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Re: Dude, where's my car? look for a file msglog.txt in your character directory. search it from the bottom up for "njerpez" to find the last one you encountered. You'll see a line like this:

(000000):h1hl:[@@]{025E00AC}     | the Njerpez warrior sighs once, then stays laying dead still.

025E means how far east you are from the left of the map. bigger numbers are more east, smaller are less east.
00AC means how far south you are from the north of the map. So this character of mine is in Seal tribe territory, very far north and fairly west.

Go to near where you think it was, doesn't matter if it's exact or not. Then drop something or pick something up or drink something so that it generates a message in the logs, and reopen the file and look at the last line. something like:

(3C5A98):j1hc:[:]{026200A0}      | You drop the branch.

So you horizontally you are at 262  and need to get to 25E so you need to go four squares west.
vertically you are at A0 and you need to get to AC so you need to go 12 squares south.

If you lose count or if you get it confused which one is horizontal and which is vertical (I'm only 80% sure i remembered the order right), just drop another branch and compare with your target.

you can find a calculator online that does hexadecimal with a search engine.

June 09, 2017, 10:28:19 PM
Tuning the spirits among interviews and heatwaves Heatwave has struck Finland, and has basically lasted for almost the whole may. While the light and warm summer days has effectively turned my focus to outdoors activities, it's been a bit exhausting as well. Only the nighttime has been somewhat tolerable for coding and of my nightly works the most worthy of mentioning are tweakings of how the spirits get angered or pleased depending on character's actions. There's room for tweaking there, and I've followed the related fair discussions on suggestions section. Most important thing probably is to reason how much different kind of animal kills affect to spirits mood change, but as the system is quite complicated I've also made some groundwork for spirits to actually tell the player why they might be so mad sometimes.

Then, an interesting opportunity to give a deep interview for Chinese gaming media came upon me. The article is now published and you can read it here:

It's in Chinese, so some of you gotta rely on computer translation, but images in the article alone are worth of checking out. Coming up with this took a good slice of my time this month, but I'm happy with it. The approach was fresh, and the questions were interesting and unique.

I wish I could have kept up more frequent update post pace this month, but apparently I failed. One things you should know though is that my plans are to wrap things up as soon as possible for a new release - to offer some essentials additions, and some bugfixes for your summer days.

It's pleasantly cold now so it's time to head to sauna. What else :

May 30, 2018, 09:40:28 PM
quality of life For new players:

Since the UI can be a bit unwieldy at times, here's some things I learned:

The combination of using NUMPAD+ and the TAB key is really useful to drop, equip, dress/undress/haul certain items without having to scroll through your stuff.
NUMPAD+ = select everything
SPACE = confirm
TAB = activate filter


TAB+'f' selects all food, so it is very useful to dump all the food into the cellar. TAB+'f', NUMPAD+ and SPACE do a great job here.

If I want to cook those 259 elk cuts, what I do is
press 'd' (to drop)
press NUMPAD+ (to select everything)
press TAB 'f'
press NUMPAD- (to unselect everything)
press SPACE (Now I will drop everything that is not food)
When roasting my cuts I can now use 'r' to repeat, and if I am only carrying raw meat, the process is really fast.

I do the same for tanning stuff, drop everything except hides, press 'g' to get my knife (and some fat) from the pile at my feet, and I am ready to go with 0 penalties

I do the same when trading in a village sometimes, when I drop everything I don't want to sell. I undress all clothing via SHIFT+T, TAB 'a', NUMPAD+, SPACE. Now I can let the villagers choose "which items they actually want", and I can also carry more.


The game takes materials from the ground. When crafting it is useful to first drop everything (NUMPAD+, SPACE), and then pick up some critical materials that cannot be used from the ground (like food or cords).


When cooking (or drying food) it is useful to build the cellar right next to the shelter. This way I can make a fire next to the cellar and cook while standing on the cellar. The food is prepared "inside" the cellar. If the fire is really small, the food won't burn and will be stored in the cellar without the need to move it there.


About drying food: On my first couple of games I didn't know that clothing can be used to make cords. Linen, wool, leather, and fur clothing can be transformed into cords. One cord can take 19 cuts.


