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Topics - JP_Finn

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General Discussion / Sacrilege!
« on: June 07, 2022, 04:48:20 AM »
My Reemi sword&bow character was working on getting some trade goods for salt and essentials. Found red wearing traders' camp.
They wanted my dog and I got some weapons and worn clothes and armor.
Amongst the piles of clothing, one item brought fury to Lauri's mind.

It's war, the red traders must die.

Started a new toon in a spring, rolled surprisingly high stats and weight. Chose very easy and pumped Axe to 98% from get go.
Harvested 2 bears and 3 reindeer by end of Swidden. Went to shop for some nets and got robber quest.. ick. Sure, whatever, I'll do it.

Lost 3 of 5 party members, hired them all from close to robbers and far from my planned cabin#1.
Took an arrow in the leg. 3 of the 1st seen robbers received broadheads. 2&3 died from thorax hits. And last (#6) robber swung bastard sword in the character's face. From fallen, 2 remaining companions knocked him around and dog tore out his neck.

Asking the grievously wounded companion how he's doing after the battle: "Been worse"  ::)

Suggestions / Agriculture—Harvest key-jockey relief
« on: May 24, 2022, 05:20:47 AM »
Harvesting and picking up stacks (more than 1 item) is excessive with keyboard jockeying. Alt-A+h, direction, *space, semicolon, direction, enter.  Just to get 2 nettles.

*add an extra enter, escape and/or y in case there’s anything else on the tile; animal, companion, rock, branch: all add extra complications.

Add option to enable .ini setting to auto pickup harvested items.

Add Agriculture—Gather that does Harvest and pickup both

Change Harvest to also pickup the plants. And then IF some reason wanted, e.g. thresh on the spot, manually drop the plants.

Personally I think Gather would be best, doesn’t take anything away from those who like to thresh on the spot and eases jockeying for those that like to do threshing at homestead before going to sleep. Seconded by .ini setting.

Also related, when gathering lakereeds, punt nor raft can move to the tile with the harvested plants: it’d be appreciated the plants would be automatically placed on the watercraft, as long as the carrying capacity can any exceeded. In case of capacity would be exceeded, then throw a prompt that “the load for punt/raft is too much to carry”

Now happened twice on this character. First time lost a punt. Not sure if other items went missing. 2nd time now; lost a raft and a silver sun necklace. Everything else was floating on Wilderness map.

Checking and setting nets late, ready to drop tired. Zoom out. Find the character “wading” in the wilderness view without the watercraft. Trying to zoom in, game prompted “you can’t zoom out while wading”

I’ll email save game tomorrow, getting late now(pacific time).

Guides and tutorials / MOVED: Urw100b
« on: July 01, 2021, 09:11:10 PM »

Suggestions / Fence as drying rack
« on: February 19, 2021, 08:02:21 PM »
For a nomadic hunter, or any fisherman, it'd be appreciated if we could use fence section as a drying rack. We can already use outside of a shelter for it, but I feel it'd be thematically appropriate to allow drying on fences as well. Faster to set up and avoids unnecessary Shelter icon pop up on the Wilderness map. I personally refuse building shelters to shore section on water tiles as it looks messy on Wilderness map.

Pros: additional option for drying, even by water line, no messy shelters shown on Wilderness map over water.
Cons: none that I can think of, there'd be no need to have to dry only on a Fence section.

Bug reports / Severely wounded dogs, not eating.
« on: February 16, 2021, 09:30:20 PM »
When a dog gets wounded so it cannot stand, it stops eating.
Grievous, deep, wounds themselves do not stop dogs from eating, but losing ability to stand, stops them from eating.

They'll give 'happy look', but won't eat, even the food on the same tile: fresh, cooked and unspoiled, spoiled, bones. Nothing. When looked they'll show "Looks hungry".
They also won't bark in hunger, when unable to stand and hungry. As soon as they're able to stand, they'll beeline to closest edible item and devour it.

I finally found a FT to offer a fine habergeon. But he can't accept the furs, that he asked as payment. Mixture of Decent-Fine, Summer-Winter furs. See attached.

