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Messages - PALU

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Development News / Re: Version 3.80 released
« on: June 11, 2023, 10:33:05 AM »
Yes. I posted it as a suggestion earlier because the blacksmith's response was confusing
It turned out the order was cancelled, not delayed.

Suggestions / Re: Future update for eye injuries and loss of eye
« on: June 11, 2023, 10:27:55 AM »
I haven't noticed any degradation from the working eye, and there shouldn't be any range effect. The effect you'd get is loss of stereoscopic vision, and thus a reduced ability to determine distances.

I've seen that many times throughout the years, but haven't bothered reporting it.

Development News / Re: Version 3.80 released
« on: June 10, 2023, 08:14:17 AM »
I'd definitely want my master blacksmith to actually be a master. It will really suck to travel across the world to find a "master" blacksmith and then receive the same quality that the skilled blacksmith a single day away produces (after having either waited for the work to be done or spent weeks traveling back and forth).

It's bad enough suffering the risk of the bugger saying that he didn't perform the commission, while not allowing you to remake the commission (I don't know how long you have to be away to "reset" the blacksmith, only that a couple of weeks was sufficient to determine that the vague wording meant cancelled, not delayed).

I've looked for robbers after such a prompt in the past, without finding anything in mires (walking back and forth on the zoomed in map), and now I received such a message as I left my homestead. I scoured the area on the zoomed in map back and forth to a depth of about 4 world map tiles, without finding any trace of them, either in person or in the form of tracks.

How far away are they supposed to be? It will be some rather uneasy sleeping in the near future, as well as tense trap checking routines (should I armor up to the best of my ability, or should I beggar down to only use worthless stuff and let them rob me so I know where they are? Dealing with robbers in spruce infested forests is a pain at the best of times...

Bug reports / Re: Flowering and after: won't stack
« on: June 09, 2023, 08:10:13 AM »
It's been that way for many years. It's also the case with retted and dried stalks from Textilecraft plants. I haven't seen it carry over to the extracted fibers, though, but I probably haven't had multiple stacks of fibers at a time, as I've generally spun them directly after.

Gameplay questions / Re: Dog Fur ...
« on: June 08, 2023, 09:20:10 AM »
I hope you won't have to deal with njerps in real life either...

It can be noted that human relations with animals have shifted over time and location, so in some places dogs are just sort of tools, and farmers used to slaughter their own animals as a way of life (and that remains the case in some places). However, the killing of horses and dogs have sometimes been offloaded to outsiders because the owners have made too strong emotional ties to those animals. For some reason dogs haven't been on the menu in large parts of the world, but it can be noted that sled dogs that died often have been fed to the remaining dogs, at least on polar expeditions.

Gameplay questions / Re: One Star Skills
« on: June 07, 2023, 11:18:17 PM »
I don't think normal batches suffer from a single combined skill improvement chance, as a batch command can produce items of differing quality even when the input is all of the same one. The rope/cord handling is different, though, so it may suffer from issues. I produce my arrow shafts in batches of 5 unless I'm trying to time something (like the end of the day or the processing of a skin) where I go down to a single slat at a time.

I haven't produced any arrows yet, since my Textilecraft skill is so poor that I only occasionally manages to produce decent quality products. However, I've produced a lot of arrow shafts, including from low quality planks, where I'm doing it for training purposes, not intending to actually produce any arrows from the resulting crap shafts. I've probably produced some 500 shafts, with some 500 or so decent quality slats that I've saved for when I have a reasonable chance to actually get decent shafts out of them (and I've reached that stage now).
My Carpentry is a two star skill, but I think Textilecraft is a single star one. Spending essentially the whole day making slats and shafts it seems I get somewhere in the range of 1 skill increase every two days or so (it will slow down as the skill increases, of course), with stretches of days where no skill is gained.

