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Choose the starting Culture based on skills Here is a short commentary/guide to the starting cultures, based on the simple analysis of the starting skill bonuses/maluses. This should help any beginner looking to make things smoother for themselves.. or harder, if masochistic :)

  • Reemi, Sarto, Kaumo and Kiesse are quite versatile tribes, with bonuses far outweighing the maluses. Good choice for beginners, especially if the right tribe is chosen for a specific play style (eg, choose Sarto for agriculture-related characters, Kaumo for warriors and active hunters, Reemi for trappers and Kiesse for the prototypical woodsman.)
  • Owls have many maluses (which reduces their versatility in using multiple weapons and wood/construction stuff, but also fishing), but are probably the best active hunters (Kaumo is easier to play overall but takes more grinding to raise some important skills). This is your bow-sniper character, able to track down quickly the prey, kill it and produce high-quality hides, as well as identify useful herbs.
  • Seal tribes are not as bad as you would think from their -4. They are the best spear-users, club-users, fishers and "shamans". Their stealth bonus is also good. They make fun (and reality-appropriate) seal-hunters if you don't go the easy way (eg, traps): sneak up, throw your javelin/spear and club to death. I enjoyed playing as one.
  • Driik seem very "poor", but they have the best sword, shield and crossbow bonuses. Most other tribes have maluses there, or at best a zero. They might make for interesting atypical characters.
  • Islanders are the best weather predictors.. which is sadly useless (maybe for some quests? not sure). They can only swim, fish and carve wooden objects better than default, and have plenty of important maluses. More "carpentry" options (eg, fishbone carvery?) might make them more appealing in the future.
  • Kuikka are essentially lesser Owl that can fish very well (like Islanders and Seal-tribe), and carve wooden objects decently. Never got interested in playing as one.
  • Koivulanen.. these are weird. They have good Agriculture, like the Sarto, and also small tracking&trapping bonuses. They have a bonus to the least used weapon, the flail. That's it - however, they also lack significant maluses. Herblore & Physician only. So they make for the real average man, which can be interesting for the expert player.

Source of the above: the ini_skills.txt shipped with the game. I uploaded it on the wiki for easy consultation.

I found the actual file a bit hard to read - a table works much better. Also, I prefer a bonus/malus view (eg, difference compared to the default) instead of the absolute numbers.

It would be great to also have a table for attribute bonuses.. what we have was found empirically a long time ago and I'm not sure how accurate it is.

I find, however, that when planning a character I care more about the skills than the attributes, since I'm a heavy roller to get high values (or I even correct the attributes manually, if I can't be bothered to roll). So it doesn't affect me overmuch.

(URW version 3.4)

August 28, 2017, 04:00:35 PM
Item value calculator Here is the link to a spreadsheet that contains price values for all items in the game including modifiers plus a calculator where you enter the exact item name with modifiers and get the value without needing to search through the sheets. This is such a useful tool, helping you calculate how much you need to craft to trade for some item. Also it is full of information to anything that may influence item prices. 10/10 source, i love it.

Link to Google Docs:

I found it a long time ago (apparently it's from version 3.40) and then playing on a different computer I couldn't find the forum post any more, so here it is again for everybody.

March 21, 2020, 11:05:04 AM
[Spoilers] Which bow is best? Aiming to resolve confusion around bows There's a regular debate around the bow accuracy stat on the wiki, and it left me wondering... Are shortbows really more accurate than Northern Bows? What's going on here?

So, having recently found myself with extra time on my hands thanks to the global pandemic, I fired up ghidra and spent some time decompiling UnReal World 3.62 to see what's really going on.

Decompiling code isn't exactly straightforward; one gets the instructions executed by the CPU, not the original source code, so there's a lot of piecing things together and sleuthing required. But I think I've managed to get to the bottom of this particular open question, and Sami has been extremely kind in letting me share my results.

Before I get into spoilers, I want to point out that the in-game manual on missile combat gives an accurate description that appears to be confirmed by code:

Quote from: Missile Combat
Success at firing an arrow or throwing a weapon depends on the applicable weapon skill. This is a common combat rule and missile attacks are no exception, but your performance only determines the initial quality of the shot/throw, ie. how much your aiming is off and how accurately you manage to send your missile on its course. The worse your performance the wider the cone of spread is possible, so it's not always guaranteed that a good shot/throw will result in a good strike at exact location of impact. Even a minor deviation from the intended trajectory will accumulate over distance. Any shot/throw is bound to hit better at close range, and the further the target, the more precision is required. Should your missile miss the original target or  even fly completely wild, it can still hit something else on its course - unfortunately this could be also your own dog.