(If the Traders' carry limit isn't something to be adjusted, maybe the traders could utilize communal trading for their group, similar to villages'; and to split the furs carried amongst them rather than all act individually)

Gameplay questions / Plant withering, calendar or weather triggered?
« on: February 11, 2021, 08:01:41 PM »
I'm waiting for the 3rd turnip harvest to ripen and some will make it, some will wither. That they all wither at the same time and known week ahead, made me wonder, are they withering on weather or calendar? I'm suspecting calendar.

It's Fall month, 2nd day of 4th week before Winter. It has snowed once for less than half an hour. Ground is still diggable, as I did add couple pits, no traps on them yet.

Bug reports / Some fish spoilt in net
« on: February 11, 2021, 01:02:35 AM »
Went to check the net after tanning elk fur. Guess it pushed the net over 2 days. The wording is erroneous when some fish are spoiled and there's none edible. See screenshot.

Also, we should be able to pick the spoiled fish for dog food / bait.

General Discussion / Sometimes can't find the trap site... even it Heath
« on: February 09, 2021, 11:20:12 PM »
4 Days, trawling through all tiles within the circle and some outside the circle too. No luck.

Suggestions / Foreign Traders’ trading and merchandise.
« on: February 07, 2021, 07:00:21 AM »
2 part suggestion to add flexibility and variations to Foreign Traders.

1st part, (possibly costly to implement, but with trading benefits applicable to villages too)
When selecting items for trade, allow selection from all of the traders inventories. At the moment, we need to deal with each trader individually, and as the traders don’t offer “change” for more expensive furs, often wasteful and also IRL time consuming trying to juggle the bartering to 1) be accepted 2) not overpay for the goods.

2nd part, add Salt, also in smaller containers than bags to their offered goods. Birchbark boxes and baskets, possibly pouches (2-3lbs) and satchels 4-6lbs). Infrequently have them also carry and offer for sale period correct, foreign/exotic weapons: franciscas, Dane axes, langseaxes, winged thrusting spears, hewing or chopping spears ‘höggspjót’, barbed throwing spears ‘krókspjót’, halberds ‘atgeir’. As for skills needed/used: francisca and Dane are axe, langseax could use either knife or sword, all spears use spear, höggspjót and halberd: spear for thrusting, maybe axe for cutting, or KISS and only use spear.
Maybe some peculiar plants too: carrots, lettuce (cabbages at least were in previously), hogweed, onions.

Off-topic / Period appropriate tools and crafts
« on: February 04, 2021, 12:45:59 AM »
I thought to myself, I can’t be only URW player who goes hunting, does various crafts and loves the outdoors. So, let’s see people’s * tools, crafts and the like.
If the item pictured is made by yourself, great, if not, then give due credit. And also, let’s use only our own photos. And one picture per post.

* period appropriate only please.

Gameplay questions / Game caught, Light lever trap vs loop snare
« on: February 03, 2021, 09:14:49 PM »
I've been running few characters side by side, I'm not certain, but I have a strong suspicion that small game traps set might affect game  caught.
One character uses light lever traps almost exclusively (some paw boards and 2 big deadfalls) with no loop snares. In 2 winters, he's caught hundreds of birds, and if my documentation is correct, 8 hares.
Another character uses loop snares and paw-boards exclusively; during first winter, he has caught 38 various grouses, 78 hares. Only built 1 light lever trap as an ermine kept poaching the hares, and would not get in loop snare itself.

I'm running third character now, with mix of traps at each trap site, paw boards, loop snares, light lever traps and small dead falls. (just few sites, new character, still building cabin) we'll see what will get caught the most. (had to build bear trap though, big bear kept walking in on to the cabin construction.)

I know Sami changed the traps to no longer spawning animals. But have any of you noticed certain trap preference, catching more birds/hares?

Modding / Foreign traders’ merchandise?
« on: February 03, 2021, 05:46:49 AM »
Is it possible to mod what items Foreign Traders carry for sale?
I.e. can I have them carry salt? Can I have them carry e.g. langseax (I don’t want character to be able to smith themselves)

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