Topic: [Fixed - persisted in 3.70beta3] yarn weight bug  (Read 8714 times)


« on: September 16, 2021, 08:02:12 AM »
3.70 beta3
screenshot&savefile attached

yarn 100 ft = 3.6 lb
yarn 50 ft  = 13 lb ????

screenshot :

savefile :
« Last Edit: November 02, 2021, 10:03:36 AM by Sami »


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« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2021, 03:17:20 PM »
3.70 beta3
screenshot&savefile attached

yarn 100 ft = 3.6 lb
yarn 50 ft  = 13 lb ????

screenshot :

savefile :

Sounds like this issue:

which will be fixed in the next release.

Did you produce those yarns by yourself? If so, then it's likely the same bug.
- Sami | UnReal World creator


« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2021, 05:53:10 PM »
I didn't make the yarns myself. I bought them from villagers.
I tried to make the bug happen again. but I couldn't. I can't figure out what caused the bug.
as I remember, I only did buy them from villagers and used them to smoke meat cuts. ( and joining them? )


« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2021, 02:45:51 PM »
3.70 beta3
screenshot&savefile attached

yarn 100 ft = 3.6 lb
yarn 50 ft  = 13 lb ????

screenshot :

savefile :

Sounds like this issue:

which will be fixed in the next release.

Did you produce those yarns by yourself? If so, then it's likely the same bug.
When you load a person (saved game), the name of the first person is not displayed, but the second is displayed.
Unable to load first person. The game says, "cannot migrate. This savegame needs a remedy ..."
So I created another person. Has worked otherwise ok, but when going to the "Skill" menu, you have to press 3 times the space, and then the game says, "Bug! Couldn't resolve the textilecraft skill ..." But that doesn't stop you from playing.


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« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2021, 05:53:21 PM »
I didn't make the yarns myself. I bought them from villagers.
I tried to make the bug happen again. but I couldn't. I can't figure out what caused the bug.
as I remember, I only did buy them from villagers and used them to smoke meat cuts. ( and joining them? )

Ok. Thanks for the additional info.
Now this must be result of this bug:

In 3.70beta3 auto-shortening doesn't always reduces the yarn weight properly, but it will be fixed in the next patch.

- Sami | UnReal World creator