Quote from: Ranged Target
A target that is being attacked by a missile weapon can't choose any conscious defense maneuver as in melee combat, but moving targets can still avoid getting hit. This defense possibility for moving targets is automated and it doesn't matter if the target is aware of the attack or not. A target is considered moving if it is actively running, flying, escaping etc. from one location to another, but also when it's making fast movements in its place like when engaged in a fight. The faster the target is moving the better chance it has to make it out of the way or to make a lucky movement in its place and unintentionally dodge the missile. This is based on the target's actual mobility and manner of moving, so if the target is slowed down due to physical penalties or for whatever reason, its chances to avoid missile attacks are lowered accordingly. Naturally, it's not only the target's speed that matters but the missile velocity as well. It's easier for any moving target to make it out of the way of low-velocity missiles, but very fast animals will be challenging to hit even with bow and arrow - and exceedingly challenging if they are both fast and small.

So straight up, the game tells you the important factors involved are:
  • Your missile skill, which determines the accuracy cone
  • Distance to target, which determines how much aiming errors can accumulate
  • Size of target, which determines what you need to hit
  • Mobility and activity of target, which determines their chance of getting out of the way
  • Missile velocity, which reduces the chance of a target dodging

None of this mentions "weapon accuracy", and Sami has confirmed in a PM to me that:

Quote from: Sami
If the bow accuracy would really be radically different between bows it surely would have been mentioned in the game information.

So I can confidently say that the accuracy figure on the wiki is extremely misleading. It does mean something, but you are almost certainly never going to encounter that in the game. Read the spoiler section below if you really want to know, and also have a little more bow mechanics revealed.

Spoiler: show

Every item in the game has an 'accuracy' figure, it's a measure of how un-aerodynamic the object itself is. Arrows and javelins have the lowest number (1), whereas plants and articles of clothing can have numbers in the hundreds. Items with lower numbers are more accurate when used as a missile. So if, in desperation, you were to throw your actual bow at an opponent, you could make a more precise throw with a Northern Bow ('accuracy' 5) than a heavy crossbow ('accuracy' 10).

To be clear, unless you are throwing the bow itself, this 'accuracy' value has no effect.

Your weapon skill, and the item quality (of both bow and arrow) all appear to contribute to tightening the cone of spread, with poor quality items making it especially hard to shoot straight. There is also a velocity calculation which is determined by the square of the bow's piercing/point stat, plus a constant (which appears to be the same for all bows). Higher powered bows (such as the longbow and Northern bow) will shoot higher velocity missiles, resulting in more damage on impact, and reducing the time a target has to get out of the way.

I presume, but have not confirmed, that higher velocity missiles also means missed shots will travel father, and are more likely to break on impact.

I have not checked to see if a bow's weight has any relevance on missile velocity. My gut feeling says it does not, but I do not have evidence to support that. Nor have I checked to see if the bows have different shooting speeds.

Many thanks again to Sami for not only an incredible game that's brought me much joy throughout the years, but also for his understanding and support when I decided to dig further into its mysteries!

~ Teellox

July 21, 2020, 04:49:27 AM
[Tool] WhereIsMyRobber - a "Homeland Robbers" tedium remedy WhereIsMyRobber

Have you haver got bored to death by looking for the robbers in the "Homeland Robbers" quest? Do you have some better use for your time, rather than exploring 20x20 tiles one by one? Then this is for you.

If you never had the pleasure the excruciating experience of this quest, you need to kill a group of robbers which are troubling some villagers. Yet, the real challenge of this quest is not the fight, but actually finding these robbers, for which you are given just a indicative area of their location.

But, despite being 4 robbers with a shelter, the robbers do not appear on the zoomed-out map; looking for trails on the zoomed-out map won't work either. Even standing on their actual location tile won't prompt the encounter on the zoom-in map, like instead occurs when you meet a squirrel or other animals.
How are we supposed to spot a squirrel hiding on a tree but miss a roaming squad of robbers I have no idea. Especially because the robbers are supposedly looking for victims to assault. Yet, you could spend days in the area without never being approached.

