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Messages - paulkorotoon

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While playing these days, I come up with some new ideas to implement, so here be a list of 'em.

Spoiler: show
  • actually making clothes
  • implementing a couple of features from bigger/forgotten mods
  • eeeeerm... okay, that's it for now

Hi everyone,
Been a while since I had been here, yet for now I'm back. Aaaand there is an update to mod. Not a significant one though, I've just removed the option to dig a well because now I consider having water source right beside one's household making things too easy, not fitting the game's flow.

Get the update from the first thread's message and share your thoughts and suggestions!
Old version is still available, attaching it here.

Suggestions / Re: Reducing amount of blunt hits enough to kill prey
« on: December 02, 2024, 09:28:06 AM »
Sometimes forest reindeer take 20-30 blunt skull hits.
Realistic? No, but take it as AXE skill practice (as long as you’ve not got +3 on the skill that day, it’s all ‘progress’)
Training's good (though this particular case feels unfair, like grinding), but I personally prefer realism. Anyway, only sharin my thoughts on improving UrW, it's up to people to support it (or not) and up to our good devs to implement. Or not.

Just happened again. I was right first. Commanded my dog to attack a reindeer, she caught it up, I started coming closer, not ordering the dog to come, and crossed the border between world's tiles, appearing on a tile right next to the reindeer. The dog immediately lost her aggro and was peacefully fooling around.

Bug reports / [3.85] [SPEND_DELAY_ADD:] not working properly
« on: December 02, 2024, 07:25:36 AM »
Hi all,

I decided to take a slower pace playing, so added 100ms delay through urw.ini, set it to [SPEND_DELAY_ADD:80]. Works perfect for actions with the effort from Restful to Moderate, and makes no effect to actions of higher effort. Pretty disappointing, as it ruins the whole slow flow.

Suggestions / Reducing amount of blunt hits enough to kill prey
« on: December 01, 2024, 11:09:25 PM »
Hi everyone,

I started using blunt hits to preserve quality of hides and noticed it taking somewhat many blows to kill.

An elk I've just hunted down had survived sixteen hits to the head with a woodsman's axe (which weighs six lbs) before died. I don't have an experience of killing someone this way (as well as any other), yet seems a bit unrealistic to me.

Spoiler: show

Seems to be my bad a bit. As far as I noticed, dog only stops chasing when you call it back and then step into another world's tile.

However, it doesn't seem right as when usually you call dog back it doesn't respond, and my guess this should work the same way when you enter an adjacent tile.

Greetings everyone! Been a while since I've beed here, really glad to be back.

Just installed a fresh update (new additions seem great, can't wait to try them all) and noticed a pretty strange dog behaviour: when I commanded it to attack a reindeer and started to run after in, as soon as I crossed the border of a current tile and another tile has finished loading, I saw the dog had lost its attacking state (no red lines). Happened at least twice.

Savegame can be downloaded here. Reindeers should be still around, so I guess it wouldn't take a lot of time to try reproducing the bug.

This exploit is present at least for a couple years. I believe it doesn't need to be fixed in any way, as it would take away legit options like trading roasted meat of the very first caught animal for something else.

I guess it takes zero effort just not to use it for flooding settlements with boards/loop snares/etc.

Not bugs / [Not a bug - 3.82] Companions lose aggro before battle ends
« on: November 28, 2023, 06:14:07 PM »
For some reason, when attacking Njerpez camps with a gang of hired people, they occasionally become inagressive after killing a single Njerp. It takes a turn or maybe two before another Njerp attacks someone, and companions start fighting again.

It's pretty disadvantageous behaviour, as it increases chances to lose a man.

I've uploaded the savegame to DropMeFiles, it case it's necessary for tests.

If you still have the sheep, the scary rope and the behaviour persists then would you e-mail me the savegame.
Tried to reproduce, leashing sheeps with 2 meter rope, but couldn't reproduce.
I noticed that the sheep started escaping only when I took my dogs with me. However, can't reproduce this bug again too. Sent you the savegame anyway.

