Topic: Question about nettle fibres  (Read 2261 times)


« on: March 09, 2022, 02:19:27 PM »
Hi, started playing 2 days ago. Spent more than half of time playing to figure out how to make yarn from nettles... with no succes.

Game claims they could be extracted directly from the plant using textilecraft menu. I have tried every sinlge combination and my brain is numb. It just claims all the time that "you don't have anything to extract fibres from". Also it's autum and I can pick the nettles to eat, but I dont know if thats even relevant here...

End my misery, I can't continue playing without this info :'D What have I missed?


« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2022, 04:01:37 PM »
My guess is that you’ve picked nettle with ‘pick up’ g or ,. That’s only getting edible parts or loose stuff laying. Try to ‘harvest’ the plants with Agriculture (Alt-A, h)