So, the only way to find them is zooming into every single individual tile of the area, hoping to be lucky. Obviously, it is not the most time-efficient way, given that there could be about 400 tiles to look into. 

In conclusion, I think this quest is too broken to be enjoyable, and I looked for some solution by digging into the game files.

Here I make available a simple Python script to find the nearest robbers, and give instructions on how to reach them.


  • Install Python 3.8 or later versions from here. This is required to run the script
  • Copy the script into the folder of your savegame. This is the folder with the same name as your character that is located in the game folder
  • Save your game with your character near the area where the robbers are supposed to be found
  • Run the script by double clicking on it. On Windows, a Python window will open with a text prompt
  • Press enter in the text prompt, and the script will look for the nearest robber and give you instructions on how to reach it on the zoomed-out map

I have tested this on Linux. Please let me know if it works also on other platforms. There are no reasons it shouldn't but I am ready to fix it if there is some quirk

Visual example
The robber quest area
Spoiler: show

Where are they hiding?!
Spoiler: show

They were so close!!
Spoiler: show

On the specified tile, no tracks. Is it really the correct one?
Spoiler: show

Zooming-in reveals the robbers' shelter! The robbers must not be far
Spoiler: show

And there they are
Spoiler: show

  • The script does not know which robbers belong to the quest. It will simply show you the location of the robbers closest to you. That's why it's better you run it after you are near the quest area
  • If you keep pressing enter in the prompt, the script will display farther and farther robbers.

Technical details
For this script I have partially decoded the CRS and URS savegame files.
While it is not within the scope of this script, it is possible to use this script to reveal the location of any creature/human near the player. I have already decoded the "id" bytes for other entities different than robbers, like wolves, bears, njerpez, elks etc. But that would be cheating, and it would make exploring meaningless and the game boring.   

If you want to contribute to "decoding" the creature files, you can find the script repository here:

I might make a small modification to make this work also for the "wounded adventurer quest", by locating the assaulting bear, since that quest is just as broken as this one. But at least the "wounded adventurer" gives you a hint on the terrain-neighbouring terrain where the shelter is, which limits a lot the tiles to explore.

December 05, 2020, 02:57:07 PM
[OUTDATED] [3.72] Community Mod BAC Moderator edit:Current version, BAC for 3.80 thread ~JP_Finn

In continuing the tradition of keeping this mod alive, I've updated Arimon's updates to this mod. I started doing this in Arimon's thread, but the ability to update the first post will be important to prevent confusion in further updates. I do this with the belief that Arimon has ceased being active on this update. If that changes, I will be happy to either work with them, or turn it back over to them.

The general intent is to clean up recipes, tweak a few things, and reduce the number of menus significantly (currently with 5 free slots instead of 1). Full changelog is below, it includes a number of fixes to things that didn't work, a LOT of rearranging of menus, some tweaks to existing items, and a few new things.

The attached file is the only one you need; it includes all updates that I posted in Arimon's thread.

Next major steps are to try to incorporate some elements of other mods with permission of authors. I have my eyes on manure!

EDIT (12-20-2022) Updated to Version 2.3 of the mod. Changes for latest update below; you'll have to download to see the full changelog history (too big for this post)

IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT: IF you are updating from version 2.2 or earlier of this mod, rather than installing fresh, then DELETE the diy_BAC_Knitting file. It is obsolete now.

Spoiler: "Changes" • show


DELETE the diy_BAC_knitting file.

HUGE overhaul to wool clothing, after a lot of reading. Knitting is not a thing any more, because it did not exist at the time and location the game simulates.

Recipes were redone (in a more complicated fashion) in order to get around the hard-coded limitation on clothing quality. Now, instead of all woollen clothing being decent quality, it can be anywhere from crude to masterwork, based on your TEXTILECRAFT skill.

Large pieces of wool clothing are made primarily with wool cloth (which was a thing in a previous version of BAC), which I have now restored.

Smaller items, specifically gloves, socks and caps, were made with a process called Naalbinding (google it) which is a precursor to Knitting. The latter is somewhat slower, but does not require a loom, and is "lossless" in terms of material used.