Hi everyone!

Well, I like UrW like it is, and this mod adds just a few things I've been lacking. First, having a water supply in my homestead. It becomes pretty annoiyng over time to go back and forth for water. And second, repairing all kinds of clothing. It's a bit strange that in vanilla game you're able to easily repair things made of fur and leather, and completely helpless when it comes to clothes made of other material.

So, now it is possible to construct a well beside your house. You'll see a "Well" in the Building menu (Alt+B). In this mod it is really hard job, so you won't be able to dig a lake. Feels pretty fair to me.

As for clothing, there are three new options under the Handcraft menu (+ or M), one submenu for each kind of clothing. Well, it is not real repairing, as this mechanic, AFAIK, isn't available for modding. In fact, you create new item out of worn-out one.

The general recipe is pretty simple: say, if you want to "repair" woollen socks, you'll need a needle (craftable, the option is placed under each clothing submenu), some yarn (linen for linen clothes, nettle for nettle ones, and hemp for clothes of wool — just for things to not be too easy), a pair of worn-out socks and (new wollen socks weight)x2.5 of any woollen rags. Such expense of material imitates cutting out appropriate pieces of cloth, to make the process feel a bit more realistic. Quality of repaired clothing is capped to decent (at least I tried to).

Thanks to:
@Brygun for BAC, which is the source of code for building a well
@mlangsdorf for the idea of repairing things this way and his code I used as an example
@Xaidread from UrW discord, who helped me to make the well code work

To install the mod, just unzip it to the game's folder.
Feel free to comment, suggest and criticize.

UPD 1.1:
  • fixed typos
  • added woollen footrags recipe
UPD 1.2:
  • lowered unnecessarily high effort when repairing clothing
UPD 1.3:
  • removed the well

Bug reports / [3.82] Items from njerpez settlement get (taken) status
« on: November 09, 2023, 11:53:06 PM »
For some reason items I pick up in wiped njerpez settlements become taken. Seems it only happens when I have no companions or no companion sees me picking things up, and this happens only to items which are not at the same place as the body of their former owner.

It is weird and a bit annoying as, for example, taken items do not stack with other similar items.

Gameplay questions / Re: Caves
« on: October 19, 2023, 10:55:22 AM »
Reindeer and all the rest are too puny to trigger the bear trap.
As of 3.82, reindeers actually can trigger a bear trap too. I've caught two of them this way. However, didn't remember exactly, were them big or regular size.

Thanks to @Erkka, who sent me a link to this thread, I've managed to find my cow. Poor thing had been killed by a wolf :c .

Short howto for those who would happen to need it:

1. Open msglog.txt in your character's folder.
2. Find the last message about unleashing your animal. It looks like this: (3C5A98):52jf:[:]{06AB02EB} | You unleash *animal_name*.
3. {06AB02EB} are coordinates of the world tile, where you unleashed your animal. Copy them and past somewhere.
4. Now perform any action in game and scroll to the last line of msglog.txt. You'll see something like this: (3C5A98):a2je:[:]{07CE0477} | You ski.
5. {07CE0477} are coordinates of the tile where your character is at the moment. Copy them too.
6. First four hex digits are longitude, next four digits are latitude. Now you need to perform some math.
7. Open your calc app and swith it to hex mode.
7.1. Substract lesser longitude value from greater one and convert the result to decimal. Let it be X. If the tile where you lost your animal has lesser longitude value than your current position, you need to go west for X tiles, otherwise go east.
7.2. Substract lesser latitude value from greater one and convert the result to decimal. Let it be Y. If the tile where you lost your animal has lesser latitude value than your current position, you need to go north for Y tiles, otherwise go south.
8. When you manage to get to the place, zoom in and check your current coordinates in the last line of msglog.txt to make sure they are the same as coordinates of the tile where you lost your animal.
9. Now just search the tile for tracks, and have a good luck!

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