Gameplay questions / Re: Hired Companions Carry Goods?
« on: June 07, 2023, 11:03:40 PM »
I believe you can give companions "stuff" and then take it back later. Note that it's been a long time since I think I've done that, so don't trust me on that one.
Also note that dogs have some carrying capacity, in case you've got one (or more) with you.

Another strategy is to leave the non perishable stuff behind (e.g. bones, horns, teeth, skulls) and return to pick those up later when the time sensitive things have been dealt with. Meat left behind can be used as dog food if it spoils before you can get it, so it still has some use.

To find your way back you can mark the location on the overland map, and since I'm a lazy bugger I bring everything up there and drop the items up there so I don't have to search for it should an animal or similar thing cause me to zoom in to a different place from the one I zoomed out from.

Gameplay questions / Re: Animal in forest cover
« on: June 07, 2023, 06:09:54 PM »
Sorry for that. It was my bug report...

Gameplay questions / Re: Item Qualities on Transport Items
« on: June 07, 2023, 09:35:52 AM »
As Bert Preast indicated, you can increase the skill three times a day (with the "day" starting and ending in an otherwise unmarked time during what's described as "morning". If you know you had a skill increase the previous day, you can check for stars to determined whether the day has ticked over yet, otherwise wait for "late morning"), but the star indication appears on the first increase, so you'd have to keep track of what the skill was before the increase to know how much it has increased (and thus whether any additional training has any chance to actually produce any results).

Gameplay questions / Re: Animal in forest cover
« on: June 07, 2023, 09:29:27 AM »
I'm not sure I know what track degradation you refer to, as I haven't seen a change in years. Since a year or two I've consistently turned down these quests as they're far too time consuming and boring (for me, the player), with a significant risk of failing because you missed the tracks when you visited that (and neighboring) tiles.

Using tracking from the overmap has never been useful for me, regardless of skill. True, there are random reports of tracks detected (that may or may not be found when visiting the tile), but most of the time no tracks are reported even on tiles where I know there should be tracks (such as when I've seen an animal on that tile and go there to look for it).

Furthermore, I wouldn't recommend trying that quest with such a low tracking skill. There just so great a risk that you won't be able to detect the last track with that skill even if you managed to actually find the tile in which the tracks are located and sort of track those tracks.

The times I've succeeded with the quest I've visited every blasted tile in the area (stopping when finding the tracks, of course) by zooming into it and looking around, but if you want to be sure you'll have to walk through every tile in about three different places to ensure you are actually going to get sufficiently close to see the tracks. Also, this can only be done in daylight, as dawn and dusk won't allow you to see enough.

Gameplay questions / Re: One Star Skills
« on: June 07, 2023, 09:17:10 AM »
I used to use bowl making as a method of gridning the Carpentry skill. That was rather annoying because the task takes a lot of time with a lot of variability, so it was hard to keep a somewhat normal schedule (to be active during the daytime, get the daily sacrifice remembered and done in time, etc.). Go to bed early evening, waking up too early, or craft another bowl and risk it dragging on until midnight?

I've switched to arrow shaft making as it's something that can be much better controlled in terms of the time used, which has been fairly successful (starting at 20+ and currently at about 50 with a start during this year).

I'll try to remember JP_Finn's recommendation regarding Textilecraft, as that's a real bottleneck when it comes to being able to craft decent arrows (forget better quality for now). It doesn't help that the water was too cold for retting when the hemp was ready for harvest...

Gameplay questions / Re: Game Course Difficulty
« on: June 05, 2023, 06:57:05 PM »
Can't say with any certainty, but the step didn't register as completed until I made a second trap pit in my fence, so I'd suggest trying to dismantle two pit traps and rebuild them.

Gameplay questions / Re: *DAMNED* Meeting with water spirits quest
« on: May 31, 2023, 07:41:35 PM »
The tile has to be completely surrounded by water and it has to be a single tile, although it seems you've already ensured that's the case. However, I've had this type of spirit contact attempts fail for unknown reasons, only to work at the next attempt.

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