All wool processing and clothing moved back to a single menu, though tools used in common with other textiles (e.g. loom) are still under the Textilecraft menu.

Prices were rebalanced so that each step in the wool clothing process adds value to the finished product. Wool yarn is worth 1 unit (arrow/squirrel fur) per pound. Wool cloth is worth 2 per pound. Wool clothing is worth 2.5-3 per pound (varies per clothing item; vanilla item values were not changed, and the values were built around this). This is in contrast to previous wool clothing crafted by BAC which had MUCH lower prices than the corresponding vanilla items. IT's now possible to make your living as a maker of wool clothing, if you wish.

Unraveling woollen clothing to obtain yarn is now slightly lossy (0.6 pounds of clothing gives you 0.5 pounds of yarn).

You can now "trade" for wool yarn in a village using a recipe that simulates that trade. The required input is one arrow (as the most common trade-item used by players), but this can be fairly
altered in the code for any item of equivalent value (such as a squirrel fur).

Weaving wool cloth increased from 90 minutes to 2h for one pound of cloth. This may still be too little.

Removed 'noquality' from wool yarn creation, so that you can have higher quality wool yarn. Changed length to 100 feet per 0.5 pounds instead of 15 feet (which is silly). 100 feet per 0.5 pounds is still REALLY thick, but it roughly lines up with the thickness of the vanilla linen and nettle yarn (and is in fact slightly thicker than either).

Removed noquality on spindle, but reduced the skill bonus from 30 to 10. Higher quality spindles now possible.

Removed noquality from knitting needles so that you could have good quality ones.

Wool cloth garments need {Fine cordage} now as opposed to specifically yarn to sew the parts together. (Yarn still works, this just makes it broader, AND prevents the annoying bug whereby the entire stack of yarn is used up)

Knitting needles no longer an item; instead, you can craft more generic "textile needles" out of wood or bone. (Using bone offers a 10% skill bonus to the crafting). These are intended to be a set of needles that can be used for any of the textile processes.

Woollen veil and woollen cowl presented an issue: the first weighed 0.3 pounds, the latter 1 pound, but both covered the same area (skull and neck) and provided the same protection. Veil is unbalanced in weight in comparison to other wool clothing. It should probably provide less warmth, because it is a lighter material, but that is not an option in modding. Both items were removed, and replaced with a "woollen heavy veil" that you can craft, which weighs 0.6 pounds, as a compromise item. Both vanilla items are still obtainable through trading with villages.

Woollen longsocks item added, covering feet and calves, because of the large number of woollen garments that cut off above the calves.

Woollen footrags removed as a craftable item. They are mechanically identical to woollen socks, and removed for redundancy since more menu space was desired. Woollen socks and woollen longsocks may be layered if double foot protection is desired.

Woollen hood added as a craftable item, due to lack of face coverings. Covers the same area as the fur hood (skull, face, neck).

"Woollen dress (w sleeves)" added as a craftable item. It is mechanically the same as the woollen undergarment in terms of price, weigh, and area covered. Allows layering, and RP of those who wish to wear a dress without having cold arms.

* Renamed "Wool Processing and Garments" menu now uses the O key. Armors of Iron and Wood changed from O to I key.

* Bark clothing (previously with wool clothing) moved to Earthen/Barkware menu. That menu is now 100% full, which is not ideal for future expansion, but perfectly fine for now.


* Removed -30% penalty from smelting iron bloom (I don't understand why it was there)

* Halved input and output and time of smelt ore into iron recipe. 4h instead of 8h, one pound instead of 2. Just to break it up.

* Reworking iron and steel recipes, in order to allow you to keep working at a piece of metal to perfect it further (can take MANY MANY tries)

* Removed two "fix errors" cheat recipes under ironworking. Haven't seen any need to use those yet. They are still in the file, just commented out.

* Nettle Cheese now has a price of 0.25 squirrel hides (or 0.25 arrows), as opposed to having no value.

* Dried berries and mushrooms now has a price of 0.1 squirrel hides (or 0.1 arrows), as opposed to having no value. Unfortunately this will work on poisoned mushrooms, but the value is low enough that it shouldn't be a temptation to cheese.

* Recipe to make berry turnovers from dried berries added


* FIX: Commented out prepared soil line test.

