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Re: Elk Horns Only male elk have horns, so you've probably bagged females only. The game names the males and females differently.
April 06, 2022, 10:52:03 AM
Re: Combat Tips 1. Avoid combat whenever possible. Combat is dangerous and unpredictable. Your character can die because of a lucky strike by the opponent.

- When attacking, I prefer to use a missile weapon whenever possible, and then keep the distance. Due to the way the game works, human enemies rush at you at full speed and will tire themselves fairly quickly, slowing to a crawl. When you've managed to tire them out completely the can safely be dispatched with missiles (you can even use rocks and cycle back to pick them back up to continue the attack). If the enemy uses missile weapons it's much harder, but not impossible to take them out safely using a bow by (ab)using the enemy behavior logic.
- Don't allow the enemy to outnumber you. Attacks from behind cannot be defended against, and they'll eventually get a lucky hit in regardless of how armored you are.
- DON'T run! Running when encumbered is extremely exhausting, and you'll quickly be reduced to a running speed that's lower than your normal walking speed. There are a few rare exceptions to this.
- Encumbrance is dangerous. High encumbrance means that you've got a significant penalty to both your offensive and defensive skills. These penalties stack with fatigue and penalties from injuries.
- If you have to engage an enemy in melee, wear as protective armor as you can and don't carry anything you don't need within the fight itself. This means dropping food, water, ... before the engagement (and make very sure you drop the items where you can find them again).
- If you fight enough you will eventually die regardless of skill.
- A completely exhausted enemy has a very hard time to hit you, but they will eventually, and if that enemy is a bear there's a good chance that will result in a bad wound if you're armored up. I never willingly engage bears, wolves, or gluttons in melee. If they're caught in a trap I'll throw rocks at them until they die (rocks make blunt impact, reducing the damage the injuries cause to the hide).

If the above sounds boring, you're free to play how you like. Just be prepared for the consequences.

April 11, 2022, 09:26:53 AM
Re: Combat Tips I couple of comments triggered by ineedcords' post.

Be very wary of missile wielding "allies", be it henchmen or villagers defending against hostiles. They're completely oblivious to the risks of hitting allies, so they gladly shoot friendlies in the back while aiming at a hostile beyond them.
For that reason, I never hire anyone who's carrying a missile weapon. I've had my characters shot in the back too many times, and seen too many hired help deal more damage to my own posse than to the robbers they were supposed to help dealing with.

While dogs can be used as expendable meat shields, know that dogs are in a limited supply, i.e. the dogs present in villages are all the dogs the game make available, and no replacements will appear. That will change some time in the (distant?) future when animal births and proper animal husbandry is introduced, but for now that part is static.

April 14, 2022, 10:32:25 AM
Re: RAID Not worth slaughtering a village over. If you just want the item, then be a less despicable asshole by just stealing it (still an asshole, but a lesser one).
April 20, 2022, 09:02:47 AM
Re: Hideworking I generally search for a tree trunk and bring a rock (which I carry anyway, for throwing at birds). The last step doesn't need water, so bringing the tree trunk/log to the water is worth the trouble only if you're going to do it a lot (and I don't bother, but rather remember where the tree trunk is, until I've constructed the sauna (and the table in it).
April 22, 2022, 07:36:16 AM
Re: How to convince a Hunter/Woodsman/Adventurer into going to hunt with you? The reason for them to refuse when no negative factors are involved is unknown. It happens, and it might be that they may soften up after getting to know you better (i.e. you have a better standing with the village), although that's speculation. It may also be that they're less likely to accept jobs during sowing and harvest seasons, although that's speculation as well.

There was a bug that caused former hirelings to never get out of "not now, maybe later", but I believe that bug has been fixed.

However, if they say they're not interested I think you're out of luck for quite some time at the least (and they're in luck for not getting murdered by a greedy serial killer).

April 23, 2022, 08:20:40 AM
Re: [3.71] Elk Fat Disappeared To get back what was stolen from you:
You can make a fake recipe that produces elk fat as a minimum time task. I think such recipes can consume nothing, but otherwise you can sacrifice e.g. a twig in it.

May 29, 2022, 09:29:21 AM
Re: Merge the axe and club skills Without any personal experience, I believe there are a number of things that are common to all kinds of fighting, such as how to move efficiently, keep all parts of yourself away from enemy reach as much as possible, bio mechanical knowledge (i.e. what you can expect to be able to do/not do), detection of incoming threats (which can be considered part of dodge/block), etc.

However, that doesn't necessarily have to be modeled.

It can be noted that just whacking away with an axe as if it was a club is probably going to be rather useless, as an axe requires proper edge alignment to hit properly. Also, the targets suitable for a club strike are different from those suitable for an axe strike.

May 31, 2022, 11:07:18 AM
Re: Everything about Njerpezit? All Njerps are rabid. They'll all attack you on sight, and that includes children. Like (other) animals they can get scared and run away, but they'll eventually turn back and attack you again until either you or they are dead.

According to what I remember from my single Njerp purge attempt (PC died after extermination of about a third of the territory), civilians seem to carry the same kind of stuff civilians elsewhere tend to carry. Warriors carry varying kinds of weapons and armor, including Njerp weapons. I don't know if I've encountered Njerps with culture specific weapons of other cultures, though (as you might expect raiders to do).

If I remember correctly their villages looked like villages elsewhere in the non northern parts (i.e. wooden buildings, not kotas). I've never seen a war camp that wasn't a starting scenario one.

June 03, 2022, 09:04:49 AM
Re: Regarding squirrel's hides Sorry, but I'm not sure I understand what you're asking (and so guess it might be difficult for others as well).

My main interpretation is that it's about donation, in which case the official page is here Since it would involve money, I'd recommend just looking at the link and then locate the page yourself from UrW's top page to avoid a potential scam risk. There's a "How and why to Support UrW development button both on the top page and on the linked page that should lead you to the details.

June 05, 2022, 09:51:02 AM