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Re: Choosing target for attack if they're occupying a single tile Just letting you all know that this feature is coming up.
November 25, 2019, 10:33:37 AM
Inventory interface change/tuning At the moment arrow keys 'left' and 'right' in inventory are duplicates of 'up' and 'down'.
Multiple keyboards on laptops and alternative platforms don't have PgUp and PgDn keys.
Would it be possible to either have the 'left'-'right' arrow keys to hop between groups* or to function as PgUp and PgDn keys?

*Weapons, Armour&Clothes, Containers, et cetera

April 17, 2020, 06:09:33 PM
Re: Wishlist Firstly, it's a good policy to pinpoint a suggestion or two rather than post lists. That way it's easier to find, read and discuss these things.

Have all items on your animals be available in the trade screen.

Would surely be handy with tons of items on tons of animals but as this is an interface limitation getting to tweak it now is way too costly compared to the importance.

An auto-pause when spotting wild animals. If not having an auto-pause is a feature to make stalking pray harder, then I understand.

There's an auto-pause when spending time in one location. When moving about I feel this isn't needed.

Multi-select in the action menu. My use case would be to unleash/tie all or some animals at a time, equip ski stick/skis/paddle (my courtyard is only accessible through water or a gauntlet of traps).

I see the point, but unfortunately the internal design limits things like from being easily adjusted. As it's a matter of playstyle how much keyboard jockeying we all have to do on game-daily basis this also feels very costly compared to importance.

Ask which target to attack when multiple beings are standing on a tile. Additionally have the attack repeat function (key: 3) remember who you last attacked and keep attacking them for each successive attack.

That target selection is done. I feel it's best to keep attack repeat target selectable as sometimes we want to repeat the same good attack at different nearby targets. It's hard to say which is the most common attack-repeat usage for the majority of players, but I don't recall anybody suggesting a different functionality earlier.

Allow non-weapons to be thrown when both hands are wielding something. My use case is throwing bait on traps. Currently I either drop bait and push it on a trap or un-equip one hand and throw the bait.

Neat and simple idea. Will browse the throwing code and consider. This could be implemented so that such throwing would be always allowed in non-attack manner, ie. if the target isn't a creature. Then you could also toss a branch into the fire with equipped hands etc.

Crossbows should not require the 2nd hand slot to hold an arrow. Crossbow items if loaded should say what type of arrow is loaded in its name and you should be able to use the action menu (or some other way) to unload/reload them . Once loaded you should be able to swap an unloaded crossbow with a loaded one from your inventory.

Two slots occupied reflects the fact that proper crossbow usage needs two hands, and carrying loaded crossbow is simply a risk one wouldn't take. Hold it carelessly with one hand and you might easily fire it while running or moving about. (As an interesting trivia, ancient Finns had very unique way of shooting with crossbows holding it at about the hip height. It's quite slow and delicate process to start with.)

Have a repeat the exact last crafting recipe key. My use case is smoking/drying/roasting batches of 19 per cord or 10 for roasting. Preferably it would be press shift-r, a list of what you are about to craft shows up in the message log and then press space to confirm crafting.

I see the point, and we try to ease keyboard jockeying every now and then little by little. This would be biggie, and trickier than it seems at first. Can't say much more about this right now, have to consider carefully.

In the eating screen remember what you last ate and have it automatically selected.

It should work like that already.

Separate talk/command to shift-c for talking to people and something else for ordering/interacting with your pets. Unless all my dogs are visible to me, the chat selection is bogged down by all the names of dogs not visible to me.

It's very likely that we get into separating chat from commanding in the near future. How it works now is very clumsy even if you weren't a dog hoarder.

Digging holes should be a resumable task. If you stop digging you lose all your progress and the dirt you dug out magically goes back in the unfinished hole.

This is done already.

Have items of the same exact type and weight stack with ones already packed on animals instead of making a separate entry.

That's how it should work alrady. Big stacks may break the rule, though. I'd have to check the case individually to get a better idea.

Have animals/pets have the same unique item limit that a player has. Currently animals have a ~20 unique item limit and you’ll receive a “Burden of x is too much for “animal name” to carry!” despite having weight/load capacity left.

We've imagined pack animals being used for carrying carefully selected items. Some slender trunks and bags of rye, maybe dozen of furs, and pile of meat. I'm aware that if they are used as walking general stores the limit is hit. However, expanding animal data is bound to take place somewhere in the future, but needs to be linked with other animal structure related overhauls.  The actual timing can't be predicted.

When walking over items you’ll see two different font colors, blue if there’s a single item and black if there’s multiple ones. Please use one font color (blue or something else) for both cases so that it is easier to distinguish items on the ground from other things.

It's been like this forever with no alternate suggestions heard out loud so in that sense it's better not to touch it.