* FIX: Fur mittens had been altered for a previous test, and never unaltered. Restored to normal values.

* Textile needles added as a requirement for all linen and nettle clothing that use yarn to attach pieces of cloth together.

* Firewood from slender trunk effort increased to match other firewood making. Patchwise option added.

* clay amphora tub renamed to Amphora

* clay large amphora tub renamed to Large Amphora

* Changed loop snares back to using yarn because of quality issue (they were always coming out as poor quality)

* Vanilla leather and fur clothing was using the COMMON skill, while all added recipes were using the HIDEWORKING skill. They now all use HIDEWORKING.

Re-balance and analyze linen, leather and nettle clothing as has been done for wool. Consider the process of value added at each step. Change their recipes so that they can have higher/lower qualities. (this is more time consuming that you'd guess)

(The same approach will not work with fur, because it would interfere with the way fur clothing borrows properties from the type of fur used, e.g. bear. At the present time, I don't forsee any way for me to modify fur clothing so that it can have varying quality.)

Determine to what extent it makes sense for leather and fur clothing to use textile needles. Research how such clothing was actually fastened.

Clay playset needs different tile graphic.

Digging clay too easy? Rebalance?

Incorporate manure mod into BAC.

Ensure compatibility of Privateer's bees, mead and coop mods with BAC (Privateer does not wish them to be incorporated directly)

Look into other mods to incorporate.


Add chainmail as optional craftable menu (ahistoric, but not implausible)

November 27, 2022, 04:17:18 PM
Re: [3.72] Community Bod BAC: Smith, Cooking, Survival, Carpentry, Sewing and More! VERSION 2.3 UPDATE RELEASE

Download in first post. Please let me know of any issues you have!

I don't anticipate another update until mid January, but I will certainly work on resolving any bugs or issues that pop up post-haste.


DELETE the diy_BAC_knitting file if updating from version R2.2 or earlier.  (If installing fresh, disregard this instruction)

HUGE overhaul to wool clothing, after a lot of reading. Knitting is not a thing any more, because it did not exist at the time and location the game simulates.

Recipes were redone (in a more complicated fashion) in order to get around the hard-coded limitation on clothing quality. Now, instead of all woollen clothing being decent quality, it can be anywhere from crude to masterwork, based on your TEXTILECRAFT skill.

Large pieces of wool clothing are made primarily with wool cloth (which was a thing in a previous version of BAC), which I have now restored.

Smaller items, specifically gloves, socks and caps, were made with a process called Naalbinding (google it) which is a precursor to Knitting. The latter is somewhat slower, but does not require a loom, and is "lossless" in terms of material used.

All wool processing and clothing moved back to a single menu, though tools used in common with other textiles (e.g. loom) are still under the Textilecraft menu.

Prices were rebalanced so that each step in the wool clothing process adds value to the finished product. Wool yarn is worth 1 unit (arrow/squirrel fur) per pound. Wool cloth is worth 2 per pound. Wool clothing is worth 2.5-3 per pound (varies per clothing item; vanilla item values were not changed, and the values were built around this). This is in contrast to previous wool clothing crafted by BAC which had MUCH lower prices than the corresponding vanilla items. IT's now possible to make your living as a maker of wool clothing, if you wish.

Unraveling woollen clothing to obtain yarn is now slightly lossy (0.6 pounds of clothing gives you 0.5 pounds of yarn).

You can now "trade" for wool yarn in a village using a recipe that simulates that trade. The required input is one arrow (as the most common trade-item used by players), but this can be fairly
altered in the code for any item of equivalent value (such as a squirrel fur).

Weaving wool cloth increased from 90 minutes to 2h for one pound of cloth. This may still be too little.

Removed 'noquality' from wool yarn creation, so that you can have higher quality wool yarn. Changed length to 100 feet per 0.5 pounds instead of 15 feet (which is silly). 100 feet per 0.5 pounds is still REALLY thick, but it roughly lines up with the thickness of the vanilla linen and nettle yarn (and is in fact slightly thicker than either).

Removed noquality on spindle, but reduced the skill bonus from 30 to 10. Higher quality spindles now possible.

Removed noquality from knitting needles so that you could have good quality ones.

