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Re: [3.82] Community Mod BAC: Smith, Cooking, Survival, Carpentry, Sewing and reserved 1
December 05, 2023, 06:14:37 AM
Re: [3.82] Community Mod BAC: Smith, Cooking, Survival, Carpentry, Sewing and reserved 2
December 05, 2023, 06:14:48 AM
Re: [3.82] Community Mod BAC: Smith, Cooking, Survival, Carpentry, Sewing and BAC_3_82_w_2023-06-09-B

Modding reference:

BAC thread:


Changes made this time:



= Using menu space here for a few more leather pieces



= Leather elbow cup, leather knee cup added

December 05, 2023, 08:53:06 AM
You are from: Moron Heath  ???

Test character for trying out mod edits... and this is where they are from

December 06, 2023, 02:16:22 AM
Re: You are from: Moron Heath Even better...

the "Abandoned Camp" start goods:

= a birch bark cap (aka dunce cap, once given to bad students to wear for making big mistankes)
= wooden fish hook (no rod etc, just the hook, to pin the hat into his hair so it won't blow away)

derp a derp!

December 06, 2023, 02:20:12 AM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? Now that Im updating BAC I need a non-story test character...


he comes form the land of morons.


December 06, 2023, 04:31:55 AM
Re: [3.82] Community Mod BAC: Smith, Cooking, Survival, Carpentry, Sewing and BAC_3_82_w_2023-12-06-A

Modding reference:

BAC thread:


Changes made this time:



= updated notes on hoped for floatation command in general at raft and on some build stages to help calculate finals

= Container capacity of dug out logs added BUT with mandator limit of 25 as higher creates glitches

= Partial dug out logs changed to use JP Finn trough graphic



= JP Finn hot smoker 1.2 added
== "*tub*" used instead of trough, allows use of block tub and proper tub



= JP Finn smoker and trough added.

= Trough suitable for use with partial dug out logs


= JP Finn's hotsmoke added



= Smoker added for JP Finn's smoker

December 06, 2023, 07:39:58 AM
Re: [3.82] Community Mod BAC: Smith, Cooking, Survival, Carpentry, Sewing and Happy to now include with permission JP Finn's hot smoker.

This is based on the practice of a building field smokers for a moderate duration preservation of food. The vanilla smoking system is much longer, requires a house while given extreme duration to the food. For hunters on the move catching large game is now more viable to use this method to get the food to market. I was able to test this as making food which should have the improved duration. One pit caught reindeer I was able to skin, butcher, roast some of the meat, deliver some of the meat to trade in village, come back and smoke it. Smoker was already built. Smoker build time is only a couple of hours though its more on gathering the materials. It is portable enough you could sail with one.

I was also happy to find the smoking stand is portable. Though it is heavy you can still walk with moderate gear. Even better is to put it on a watercraft and sail your system as you go on your adventures.

JP Finn system also has a similar moderate duration salting brine method. To save on menu space Finn's use of a trough was changed to a *tub* as BAC has both the vanilla wooden tub and a block tub. All being things to hold moderate volumes of water, salt and meat or fish. My test character doesn't have salt so I wasn't able to test it. Let me know if it needs a fix.

December 06, 2023, 07:45:06 AM
Re: You are from: Moron Heath Yeah they can be pretty funny.

When writing the character blogs I sometimes come up with little backgrounds for the names.

In this case it wasn't that he traveled there... it's his home town.

December 07, 2023, 09:32:25 PM
Re: Add cooking with wooden bowls Voila!

Ill worked this up and tested it. Will be adding to BAC shortly. Meanwhile if you want to use it separately:

Try this:

add to your menudef

.Tub cooking. -T- *COOKERY*

and stick into cookery_glossary

[SUBMENU_START:Tub cooking]

//Tub Cooking
// by Brygun
// added 2023-12-07
// Inspired by conversations stared by Matti-patti at
// Sample real world recipe
// Cook time based on average of young lamb 180m and old shepp
// at half that. Thus 150m.
// For this game a stone is used to elevate the tub out of the fire
// The result from bottom to top is the fire lay, the stone,
// tub on the stone
// in the tub the turnips on the bottom
// meat on top of the turnips
// thus meat juices drip onto turnips
// sounds tasty so a good skill bonus given
// Allowed patch based on capacity of the tub at 10
// herbs and seasoning allowance for stacking a little higher
// than what liquids the tub could hold

.Lemi sra. *COOKERY* /10/  \150\ %30% [effort:1] [patch:5]
{Fire} '+ Heat source started'
{Firewood} (3) [remove] [ground] [noquality]'+ to sustain fire'
{*tub*} [ground] '+ to hold food near heat'
{Stone} [ground] '+ to raise tub from fire'
{Raw meat}   #1#    [remove] [ground] [roast] [patchwise] [name] '+ cooked in tub near fire'
{Turnip} #1# [remove] [roast] [patchwise] '+ cooked in tub near fire'
{Herbs}   #.5#   [remove] [roast] [optional] [patchwise]
{Seasoning}   #0.25#   [remove] [roast] [optional] [patchwise]
{Knife}   '+for preparing'

[SUBMENU_END:Tub cooking]

December 08, 2023, 02:53:42 AM