Food preservation: Food on companions spoils more slowly. Shift+'g' can be used in the overland map, so whenever I am hungry, I can take some meat from my companion instead of carrying the food myself. (Also useful for trading.)


June 03, 2018, 09:29:00 PM
Paikku and the Robber's Cave (comic style adventure)
Let me present an adventure with bear caves, angry spirits and robbers!

NOTE: Click images for full resolution (forums wouldn't resize them if posted directly).

September 02, 2018, 04:52:21 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? Antti went out to look for birds, hares, maybe even a ermine or pine-marten. Something else to put variety to the smoked wildboar, smoked elk and smoked bear.

Out of nowhere bumped into elk doe. Maybe 22-26meters away. Quickly grabbing a pointed arrow instead the blunt held ready, the doe turned to run. Not the best angle or range, but Antti thought to give it a try, it wasn't quartering away but closer to broadside. Lead the shot and relax the forearm muscles, hit the doe in spine and it tumbled over lifeless from shock on the nervous system.  :o 

May 03, 2020, 12:06:58 AM
Lika's Story Hello friends.  I've recently started playing this game again, after putting it down for a few years.  I think I've become enraptured with the folklore and even the developers themselves I've developed a keen interest in.  There is something very fascinating about the eccentricity of them, as well as the lifestyle of those you control within the game.

Anyway, I will preface this story by saying I am not a writer, nor an artist of the traditional variety at least.  You'll have to forgive me as I intend to supplement this story with some (crude) traditional drawings and proverbial speech of my own.

Lika is an escaped slave, most of you know of course this means they have very little to begin with.  My interpretation is that they were forced to build for their captors, thus their high skills in that region.

Hungry and alone, far into the west he went with only a stone knife to get him by.

And they will be starting far in the east, near the Njerpeziläis.

The Story:

Many years ago, a great event sparked great divide.  The Kaumolaiset engaged in a skirmish with the Njerpeziläis and it lit off an unending cultural war.  The Reemiläinen were therefore targeted for reasons of being similar enough to their Kaumolaiset neighbors.  It's disputed among elders why the reasons for this hatred is on-going, but the general consensus is that revenge outlives the trees and therefore, we will never see an end even when we cannot remember the beginning.

Lika's parents are but a distant memory, and his original name is long forgotten.  Only in his dreams does he experience his heritage, as the spirits whisper to him throughout the nights he is most hungry.  He can now speak two languages and understands his enemy is not so different from himself.  Grueling winters of building and working against his will has hardened his physical body, but more so his spirit.  Those in red have given Lika a new thought on revenge and future prosperity, and that in the end, everyone is reclaimed by nature.

One early midwinter Lika was involved in maintaining an outward camp, watched over by but one lowly Njerpeziläis warrior.  Seeing his opportunity to escape, he pushed the man over and ran as fast as he could, the sound of swearing and swaying chainmail behind him almost as loud as his heartbeats.  With arrows flying past him and the spirits of his ancestors pushing him forward, he managed to lose his captor in the trees and escaped without harm.

The gentle thicket swayed around him quietly, the distant noise of curse and footsteps long subsided.  Freedom.  It was at this moment, Lika knew what he must do.  Head west, to the Driikiläiset.  The traders.  He remembers them as the most difficult for his captors to attack.

Hungry and alone he will go, for many days.

To be continued...

May 08, 2020, 10:25:12 AM
Quality of Life improvement: drink from container on animal Hi,

Just a quick QoL improvement suggestion please; allow us to drink from a container that is located on an owned animal which is standing on a neighbouring tile.
As you know, currently we do this:
  • Take container from animal.
  • Drink from container.
  • Drop container.
  • Push container on to animal.
This 4-step process is repeated too many times every (winter) day.

Thanks for this great game!

May 31, 2020, 10:49:09 PM
Version 3.63 released on Steam, Itch, and for lifetimers Hey, a new UnReal World release is out now.
Version 3.63 is now available on Steam, Itch.Io and Lifetimers will find the release at the designated forum section.
The summer sale on Steam still continues for a little while, so if you're quick and willing it's possible to take that sort of a tactical advantage.
With the new release the previous version (3.62) is now publicly available at downloads section.

