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Hello Sami, Erkka, and everyone else on the board !

Long time since I have been around here... (But still watching URW and actively supporting it  ;) )

Since the 2nd of february, we have been working with a friend on a Jiayou Memovirus, a "tactical memory game, built as a documentary".
It tells the story of Wuhan's confinement, in parallel of ours.

Maybe you'll like to play and share it  ;) (or comment too)

Off-topic / Noita. Another fantastic Finnish game
« on: September 25, 2019, 06:22:38 PM »
Really, with URW and old cave flyers, there is really is something I love about finnish games...
Have you tried "Noita" ("witch" in Suomi) ?

It has just been released in early-access. The game recycles the finnish tradition from cave flyers, where each pixels is physicaly animated, into a crazy rogue like. It looks fun.

Development News / Re: Summer Sale, Summer opportunities
« on: July 09, 2019, 11:26:06 AM »
Very interresting event Sami  ;)

I'll let you know when I come back from holidays.  ;)
There are a few interresting things happening where I live.

Hmm. That's extremely interresting.
Sami, I might have a project where this talk might find its place...

Off-topic / arto paasilinna
« on: October 17, 2018, 08:17:51 AM »
The finnish author Arto Paasilinna died last sunday (the 15th of october).

His books had me dreaming of Finland, of its nature, and maybe of a very special finnish way of being.
For those who don't know him, I really encourage you to read his stories. And re-read, for those who knew him already.

The one which touched me the most was "Jäniksen vuosi" ("The Year of the Hare" in english, and "Le lièvre de Vatanen" in my langage, french). After that read, Unrealworld's sessions might have a new taste

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