches shall be given. But if they look gloomy then it's misfortunes and hardships to be feared, or sacrifices best to be performed.

February 20, 2023, 09:12:31 PM
Re: The UrW Anti-RSI Campaign group. ARSI, for short. Yep one can get RSI only by using a mouse, or even a single key, if just keep grinding enough.
But ways to reduce keyboard jockeying is of course naturally welcome for many.
Sometimes it's a matter of playstyle if you get into serious grinding just to increase skills, but yeah in the archery game-course it's truly a real problem if the skill is high to start with.
This is suggestion is also read and listened, and game courses are something we'll re-think anyway in the future.

February 21, 2023, 11:58:21 AM
Animal droppings - an indicator and a fertilizer The past days have been about poop code and poop tiles... as the many different animal droppings, i.e. feces, will appear into the unreal world.

So, what's coming up is that certain animals will start to leave visible droppings that can be found in the terrain.
We're adding droppings for the commonly noticeable and relevant animals; hare, fox, lynx, wolf, reindeer, elk, bear, and so on.
The droppings of different species look a bit different, and upon looking at them you will be told which animal's droppings it is - and also if it's a fresh one.
Some domestic animal droppings are being considered as well, but we'll have to experiment a bit more to see how/if to implement it.

What is to featured as well, and would be in favour with domestic animal droppings, is that the droppings can be also used as fertilizer on your fields.
It will be possible, but not necessary, as the slash-and-burn cultivation already includes fertilization with the ash from the burned wood.
However, we could see fertilizing with the animal droppings increasing the yields slightly.

Here's some screenshots with different kind of droppings indicating the animal presence at these areas.

These are future additions - not yet functional in the current version 3.72.2

February 21, 2023, 06:39:58 PM
[Fixed - persists in 3.72.2] Animals drowning when tied to a tree next to water I was attacking a Njerp village, and once I had done for most of them I tied my eight dog meatshield to a tree next to four water tiles in an open mire.  When I came back from clearing the village around an hour later, four of my dogs had drowned.  It seems the dogs left on water tiles drowned, even though many dogs can occupy a single tile if need be.  They preferred to sink gloriously into the swamp than snuggle up. 

Seems a little harsh  :'(

February 22, 2023, 12:39:38 AM
Re: De-hair sometimes not needed... but CAN be done, nevertheless. Now it's made so that non-fur skins can't be de-haired, and notification about this is mentioned upon trying so.
This clear issue of de-hairing birds, and also the possibility of de-hairing already de-haired skins after curing them again.

So, all fixed.

Fixed - persists in 3.72.2

February 22, 2023, 02:43:11 PM
Re: Bert's slightly interesting and marginally relevant documentaries Can't find a cave?  Not a problem for this bloke, he just makes his own.  No commentary, just him doing his stuff.  My Cave:

February 26, 2023, 01:31:19 AM
Soundtrack released on Bandcamp Composed and performed by the devs themselves,
wished for by the adventurers,
the primeval musical journey into the far north is now available also on Bandcamp.

And hey, this means Enormous Elk itself is now on Bandcamp. We trust this will be not our last music release there so all you bandcamp adventurers feel free to follow us there at will.

February 27, 2023, 02:46:12 PM
Re: Animals drowning when left tied to a tree next to water Seems all too harsh! The good news is that I managed to reproduce it.

I tied one dog to a tree at open mire, with open water next to it. I observed the dog wading in there normally, with no ill effects.
Then zoomed-out, waited for some time, and returned - and the dog had drowned. So it seems the idle-time checks, when the player is not on the map,
are to blame for the creature drowning. Now this is likely a same mechanic that makes the NPCs still sometimes to drown in village ponds.
Chances to fix this for both the dogs and NPCs are now very good.

Sorry for your loss, thanks for the report.

February 27, 2023, 03:26:02 PM
Re: Animals drowning when left tied to a tree next to water Alright, we found the cause!
The issue was a result of creature body temperature calculations not properly taking into account the creature's true chances of staying out of the water, and even wading in the cold water gradually kept lowering their body temperature until hypothermia was reached which then lead to drowning.

It's fixed now, and there's a good chance that the issue of NPCs drowning in village puddles has been of the same origin.

Fixed - persists in 3.72.2

February 28, 2023, 05:57:59 PM