UnReal World Steam store page:

UnReal World store page:

This version 3.63 is kind of a summery release in itself. There's features and fixes on all fronts, but some is specifically related to the lush of the summer.
You can find the full changelog below but first, here's a moody image of certain real world item which you can now find in UnReal World too. I'll go now gently beat myself with this one, you can enjoy the new release -- and do the same in there at will.

Version 3.63 changelog

- added: separate key command for commanding your pets and companions [!]

Talking to someone and commanding your pets and companions are now separate commands. Commanding is now done with with [!] key, and the good old [C] key is used only to talk to someone in normal fashion.
The game notifies you about the new [!] key command when talking to companions in normal way, or when talking to someone when there are pets out of sight. These little messages hopefully make it easier to get the new command policy memorized. Also, if you mistakenly try to [C]hat with pets the list of commands is still displayed.
If there are no pets or companions around at all trying to command them [!] just displays an informative message and doesn't proceed into fruitfless target selection.
Also, if there are no companions in sight the menu for shouting commands doesn't anymore contain needless "Choose a target in sight" option.

- improved: fire mechanics

Various features have been added to make fire burning, its' warming effect, obtained information and visual appearance more detailed.

* Burnt-out fire graphics is related to the amount of fire burned at the site. Small fires leave small remains, large fires leave large remains.

* Remains of fire accumulates over time so sequential fires burned at the site will increase the remains. The remains will still eventually disappear with few days pause in fire burning.

* embers graphics has been added and remains of burnt-out fires will be now appear glowing red for awhile. For how long the embers will be glowing depends on the amount of fire burned.

* when looking at burnt-out fire it's now also told if there are glowing or still warm embers. This information gives an idea eg. about how recent a campfire found in the wild might be.

* glowing embers from nearby burnt-out fires helps you to start new ones. This is automatically checked if you start making a fire with glowing remains at adjacent tile.

- added: smoking requires continuous maintaining of fire

In the previous versions smoking succeeded if the room was heated once, and the process required no further maintenance. Now the heating must be maintained through the whole process.
It's not critical to maintain an exact temperature but the fireplace in your smoking cabin should be warmed up properly on daily basis. Should you forget it one day it's still possible to compensate by heating it up even more the next day.
If the heating is completely neglected you will find your smoked foodstuff all spoiled. If the heating has failed only to some extent you may find some of the smoked foods spoiled.

- added: gradual heating up and cooling down of fireplaces and sauna stoves

When warming up a fireplace or sauna stove it now takes some time before the stones get properly heated up and start releasing warmth into the room - and this process is gradual. As a rule of thumb you should keep fire burning at least 3 or 4 hours to get fireplaces and sauna stoves properly heated up. The cooling down is gradual as well and fireplaces and sauna stoves will retain warmth hours and hours after the fire has burnt out. The warmer the fireplace or sauna stove has been the slower it will also cool down.
With these changes in action you can't expect to have a nicely warm room at an instant you light up a fireplace. Or you can't have a sauna bath right after lighting up a sauna stove. However, the fireplaces are designed so that they release some heat when the fire is burning. This allows you to still effectively warm up by the fireplace while it is still only getting heated up.
Also, now you might notice having to warm up the fireplaces longer and more carefully than in earlier versions to have your cottage nicely warm during the coldest winter days. With gradual cooling down of fireplaces the winter morning temperatures inside your cottage may sometimes apppear surprisingly low compared to the earlier. This is because in earlier versions fireplaces retained constant and exceedingly high temperature for very long-time after the fire had burned out.

- added: sauna stove tile slightly stylized

It's a bit darker and has smaller mouth now. This is to better distinguish sauna stove from a common fireplace.

- added: building a sauna stove

Sauna stoves can be now built by the player character. You’ll find the option from [M]ake menu -> Building -> Wooden building.

- improved: throwing water on the sauna stove

Before it was necessary to use sauna scoop to throw water on the sauna stove. Now it's done simply by [a]pplying a water container beside the sauna stove. An option for throwing water from the container appears when the condition is met.
Messages about the results are also updated and now it is told if you get mild or proper steam - depending on how hot the sauna stove is. There’s also a sound effects added so you can hear how the sauna stove really hisses.
With these additions sauna scoop now becomes a deprecated item. It continues to exist in object galore, but with no real use. Upon using sauna scoop you only get a message to use new mechanics instead.

