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Messages - Erkka

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General Discussion / Re: How to complete "Adventurer's (Item)" Quest?
« on: June 09, 2022, 04:53:57 PM »
Any more bot like behavior and their posting rights will be restricted. 

That didn't take long... The account did another reply by merely copy-pasting a clip from an earlier post in the thread. I restricted the posting rights by the one sure method; deleting the account.

General Discussion / Re: Regarding squirrel's hides
« on: June 05, 2022, 10:01:52 AM »
In addition to what PALU said there is also this alternative:

Hello! As many of you might already know, here at Enormous Elk we have a small side-project in the works. It is a family-scale survival game, with point-and-click gameplay, designed to be mod-friendly. No combat, the cold and hunger and accidents being your main enemies. As your kids grow adult, they can marry and you can choose to switch playing as one of your kids, having a fresh start building a new home in the wilderness.

At the moment of writing this the game is at private beta stage, the beta version being available for UnReal World players. You can find the game at

There is a Ancient Savo discord, here is the invitation link:
Discord is where I post regular development news etc. And now there is also this forum subsection, you can post bug reports, suggestions, questions and any feedback here.

Suggestions / Re: Processing carcass in winter
« on: April 29, 2022, 10:21:57 PM »
In real life large carcasses need to be hung for a week or more to relax (from rigor mortis), and to age the meat. 

That is true, although I think that the need to do so is based more on taste, not the absolute necessity of it. Proper hanging makes the meat more tender, but it is also perfectly possible just to prepare the meat right after butchering.

Been there, done that. I think YouTube also has a video of Sami and me preparing a freshly butchered lamb, but the method we used to cook it made the meat super tender despite the meat hanging barely for a few hours. And with less time-consuming methods an okayish result can be achieved with roasting birds on embers and such. So, personally, I'd say that a need to hang meat would not add that much to the game.

Off-topic / Re: UnReal World Mobile Controller app for Android Devices
« on: April 17, 2022, 08:30:41 AM »
I can't say that I really enjoyed using it rather than the keyboard.

Hehe, well - absolutely no problem with that! For, if you feel comfortable with using the keyboard, then you really don't need this app. The core idea of this app is to offer an alternative for those players who, for a reason or another, find the physical keyboard somewhat difficult to use.

General Discussion / Re: Combat Tips
« on: April 13, 2022, 08:07:54 AM »
Using blunt weapons against animals is preferable only in the case you wish not to harm the fur. But if survival / killing for food is your main objective, then use the most lethal weapon available.

Regarding melee combat, remember that NPCs have weapons skills like you, so they aren't always the same.

And remember to pay attention to the ratio of "my weapon vs. the opponent weapon". Although an axe in itself might be very deadly weapon, an age guy has a lower hand against a spear guy, for the spear has longer range. The combatant using a spear can easily keep the opponent just a little bit father away. Or, more generally; different weapons have attack and defense bonus factors to them, and their ratio matters.

And, just like PALU said, remember that there are no invincible heroes in this game. Fighting is always about killing and getting killed.

Off-topic / Ancient Savo private beta available for UrW players
« on: April 01, 2022, 06:02:58 PM »

Hello! As some of you might already know, here at Enormous Elk we have a small side-project in the works. It is a family-scale survival game, with point-and-click gameplay, designed to be mod-friendly. Since the start of this year a private beta version has been available to some long-term UnReal World supporters. I just released beta version 6, and decided that it is time to widen the private beta audience.

If you are interested in testing the game and / or supporting the development, take a look here:

This is still a private beta version, so please don't post the url anywhere for a wider audience. But if you happen to know a friend who might be interested, it is okay to share the link in a private message.

The game development has been a little bit slower than I was hoping for. This has been for two reasons; my plans growing more ambitious, and me having to spend time at my main work to pay the monthly bills. OK OK, so the game graphics and UI are still far from finished. But they will be the next main focus of the development.

At the moment the game is verified to run on windows and linux, mac testing has been unreliable (and, again, slowed down because I don't have a mac to test with myself). But a mac version will happen. If everything goes well, Android and hopefully iPhone versions will follow later on down the line.

The good old 2D tile-graphics:

But there is also an option for a 3D map: (And it is possible to switch mid-game)

If you delete globweather.dat and reload the save it sorts it out. 

yes, that is a work-around. Thanks for the save, I'll take a look into it, trying to figure out if something went wrong with the weather simulation.

OK, feel free to e-mail zipped character folder to info at

Are you playing version 3.70? On what OS?

Doesn't sound like a bug to me. I'd assume the ice will be gone in a week or two. But if that doesn't happen post again and be prepared to send the character save folder.

General Discussion / Re: UrW mobile controller
« on: October 19, 2021, 05:12:58 PM »
I am also having this issue.  Thank you for the game and everything you do!

Thanks for the feedback!

The bad news is that version 3.70 has a bug in the code which listens to controller commands.
The good news is that a bug-fix version will be released once it is ready.

General Discussion / Re: UrW mobile controller
« on: October 17, 2021, 04:19:53 PM »
Thanks for reporting this!  If the controller seems to successfully connect with UrW, but then UrW simply doesn't react to the controller there is nothing wrong in your setup. It is a bug in version 3.70, and will be fixed.

General Discussion / Re: UrW mobile controller
« on: October 16, 2021, 07:43:04 AM »
Both the computer and the Android devices are on the same wi-fi.  When I run the controller first and then bring up Unreal it seems to connect to the controller app, the buttons come up on the Android and I can tap on them and they change colors showing that the app is running, but nothing occurs on the game screen. 

Good, thanks for the response!

And you have Android versions 9 and 11 ?
If you have time for some more testing and debugging, please contact me directly (either personal message here on the forums, or e-mail

General Discussion / Re: UrW mobile controller
« on: October 15, 2021, 10:39:25 PM »

So far there haven't been any reports on frequent problems, so thanks for reporting! I've been under the assumption that the Mobile Controller built-in tutorial will guide you step by step through the setup, and in the app pressing ? at the top-right corner should show help including some troubleshooting tips. So, in the absence of bug reports I've been thinking that everything is still working as it was when the app was tested before the release.

Well, but let's try to get this sorted out!

To start troubleshooting, just to confirm the basics:

1. Have you enabled the mobile controller in UnReal World setup? (Main menu -> setup) ?

2. Can you verify that your computer and the android device are both connected to the same WIFI / LAN ?

Suggestions / Re: Groundworking and levelling terrain for building
« on: October 14, 2021, 09:34:24 AM »
I think historically at that time period people didn't level terrain. The same effect was achieved by just adding more or less corner stones under each corner of a building so that the bottom logs are horizontal despite the terrain being sloped.

The same idea can be used to reduce the risk of flooding damage. For example, see a picture of an old watermill

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