Wool cloth garments need {Fine cordage} now as opposed to specifically yarn to sew the parts together. (Yarn still works, this just makes it broader, AND prevents the annoying bug whereby the entire stack of yarn is used up)

Knitting needles no longer an item; instead, you can craft more generic "textile needles" out of wood or bone. (Using bone offers a 10% skill bonus to the crafting). These are intended to be a set of needles that can be used for any of the textile processes.

Woollen veil and woollen cowl presented an issue: the first weighed 0.3 pounds, the latter 1 pound, but both covered the same area (skull and neck) and provided the same protection. Veil is unbalanced in weight in comparison to other wool clothing. It should probably provide less warmth, because it is a lighter material, but that is not an option in modding. Both items were removed, and replaced with a "woollen heavy veil" that you can craft, which weighs 0.6 pounds, as a compromise item. Both vanilla items are still obtainable through trading with villages.

Woollen longsocks item added, covering feet and calves, because of the large number of woollen garments that cut off above the calves.

Woollen footrags removed as a craftable item. They are mechanically identical to woollen socks, and removed for redundancy since more menu space was desired. Woollen socks and woollen longsocks may be layered if double foot protection is desired.

Woollen hood added as a craftable item, due to lack of face coverings. Covers the same area as the fur hood (skull, face, neck).

"Woollen dress (w sleeves)" added as a craftable item. It is mechanically the same as the woollen undergarment in terms of price, weigh, and area covered. Allows layering, and RP of those who wish to wear a dress without having cold arms.

* Renamed "Wool Processing and Garments" menu now uses the O key. Armors of Iron and Wood changed from O to I key.

* Bark clothing (previously with wool clothing) moved to Earthen/Barkware menu. That menu is now 100% full, which is not ideal for future expansion, but perfectly fine for now.


* Removed -30% penalty from smelting iron bloom (I don't understand why it was there)

* Halved input and output and time of smelt ore into iron recipe. 4h instead of 8h, one pound instead of 2. Just to break it up.

* Reworking iron and steel recipes, in order to allow you to keep working at a piece of metal to perfect it further (can take MANY MANY tries)

* Removed two "fix errors" cheat recipes under ironworking. Haven't seen any need to use those yet. They are still in the file, just commented out.

* Nettle Cheese now has a price of 0.25 squirrel hides (or 0.25 arrows), as opposed to having no value.

* Dried berries and mushrooms now has a price of 0.1 squirrel hides (or 0.1 arrows), as opposed to having no value. Unfortunately this will work on poisoned mushrooms, but the value is low enough that it shouldn't be a temptation to cheese.

* Recipe to make berry turnovers from dried berries added


* FIX: Commented out prepared soil line test.

* FIX: Fur mittens had been altered for a previous test, and never unaltered. Restored to normal values.

* Textile needles added as a requirement for all linen and nettle clothing that use yarn to attach pieces of cloth together.

* Firewood from slender trunk effort increased to match other firewood making. Patchwise option added.

* clay amphora tub renamed to Amphora

* clay large amphora tub renamed to Large Amphora

* Changed loop snares back to using yarn because of quality issue (they were always coming out as poor quality)

* Vanilla leather and fur clothing was using the COMMON skill, while all added recipes were using the HIDEWORKING skill. They now all use HIDEWORKING.

Re-balance and analyze linen, leather and nettle clothing as has been done for wool. Consider the process of value added at each step. Change their recipes so that they can have higher/lower qualities. (this is more time consuming that you'd guess)

(The same approach will not work with fur, because it would interfere with the way fur clothing borrows properties from the type of fur used, e.g. bear. At the present time, I don't forsee any way for me to modify fur clothing so that it can have varying quality.)

Determine to what extent it makes sense for leather and fur clothing to use textile needles. Research how such clothing was actually fastened.

Clay playset needs different tile graphic.

Digging clay too easy? Rebalance?

Incorporate manure mod into BAC.

Ensure compatibility of Privateer's bees, mead and coop mods with BAC (Privateer does not wish them to be incorporated directly)

Look into other mods to incorporate.


Add chainmail as optional craftable menu (ahistoric, but not implausible)

December 20, 2022, 06:27:22 PM
Vivi's Skill Training Tired of repetitive spear throwing and arrow shooting? Don't want to waste resources just to upgrade your lacking carpentry? Absolutely done with button mashing for training your skills?
Well fear no more! With this mod, kiss goodbye to everything above.

