Topic: Couple of suggestions  (Read 4578 times)


« on: May 10, 2019, 11:36:53 PM »
Hello aventurers! I've been playing the game for quite some time now and i can't help but think about things that could get a little better , even if the game is already god-like when it comes to wilderness simulation in my opinion. So if you guys don't mind id like to do some suggestions not to complain, but only to enjoy the game even more!

First thing i think would be cool is snowy trees when its winter   :D would be even more beautifull.
Also what could be interesting (and i don't know if its already in place) is the weight gain/loss, i don't think i ever lost weight.
And a interactive survivor icon would be quite nice aswell , even though i know its probably hard to do.
Like the the guy could get fat or skinny. But yeah since they spend most theire days chopping huge amounts of trees down i guess nobody really gets fat lol.
I also saw the new thing with different animal colors and stuff and i gotta say it looks pretty!
One last thing i can think about right now is a new Npc , fishersman's , which could be encountered in the wild , on a punt or setting nets maybe or just by the river side.

Anyways i hope this was helpfull if i think of some more i will post in the comments!
Thank you for the great game


« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2019, 10:49:23 AM »
It would be nice to see a bit more interactive player icon - if it could also show when the character is naked/wearing lots of clothes/armor etc, I wouldn't go out into a harsh snowstorm wearing only my birthday suit... Also, meeting NPC's that are actively doing something other than just wondering around would be great, and I think this is at least partially in the works - in the dev news, there was something about the possibility of coming across NPC's roasting game, for example.

If you don't mind, I'll hijack this post with a couple of suggestions of my own (maybe there could be a sticky post for making small random suggestions?).

  • Make consuming Noadi's mushrooms to give some sort of information on your standing with the spirits (maybe trigger one of those messages "The forest seems hostile" etc. - if they actually have anything to do with it; the only thing I've noticed so far is that if the forest is hostile, I have trouble getting anything but harsh skins).
  • Allow trading off a beast of burden's inventory (this I think has been suggested earlier). This would reduce the tedious pack/unpack cycle, and would also remove the annoying way the game handles things if you happen to accidentally try to leave the village area without paying - if the trade dialog is triggered by a villager, you cannot step out of the dialog to unpack things from you beast of burden, but have to trade with what is in already in your inventory or give the stuff back

Dungeon Smash

« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2019, 03:10:57 PM »
I agree that a more "paper doll" aspect for the PC would be very nice, and I think it's something that's been in the works for a long time... It's just a lot of artistic work to render every different possible garment.  If somebody wants to volunteer I'm sure Sami would be happy, now where's Jaredonian when you need him ;)


« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2019, 12:27:02 AM »
I agree that a more "paper doll" aspect for the PC would be very nice, and I think it's something that's been in the works for a long time... It's just a lot of artistic work to render every different possible garment.  If somebody wants to volunteer I'm sure Sami would be happy, now where's Jaredonian when you need him ;)

 if i had any knowledge on coding i would love to participate i would be more than proud to do so but i swear its gibberish for me lol. Just like when your herblore skill isn't high enought to recognize crowberrys in game ; ;D


« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2019, 09:39:36 AM »
Also i would like to suggest Thunder storms! Would be nice to have a sound effect and stuff and occasional lightning strikes