- added: leaf trees now grow and lose their leaves gradually according to the season

You can see leaf trees gradually getting more lush in green in the spring, and again losing the leaf cover in the late autumn.

- added: vasta – a kind of broom to beat and treat oneself with during sauna bath

Vasta is a kind of broom made out of leafy birch twigs and used during sauna bath to gently beat oneself in order to get the muscles relaxed, body massaged and skin cleansed.
Vasta can be made by yourself from [M]ake menu under Utility articles. Making of vasta requires bunch of leafy birch twigs which can be collected from birch trees using your TIMBERCRAFT skill.
To use vasta [a]pply it while taking a sauna bath. There’s also sound effect added so you can hear what the beating with vasta really sounds like. Using vasta improves the healing effects of sauna bath.
There’s also game encyclopedia [F1] entry about vasta available.

- added: collecting leafy birch twigs

When collecting branches from birch trees (by using your TIMBERCRAFT skill) you now get leafy birch twigs if the season is right. If not, mere branches are collected. There are appropriate messages to indicate if the leaves aren't big enough just yet, or already gone old. This addition is foremostly added for making vasta which requires leafy birch twigs to be used.

- added: shout commands activated when pets are too far to respond to talked commands

When commanding your pet that is too far away you are now automatically given options for the possible shouted commands. Foremostly this makes "Come" always an available command for dogs.

- added: wandering Njerpez can be met in small groups too

Njerpez warriors don't wander all alone anymore but can be met in small groups, or pairs as well. If a conflict will arise from these encounters you have to be extra careful now. A group of wandering Njerpez can also have multiple dogs with them.

- adjusted: wandering Njerpez commonness based on the region

Wandering Njerpez are most commonly met in the east and south-east. That's an old rule which hasn't changed, but in the previous versions the borderline of their existence and non-existence was strict and rigid. Now the wandering Njerpez commonness is more gradual, decreasing the further into the west and north you go. Now it's been also verified that Njerpez raiders don't ever try to reach regions of western and northern cultures, so that's where to settle if you want to avoid raiders completely.

- added: pause for spacebar when player character falls through ice

- added: non-weapons can be thrown even when both hands are wielding something

This makes it easier to bait a trap, feed a dog, toss firewood into the fire and so on as you don't have to unwield anything to be able to throw such things.

- added: reindeers can be milked

It's now possible to milk reindeer does. The period when the milking is possible is the same as with cows, but the yield is little lesser.

- adjusted: milking period of sheep shortened with few months

Sheeps now yield milk only from swidden month to harvest month.

- added: character age and days played now appear in [P]rofile screen

This info is displayed at top of the screen saying eg. "You are 16 winters old, and have lived 7 days of adventuring life."

- removed: character [L]og screen

It's been considered useless for a long-time, and it's no longer in use at all.

- fixed: fresh bloodscapes sometimes disappearing instantly upon map load

- fixed: throwing water on the sauna stove not increasing the temperature

This had gotten broken somewhere along the way when adjusting temperature checks. Now it’s fixed and you will again notice the character getting warmer upon throwing water on the sauna stove.

- fixed: no message or results of arrow breakage when it happened upon hitting a creature

Now if an arrow breaks upon hitting a creature the breakage message is displayed and broken arrow will remain at the location.

- fixed: companions that were commanded to stay put did still engage into fights

- fixed: continuing early interrupted fence building requires the raw materials again

- fixed: character not falling into the water if thin ice at the location is broken by dropped items

- fixed: planted crop graphics appearing at picked mushroom location

- fixed: when dropping items selecting the only item in filtered inventory category drops it immediately ignoring the other selections


July 09, 2020, 12:38:00 PM
Quality of life suggestions It would be nice if i could sort things by name and by weight etc. It would also be nice if it marked the whole row like shown in my picture I linked here.

Thanks for a great game :)

- Simon

July 15, 2020, 08:33:08 PM
[Spoilers] Which bow is best? Aiming to resolve confusion around bows There's a regular debate around the bow accuracy stat on the wiki, and it left me wondering... Are shortbows really more accurate than Northern Bows? What's going on here?