April 28, 2020, 03:47:21 PM
Re: Let salt be salt, not preservative Salt in modern use is mainly flavor enhancer. (MSG/monosodium glutamate is a salt too)
Pre-refrigeration salt was (still is today) a preservative.
Adding salt to a stew is pretty new invention.
When meat used was already heavy salted, adding any more salt to the food wasn’t needed. Often the salted meat was soaked first to reduce salt.
(Still hoping Sami will change the meat recipes to ask for cuts of meat vs pounds of meat. Then we could use dried meat in stews et cetera)

Using juniper berries, birch leaves, heather, marjoram, nettle and so on has longer history in cooking than salt as flavor enhancer /seasoning.

July 21, 2020, 09:48:28 PM
Re: Details of fireplaces and smoking meat with new fire mechanics Thanks, I hadn't seen that Steam discussion, that is very helpful.

I can tell you 200 branches is much more than needed. I used 80 and got zero spoilage.

July 23, 2020, 01:30:37 PM
"What are you doing?" option for followers Party members can be helpful with all sorts of things, but it's not always clear what they're doing at any particular time. Are they felling trees? Cooking meat? Making boards? All of the above?

Having a "What are you doing?" option in the command menu would be great to see what a companion's current task(s) are.

August 18, 2020, 12:32:16 PM
Re: Why did the villagers become hostile?
(A80000):j7g0:[!]{072706BC}      | There's a northern wall blocking your way!
(575757):j7g0:[_]{072706BC}      | Embers from the nearby burnt-out fire helps to start this one.
(A80000):j7g0:[!]{072706BC}      | You hear someone shouting: "Stop, you mischief-maker! I need to tell you something!"

You tried to light a new fire in their fireplace when there were still lit embers from the previous fire. There's a bug where that makes them really mad. They'll forgive you if you go away for a few months.

March 30, 2021, 09:52:15 AM
...and snow penalties for all Back at snow code. A good while ago we added the snow crust to weatherengine. Its' working game mechanics in character's life are still pending to be added, and so are the skiing NPCs. Both are coming up, but before that these improvements were first in line.

 - improved: moving in the snow mobility and fatigue penalties

        Previously there was one overall reduction to character's mobility when moving in the snow without skis, but now the actual snow depth affects to how much the mobility is actually reduced. The same goes for fatigue as it now accumulates slower or faster depending on the snow depth. Shortly, the deeper the snow the harder and slower it is to trudge through it without skis.
 - added: snow penalties for animals and NPCs

        NPCs and animals now suffer from the snow penalties similarly to player character. All the snow penalty mechanics now work the same for player character, other human beings and animals.
        The actual snow depth that starts to hinder the animals is naturally relative to their size. A human knee deep snow is a little extra strain for an adult elk, but for example a wild boar or dog would suffer from it more significantly. The new snow depth mechanics bring in many new factors to animal movement and hunting scenarios. For example, it now becomes actually possible to practice traditional hunting tactics to more easily chase elks on skis during the deep snow period.
        It should be noted that there also several animals that are adapted to moving in the snow without much difficulties at all. There are for example hare, lynx, glutton, weasel, ermine, squirrel and so on. For animals like these the snow penalties appear far lesser, and they have their species specific snow movement adjustments in action.

These are future additions - not yet functional in current version 3.63.

May 21, 2021, 02:19:58 PM
Version 3.70 beta now available on Steam, and for Lifetimers Version 3.70 beta is available on Steam as beta-branch you can opt-into at will.
Lifetime members can find the beta version at the designated forum section.
On Steam there's now also Summer Sale going on.
Beta release on Itch will follow next week.

Things are fairly stable already, but as it's beta release the bug potential is higher than usual.
Also, some features are still pending to be polished to their final stage in patches to follow.

The key features of version 3.70 version deal with the moon and the moonlight, fibre processing with new textilecraft skill, snow penalty for all the creatures and snow crust, new character portraits, tying equipment adjustments, craftable fishing rods and usage of baits, option for metric units, and so on.
The list of additions and fixes is long. You can take a look at it here.

Phew! It's been quite a bit of content to add.
Let's keep our fingers crossed for the possible beta bugs being minor and scarce. But whatever their size and annoyance level may be, we've got our bows prepared for shooting them down.

June 27, 2021, 06:35:55 PM
Re: Stack yarn of the same length 3.70 beta.
All the yarns I have were purchased from villages.

I've never manually cut a yarn and have always relied on the automatic cutting to required length whenever I dry food or make blunt arrows.

Okay, then we'll actually considered this a bug as reported here:

Auto-shortening doesn't always update the tying equipment weights properly. And as the weight differs, the stacking doesn't occur.
I checked out the village yarns and they're okay, the same length pieces stacking as they should.
This is issue is luckily already found and fixed and will be in effect in the next release.

September 18, 2021, 05:56:10 PM