Adds skill training to the game! Now you no longer have to waste resources/do things on repeat.
Due to the way this is done, you can do multiple crafts at once; no more repetitive button mashing to train a skill!

You will need to get Training Session from the Craft & Lore Training Menu in addition to the requirements listed below. They weigh 0, and each session takes 10 minutes. The max you can do in one go is 4 hours(so 24 Training Sessions at once).

Installation Instructions: Just put it into the Unreal Game folder. That's it!

Agriculture: Needs a shovel and any type of seeds
Building: Axe and a Log
Cookery: Raw Meat/Fish and Fire
Herblore: Any type of Flowers
Fishing: Fishing rod
Hideworking: Animal Skin
Timbercraft: Axe and be near a Spruce Tree
Netmaking: Netting needle, Yarn and Cord(With a certain amount of foot/metre)
Bowyer: Axe, Knife, Board, Bowstring
Physician: Bandage
Trapping: Paw-board fox trap
Tracking: None
Weatherlore: None
Textilecraft: Fibre and a Spindle
Carpentry: Axe and a Log

Skiing: Skis and a Ski-stick
Stealth: None
Climbing: Be near a spruce tree
Swimming: be at a Lake/River/Sea terrain, and be in Water tile

Dodge: rock
Unarmed: None
Weapon training will need their respective weapons! Bow/Crossbow will need arrow.

This mod adds 3 menus to your Make menu, each of which show cases the respective skills of that category.
Crafting & Lore Training Menu
Physical Training Menu
Combat Training Menu

PS: I wanted to attach images to show, but idk why the img tag isn't working... oh well.

Changelog v1.1 (Updated as of URW Version 3.82, on 12th October 2023)
Mod has been reuploaded, to update-just download, unzip the files in the URW Directory, and let it overwrite existing files.

- Fixed Club training being overwritten by Craft Club option
- Added description for Fishing training. Fishing can be trained by having a Fishing rod with any hook, or no hook at all.

Changelog v1.2 (Updated as of URW Version 3.84.2, on 23rd May 2024)
Mod has been uploaded as v1.2, to update-just download, unzip the files in the URW Directory, and let it overwrite existing files.

- Added Netmaking skill training!
- Added Bowyer skill training!

! Note that carpentry and bowyer skills have duplicate options in their own respective skill menus still. No idea why but it is ignorable.

March 31, 2023, 06:02:25 PM
Re: How to get early game food supply since fishing nerf I expect Plotinus means pine mires and open mires.  These are swampy terrain tiles with few trees, so easy to see and follow your prey and nothing to block your shots.
April 26, 2023, 05:24:45 PM
Re: Craftable fishing nets and more Both net making and pausable crafting are great improvements.

The obvious follow on question is whether net maintenance is to be included as well. As far as I understand that's a rather significant active part of "passive" net fishing in the real world, and I assume the netting needle is the tool required to mend the nets, and it's already defined.
The game play reason for maintenance would be to counter the net quality degradation (rather than just a boring step to prepare a net for use again).

June 14, 2023, 08:06:34 AM
Re: Craftable fishing nets and more Some general comments moved here from elsewhere

= Birch bark is a seasonal item so its locking in net making to those seasons for new characters. You couldnt start a winter game and make one as you can't get birch bark.

= Knitting needles while used are an optional item. I've made a landing net without one. Plenty of folks have.

= Birch bark to what.. put the rocks in?  :o Nets are literally cordage so you can tie rocks on just fine. I guess the birch bark helps because they had a reason to do it. Plenty of nets around the world made without it.

= It would be great if the recipe system allowed optional items to have their own skill modifiers for that line. If that were the case then net making without needle or bark could happen. A base negative skill would have offsets on the optional needle and birk bark lines.


.Net. /%-30/ 8h
{Yarn} =300= [remove]
{Rock} (10) [remove]
{Knitting needle} [optional] /%20/
{Birch-bark}  #2# [optional] /%10/ [remove]

So if you had none of the extra: -30 on skill likely an inferior net

If you had knitting needle but no bark because its winter: -10 on skill might manage decent

If you had both needle and bark: 0 on skill so best chance to make fine

June 14, 2023, 09:25:55 AM