So, having recently found myself with extra time on my hands thanks to the global pandemic, I fired up ghidra and spent some time decompiling UnReal World 3.62 to see what's really going on.

Decompiling code isn't exactly straightforward; one gets the instructions executed by the CPU, not the original source code, so there's a lot of piecing things together and sleuthing required. But I think I've managed to get to the bottom of this particular open question, and Sami has been extremely kind in letting me share my results.

Before I get into spoilers, I want to point out that the in-game manual on missile combat gives an accurate description that appears to be confirmed by code:

Quote from: Missile Combat
Success at firing an arrow or throwing a weapon depends on the applicable weapon skill. This is a common combat rule and missile attacks are no exception, but your performance only determines the initial quality of the shot/throw, ie. how much your aiming is off and how accurately you manage to send your missile on its course. The worse your performance the wider the cone of spread is possible, so it's not always guaranteed that a good shot/throw will result in a good strike at exact location of impact. Even a minor deviation from the intended trajectory will accumulate over distance. Any shot/throw is bound to hit better at close range, and the further the target, the more precision is required. Should your missile miss the original target or  even fly completely wild, it can still hit something else on its course - unfortunately this could be also your own dog.

Quote from: Ranged Target
A target that is being attacked by a missile weapon can't choose any conscious defense maneuver as in melee combat, but moving targets can still avoid getting hit. This defense possibility for moving targets is automated and it doesn't matter if the target is aware of the attack or not. A target is considered moving if it is actively running, flying, escaping etc. from one location to another, but also when it's making fast movements in its place like when engaged in a fight. The faster the target is moving the better chance it has to make it out of the way or to make a lucky movement in its place and unintentionally dodge the missile. This is based on the target's actual mobility and manner of moving, so if the target is slowed down due to physical penalties or for whatever reason, its chances to avoid missile attacks are lowered accordingly. Naturally, it's not only the target's speed that matters but the missile velocity as well. It's easier for any moving target to make it out of the way of low-velocity missiles, but very fast animals will be challenging to hit even with bow and arrow - and exceedingly challenging if they are both fast and small.

So straight up, the game tells you the important factors involved are:
  • Your missile skill, which determines the accuracy cone
  • Distance to target, which determines how much aiming errors can accumulate
  • Size of target, which determines what you need to hit
  • Mobility and activity of target, which determines their chance of getting out of the way
  • Missile velocity, which reduces the chance of a target dodging

None of this mentions "weapon accuracy", and Sami has confirmed in a PM to me that:

Quote from: Sami
If the bow accuracy would really be radically different between bows it surely would have been mentioned in the game information.

So I can confidently say that the accuracy figure on the wiki is extremely misleading. It does mean something, but you are almost certainly never going to encounter that in the game. Read the spoiler section below if you really want to know, and also have a little more bow mechanics revealed.

Spoiler: show

Every item in the game has an 'accuracy' figure, it's a measure of how un-aerodynamic the object itself is. Arrows and javelins have the lowest number (1), whereas plants and articles of clothing can have numbers in the hundreds. Items with lower numbers are more accurate when used as a missile. So if, in desperation, you were to throw your actual bow at an opponent, you could make a more precise throw with a Northern Bow ('accuracy' 5) than a heavy crossbow ('accuracy' 10).

To be clear, unless you are throwing the bow itself, this 'accuracy' value has no effect.

Your weapon skill, and the item quality (of both bow and arrow) all appear to contribute to tightening the cone of spread, with poor quality items making it especially hard to shoot straight. There is also a velocity calculation which is determined by the square of the bow's piercing/point stat, plus a constant (which appears to be the same for all bows). Higher powered bows (such as the longbow and Northern bow) will shoot higher velocity missiles, resulting in more damage on impact, and reducing the time a target has to get out of the way.

I presume, but have not confirmed, that higher velocity missiles also means missed shots will travel father, and are more likely to break on impact.

I have not checked to see if a bow's weight has any relevance on missile velocity. My gut feeling says it does not, but I do not have evidence to support that. Nor have I checked to see if the bows have different shooting speeds.

Many thanks again to Sami for not only an incredible game that's brought me much joy throughout the years, but also for his understanding and support when I decided to dig further into its mysteries!

~ Teellox

July 21, 2020, 04:49:27 AM